ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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his attention was removed from the situation outside once he hears the door click and out comes ophelia. a presentation of beauty and grace wrapped together in his eyes. he does a quick swipe over her outfit, making note of the shape of her figure among anything before setting on meeting a pair of a familiar shade of brown with a flash of his usual lop sided grin, but quick to disappear as it melted away with a mask of something he was more comfortable wearing, blunt. her comment on his outfit prompts him to glance down at himself as if he hadnโ€™t spent all that time in front of his full length mirror. his fashion always mimicked silvia, since the dawn of time. often times full of sweaters over button ups and slacks, or just barely buttoned up tops. but the difference was how he hardly looked put together as his twin did. โ€œhuh?โ€ eyes shift towards the rose loosely hanging between his fingers. he raises it between them and nods before handing it to her, opting out of going a full bouquet, he didnโ€™t want her getting TOO many ideas, ย "yeah this is for you.โ€œ his attention shifts once again, the strangers eyes were quick to shift forwards once again at sebastianโ€™s suddeny quip. he watches the body disappear around the corner before forced to look at the girl ocne again. he brushes off her finger, "itโ€™s nothing, itโ€™s just the lovely classmates that i love meeting waiting out here for you. what took you so long?โ€ it was more so hypocritical for him to ask, as if the boy hadnโ€™t dropped dates like dominoโ€™s when it came to her, as if he didnโ€™t make her hold empty promises he couldnโ€™t exactly fulfill himself. the word guilt flashed across his thoughts, he didnโ€™t think much of it.
sebastian pushes forward, taking the liberty of stepping into her space and closing the door behind him with her promising invitation. he takes her hands, pulling them up and over his shoulders while his hands take their rightful place on her hips. he moves to down to close the distance, placing a quick kiss on her lips once and again once more, a soft kiss lasting longer than the first. โ€œyou know iโ€™d want nothing more than to allow you to make me feel better,โ€ his tone is honey; sebastian is a liar if nothing, a selfish man taking after his mother whom he swears to never find himself to be like but isnโ€™t this it? taking advantage of others for his own gain. the apple didnโ€™t fall too far from the tree. sebastian bends briefly to lift up the smaller girl, his hands grip at her thights firmly to keep her up before turning to walk towards her bedroom and more or less having her thrown on the bed with his body snaking over her, his chains dangled, lightly hitting at his chin, โ€œwhat did you have in mind,โ€ his mind completely letting go of the fact of the reservations set for them. who was HE to deny the offer presented on the table, he was a simple man.. with simple needs.ย "hm?โ€œ he prompts to ask once more, his head dips forward to place a quick kiss on her jaw, "forget dinner, we can just lie right here and let me make the night worthwhile,"ย 
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she had thought about it a lot, what it was about her that made it so easy hurt her. ophelia had spent nights and nights tossing and turning over it, over the fragility of her mind, over the fragility of her spirit. if the house she grew up in was made of glass, then she was sure she must have been made of paper. and the thing about paper was this โ€” one drop, one hint of anything, and sheโ€™d absorb the hurt until it was everywhere. sheโ€™d absorb the hurt until it was all of her, again again. she did it so often ophelia came to the conclusion that the fault couldnโ€™t lie with someone else, that it had to be her, some deep intrinsic thing she had no idea how to fix, and so sheโ€™d spend the rest of her life trying in all the wrong ways. when he looks at her, really looks at her, even if itโ€™s just at the gentle curves of her body itโ€™s all she can do from unraveling. a life of invisibility and she is addicted to being seen. ophelia would fight til her dying breath for it, kill for it, even if it was she who ended up dying for it.ย (ย befitting her name, she is the tragic heroine of her own story. had her parents planned for thisย ?ย )ย it was this need, as deep as hunger, that had led her into the bed of undeserving men, and that led undeserving men into the confines of her heart. she would keep them there, long after they left herย (ย because the always doย ), pretending not to notice the way the space inside her chest only seems to grow bigger and colder every time.ย โ€œย thank you, itโ€™sย beautiful.ย โ€ย she takes the rose from him, presses her fingers hard against the stem, searching for a thorn she could prick herself on to distract herself from the pain his words always bring. he was scolding her for taking long and ophelia can feel herself shrinking in that way she always seemed to do around sebastian. her throat goes dry, her heart beating loud enough she can barely hear the sound of her own voice as she opens her mouth.ย โ€œย iโ€™m sorry,ย โ€ย she offers a tiny smile, pretends the way he brushes her away does hurt. she pretends none of it hurts. she pretends and pretends, swallowing lies like bullets.ย โ€œย i guess i lost track of time.ย โ€
when he invades her space, ophelia does nothing to stop him. it was what she wanted, after all, to be needed by him even if it wasnโ€™t in the way she always hopes for. she lets him take her hands, electricity coursing goosebumps along her arms, chest fluttering as he touches her hips. ever since the first time sebastian had taken an interest in her, she had become an addict once more. it was always like this for her. she was starved, hounded, wanting nothing more to love and be loved. and so a boy comes along. and so she breaks herself, again and again, for something as simple as a touch. even as they hurt her, even as they leave her cold and lonely, she stays. in their absence she longs for them, and just when she thinks about leaving, they come around again and suddenly it was all she could do but forgive them. opheliaโ€™s eyes fluttered shut as sebastian kisses her, a flurry of dark lashes, a pleased sigh escaping from parted lips as he pulls away. sheโ€™s putty in his hands, a lamb with itโ€™s neck caught between the jaws of a lion. her face waxed seraphic, soft as she looked up at him.ย โ€œย will you let meย ?ย โ€ย her question is overshadowed by her surprised gasp as he picks her up, the rose she was holding slipping out of her fingers and onto the floor as he carries her towards her bed. and just like that, she could see how the rest of the night would go. theyโ€™d fuck, and when it was over he would leave, would promise theyโ€™d have another date soon. heโ€™d say something in that syrupy voice and she would pretend it would be enough to keep the bed warm after heโ€™s gone, but it wouldnโ€™t be, and so sheโ€™d get into the shower and scrub her body raw and let the water touch her as if it could replicate all the embraces heโ€™d never give her. she feels the silkiness of her duvet beneath her, suddenly aware sebastian has her on the bed, his body pinning her down.ย โ€œย we can take our time, you know.ย โ€ย she slides her hands up his chest, presses a kiss against his lips, every part of her willing him to slow down so she could have him with her longer. with every kiss she trails down his neck, ophelia empties her head of fantasies of the two of them at a restaurant. she empties her head of fantasies of long conversations, of longing glances across a table, of gentle touches and laughter. this would always be their reality.ย (ย did the lamb benefit from being self awareย ?ย or was it better to not know the truthย ?ย )ย she rolls over so sheโ€™s on top of him, legs straddling his waist as she bends down to brush her lips against his ear.ย โ€œย i want you to tell me,ย โ€ย she starts, and just like that she is outside of herself, outside of the fragility of her heart and body. she couldnโ€™t feel a thing.ย โ€œย all the things you want me to do.ย โ€
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
๏ฝก๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ โ€” @ophcliasโ€‹
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a force to be reckoned with, colette strutted down the sidewalk, her pace brisk as she hurried to the coffee shop. the bell atop the door rang, a signal of her presence as she began to search the room for that familiar face. she softened immediately upon seeing ophelia, beginning to make her journey across the quaint shop to meet her at their usual table, knowing full-well her drink would already have been ordered and waiting patiently for her much like the girl she was meeting.ย โ€œiโ€™m sorry iโ€™m late,โ€ it was a rushed apology, its meaning nearly lost as she slid into the seat across from the girl, her belongings fluttering down around her.ย โ€œclass got out later than i thought and foot traffic was a mess on the way here. you and me both know the idiots on this campus walk like itโ€™s their first steps,โ€ a statement meant to encompass both of their opinions, she didnโ€™t wait for an objection, instead rolling her eyes before shooting ophelia a knowing look.ย โ€œhow are midterms going for youย ? canโ€™t have you going soft on me, lia.โ€ย 
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the last few months of opheliaโ€™s life had been nothing short of life altering, every event like a domino tipping over and pushing her further and further to the point of collapsing. among the wreckage of her sanity was a golden light clad in designer clothes, and she looks up from her book just in time to spot colette making her way over. the smile on opheliaโ€™s face is instant, affection and admiration softening her already gentle features as she welcomed perhaps the only friend she had left.ย  โ€œ oh, thatโ€™s fine.ย โ€ she forgives, waving the now shut book around so the other girl could see. โ€œย homer was keeping me company.ย โ€ she almost laughs when colette complains about slow walkers, the way her friend was so very opinionated about everything something she had always found admirable. colette was strong in all the ways ophelia wasnโ€™t, so sure of herself it was something to marvel at.ย  โ€œ soft ? me ? โ€ she pretends to be horrified, placing a hand over her heart.ย  โ€œ i could never. โ€ pausing to take a sip of her drink, ophelia takes a moment before answering. questions about school had never bothered her before, but now they bring up memories of a night sheโ€™d rather forget. emails, soft moans, the flash of a false headline โ€” she blinks it away. she smiles. โ€œ well, iโ€™m really having a blast conjugating greek verbs, as you can imagine. couldnโ€™t be happier. โ€ย  she shrugs, as if to communicate she had nothing else to say about the matter.ย  โ€œย what about you, how are midterms going ?ย ย โ€ ย 
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
the sun streams in โ€“ - jade rolls over before her alarm hasthe time to go off. sheโ€™s wrapped up in the egyptian cotton of her sheets,something all too pleased in herdisposition for how early it is. ( some would say, catโ€™s got the milk? and boy oh boy doesshe indeed. ) monty didnโ€™t stay the night, so sheโ€™s alone when she wakes upโ€“ head a touch edged with the wine theyโ€™d been drinking last night. but none ofthat brings her down from the cloud sheโ€™s floating on โ€“ - the kind of satisfaction she has pooling in her gutat finding another will to bend under her pretty, painted thumb.
jade takes her time with getting ready, painting her face onand freeing the locks of her hair with perfect, careful attention. thereโ€™s a humto her lips as she does it, a certain skip to her step as she makes her way towhere her phone is deposited. nimble fingers reach for a number she usuallynever does, has never had any reason to,as she opens up a new message.
( they say the rich have more secrets than gold โ€“ - but jadeknows all too well that itโ€™s their secretsthat are worth their weight in gold. oharenโ€™t they, sweet ophelia? )ย 
[ sent 08:49 AM ] heyyou
[ sent 08:49 AM ] youโ€™vegot upper level writing with silvia at 10 right? letโ€™s grab coffee before it
[ sent 08:51 AM ] meetme at peace in 20 xx
( @ophclias )
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ------
the coffee was burning her hands through itโ€™s biodegradable cup, but opheliaโ€™s grip remained tight as steel around it, her eyes trained at the door. from her spot at the corner table she could see people come and go, friends and couples alike sharing a drink or a bite to eat, everyone looking so goddamn happy it made her want to scream. these days she found herself daydreaming more and more often about what it might be like to just be a regular person, away from the elites, away from everything. would she be happy then ? or was the problem something deeper, something passed down from the cosmos and embedded in her dna, something that would find a way to eat her alive no matter how far she ran ? she had been feeling out of the ordinary for some time now, and the texts from jade this morning had only added to it. ophelia had no idea what the other girl could possibly want, but she knew better than to turn her down, not when her standing within the group was so very fragile.
the bell above the door chimes, and itโ€™s dramatic, really, but ophelia swears she could feel the air change the way it does before thereโ€™s a storm. jade, in all her glory, was about as intimidating as a lioness. ( or perhaps something colder, something sharperโ€” like those sculpted walls of ice ophelia had seen once in a documentary about the arctic. ) as the taller girl approached her table, ophelia offered a smile. like any actress worth her merit she knew her part well. every curve of her lip, every glint in her eye, every ounce of happiness in her body was something manufactured. ophelia was nothing but a shell, both her own puppet and puppet master. she gestured to the identical cup of coffee across from her.ย โ€œย i didnโ€™t know how you took your coffee, so i got it black.ย โ€ it was fitting for jade, she thought, something dark and strong. jade who was so beautiful, so much more beautiful than she was. jade whose bed was warm with the bodies of the boys who would never love ophelia back. most of the time, she tried very hard not to think about this. but now, with the other so close, it was almost impossible. was that why she had asked to meet ? ophelia forced herself to loosen her grip on her cup, the skin of her fingers numb from being exposed to such heat for so long.ย 
โ€œย so,ย โ€ย she begins, glancing at the girl in front of her, brows arched.ย โ€œย why did you want to meet me before class ?ย โ€
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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guilt, how could that be part of sebastianโ€™s vocabulary? he felt guilt once in his life, it was when the truth had come out to his sister and her look was enough to send his mind spiraling with regret and.. guilt. he hated that feeling; feeling as if he DID something wrong. sebastianโ€™s pride was a large obstacle in his life. he approaches opheliaโ€™s door, another date, another dreaded day full of misery with a fake relationship he wanted nothing to do with. he has a wilted rose, a lone rose, dangling between his fingers while his other hand was preoccupied with knocking on her door. โ€œthe reservation is in ten minutes,โ€ he lied, โ€œletโ€™s go.โ€ there was slight annoyance laced in his tone as he spoke to the door separating him and ophelia. he looks to his left, catching eye of a bystander in which prompts the young boy to glare in their direction, โ€œmust be interesting to stare, is something on my face?โ€ he bites at the stranger.
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if ophelia could count every minute she had ever spent waiting for her phone to ring, she was sure theyโ€™d accumulate into days and days, maybe even months. it was so typical of her, really, staring at the tiny screen waiting for it to light up as if she was some sailor lost at sea and that blue glow was her lifeline. she felt like a doll on a shelf sitting upright in bed, trying hard not to move so much to avoid wrinkling her outfit. across the room, ophelia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. dark eyes, painted lips, the slope of her nose โ€” the features were familiar, but they didnโ€™t feel as if they belonged to her. she was a stranger in her own body. she had been for years.ย โ€œย real pathetic, phe,ย โ€ she let out in a whisper, watching her reflectionโ€™s lips move before she tore her gaze away. she had been dressed for hours now, hair and makeup ready for yet another date sebastian had failed to show up on time for. and maybe she should know better by now, that he hardly ever shows up, that when he does heโ€™s never on time, but she canโ€™t help herself. it was as if maybe, just maybe, if she didnโ€™t give up on him, one day he would surprise her. one day he would surprise her and sheโ€™d be thankful she had gotten ready on time because heโ€™d be at her door and oh, heโ€™d be so happy to see her. just maybe, if she tried hard enough, she could make it come true.ย 
and then thereโ€™s a knock at her door and she practically jumps, the timing of it perfect enough she takes it as a sign. ophelia smooths her skirt before she opens the door, hardly a second passing since he knocked, and itโ€™s sad how much she canโ€™t help but be eager. it was more than sad. it was pathetic, she was pathetic, but there he was at her door and she could feel her heart stirring to life inside her chest and it was easy now to forget about everything else. all it took was sebastian showing up and she could excuse his lateness ( he was so busy, after allย ),ย and she could excuse the way his expression never lights up when he looks at her ( not everyone was an open book ), because he was here.ย โ€œย hi,ย โ€ she greets, itching to lean in for a kiss but the annoyance in his voice stops her, her smile faltering for a moment.ย  โ€œ you look nice,ย โ€ย  she brings a hand up to brush against his chest as she compliments him, wanting so bad for things to go right, before she drops it. ophelia was always careful about not touching him for too long unless it was during sex.ย  โ€œ is that for me ?ย โ€ ย her eyes flick to the lone rose, a gesture she wondered how hard he thought about, but she was trying so hard to smile despite it all. she shifts on her feet, anxious as sebastian snaps at the stranger.ย โ€œย hey,ย โ€ she turns his chin to face her, dark eyes clouded with worry and affection, the two things heโ€™d never deserve from her but sheโ€™d never be able to stop giving him.ย โ€œ you seem kind of tense,ย โ€ she starts, carefully as if she was a deer treading in dangerous woods.ย  โ€œ we could just stay in tonight if you want.ย โ€ and then, because itโ€™s the only way she really knows how to keep him with her, at least for a little while, she leans in closer.ย โ€œ i could make you feel better, if you want. โ€
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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๐Ÿค•Hit ๐Ÿ‘Š or miss๐Ÿ˜ณ I guess ๐Ÿค”they ๐Ÿ‘‰never โŒ miss, huh ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•? You ๐Ÿ™Œgot ๐Ÿคชa boyfriend๐Ÿ˜, I bet ๐ŸŽฐ๐Ÿ˜ถhe ๐Ÿ˜จdoesn't ๐Ÿ‘Žkiss ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ ya๐Ÿคญ mwah๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ˜ปHe ๐Ÿงgon' find ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ” another girl ๐Ÿ‘ถ ๐Ÿคฉand he ๐Ÿ˜ฎwon't๐Ÿ˜ค miss๐Ÿ‘Œ ya๐Ÿ™€ He ๐Ÿคคgon' ๐Ÿ˜ฒskrrt and hit ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘Š the dab๐Ÿ˜Ž like ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ Wiz ๐Ÿค Khalifa๐Ÿค‘
some backgroundโ€ฆher parents own some very successful luxury hotels all around the world....her mom was low key a celeb before marrying her dad she was an actress who got famous bc of a Nude scene in one of her movies do with this info what u will SBDJWBJ and her dad was born into an empire of businessmen basically...now they have ophelia ! she has two older sisters who she literally never sees bc theyโ€™ve been abroad basically her whole life so thats nice we love abandonment xxย 
she had a baby at 15 her baby daddy ? hit it & quit it & her mom was like JSBXJDWBDJ horrified bc shes a Good Christian now ! who only cares abt the family reputation so she sent ophelia to her grandmaโ€™s house to have the baby & lied to everyone & said ophelia was in boarding school in franceย 
JSDBJWBDJW then after the baby was born her mom literally didnt let her have any part in raising the baby & the mom basically just pretends that opheliaโ€™s baby is actually opheliaโ€™s little sister & u knowโ€ฆ..this was allโ€ฆ. a lot for a 15 yr old so after the baby ophelia was super disconnected from her home she was never there bc she couldnt like stand to be around the baby bc it brought up a lot of bad stuff for her & now the baby is like five & ophelia has no relationship with her at all like its ////: fun times xxย 
SO YEAH SHES GOT A VERY STRAINED RELATIONSHIP WITH HER MOM bc her mom is very much like controlling and manipulative so ophelia was always closer to her dad bc he was softer with her & he gave her more freedom & for a while she at least had him in her corner until he was caught by his assistant embezzling fundsโ€ฆand was threatened by his assistant who was gonna go to the cops
โ€ฆ.so he faked an accident & had the assistant killed in a car crash but he needed help covering his tracks so he had ophelia help him by guilt tripping her like โ€œif i go to jail u wont have anyone do u really wanna be left alone with ur mom" โ€ฆ SO U KNOW ! JSDBJSWBDJBWJDB NOW SHES JUST QUESTIONING EVERYTHING AT HOME !
personality wise she is LITERALLY boo boo the foolโ€ฆ..she values other ppls validation WAY too much especially validation from guys whew ! has a super unhealthy relationship with men and is 100% willing to be used by them just to feel needed when i say she is a fool and a CLOWN i mean it she really is especially for dick ! JBSDJBWJDBWJย 
um she is desperate to please and desperate to keep her reputation intactโ€ฆ.is literally in the middle of a breakdown because of almost being kicked out from the elites TWICE also bc her dad made her a muder accomplice also bc she is โ€œdatingโ€ satan himselfโ€ฆ.yeaโ€ฆshes way too nice unless u genuinely like have tried to ruin her life or reputation shes probably just a dumb bitch and nice to you ready to be your friendโ€ฆ
honestly shes just the type to constantly make excuses for ppl treating her like dirt bc she wants to be loved and valued we love that ! the only time she gets like . crazy is if her reputation is being threatened then its demon time bitch really made a sex tape to get a professor fired bc she was abt to be expelled โ€ฆ her family name means everything to her ? even though her family sucks ? maybe so !ย 
idk what else to say she is genuinely boo boo the fool also the person most likely to gone girl herself JSBXDJSBD she is literally those women who would be diagnosed with hysteria back in the day /:
this meme is literally ophelia at all times
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
She was a ghost of a girl, hauntingly beautiful, wonderfully lost โ€” breaking hearts and crying holy water tears.
Michael Faudet (via michaelfaudet)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
She needs to have a few drinks and cry a little - then sheโ€™ll be perfect.
Tom Ford on a Gucci show lookย  (via goodhellhunting)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
men want to fix you save you or fuck you I canโ€™t be fixed and I donโ€™t care to be saved
Jeanann Verlee; โ€œmenโ€ (via fypoetry)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
Life is the tragedy,โ€™ she said bitterly. โ€˜You know how they categorize Shakespeareโ€™s plays, right? If it ends with a wedding, itโ€™s a comedy. And if it ends with a funeral, itโ€™s a tragedy. So weโ€™re all living tragedies, because we all end the same way, and it isnโ€™t with a goddamn wedding.
Robyn Schneider, The Beginning of Everything (via jimiin)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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17K notes ยท View notes
ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
sheโ€™s the girl with a fairytale face but her mouth screams like a wolfโ€™s
words of the consultant, minjeong son (via roussettes)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.
Chuck Palahniuk,ย Fight Club (via modelswallowme)
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ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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187K notes ยท View notes
ophclias-blog ยท 6 years
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