oppawritings · 8 years
hey, i just want to know if you would write stuff for fanboys of boy groups? its fine if you don't, im just curious
Yes we do! So send in requests if you want to!! - Admin Sol
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oppawritings · 8 years
Can I have a Topp Dogg reaction of you giving them a back hug? Can you include Jenissi too please????
Just Posted! - Sol
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oppawritings · 8 years
Topp Dogg Reaction To You Giving Them A Back Hug
Can I have a Topp Dogg reaction of you giving them a back hug? Can you include Jenissi too please????
P-Goon: “Awh such a cutie”
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Hansol: *Blushing mess*
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Hojoon: * Turns back so he can hug you and give you small kisses*
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B-Joo: * Does not know what to do so he just stands still wondering why you amazing* 
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Sangdo: “ You make me smile no matter what you do”
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Nakta: “ You scared me a bit there”
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Xero: “You make my heart beat!” (sorry I had to)
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A-Tom: “ Why you got to do this to me?”
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Yano: “ And this is why I chose you to be my yeoshinah” (yeoshinah means goddess)
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Jenissi: “Do you want some kisses from me?”
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(Dont own gifs)
~ Sol
Hey guys don’t forget we still have our requests opened so send them in! Also feel free to ask anyone of us questions!!   
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oppawritings · 8 years
Hello! Can I please have a fluffy angst with Ten from NCT?
Posted! ~Dria
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oppawritings · 8 years
Distance | Ten
Y/f/n= your full name
Y/n= your name
‘talics without ’ ’ = letter
Italics with ’ ’ = thoughts
S.A.V = study abroad & volunteer program (I made this up)
————- = time skip
bold = text message
‘okay you can do this. It’s a piece of paper and an email. It’s not the end of the world. Just check it. Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out. Okay y/n just open them.’
Your heart was pounding in anticipation. This could go one of two ways, but either way you could feel both fear and hope battling for dominance. Your nail tapped against the counter nervously as your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, feeling nervous. Finally you couldn’t take it anymore and your hand rapidly gripped the letter in your hand and began to rip it open.
Congratulations Y/f/n! We are happy to inform you that you’ve been accepted into our 4 month study abroad program! On your journey you will be traveling to Brazil, Madagascar, New Zealand, and finally Thailand. On this journey you will spend one month in each place to do several things such as learn the language, volunteer, divulge yourself in the culture, meet the people, and several other activities. To learn more about your trip please check the email we have sent you as well. Can’t wait to see you join us!
Sincerely, S.A.V Program
'I got in. I got in. I got in!’ you were internally shocked into silence. Then a loud squeal escaped your lips and you began to jump up and down, prancing around the room all while clutching the letter tightly. The smile was shining on your face. You were glad nobody was home or you’d be getting some odd looks, but you couldn’t care at the moment.
You had gotten it. All the hard work, anxiety, and stress finally paid off. You had to read the letter two, three times just to make sure you didn’t misread it. You froze in the kitchen suddenly realizing about the email and you practically shit across the room to your laptop, pulling up gmail. Within your inbox were plenty of junk mail and then you stopped over the S.A.V Program and clicked on it.
With each word you read your smile widened significantly. This was happening and you couldn’t be happier. You glanced at the clock seeing that it was only 5:30 pm. You grinned jumping up and fishing around the kitchen for the essential ingredients to make sandwiches for the boys. You just couldn’t possibly wait for Ten to come home to tell him the good news.
The dorm building came into view and you grinned picking up your pace. The security opened the door smiling at you and directing you toward practice room 2 where NCT was practicing. You bounced on your heels the whole elevator ride up as your hands gripped the bag full of food you had prepared for the more-than-likely hungry boys. The elevator let out a ding signaling to you that you had arrived at the practice rooms. You wandered down the hall until you reached practice room 2. You peered inside grinning when you saw the members of both Nct 127 and nct U sitting inside talking.
You knocked twice before opening the door and peeking your head through. Mark noticed you first and he waved toward you enthusiasticly waving you in. You giggled at his enthusiasm and obediently scampered into the room.
“I have brought you all food! You can thank me later. I take payment in the form of money, food, hugs, jokes.” You giggled as the boys suddenly swarmed you figure. Jaehyun reached you first, picking you up and spinning in a circle making you squeal for him to stop before you got dizzy. Once back on your feet you were swelled into a massive bear big in the form of Yuta, Johnny, Taeyong, and Mark. You slithered out of their hug and you found yourself in a hug from Taeil and Doyoung who ultimately decided to mess up your hair. You huffed st the two before WinWin gave you a 'normal’ hug. And by normal, he meant squeezing you tightly until you felt breathless.
“WinWin, can’t….breathe….let…go!” You gasped jokingly for air as he released you smiling sheepishly. “God what are you a boa constrictor?” You joked before your wrist was snatched in a gently grip by a familiar hand and you were suddenly spun into the broad Chest of none other than your boyfriend, Ten.
He didn’t give you time to greet him as he instantly wrapped one arm around your waist and the other on the back of your head bringing you into a soft, but loving kiss that never failed to take your breath away. Wolf whistles erupted from around you and you broke apart with a blush blooming furiously upon your cheeks. Ten chuckled smiling at you affectionately, caressing your cheeks with his thumb before placing a quick peck on your lips.
“Hey baby. How are you?” Ten smiled his beautiful smile, rich dark eyes focused solely on you.
You leaned into his touch grinning back with a matching grin. “I’m fantastic. How are you? Are you eating well? I brought some food for you and the boys to have.”
He chuckled at your statement before leaning down and nuzzling his nose against yours lovingly. “Great now that you’re here.” He leaned his forehead against your, eyes staring into your with love.
“Yo love birds! Get a room!” Johnny shouted.
“One, we are in a room. Two, Johnny mind your own business!” Ten shouted back.
“Ten you can make out with y/n later! Come sit and eat!” Taeyong shouted making Ten huff before he dropped down by Jaehyun and pulling you down into his lap, arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
“So what brings you here y/n-ah? Besides the food of course.” Doyoung joked before biting into his sandwich. Everyone’s eyes turned to you and you nervously looked down and intertwined your hands together. You took a deep breath before looking up at the expectant circle of boys that you had come to be close to.
“Well you know that program I was talking about a few months back?” The boys nodded slowly. “Well, I got accepted into it.”
Silence. Nobody said a word. “What? Really?” Johnny said in disbelief breaking the silence and creating a tilde wave of questions.
“Which one?”
“Wow really? That’s amazing!
“Where are you going?”
“Will you bring us back something from each place?”
“When do you leave?”
The questions made you giggle at the boys enthusiasm, but Ten was suspiciously silent. You shrugged it off thinking he was just hungry and tired from practice as you asnswered each of the boys’ questions.
“S.A.V Program, yes really! Brazil, Madagascar, New Zealand and Thailand. Yes I will bring you back something. I leave next Tuesday morning!”
“Next Tuesday? That’s like five days away!”
“Are you packed y/n?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but you were suddenly hoisted up by Ten and dragged out of the practice room, into the hall.
“Oppa! What’s wrong? Are you alright? You’ve been quiet since we sat down.” You said tilting your head up to look at his face.
He remained silent staring at the wall with his fist clenched and jaw set.
“Ten? Aren’t you…happy for me? I’ve been wanting to do this for months and all my hard work has paid off.”
Ten spun around to face you anger on his face. “You’re leaving for 4 months y/n-ah! Why would, I be happy about now seeing my girlfriend for 4 months?!”
You were taken aback before you felt yourself begin to bubble with anger.“You go on tour for months and I didn’t get mad! Sure I’m upset when you are gone for months, but we make it work!”
“ Yeah but I’m usually only a few hours away not a whole day or two! I don’t want you to go and that’s final.” he stated before turning to head back into the room.
“Or what? What if I go? You think I’m going to let my hard work go to waste? Everything I’ve done to be able to do this? This is a chance of a lifetime babe! I can’t let it go to waste! Your upset because you won’t see me? Well welcome to my world Ten! This is my life and you don’t run it! I’m going whether you like it or not!” With that you spun on your heel and stormed toward the elevator, feeling his piercing gaze on your back. You pushed the Lobby button before slightly turning toward Ten again.
“I leave Tuesday morning. Maybe you will grow a pair and come see me off and support me like a good boyfriend.” You muttered slightly sad before stepping onto the elevator, letting the doors shut shutting off your view from Ten.
Ten stood there staring at the now closed elevator before angrily storming into the practice room, pulling at his hair in frustration.
“Hyung you okay?” WinWin asked Ten. Ten turned toward his members before spilling out everything that just happened and his point of view of it and built up frustrations.
Taeyong placed a hand on Ten’s shoulder. “Go back to the dorm and cool down. We will figure out something tomorrow alright?”
Ten sighed defeated. “I just hope she doesn’t hate me.”
“She doesn’t. She’s just upset Ten. She doesn’t know your point of view of it, but you have to understand that she really wants to do this, she needs to do it. You know the phrase if you love something let it go and if it loves you too, it will come back to you.” Doyoung said resting his arm around Ten’s shoulder.
Ten sighed again. “I don’t want to let her go though. I love her too much.”
“Yes and she loves you too, but maybe some time will do you both good. She needs to experience the world and you need to let her do this.” Mark said.
“I. I guess you’re right.” He whispered defeated.
“I’ve got an idea!” Yuta and Johnny both grinned before making the boys all huddle up and they excitedly whispered their plan to make you forgive Ten.
You had your passport and plane ticket ready in your palm as you rolled your suitcase up to the bag drop off. You thanked the lady helping you and you adjusted your backpack with essentials such as some snack, chargers, earbuds, a book, a few changes of clothes, and your wallet.
You walked back over to Amber and Krystal as they had agreed to accompany you to the airport and see you off. You hugged Amber tightly followed by Krystal before pulling back with a slightly glassy eyes.
“I’m gonna miss you guys.” You said smiling at the two girls you called your best friends.
“We will text and FaceTime everyday!” Krystal declared. You giggled at her loudness. “Yeah we have to send each other stupid things the boys have done right? And some funny memes!” Amber announced making the three of you break out into giggles.
“As long as I have wifi we should be golden!” You joked making the three of you bend over in laughter. Once it died down you checked the time to see that it was time for you to go through security.
“I’m gonna mis s you two idiots.” Your whispered before pulling them into another hug.
“We’ll miss you too! Now go get through security and board your flight! You won’t want to be late!” Amber grinneD with Krysal agreeing happily.
With a final hug you hitched your backpack up your shoulder grabbing your rolling carry on and waving at them as you headed toward the escalator to security.
“Y/n!” You stopped walking thinking you were hearing things. You took another step before your name was called again, closer this time.
“Y/n! Jagiya!” Okay you define toy were hallucinating. You spun around to see Ten looking around frantically before locking eyes with yours and practically sprinting toward you. He crushed you in a hug and he buried his head in your neck breaths tickling your skin. “Thank god I caught you! I was so scared you had already left!”
“Ten….what are you doing here?”
His head left your neck and he stared at you. “I had to come see you off. I couldn’t bare us being mad at each other and not seeing one another for 4 months!”
“Ten it’s okay. I’m not mad anymore. Upset yes but not mad.”
“No no it’s not! Your upset and a little mad I know you!” You tilted your head to the side confused. “You never just call me Ten unless you’re upset or mad. It’s usually Ten Oppa or Oppa or babe one of those not just Ten!” You stared at your boyfriend in disbelief as he continued to rant about that,p. He really did know you well.
“Anyway what I wanted to say is I’m so sorry for the way I reacted. I think it’s an amazing opportunity for you and you should go. I think it will be amazing for you and I wanted to let you know that I support you and I love you so so much jagi and-” you cut off his speech with a quick kiss.
He blinked at you in disbelief, one hand touching his lips as if he couldn’t believe you kissed him. “You talk too much Oppa.” You giggled smiling at him with the smile he adored. Ten suddenly leaned in grabbing your face and bringing you into a kiss and then another and another all over your face making you giggle uncontrollably. He pulled back to smile at you caressing your cheek fondly, etching the feeling of York skin into memory. “Please be safe and come back alive okay? Stay away from alligators and lions, keep away from giant poisonous predators.”
“Oppa that’s Australia not New Zealand.”
“Yeah but Madagascar has those things too!” You giggled again. “I brought my running shoes.”
“Good.” He whispered leaning his forehead against yours to gaze into your eyes. “I’ll se you later okay? Take lots of pictures! Text me whenever you can I love you.” You said before bringing you into a final kiss before turning you around and patting your butt slightly to get moving. You smiled at his playfulness and blew him a kiss from the escalator. He playfully caught it and put it into his pocket making you laugh and wave before you disappeared from his sight.
You got in line for security and it was now your turn to give the security guy your passport and ticket and to go through the metal detectors. He handed you your passport and ticket with a smile before sending you in line for the detectors. You slipped off your bad and set your rolling carry on onto the belt. Just as your were about to go through you felt a hand on your wrist spin you around and Ten kissed you again.
“I’m sorry but you looked lonely and I needed just one more kiss.” You laughed at him and kissed him again.
“Hey you’re holding up the line!” One guy in a business suit shouted to you.
“Aye you shut your mouth! They are having a moment can’t you see? You will get yo your plane on time alright? You two take your time okay?” The security guard said smiling at you two, letting you continue.
You chuckled along with Ten, kissing him again with awe’s erupting from around you. “I’ll see you later okay?” You smiled.
“Yeah see you later.” He grinned back before pecking your lips and walking backwards smiling at you as you successfully got through security and retrieved both your bags, phone, passport, and plane ticket in your hand as you waved to Ten, blowing him a kiss before turning around and heading to your gate to begin your 4 month Journey.
——————————————————————————————————————————- 4 months later
Your trip had been a blast. You hit to meet new people some you became very close to (enough to exchange numbers and letter addresses), learn the language, interact and help others and the community and just overall enjoy yourself (not to mention you it a pretty good workout from all the walking and exploring AND a nice tan!) but you couldn’t help the sigh of relief as your plane had reached gate A6 in Seoul once again.
Once off the plane you went through customs and straight to the escalator for baggage claim towing your rolling carry on full of souvenirs and your backpack hitched into your shoulders. You set your bag on the step you stood and and pulled your phone out.
You: okay I’m through Customs heading to baggage claim. Yay (not)
Ten: why the sad face? Can’t you just not WAIT to see your insanely awesome boyfriend?
You: oh yeah I’m just jumping for joy 🙄🤗
Ten: I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not
You: a magician never reveals her tricks 😉
Ten: yeah we’ll see about that baby.
You giggled at your boyfriend and put your phone into your pocket stepping off the escalator and headed straight to baggage claim. As you stood waiting for your suitcase your phone dinged in your pocket.
Ten: Damn and I thought the fansigns were bad! This crowd is massive! You: welcome to the world of a normal person Oppa. Join the club! Ten: har har your so funny.
Ten: you should be nicer to me.
Ten: afterall we haven’t seen each other in months and you are looking way too beautiful standing there in your black lounge shorts and sweater with adidas on and a SnapBack.
Ten: and besides who ELSE would help you with your bags? 😉😙
You: haha yeah. Wait! How do you know what I’m wearing? Are you here??? 😱
You: yah! Oppa! Answer me!
Ten didn’t respond making you look around for him instead. Unfortunately you didn’t see Ten anywhere. Huffing at his little game you tucked your phone away before looking for your bright red suitcase with a few stickers on it. You spotted it come around the corner and you stepped forward avoiding running into anyone to grab your bag. Except it wasn’t there anymore once you got to the front. You looked around confused to see if anyone had taken it.
Ten: looking for something babe?
You huffed at the message sprawled across your screen.
Ten: yah, so impatient!
You gawked at the screen. So he could see and hear you yet he hadn’t revealed himself. Just WHERE was he?
Ten: turn around babe
You spun on your heel and there in a pair of black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and SnapBack was Ten who had your red suitcase next to him. He grinned at you before opening his arms wide for a hug. You came to your senses and ran forward joking into using arms and holding him like a koala. He spun you in a circle as you squeaked with delight before he set you gently on your feet, not letting you go.
“Hi baby. I’ve missed you.” He said leaning his forehead against yours. You grinned back. “I’ve missed you too.” You responded before pulling him into a loving welcome home kiss in the middle of the baggage claim, but you didn’t care. Ten was here with you and you were right where you belonged. Although those months apart did make the reunion a whole lot better as you and Ten broke apart before he intertwined your hands p, grabbing your suitcase, and leading you out of the airport.
NOTE I hope you guys like this one it was a lit of fun to write. Please send in more requests!
P.s in the tags I put Allie because that’s is my name but on here I go by admin Dria!
If you ever need to talk to us feel free to ask us anything either privately on our personal blogs or through this one!
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oppawritings · 8 years
Can I have a reaction of Monsta X rappers and BTS rappers with their girlfriend being a better rapper than them?
Just posted them hope you liked them!!
- Admin Sol
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oppawritings · 8 years
BTS Reaction To Their Girlfriend Being A Better Rapper Than Them
Can I have a reaction of Monsta X rappers and BTS rappers with their girlfriend being a better rapper than them?
Monsta X 
Suga: “Psshh..Whatever no one is better than me” ( But is lowkey proud of you)
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J-Hope: “We are the perfect couple”
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Rap Monster: “I can hear you rap all day”
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(gifs not mine)
- Admin Sol
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oppawritings · 8 years
Monsta X Rappers Reaction To Their Girlfriend Being A Better Rapper Than Them
Can I have a reaction of Monsta X rappers and BTS rappers with their girlfriend being a better rapper than them?
Hey guys Admin Sol here..its been awhile since I had posted something this blog! So here you go!  
I.M: “Wait...Whattt”
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Jooheon: “When did you learn how do that??”
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(Do not own gifs)
-Admin Sol 
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oppawritings · 8 years
Hey everybody happy new year! You guys are awesome and I cherish all of you even if this blog is fairly new. My fellow admins you guys are amazing! Please give us love in 2017. Let's do great things in 2017! ~Dria
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oppawritings · 8 years
more eric nam please
If you want to request any please go right ahead! :) -Chey
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oppawritings · 8 years
Hi~ What would Astro's reaction be if you are deathly afraid of thunder. For example whenever it's thundering outside, you run to hide under the covers. Thank you so much!
Just posted it! I hope you enjoy it!~ Admin Sol
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oppawritings · 8 years
Astro Reaction
Astro Reaction to you being scared of thunder.
HELLO this is admin Sol!! One of the 3 new admins for this blog..I hope you enjoy this reaction for whoever requested it!
JinJin: Being the person he is I would consider seeing him wrapping his arms around you saying sweet things to kissing you once and awhile to get your mind off of the thunder.
MoonBin: This little puppy would do anything just to get your mind off the thunder cuddle, being silly making you laugh just flat out goofy..Maybe even singing a little for you.
Rocky: Rocky would be somewhat like MoonBin cuddle, acting silly but one thing you can see him doing is turning on the music and making sure it’s loud while he starts to dance silly.. just as you look at him dancing you wondering ’ Why do I love this idiot’.
MJ: I would expect him to protect you and comfort you cause he is a loving and sweet person but also finding it a bit funny trying to in a giggle or two from you
Eunwoo: Even though some people see him as cold hearted person.. he is just one giant teddy bear cuddling for as long the storm lasts. To be by your side to make sure you are safe.
Sanha: Oh boy he would try..key word ‘TRY’ him being the youngest won’t really know what to do. Trust me he wants to make you feel better but would feel a little lost..but at the end would just use use his aegyo to make you smile
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oppawritings · 8 years
I was wondering if you are still looking for admins?
We have 3 admins at the moment so we at currently looking for one more! ☺️
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oppawritings · 8 years
Hi since you're moving blogs I wasn't sure if I should ask on this one or not but for the Christmas requests can you do #17 Christmas tree with Jaeyoon (fluff)
Hi darling! Sorry for unclarification, all my drabbles will all be posted on my main blog! So I will keep this so I can post it soon! :) ~Admin Chey
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oppawritings · 8 years
First date with Eric Nam at the movies and then they have dinner and when Eric takes Y/N home he kisses her, lots of fluff
Posted! Sorry love I kinda changed up how the date went but i hope you still enjoy it!Requests are open!~Dria
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oppawritings · 8 years
Ropes | Eric Nam
Hey guys admin Dria here! I’m one of the new admins on the blog and here’s my first post! Hope y'all enjoy it!
Y/f/i/c/f= your favorite ice cream flavor Y/e/c= your eye color Y/n= your name Genre: Fluff Warnings: none
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Being nervous was the understatement of the century. You felt the pull of anxiety and the tug of paranoia inside of you as you felt like you were in a game of tug a war and either way you’d lose. Your heart was beating fast as you paced the room. Questions circled your head, all tied to both anxiety and paranoia.
‘What if I look bad? Or he doesn’t show up? What is he stands me up and finds smother girl? What if he thinks I don’t look good? Maybe I should change. This outfit is comfortable but he did say casual. Is this too casual? Oh god oh god it’s almost 7:00! He will be here any second now! I don’t have time to change! Oh god this band I don’t look like I’m gong on a first date. I look like I’m going out with a friend or family member who doesn’t care how I look! What if he doesn’t want to go out with me again after this? What if I completely screw it up?’ Your thoughts were abruptly cut short as the doorbell’s high picked echo resided through your apartment.
‘He’s here’ you thought and your suspicions turned out to be correct as the little door monitor camera confirmed your date to be standing outside, waiting patiently. 'Deep breath y/n. Just take a deep breath.’ You muttered as you walked to the front door. With each step your heart seemed to pick up speed every inch you got closer to the door until you were directly in front of the door.
You released a sigh that you didn’t now you were holding and mentally counted to 3 before opening the door revealing your date aka Eric Nam.
You couldn’t help but scan your eyes over him. He looked amazing with his hair styled but also messy, a t-shirt, jeans and a pair of trainers to complete the look. Even with such a casual look, he still managed to look fantastic and you were starting to feel self-conscious with your outfit choice of a white t-shirt with black bands around the neck and arms and a floral skirt topped off with a black pair of vans.
Your eyes continued to scan up and down him, taking in the feeling that this was real. Eric was standing in front of you and that thought alone demolished half of your anxiety driven thoughts.
Your y/e/c eyes met his dark brown to find him staring directly at you with a knowing smirk making your eyes widen in realization.
'Did I just seriously check him out shamelessly for who knows how long?’ You questioned yourself.
“Yes. Yes you did.” His voice made you jump and stare back at him as you had he again embarrassed yourself by saying your thoughts out loud. You whined softly and covered your face out of embarrassment.
'Way to go y/n. You’ve managed to embarrass yourself not once but twice in front of your date.’ You thought as your cheeks became redder by the second.
“You look beautiful y/n-ah. Are you ready to go?” Eric cut into the silence adding a dazzling smile as he held his palm in front of you. You grinned shyly but nodded and grasped his hand with yours as he intertwined your fingers together and tugged you in the direction of his car.
He opened the passenger door for you and flashed you a dazzling smile when you quietly said thank you. He too climbed into the car and darted the engine.
“Where are we going?” You asked as he backed out of your driveway. He only grinned. “It’s a surprise.” Which made you pout slightly. Eric chuckled. “Don’t worry you will love it I promise.”
15 minutes later Eric pulled up into a parking slot near the park. And when I say park it wasn’t a normal park but an amusement park. “Omg omg we’re spending the day at lotte world?!” You couldn’t help but squeal. Eric chuckled and nodded an affirmative making your smile grow. “Let’s go mets go!” And you were out of the car before Eric could register it.
Many hours filled with laughter and smiles later you both found yourselves in a small ice cream shop.
“You go sit down. I will order for us alright?” Eric said making you pout slightly. “Yah! You’ve paid for this whole date! Let me buy us ice cream.” You tried to persuade. Key word tried.
“Yah I asked you out on this date and it’s the gentlemen thing to do. Let me pay for you.” He said smiling at you knowing he had won. You huffed in defeat. “Aigoo you are so cute.” He muttered softly pinging your cheek. “Go sit down and I will order for us.” This time he didn’t leave you any room to argue. You sat down at the table covering your red cheeks with your palms. You watched as Eric talked to the lady at the counter and started to chuckle slightly and turned to look at you. You waved at him slightly and then quickly averted your eyes as your cheeks became even redder.
“Okay one y/f/I/c/f for you and one chocolate chip for me.” Eric said putting down the cups onto the table. You gawked at him. “What?” He asked as he had noticed the surprise in your face. “How did you know that was my favorite ice cream?” You exclaimed. He shrugged. “Lucky guess.” With that you both dug into your cool treat. Once you had finished Eric grabbed your hand and led you out of the shop to his car. He once again opened your door for you and you grinned at him saying thank you as he retaliated his own grin and slid into the drivers seat.
“I had fun tonight.” Yo smiled as Eric parked in front of your house and walked you up to the door. “I’m glad. I strive to impress you know.” He said making you grin and shyly tuck your hair behind your ears but the wind was having none of it.
Eric stopped laughing and just stared at you with an adoring smile. He quickly tucked the rebel strand of hair behind your ear before caressing your cheek. His eyes stared into yours before they flickered down and back up- silently asking you permission. You nodded slightly and that’s all the affirmation he needed.
His lips were soft against yours. Your eyes slipped shut as he tilted his head to make it deeper. Your arms subconsciously wrapped around his neck and his free arms wrapped around your waist bringing you closer. As cliche as it was, fireworks seemed to go off and you grinned into the kiss making him grin as we. He finally pulled away slowly grinning at you. He didn’t say anything yet and just took in your frame in front of him. You gently but your lip and that was enough information for Eric to quickly lean in and peck your lips again, freeing your soft flesh from your teeth. “Don’t do that. You could make them bleed and it makes me want to kiss you again.” You quickly released your lip from your teeth and blushed. Eric groaned quietly and quickly pulled you into another kiss. “Want to go to lunch tomorrow?” He grinned making you nod with a smile. “He grinned and picked up your hand kissing the back of it and your cheek before stepping back to let you go inside.
You waved bye to him and closed the door leaning on it with a happy sigh. Looks like paranoia and anxiety let the ropes loose on your form as you gently touched your lips grinning. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
p.s. The request box is open! We don’t bite I promise!
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oppawritings · 8 years
Do you write for Imfact? I know not many people have heard of them 😅
We do! :)
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