oprarepairweek · 3 months
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Drops this here and pretends like I'm not over a week late to @oprarepairweek 😳
Day 4 is clothing swap!! You can't tell me that Law would NOT lose his mind fanboying if he ever got to wear the Germa 66 raid suit, come on. LMAO
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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Day 6 ~ Flirting
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day Seven Future / Free Day
Sora was rather annoyed. Her son was avoiding talking about his prospects in the world and she could see there was something rather painful about it though what she didn't know. So she sent Mihawk to talk about it with him. When Mihawk returned not long after he simply said Sanji had not wished to talk about it and seemed rather downtrodden about the thought.
“I want grandchildren.” Sora bemoaned to him.
“You do realize that my title is a death wish?” Mihawk asked her.
“Convince Zoro to fake your death and make him work for it.” Sora waved off. “Grandchildren, think of it! Little ones Sanji could bring to visit or we could go to!” She exclaimed as she lounged on the chaise in their tent on Karai Bari before setting off on the hunt.
“Love, I don't think he's thinking about any of that right now. He's rather solemn about the topic and more focused on finding Black Beard.” Mihawk said as he sat on the floor in front of her and laid his head on her stomach allowing her fingers to card through his hair.
“I guess he's more mature than he was.” Sora sighed.
“Although Nico Robin did tell me he is still rather unobservant to people's affection, both through being oblivious and his own actions. He did manage to work his way into Trafalgar’s good graces.” Mihawk hummed as he enjoyed her fingers combing his hair.
“You think something might happen there?” Sora asked with interest.
“I believe he's waiting to see if he's alive. According to the news the Heart Pirates were fighting Black Beard and his fleet and haven't been heard from in some days. This might be a rescue mission and not just revenge.” Mihawk sighed.
“Oh, well. If we succeed I think there should be a wedding.” Sora said.
“I would love to hear you tell that to our son and his might be paramour.” Mihawk chuckled, letting his head weigh heavier on her stomach as her nails started to slide on his scalp.
“I will, and you know I will.” Sora sighed.
“Can't wait.” Mihawk hummed again, he grew more tired at the treatment.
“Mm, is there a way for men to have children?” Sora asked herself, she looked like she was trying to remember something.
“Emporio Ivankov has the horm horm fruit, adoption, I'm sure there's a couple other ways. But as far as I'm aware not necessarily in the traditional way without other steps being taken.” Mihawk murmured. When the fingers stopped Mihawk looked at her and her confused face. “Pirate.” He mumbled.
“You look like you need a nap. Come on dear.” Sora smiled at him. Mihawk nodded and helped her stand and go to bed.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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One piece rare pair week: Día 4 Au/Clothing swap
I have nothing to say to this, I don't even know if it fully complies with the theme, but if it fooled that marine then it can fool anyone jsjsjsjsj
Oprarepairweek part 1
Oprarepairweek part 2
Oprarepairweek part 3
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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Day 7 Free day IchiLaw modern day au
Just the two dorky losers Law and Ichiji having a relaxing and chill hang out date together at Law’s place. :3c
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day three: Dancing / Sleeping
Sleeping was one of their favorite activities on Kuriagana. Mostly because it felt like there was never enough restful sleep specifically for any of them to feel well in the mornings. The blonds plagued by nightmares of their past in Germa and Mihawk was often comforting them in the aftermath or was on his little coffin ship or an inn which wasn't conducive to his sleep because of his need to constantly be on alert. Mihawk dealt with it as well as he could of course, all of them did. Mihawk rather liked napping and while Sora was against it from her time as a queen. Mihawk looked at his wife and saw how dead on her feet she was.
He was not going to stand for her swaying much longer as she dusted and thusly picked her up to a surprised gasp from the woman. He didn’t meet her eyes as she stubbornly asked to be put down and released but he simply kicked his house shoes off when he entered their room and then promptly threw his loving wife on the bed. Her curses of him in Northern certainly wounded him as he climbed in beside her and trapped her with an arm on her waist and slinging a leg over hers as he let his weight sink into her and the bed, effectively having trapped the woman.
He was a pirate after all.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” Sora snapped at him as she wiggled out of his hold and pushed against him.
“Napping with my wife.” He answered plainly.
“I do not need a nap. I’m not a child.” She growled.
“I do and I’m not a child.” Mihawk said.
“You’re a very busy pirate-” Sora started.
“And you’re my equally busy wife who did not sleep well.” Mihawk cut her off. Sora blinked at him in confusion before turning into a glare and sinking into the bed with him.
“Just this once.” Sora sighed as she sunk into the bed and her husband pulled her closer. “You’re crushing me.” She murmured as she buried his face into his chest. Mihawk simply hummed in acknowledgement and took his leg off her but left his arm. He fell asleep before she did, blonde hair being the last thing he saw before closing his eyes.
He woke up before she did too, staring at blonde hair again as Sora slept beside him. The room was dark and there were plates of supper on the night table beside the bed. Mihawk had not thought they would sleep that long but they had fallen asleep in the early afternoon and the food had long since gone cold. Mihawk could tell Sanji was in his room, sleeping peacefully for the moment.
Sora had turned in their sleep, facing away from him now and their legs tangled and they were still above the blankets on their bed. Mihawk hummed and didn’t bother even thinking of pulling away or getting up. The food would be dealt with in the morning, which was unusual but the humandrills would like it. Perhaps Mihawk could convince them to leave Sanji alone as he pulled Sora closer again and fell back asleep.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day Four Alternate Universe / Clothing Swap
Mihawk was fourteen the first time he climbed into her window.
Not much has changed the last twenty years as he climbed into the window of his and Sora’s room on Kuriagana to avoid waking the children who were sleeping in the sitting room near the entrance. Possibility to entrap him in their fort he saw through a window as he walked up. He would not be the rainbow haired children who knew how to use their begging eyes against him more than he would like and he was weak to them.
It’s his own damn fault for constantly giving in but then again there would be nothing else he would love to do than spoil his family. Alas he would like to spend time with the songbird who was in their bed, awake and interested in something according to his haki. He tapped lightly on the window and the former queen looked over in shock only to rush over and unlock the window pushing one pane open for him to climb through. Her soulmark bared on her forearm as she helped him into the room, Kotagana opposite of Yoru, blades he had not even had at that point and confused them endlessly in their teens.
“The hell are you doing?” Sora asks as he straightens and smiles at her.
“Our lovely rainbow of children are downstairs waiting to ensnare me, they’re asleep but you know them.” Mihawk chuckles as he pulls her close, her face level with the bird and sky emblazoned on his chest, bright and colorful like the kids downstairs.
“Oh, what a horrible fate to succumb to for a man with a literal death wish.” Sora rolled her eyes at him as she wrapped her arms around him and he rested his hands on her waist. They kissed slow and languid as Mihawk relished in the fact he had his soulmate, they had children and all of them had emotions, even if it was a bit of a trial to ensure that. The smattering of footsteps up the stairs ended things before Mihawk could get reacquainted properly with his destined though. Sure enough, the door flung open and Reiju pointed at them.
“He’s back! I knew it!” She yelled with a large toothy grin as the quadruplets rushed past her and towards the soulmates by the window. They were circled by children immediately as Reiju looked awfully pleased with herself as Sora laughs at him and he groans.
“You lot were supposed to be asleep.” Mihawk sighs.
“And you were supposed to be home hours ago!” Yonji chastises back in all his ten year old glory.
“Yeah, it’s not our fault you’re late.” Sanji helps his little brother.
“I do not control the wind.” Mihawk argues with bafflement at the two as Niji, the little bastard, starts climbing him as Sora laughs harder. “What on earth are you doing?”
“Claiming the high ground, to the bed!” Niji answers and then orders his father pointing erratically at the bed as he continues to climb the man.
“And you best not fall young man, come on, bed, everyone!” Sora claims captain of the house immediately as the four children with their feet planted firmly on the floor bolt to the large bed they have and the parents and Niji follow slower much to the blue haired child’s dismay.
Mihawk pulls him off and sits on the bed with Niji on his lap as Sora sits and pulls Sanji into hers, stroking the blond hair of their son as the kids get next to them. Sanji laughs at his siblings who claim it’s unfair that their siblings are being held and thusly the parents are pulled further into the bed and then have children pile on them more.
“And what happened while I was away?” Mihawk chuckles as he pushes Reiju’s bangs from her face, entrusting her answer the most.
“Mm, not a lot. Yonji riled up the human drills and then set them after the others. Mama stopped that real quick. Then Sanji kicked Niji and that went as well as expected-” Reiju says.
“I didn’t break anything!” Sanji interrupts.
“Yeah, we’re fine!” Niji agrees.
“Then Ichiji decided he was going to be dumb and try to convince the other three to all set sail and Mama and Sanji and I baked a lot.” Reiju finishes with a nod and Mihawk lets out a soft laugh at the shenanigans his boys pulled while he was away, thankful Sanji was fine after trying to kick his brother. Sanji was the only true human of their children, all five of them modified by Sora’s former husband but the poison she drank undid Sanji’s mutations and some of the other quads.
When Mihawk had found out his soulmate had drank poison to save her children, which became his during the escape and probably always were his children, he had almost derailed the escape to kill the King of Germa. Sora had talked him out of it and Mihawk would listen to his soulmate over his own need to kill most of the time. Sora would always have his respect and as his soulmate she would have his heart and he took her opinion on matters seriously. Still he wished his songbird would let him go kill the man that had kept them apart longer than he had liked and hurt her and their kids. Sanji was also the only one to have a soulmark like he and Sora did, further solidifying his humanity over his siblings.
The pattern like a snake skin on the boy’s shoulder and up barely touching his neck. Mihawk hums as he runs a hand through Reiju’s hair, catching a couple small knots in her he works easily with his fingers. Reiju leans into the touch and he welcomes her easily, he loves her so of course it’s easy.
“I hope I love my soulmate as much you guys love each other.” Sanji says with a smile.
“Your soulmate isn’t going to love you as much as we do!” Ichiji points at the blond as he claims this, like it’s a challenge and they’ve already won.
“We’ll just have to see about that.” Sora says as she pulls Ichiji to lay down on them. They all fall asleep rather quickly, tired after all was said and done. Mihawk hums and gives Sora one last kiss to the temple before he succumbs to the weight of bodies on him and falls asleep.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day Five Season / Festival
The cold season on Kuraigana was full of harsh winds and rain, leading to fires being constantly tended in the castle. Perona and Zoro took to the task of keeping the castle warm, Zoro having to go chop wood and Perona finding the fireplaces and keeping them fed appropriately. The cold and pressure often negatively affected Sora, the remnants and scars of the poison made her ache and hurt and she hates staying in bed so he would bring blankets to the library and the sitting room and kept the tea warm wherever she was.
“Thank you, darling.” She said in Northern to him as he nodded and disappeared again through the door.
“He's rather doting.” Perona huffed as she had brought her own blanket to the sitting room.
“Any reason he shouldn't be?” Sora asked with a cocked brow.
“It just doesn't seem like him.” Perona answered as Zoro agreed.
“Although his public persona keeps you hidden rather well. If there's only a handful of people who know of your existence.” Zora tacked on. Sora hummed her agreement as she drank her tea.
“So what's all this then?” Perona asked, a hand gestured at her as a ghost fed the fire.
“Oh, I was very sick once upon a time, tore up most of my body internally.” Sora waved off. “The rainy season is always particularly rough on me.”
“Oh, and he just does this for you. That's actually rather sweet.” Perona said.
“He is a multifaceted man.” Sora agreed as lightning cracked across the sky outside.
“Why you?” Zoro asked after a moment of quiet.
“I have found both of our answers to be that we don't know. Perhaps it's a good thing because I don't necessarily have anyone to compare to myself.” Sora chuckled. “He's far better than my first husband, though I have a feeling somehow even Doflamingo would be better than him.”
“He's that bad?” Perona mused.
“And worse.” Mihawk answered as he came in with bowls on a tray for supper. A thick and hearty stew for everyone. Zoro downed his bowl quickly and Mihawk sighed. “Are you alright?” Mihawk asked Sora in Northern who nodded lightly at him.
“They're asking why you took me and Sanji in.” She laughed softly in Northern.
“I don't see how that affects them at all.” Mihawk answered in his wife's native language.
“The greatest swordsman which is a title of a death wish, having a wife and doting on her like she's the thing you're scared to lose more than your life.” Sora hummed and Mihawk shrugged to himself.
“Because I am, once you become the greatest you only can look down for so long. If I lose you, I don't see the need in keeping my death wish much longer.” Mihawk answered as the thunder roared and the rain came down even heavier which made Sora shiver.
“Charming.” She mumured as she ate her bowl of stew. Mihawk simply smiled at her softly as he ate as well.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day Six Flirting / Jealousy
Mihawk knew he had no reason to be watching his wife as closely as he was. Really. He trusted her more than he trusted anyone in his life. It was ridiculous to be watching her at all really. Truly, he knew that. But she was surrounded by lower ranks of the crew they had amassed in Buggy Town, and for some reason it infuriated him to watch her be fawned over by these meek men and women who cooed at her every action.
Mihawk felt like he was about to lose it as the clown approached his side. Looking between the swordsman and the group surrounding his wife and back again, trying to contain his laughter. Mihawk glared at him which did nothing to stop the blue haired atrocity at his side.
“Jealous?” The red nose teased, Mihawk glared at him as the clown shrugged. “You've never had to fight for her affection have you?”
“Don't you have anything else to do?” Mihawk challenged him and Buggy did not back down.
“Not really. But I gotta say, they don't necessarily know who she is.” Buggy smirked at him as he watched Alvida smile at the elder woman and run her fingers up Sora's arm who seemed oblivious as to what was happening.
Right, royal courting was far different than the flirting most pirates did. Mihawk knew she had absolutely no idea what they were doing, their son was the same. Unless someone had made their intentions so blatantly obvious and then some the blonds had no clue if someone was coming onto them. Mihawk had unfortunately pointed out to his son what flirting was and explained it to him. He watched his son break hearts left and right in Baratie and now he watched his wife do the same.
He was still annoyed at everyone around her though. Buggy however was starting to look confused at the woman as she didn't deter the advances. The clown looked at Mihawk.
“She knows she's being flirted with, right?” Buggy asked after a couple of quiet minutes.
“No,” Mihawk sighed, “she doesn't.” Buggy sputtered out something about how that wasn't possible as he looked in horror at the crew and their mindless flirting.
Mihawk rubbed his temples before he walked over and stood behind his wife, the crew going quiet and the touches ceased upon his wife. Sora looked up at him, confused but noting the irritation in her husband's haki.
“Did I do something wrong, dear?” She asked with her brows knitted together.
“Not at all, love. Just seems some of the crew don't know we're married.” Mihawk answered as he glared around the group. The group looked confused and then horrified before they made their excuses and left. Rather promptly which eased some of Mihawk's irritation as Buggy lost it from where he stood.
“So you ruined the conversations I was having over it?” Sora asked as she grew annoyed.
“Darling, they were flirting with you.” Mihawk responded. “Rather heartily, I might add.” Sora's eyes widened as she groaned to herself.
“Think of it this way,” Buggy chuckled as he walked over, “you made your husband very jealous without realizing it.” His grin was something absurd to Mihawk but Sora simply stood and nodded.
“Ah, I shall rectify this matter immediately. Good night, Buggy!” She said hastily as Mihawk suddenly felt her grab him and yank him lightly to follow the woman to their tent. Buggy laughing loudly the whole time.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
Just to make sure, I wasn't able to post the fics from days 5, 6 and 7 from the rarepairweek, can I still post them?
Yes, absolutely! We’re accepting late submissions for the next few weeks so feel free to post them whenever!
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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BartoCav doodles for Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4 of One Piece Rare Pair Week💚💛
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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Day 6 of @oprarepairweek: Jealousy
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
Everything was getting messy. Complicated. It was making her too attached; dangerously caring. And Kaya was the last person she could let that happen with; not when she spoke so sweetly of Usopp, not when Usopp was so fiercely protective of her, not when they had something that Nami would pale in comparison to. Nami resented anything that made her attached to it, anything that threatened her carefully built independence, her lack of reliance on other people and what they thought of her. Even a few moments alone with Kaya sent cracks through that foundation, making Nami long for something different, something more, and she refused to let herself desire something like that.
OP Rarepair Week, Day 7: Free Day Nami/Kaya @oprarepairweek
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
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Art by me @cidsin One Piece characters - Dragon x Lucci OP Rare Pair week by @oprarepairweek
Day three comes with sleep :)) Another later one I know sorry >.< but yeah.. This came right to my mind when I was reading the list of themes. One of the rare moments of meeting, not always in the best or most expensive places. And sometimes... You just can't choose something better when time is not there.
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
do you have any plans to do this event again next year? totally okay if youre not or if you don't know yet! i've just really enjoyed participating and i'd love to do it again :)
Oh absolutely! This event was a total blast to plan and participate in and I'd love to do it again next year (same as you! Lol)
Who knows where we'll be in a year, plans could change, but as of right now I definitely know I want to do it again ^^
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
And that’s a wrap!
Thank you all so SO much for participating in the first official One Piece Rarepair Week! We’ve seen a lot of wonderful content and I’m so grateful to everyone who contributed, through art, fics, or just interaction in general! 💕
Didn’t get your piece done in time? No worries! We’ll be checking the tag for the next few weeks to reblog any last minute entries! Make sure to tag the blog (@oprarepairweek) or just tag the event (#oprarepairweek) so we can see it.
If you’ve got any questions, or just want to chat about your favorite rarepairs, feel free to send an ask! We’ll be answering questions as well, so don’t be shy.
Again, thank you so much for joining, and we hope to see you next year! 💖
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oprarepairweek · 3 months
IN ALL THIS ACE ATTORNEY WHIRLWIND I ALMOST FORGOT TO POST TODAY’S ARTWORK‼️‼️ Nah jk I knew the whole time anyways shoutout to ICEPAULIE the guys ever (prompt is LAUGHTER yay)
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I would die for them actually
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