opificem · 5 years
could u imagine if ppl talked about catholicism the same way they talked about like… indigenous ppl’s religions….
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opificem · 5 years
Oh when the reds
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opificem · 5 years
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Excerpts from Brechts War Primer 2
Pdf here:
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opificem · 6 years
In all seriousness I took a death and dying course in college for fun and that’s when I fell in love with, and began to seriously study, spontaneous or “street shrines”. These are the organic, unplanned placements of items when someone is killed, generally, and the community almost descends on a spot. I am fascinated by that interfaith, inter-spirit moment of connection fostered. What drives someone to leave the first item? Who guides them there? What do we, as humans, seek from the leaving of a memorial on a place that now hallowed? And we know it is, to some extent, even if we’re not spirit-workers. We have this human need to bear witness, no matter who we are, and over and over again it manifests as this need to build some space, some monument that says “they were here, and now they aren’t here, and we, collectively, of all faiths and walks of life, strangers to each other, will remember them”
We take comfort in, and protect to some measure, that space we create with tea-light candles and stuffed bears and flowers and it just feels like the Right Thing to Do. We rebuild these spaces when they are torn down by authority and we keep building them up and that’s beautiful
Street shrines are TRULY universal, too. They are largely non-verbal but it’s like we just KNOW what to do, like something moves inside all of us and it doesn’t fucking matter if we can’t understand anyone else standing at the site, it’s just a Knowing. It’s phenomenal 
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opificem · 6 years
This is fucking ridiculous we shouldn't have any tolerance for this medieval nonsense tbh. The main victim of this will be Lgbt Muslim youth being dragged out of school by their parents and communities which will have a traumatic impact on their formative years. It is also kindling a more hostile environment for lgbt education workers who will be under increased scrutiny and threat because of this. Labour Councils in Birmingham and Manchester should be making a stand about this IMHO, as should education unions. The left has also been timid when you know for a fact we wouldn't take this from conservative Christian or Jewish groups, any cultural relativity shit is dangerous and racist - opposing lgbt education is a slippery slope and one that plays right into the hands of much of the far right as well. None of this clash of civilisations shit being peddled by the right, leftists institutions should look to support working class lgbt youth, especially those in the muslim community atm.
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opificem · 6 years
weeks really are seven days long every single time over and over huh
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opificem · 6 years
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opificem · 6 years
Psa to drunk straight girls. It isn't okay to come up to someone in a small pub and loudly and repeatedly ask if their gay. Outing them in the village they live and work in tends to ruin the vibe. 🙄
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opificem · 6 years
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The first on-screen kiss between two men.
“Wings”, 1927
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opificem · 6 years
Cos it's world book day - I know it's cliche, often sexist and a bit cringey but my favourite genre of book is probably the 'sad man goes drinking genre' ala Hemingway, Bukowski, Kerouac, Thompson and Burroughs etc. I know pretentious beat stuff isn't vogue anymore but this stuff (minus the hatred of misogyny) was and still is (when I can be arsed to read anymore) influencial to me, especially when I was reading everything I could get my hands on in college etc.
Despite their definite flaws I think the 'sad man goes drinking' genre still has a lot to say especially in the modern discourse of male fragility/vulnerability and self destruction.
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opificem · 6 years
Disgusting cops are class traitors who do the bosses work for them. No difference between the bobby, the pinkertons, black and tans and slave catchers.
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opificem · 6 years
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Cleaning women washing a crucifix, 1938
via reddit
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opificem · 6 years
Her tounge is a pierogi
Does anyone else get the PrEP ads with the woman with the weird tongue?
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opificem · 6 years
His ankles are so vulnerable. A modern Achilles
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opificem · 6 years
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opificem · 6 years
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opificem · 6 years
“Once again I repeat that I am not an impartial, objective critic. My judgments are nourished by my ideals, my sentiments, my passions.”
− José Carlos Mariátegui. Lima, 1928.
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