opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Final Post
William Hednerson
BIS 315
Jerry Dimaria 
Final Blog Post 
After reviewing the lecture video about social media implementations. I believe some challenges my client might face. Will be adjusting to marketing on certain platforms such as Facebook. The client does not use this app, and is not familiar with its usage and marketing tools. I believe this could be a great resource for the client, but they will have to do far more research. In order to figure out how the app can best benefit the business. Another will be keeping up with the content creation aspect of the business.. If he decides to take the advice and expand to more social media platforms. It will be much more content on his plate, and since he is a one man team. He would have to balance when to create content, displaying the product, networking, and managing his personal and work life. I do not want the owner to spread himself too thin, so I recommend. As the owner expands to more social media bases. To actively plan what days will be for specific apps. I know he likes to be on the go a lot, but also plan out a day for relaxation. If the owner burns out then the business can not run. 
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Hi Molly I the ideas you touch on in your post. I also agree when it comes to effective content. You have to look into your target audience. See where they are at, and what catches their attention. Once you figure that out, launching content will be easy.
Effective Content
After completing the 3rd and 4th Hootsuite modules, I have learned that the most effective content creates both brand recognition and audience engagement.
To develop this content, we must take a look at our audience. We can do this by utilizing the analytics that are provided to us on social media platforms. These analytics tell us things like gender, age, location, and more. Knowing these things about our audience gives us more of an insight into the kind of people they are and what they might be interested in seeing from us.
After this content is curated, it is important that we share it on all of the platforms that we can. This allows us to have the widest reach that we can, as some of our audience may follow us on one platform but not another.
Additionally, becoming a social organization means that our content should be valuable to our community of advocates. In order for our audience to have the ability to interact with us, we must create content that invites that engagement. Advocates are one of the most important--if not THE most important--elements in what makes a business successful. Therefore, every decision we make should have them in mind.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Hi Olivia
I agree with your post a lot, as I also believe the smaller aspects. Of social media marketing plays a bigger role. In how content is shared and interacted with. With the proper preparation, one can figure out how to effectively grow their account.
Effective Content
For effective content to be developed and shared, it is important to understand all the smaller aspects that go into making it effective. First, is creating your content strategy for social media. In order to do this, you will need to develop a strategy that has a calendar and timeline, supporting resources for your strategy, and find out why people should care about your content. With a proper understanding and idea of these aspects you can make your content strategy more effective. When making your content it is helpful to know the best practices for sharing it across different platforms as well. It is helpful to find the platform you like most, and research it. Understand what is most popular on the platform and how easy is it to communicate across it. Once you have an understanding you will be able to implement your strategy and your effective content. 
            Becoming a social organization tie into the principles of effective content development and sharing. When you have a social organization there are values and a structure for the company to operate. The values and beliefs of the company is the most important aspect in creating content. When developing your content, you want to ensure that your company is showing their content through their values. With a focus on values, it gives your content and platforms a better personality, one that fits your social organization. 
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Week 7
William Henderson 
BIS 315
In order for effective content to be developed and shared, you must perform research on the tools implemented into all social media aspects. To understand how data is shared across the platform. With this piece of information you can plan out an effective strategy. About how and when you post content to grow the diresed platform. I strongly recommend if you already have a platform. Advertise your new platform on your existing account and new account. To maximize the amount of views/ followers for your new account. With this strategy you use the already existing fan base and new viewers. Then direct their  attention to the new account that you want to raise attention to. 
Continuing as we learn in the text The Social Organization, there are goals that need to be put into place. For branding your platform, knowing your target audience, and ways of interacting with followers. Once you plan the smaller aspects of social marketing you will effectively share your content. While having a steady flow of interactions to the account.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Week 5
After reviewing the assigned video The Legal Side of Big Data. Businesses should be aware that, even if they are secured with Big Data. Their personal and business information can be stolen by hackers. As we learned in the video, large businesses were hacked. Such as Target, Neiman Marcus, and even the government. If the government can also be hacked when in service with Big Data. I would recommend for consumers to have back up accounts they can use. Instead of inputting your main email address or other information into Big Data. Use the backup accounts, in case of a hacker. This way the hacker does not receive any information that can damage your personal or business information. Continuing the best way to balance the opportunities and threats presented by the development of big data. Is for the company Big data to not have all of its consumers data information. In one spot at all times, move their information around constantly. In order to make finding the location of their data difficult for hackers. On the opposite end the consumers should also not solely rely on Big Data. As previously mentioned they should use backup accounts. Change their passwords every three months, and use other secured data bases as well. This way everyone can ensure they are taking the correct steps to maintain the privacy of their data.
The second part of this assignment includes the assigned reading, The Internet Original Sin by Maciej Ceglowski. This article talks about how businesses have made advertisement into the default model. For invading the privacy of customers. All part of a plan to gain more information. To efficiently calculate when to drop an advertisement into customers' social media pages and lives. I learned that as businesses make promises to investors. That their advertisement will outperform the competition. This influences their behavior to be more accepting. Of going to great lengths to acquire customers personal information. Encouraging the overall theme of business models influencing the surveillance and data gathering on the internet. Before I close my response I would like to say. Personally, in my life I have been seeing  a lot of apps lately. Asking to allow location tracking, which is suspicious in itself already. But proving another point that businesses are invading basic privacy. Instead of reflecting on their actions and morals. They instead continue to focus only on the potential revenue by drawing in potential customers with marketing strategies.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Week 4 Blog Post 2
The article Three Reasons Junk News Spread So Quickly, explains how algorithms, exposure and advertising all connect to each other. Part of a much larger plan, to find out the best way to gain the most attention from the desired consumer. The Article starts by explaining the usage of algorithms and their original purpose. Vaguely explaining, “  Without them, we would have to sort through massive amounts of information.” Which then leads to the article explaining how algorithms are now being used to limit the flow of information and perpetuate bias. I do believe this to be true because for example. Whenever there is an incident pertaining to the black community. You look at the news and media and see a one side story. Painting the black individuals out to be some criminal deserving death. Then multiple sources of media say they were “suspicious”, “ they were not in the correct neighborhood”, “ self defense”, etc. The algorithm portrays the selected information world wide in order to create a bias towards a specific target. 
The next topic within the article is advertising, which goes into depth. About how a tactic called clickbait, which has been used to spread false information.  I have personally seen clickbait used on youtube for influences to receive more views. But as explained in the text this leads to junk information spreading across the world. When Individuals display clickbait, while the actual message has nothing to do with the title. It causes people to associate the topics and interests incorrectly, or in a negative manner.  
The last category of the article is title exposure, explaining that individuals are more likely to. Conform to social networks that agree with their already existing beliefs. Going deeper to explain that during certain periods in life. Such as during elections selected information is chosen to display to certain audiences. In order to convince the audience that you are in favor of their opinion. Right now with the election approaching , I have seen multiple advertisements in the mail, and ads on youtube and streaming devices.  Showcasing that politicians are trying to spread their name across the world right now. So they use the method exposure to display certain ads at specific times and in specific locations. 
Personally I believe individuals could be more aware of these things by reading the fine print. Within apps and websites we visit, while also being more careful of what we are viewing on social media. While also practicing awareness, to remember before conducting an opinion or bias. We should research the topic for a better understanding. Instead of believing the first source of data placed in front of us.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Week 4 Blog Post 1
After reviewing the assigned recording I believe the most important qualities for a social media consultant. Should be effective communication skills, as this will be useful. When explaining different softwares, algorithms, and social media. To older clients or individuals not formula with technology. Continuing the consultant should also have a set of organizational skills. Since they will be keeping up with the views and interactions across multiple platforms for the business. 
Now acting as a social media consultant to myself. I would advise myself to be more consistent with my posting. Right now I only post maybe 1-3 times a week, causing a slow growth in my account. If I were more consistent, I could reach my target audience more frequently. I would also integrate more polls, in order to find out the interests of my audience more. In order to find ways to create content around certain interests. Improving my social media presence, since I will then be creating content about a wide range of topics.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Week 3
Big data and Algorithms are such powerful tools, because of the amount of information they are able to collect. Which they then proceed to use said information to affect the feelings and thought process of billions of civilians. Algorithms were not always created for such purposes, but as time went on within society. Companies that offer a “free” product such as google, facebook, Instagram, snapchat, etc. Started to use the information collected from individuals, and then turn the world into their own product. After watching the assigned lecture video and Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma. I learned that Big Data and Algorithms collect. The amount of time spent on a post/video, the type of content liked, location, online activity, and searches. This way they can selectively choose content to display in front of an individual. Priming the individual up for another selected choice of information, being a chosen advertisement. This way companies continue to profit off of their seemingly free product. 
Continuing on a personal level I do believe that the collection of data being used by tech companies should be limited. Tracking the content of an individual watch seems harmless. But to track the location, moods, screen time, and purchase history. Of everyone using these apps, which is millions of civilians. Companies are extremely overstepping the boundaries of society. They may not release this information to anyone, but for them to be the only carrier. Is not only suspicious but overpowering. As we can see from the multiplied ex-employees interviewed. Which have informed us that, because of the massive amount of data collected. These companies now have are society under some social media trap. Turning their main purpose into how to make people buy from advertisements and gaining so much of their attention. Professional there should be some new updated form of HR. That visit selected companies and make sure that they are morally using the collected information ethnicity. This way we can possibly avoid the corrupt use of data collection. Moving on to a societal level, this information should be available to the public. Not everyone knows what information is being collected from companies. While some are not even aware that information is being collected from them. Big Data and algorithms should not be strictly  known only in the tech industry but world wide. If companies believe they are not corrupt and money hungry. They should have no problem releasing such information.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Adjusted Social Media Post
William Henderson 
BIS 315
Jerry DiMaria 
Social Media Experiment 
For this experiment we were tasked to create another social media tracking log. Changing around the amount of time we spent on social media within a 24 hour period. In order to see what the individual does in their spare time. For my experiment I decided to track my time using four, six hour periods. While also integrating activities that I perform in my daily routine. Such as mediating, journaling, reading, going for walks, etc. To track the time spent on social media. I kept the Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok indicator, and gaming. Also since I do not nap a lot in my normal day to day life. I decided to add that indicator just to see what would happen. After my day was over, I reflected on my results and found them quite insightful. 
Seeing as the experiment required to be tracked for an entire day. I decided on my day off of work to test out the experience. My four periods are for six hours, but also for different periods throughout the day. My first period begins in the morning, when I wake up I meditate. Then I will journal and plan out different tasks throughout the day. This time around I ended up getting on my phone. After meditation and journaling, creating an hour and half for social media. Later on I got bored and decided to game. Before going on my walk, creating an hour for gaming. While I did complete my first six hour period, It was a lot more challenging than I thought. In my free time after my routines, I'm so used to getting on my phone and gaming. That when performing each task, I would forget about the experiment. Then get back on my phone or game. Which explains why the indicators in period one, had about one hour usage. With only two having thirty minutes - forty five  minutes. Period one results did not shock me too much, as I did expect my social media and gaming usage. 
Next my findings for period two and three were quite similar to each other. Period two was for the afternoon and period three was for the evening. Within both periods I noticed a decrease within social media apps usage and gaming. With period two having a thirty minute decrease in both areas. While period three had a total of zero usage in both categories. Overall both periods had an decrease in social media apps and gaming. With an increase in all other activities tracked. Once I realized I did not have to get on my phone or game in order to be entertained. That I could do much more in my free time. It became easy not instantly checking my phone or getting back on the game right after I got off. Also within period three, I did make time for a nap. Which was different for me since I do not normally take naps. I wake up and stay awake until the night comes. Overall I was happy at my process within the two periods.
Finally we are at the last part of the experiment being period four. Which is around the time I start to get ready for bed. Seeing as the experiment called for six hours, I started the tracking early and went to sleep late. But this is also where I was most surprised, when It came time for me to get ready. I spent the most amount of time in my nightly routines. After being off and on with gaming and social media. I adjusted to not getting on my phone or powering on my xbox. This was honestly the easiest part of the experiment for me. Since there was no urge to see the latest news on different platforms, or playing apex a couple more times. I just wanted to perform activities that were calming and more peaceful. So my night ended with me spending two hours journaling, two hours reading, and two hours meditating.
Overall what made this experiment fun for me was that I was not just tracking time. But tracking the amount of time and how I felt during and after the activity. I noticed that I was anxious on social media. Looking at people's lives and seeing what others are doing. Evening when playing the game, I sometimes get stressed out trying to get to the next level. After taking a step back and reevaluating things. I realized I was better off not investing so much time into pointless activities. Social media causes you to compare your life to others. When that is not necessary. Just focusing on your life and what brings you peace and happiness. Will take you a long way. My results for period three and four shocked me initially, but when looking back. Those two periods of my day came effortlessly to me, sense I was just relaxing and finding ways to bring me happiness. I would definitely recommend this experiment for everyone. You're gonna be taken on an emotional rollercoaster. That will hopefully help you figure out different insights about yourself. 
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Social Media Log Experiment
William Henderson 
BIS 315
 Jerry DiMaria 
 What do you think is social media’s influence in your daily life?  How do you think having the Internet constantly available affects your life?  What are some times when you haven't had access to the Internet for an extended period of time, and what was it like?  What are some things you would like to do to be more intentional about your use of technology? 
The current day and age interaction with social media is a complex system that has been going on for some time. I have been aware of the effect on society, but not into such depth. After watching Max videos, and reading the assigned article. A part of Max's video that really stuck out to me. Was in the beginning where he says, “ scrolling on social media is equivalent to playing the slot machine, wondering what are we gonna get?” This stuck with me because this is something I just realized days ago that I actually do. Sometimes when I am bored and on my phone. I will just be scrolling on multiple apps, trying to find anything entertaining or new information. Creating that effect of, “ what I am gonna get.”Proving the point that social media is similar to a slot machine. We get so caught up in social media, that ultimately we become addicted to are screens. 
Following I do believe that social media has an addicting influence on my life. What’s interesting is that I actually just decided to become an influencer. Meaning I would have to spend more time on social media. While on the other end I am still trying to balance my personal life and social media. Sometimes causing an internal battle, but I do believe I will figure out how to balance my two lives. With are socialty now having access to the internet at all times. I know for me personally, is it easy to find a distraction when I'm relaxing or when I'm being productive. Especially with the release of the app Tik Tok, you could be swiping on the app. Thinking that you only were swiping for a couple minutes. Then you look at the clock and figure out, it was actually for hours. 
Continuing, I have a great example where I was without internet/phones. I took a trip for this program in high school. Where we went to a different country, without the use of our phones. This trip was for two weeks, the first week I was fine. We did activities similar to the ones described in the assigned article. Such as playing cards, seeing different sites in the new country, meeting new people, etc. The second week for me is when I started to miss technology desperately. This caused my whole energy to change on the trip. I wanted to go home, and that's all I talked about in the second week. Displaying the affect and hold social media/ internet had on me in high school. To overcome this, when I wake up In the morning. I now practice not instantly getting on my phone. This way I can become more comfortable, not always being on my device.
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opinionbykingwill · 2 years
Introduction into BIS315 CMU
William Henderson 
Hi my name is William Henderson, I am a senior at central michigan university. Majoring in Entrepreneurship and minoring in management. I am originally from Chicago IL, but I have been moving around. Due to me traveling and because I enjoy new scenery. A fun fact about me is that I have changed my major 3 times. I actually started college majoring in interior design. Soon changing to finance and then personal finance. Finally I decided that I was not an office boy, that I would rather be my own boss. Which led me to choosing entrepreneurship, I know you're probably thinking I did a complete change. Going from wanting to design houses to business was a big leap for me. Within my new found passion in business, my goals are to own multiple businesses. In order to live a carefree life I envision. There's nothing wrong with the 9-5 but I know it is not for me. Someones end goal should not have to be to slave at someoone elses company. I am already in the process of launching my business and the others soon to come. I want to show other individuals that anyone can truly accomplish their goals. Rather you have a team supporting you or not. 
A company or should I say a person that uses social media to her advantage. Is the tarot reader Vanessa Somuayina. Her Instagram is vanessa_somuayina, I love how she uses her IG page and YouTube. To spread real positivity and advice on all subjects on her pages. She keeps you updated on all of her content daily, and allows you to DM her questions. While also effectively marketing her self made trait card decks.
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