oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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;;I think I am about ready to close this blog . It has been nice to try to help all of you and try my best to give advice but this blog has been dying at a very high speed . Compared to the fact I have been running it for a year , the activity is still really low and trying to keep it running or hoping it would pick up is taking quite a toll on me . 
I admit when I started this , it has been because helping others helps me , but lately , I also feel I have not been in the best position to try and advise people and hate feeling as though I am not putting in my best effort or helping you guys to the best of my capabilities . 
I wanted to thank you all for giving me the opportunity / chance to help you and for all the kind support I have received as Robin . For the patience and understanding you have shown regarding my responses , which I will admit have not always been perfect .
Thank you for putting that trust and faith in me .
I suppose now that we have reached the end of this journey , there remains one thing to be said : since I am going to be closing this blog , if you guys would like to learn my real identity in the fandom , I will finally be willing to give you the chance to do so - if not and you would prefer to keep me as Robin in your memory then that is alright with me as well as I understand unveiling who I am may not be what you all expected to be behind the blog or had been hoping for . 
Depending on the responses this post receives I will either make another post saying where you can find me after I close this or this will be the last post . 
Thank you all for the past wonderful year . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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;;I think I am about ready to close this blog . It has been nice to try to help all of you and try my best to give advice but this blog has been dying at a very high speed . Compared to the fact I have been running it for a year , the activity is still really low and trying to keep it running or hoping it would pick up is taking quite a toll on me . 
I admit when I started this , it has been because helping others helps me , but lately , I also feel I have not been in the best position to try and advise people and hate feeling as though I am not putting in my best effort or helping you guys to the best of my capabilities . 
I wanted to thank you all for giving me the opportunity / chance to help you and for all the kind support I have received as Robin . For the patience and understanding you have shown regarding my responses , which I will admit have not always been perfect .
Thank you for putting that trust and faith in me .
I suppose now that we have reached the end of this journey , there remains one thing to be said : since I am going to be closing this blog , if you guys would like to learn my real identity in the fandom , I will finally be willing to give you the chance to do so - if not and you would prefer to keep me as Robin in your memory then that is alright with me as well as I understand unveiling who I am may not be what you all expected to be behind the blog or had been hoping for . 
Depending on the responses this post receives I will either make another post saying where you can find me after I close this or this will be the last post . 
Thank you all for the past wonderful year . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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;;I think I am about ready to close this blog . It has been nice to try to help all of you and try my best to give advice but this blog has been dying at a very high speed . Compared to the fact I have been running it for a year , the activity is still really low and trying to keep it running or hoping it would pick up is taking quite a toll on me . 
I admit when I started this , it has been because helping others helps me , but lately , I also feel I have not been in the best position to try and advise people and hate feeling as though I am not putting in my best effort or helping you guys to the best of my capabilities . 
I wanted to thank you all for giving me the opportunity / chance to help you and for all the kind support I have received as Robin . For the patience and understanding you have shown regarding my responses , which I will admit have not always been perfect .
Thank you for putting that trust and faith in me .
I suppose now that we have reached the end of this journey , there remains one thing to be said : since I am going to be closing this blog , if you guys would like to learn my real identity in the fandom , I will finally be willing to give you the chance to do so - if not and you would prefer to keep me as Robin in your memory then that is alright with me as well as I understand unveiling who I am may not be what you all expected to be behind the blog or had been hoping for . 
Depending on the responses this post receives I will either make another post saying where you can find me after I close this or this will be the last post . 
Thank you all for the past wonderful year . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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;;I think I am about ready to close this blog . It has been nice to try to help all of you and try my best to give advice but this blog has been dying at a very high speed . Compared to the fact I have been running it for a year , the activity is still really low and trying to keep it running or hoping it would pick up is taking quite a toll on me . 
I admit when I started this , it has been because helping others helps me , but lately , I also feel I have not been in the best position to try and advise people and hate feeling as though I am not putting in my best effort or helping you guys to the best of my capabilities . 
I wanted to thank you all for giving me the opportunity / chance to help you and for all the kind support I have received as Robin . For the patience and understanding you have shown regarding my responses , which I will admit have not always been perfect .
Thank you for putting that trust and faith in me .
I suppose now that we have reached the end of this journey , there remains one thing to be said : since I am going to be closing this blog , if you guys would like to learn my real identity in the fandom , I will finally be willing to give you the chance to do so - if not and you would prefer to keep me as Robin in your memory then that is alright with me as well as I understand unveiling who I am may not be what you all expected to be behind the blog or had been hoping for . 
Depending on the responses this post receives I will either make another post saying where you can find me after I close this or this will be the last post . 
Thank you all for the past wonderful year . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Any advice on RPing a canon character? I'm setting up a RP account as Perona (Ghost-Princess- Perona) and she's the one that I can relate to the most, but the problem is I've only RPed with OCS before.
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;;Hello ! ! I truly do not think that is a problem at all , after all there is a first time for everything and it is brave that you are taking this chance to try something new and play a canon character .
As for my advice on roleplaying a canon character , I think it is important to not try and draw such a strict line between whether it’s an original or a canon one as to write either you simply need to have an understanding of the character .
Reread and rewatch scenes that include the character you have chosen , several times if you have to as it keeps your idea of them fresh in your head . Also try not to just read or watch but to analyze their character as you do so ; for example how their action in a particular scene is connected to their personality traits or how their action can be translated to explain certain motives of theirs . 
Ask yourself why you think they reacted the way they did? 
and later on , ask yourself , how do you think they would react if placed in a different situation under different circumstances ? 
I think it is important to have a general reason for the way a character behaves to write them properly instead of just writing it simply because . 
Based on these questions and analysis you can then start to form your own headcanons for them and truly molding them into your own . The tricky part is developing past what has already been shown in canon but I think once you have a general idea of their character , the rest slowly pieces itself together .
Another advice is please do not stress too much over it , do not over think if you are keeping them in character , do not pressure yourself with having to stick to a flat portrayal but expand your horizons , explore different aspects of their character and take your time with them without limitations .
Last advice is just have fun because that is what this is all about !
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
I'm considering unfollowing a few of my mutuals because I'm running out of patience with them. I don't pester or pressure them to do anything for me but one of them is very skittish and slow with replies. I myself have a very hard time with approaching others enough despite them saying that they are friendly. The thing is I don't want to be seen as mean but I'm starting to think that maybe we're not compatible? I'm worried that they will hound me and ask "Why did you unfollow" and (1/2)
And I wouldn't know how to answer that question. I don't want to come off as mean and hurt their feelings. If someone unfollows me for whatever reason I don't hold it against them. (2/2)
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;;Hello anon , I understand you are in a very tough position but with all due respect , from what you have said about not being able to wait for replies I do get the impression you already do write together - correct me if I’m wrong ; and I in all honesty , I do not think unfollowing someone out of the blue is the right approach to handling such a matter . 
Please understand I am in no way saying you need to continue your interactions with this person as not at all but I think you also need to keep in mind unfollowing someone you talk to without prior warning can come off as extremely confusing and hurtful to the other side .
That said please do remember it is always important for you to put your comfort first as forcing yourself to continue interactions with someone you have run out of patience with will only serve to ruin your fun and bring about feelings stress so please under no condition , sacrifice your own comfort in fear of hurting others . 
My advice , is if this person really is a friend / longtime partner of yours is rather than cutting them off so abruptly , to send them a message politely explaining what you have already told me about how you simply do not feel that you are compatible anymore . I think that approach is always less hurtful than leaving someone hanging with no explanation whatsoever . 
However , if I have interpreted the situation wrong and they are not someone you interact with then I would say it is safe to go ahead and unfollow them the way you wish - if they do ask you for a reason or explanation then it’s nothing at all to be fearful of .
Remember you have a right to put your comfort first and you can always answer them with the truth about how you simply do not feel like your roleplaying methods are compatible . 
Most times people would be understanding with your reasons and just let the matter be , however, if they do not then I’m afraid that is their own problem and you are under no obligation to interact with people who may pester or guilt trip you into doing so .
I wish you the best of luck . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
What do you think is the best time to get on to rp? I noticed that when I get on half of the time my mutuals are logged off.
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;;I think that is highly subjective to your timezone and the timezone of your mutuals dear anon . I won’t be sharing my own timezone for discretion purposes but what I have noticed is the most activity is usually during the afternoon of american timing / the night of Europe timezones but I have no way of telling for certain because as I said it really depends on the timezones and schedules of the people you are following .
I am sorry I can not be of more help but if my followers would be so kind to reply with the time they are usually on , that would be great . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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You wake, but your memories are fuzzy…
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you remember seeing a tear — a real, honest rip in the air itself. The image is fuzzy, but a feeling in your gut tells you that it was real. And through the tear came a hand. Flesh and blood, fingers, grabbed you before you could even think to run. The sensations that followed were overwhelming; pressing, pulling, ripping, splitting, atom-separating. It was painful and frighting, and then
                                                        n o t h i n g.
When you wake, you feel fine. Your head feels a might compressed and your back aches from the metal floor under you, but you’re surprisingly unharmed. You stretch and attempt to stand, only to kick someone in the head.
They groan and you scramble to your feet, heart hammering in your chest. It suddenly hits you; you’re not where you once were, nor are you alone. You are surrounded by others, conscious and unconscious, and you don’t know why.
The room — if it can be called that — is nothing but metal. Long strips of light soak you in artificial but strangely sun-like light. Part of you wants to be comforted by it, but your surroundings are too unsettling. You have too many questions and no one to interrogate, until an ear-splitting crackle fills the air.
“Wake up, you ingrates! Bunch’a lazy ass——!! A single man drags you from one dimension to another, and you don’t even have the decency to wake up on time. Rude.”
The voice isn’t familiar, but there’s a cruel sense of humor behind it that makes you want to punch him in the face. 
What he says next only makes the feeling grow; “Ah, come on, don’t give me that look. You guys are going to be here for a while, so you might as well turn those frowns upside down. Welcome to Vault #32, subjects! Hope you’re ready for a little experimentation!”
Keep reading
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
I haven't been on your blog for about a year or so, but I'm super happy you're still here, Robin. You're still doing some wonderful work here. Appreciate you and all the advice you dish out!
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;;thank you so very much dear anon , but to be frank , the activity of this blog is conditional to people sending in questions and needing advice and I am afraid to say that has not been very much lately . 
The thought people may not have any problems lately to need advice is of utmost fortune but also quite disheartening as I am uncertain how long this blog can remain active with such a decline in interest . 
Thank you regardless for appreciating my work and advice here . 
It is such that keeps this blog running . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
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Summer Secret Picnic Basket!
Our Summer gift exchange event. For the One Piece role play community, So only one piece role play blogs enter please. The event is similar to a secret santa, but it will also be way to spread positivity. You will be paired up to a stranger (it will be random but the mods redo pair ups if it is someone that appears on your blog a lot).
Fill out this form. When you do enter a code name that people don’t associate with you. This will help keep your identity a secret. However make sure it is something you can remember.
Reblog this post if you enter. Or just reblog this to help spread it around.
Send sweet anons to your partner and make a gift for them. The gift should be summer themed if possible.
Have fun!
Pair ups will be posted on July 1st.
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Dearest Robin, is there any way how I could friendly tell a mutual that guilt tripping is not a nice way to interact? Everyone are busy sometimes but if feels like some mutuals don't understand that and are pushing the others to reply which eats out the motivation...
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;;I first and foremost want to say I am sorry you have to deal with this form of interaction because I understand how discomforting and stressful guilt tripping can be . 
I honestly think if someone is putting you in such a position then the best thing to do is in fact like you said tell them , they aren’t being very nice to you but if you want to be nice to them then in my opinion , the most polite way to do so is by saying something along the following lines : 
‘ I understand that you are eager to continue our interactions and so am I and I am really sorry to say but you pressuring me to respond is guilt tripping and it is putting a lot of stress on me which doesn’t help my motivation to reply at all . I am sometimes busy and don’t always have the time or energy to do so and would really appreciate if you could wait until I am ready to reply . ‘
 I am afraid to say anon , when it comes to such matters there really is no easy way around it and there should be no sugar coating involved . I hope you manage to find a way to get the message across to them because it really is not a nice way to interact at all .
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
1 Hi, if it's okay can I ask for some kind of advice? I've started a RP blog (usagiemiko) for an oc and it's been active since March (ish) but I never get any anyone interested in me, I have to remind (or at least feel like I'm reminding) other people to respond. Only twice before have people responded without needing prompts. And when I first started I contacted others to only have a thread stop after one or two responses. I initially had 4 people who started, 3 which have stopped and one who's
been RPing with others while not interacting with me (makes me feel worthless) and 1 who started to plan with me to only stop. I just want some interaction and I’ve poured my heart and soul out into this. I’ve asked RP blogs and that kind of stuff to follow/promo me, which they have done to no avail. And I’ve put my character’s info/rules/format and all that stuff. And I don’t see much of a difference between my OC and other OP OCs besides interaction and brand. Any input? 2/done.
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;;I feel like this is something I discuss quite often on this blog , but I would like to start off by saying I am sorry you feel as though people are not interested in your OC . I have answered similar questions here , here , here , here and here .
Next is an advice I always tend to give people regarding this matter , but do not wait for people to display interest in you , instead you really have to put yourself out there and try to approach them first . Just like you don’t think people are interested , others would not know you are in fact interested in interacting with them unless you display this as well . 
Second is try to be patient with your roleplay partners , sometimes people need days or weeks or in some cases even longer to find their muse and manage a response . Not everyone can pull out replies instantly or always have the energy and motivation to do so , just because they did not instantly reply to your thread while responding to others does not mean they want to stop interacting with you .
If you feel that way , however , then my advice to you would be to contact them regarding it and I do not mean pressuring them for a response , but instead asking if they had dropped the thread and politely inquiring why they did so . Communication is always key and while I personally , would not have any way of knowing why your partners would stop or lose interest , the best way for you to find out is to ask them yourself to get a better insight on why this may be happening and how to best avoid it .
Anything else I can give you is general roleplaying advice but I hope it will be of help anyway: 
Try to have a proper tagging system if you don’t and this doesn’t necessarily have to be long fancy ones but simple ones could work too , and to not reblog too many posts unrelated to roleplaying .
Try to cut your posts when possible.
Pay attention to people’s rules and make sure you aren’t breaking any of them.
Always make sure your replies give your partner something to work with . This is something a lot of roleplayers need to pay attention to but you can be the best writer out there and have the most developed and well panned OC but unless you give your partner something they can reply to , they won’t be able to . 
Address their muse , ask a question , commit an action involving their muse that their character would have to react to — basically don’t expect them to do all the work or completely lead the thread as roleplaying is a team work activity .
Also another advice would be to eliminate the way of thinking claiming others get attention based on brand , etc . I think it’s always best to try and identify where someone may be lacking and improve those parts rather than get swept up by comparisons of jealousy and such . 
I am in no way saying that your Original Character is not in fact as well developed as others may be , but the beautiful thing about original characters in my opinion , is the limitless variations that can exist of them and how different they can be , so perhaps the lack of difference you address in itself could be contributing to the problem . This is merely a suggestion and not based on actually reading up on your muse .
However , if you need feedback on your original character then may I also suggest you head to @opocreviews . They offer great constructive criticism and advice that could help you identify any issues with  your muse and aid you in developing them in a manner that could make them more attractable to your partners .
I wish you the best of luck . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Hi! I'm not new to OP RP (Robin was my main gal back in like 07 to around '10 or so on Myspace). However, I do feel pretty out of the loop since I've been away. Now that I'm interested in RP again, I've been going through your blog, and I feel like a dinosaur, haha. All these kids and their new lingo! Bah humbug! It's pretty overwhelming. Does anyone from the myspace days still hang around? (I'm actually looking for someone who disappeared years ago!) Is this generally the place to be for RP?
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;;Hello and welcome to our roleplay community , if you ever need help with roleplaying terms used or how things work here on tumblr I’m more than glad to offer some assistance . Unfortunately I , myself , can not tell you if anyone here is from myspace as it’s quite out of my knowledge , however I think a lot of people who used to roleplay on different social media and forums have moved on to tumblr due to the ease of tumblr as a roleplay platform . 
I would like to ask my followers though , if any of you is familiar with myspace or used to hang around myspace to please respond to this? 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Any advice for someone who constantly loses their inspiration to roleplay?
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;;Only one , don’t force yourself because this is only a hobby and something that you should be doing for fun . 
If you are losing inspiration and interest in roleplaying then focus on your other hobbies in the mean time until your inspiration comes back . It is normal to lose inspiration and I have noticed most writers will beat themselves up over it and try to push the motivation and inspiration back but people tend to forget the most important fact : this is not a job or homework or chore and it’s not supposed to feel like one . 
We are all here to have fun . Roleplaying is supposed to be fun and if you don’t have any inspiration for something then it’s not really fun anymore .
But if you need advice regarding losing your muse and wanting them back then I do have a few tips that I hope would be of help to you . 
Find things that remind you of them , anything at all will do and it’s different for different people but for many , the right music can help give you inspiration . 
Watch scenes that include your character , if it’s a canon one or scenes that revolve around incidents that are related to them , if it’s an original one . Usually brushing up on stories relating to them will make you want to come up with new ones . 
Try to plot with your partners as more often than not , discussing the stories you are writing helps provide you with the right motivation and inspiration to actually write them . 
For some , looking up images or aesthetics they associate their muse with helps them feel their character again . 
Reblog a meme or something for fun to get things interesting again .
Read .
Read . 
Read .
Reading not only makes you a better writer but usually makes you want to write as well . 
And if nothing really works then like I said , go do something else for fun until you feel up to roleplaying again . If anyone has more tips that help with inspiration , please offer them . 
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Hi, Rob! I saw someone using the same FC as my main muse but her background is very rough and personality are completely different from mines. A dark theme which is what I am not fond of with the RP community and as I went through the muse's story it was heavy stuff and as a person who experienced child abuse & still hasn't recovered from it (sorry I am not trying to guilt trip!) It makes me extremely uncomfortable which is the main reason why I don't interact with OC's with (1/2)
OC’s w/ dark themes or villains who’re “anger me & I will kill you” types. Nothing wrong w/ muses who aren’t light/whimsical but the main point of this ask was that I saw the owner of that muse interact w/ one of my mutuals & I think they were complimenting each other & it made me felt deeply insecure. I was starting to think that I am boring because I’m not edgy and violent. I really don’t like it when a lot of people use abuse and mental illness to make their OC look unique or different (2/2)
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;;I feel this is a very sensitive topic to be discussed but I am going to try to be very clear and thorough with my thoughts on the matter while hoping to not offend anyone in any manner what so ever . 
First of all I would like to say that I am sorry you have had to endure what you did of abuse and I offer you my deepest sympathies and understanding and wish you the best on your road to recovery . 
However , please keep in mind that just because your own experiences have affected your preferences does not mean everyone will share that outlook on things . You are under no obligation to write or be interested in dark themes but you also can not control other people’s preferences and just because you are not fond of these topics does not mean the person should avoid them , regardless of whether they share a similar face claim to yours or not . 
The only concern in my opinion that could exist with using a same face claim is the theft of creative ideas and replicating which could occur , but seeing as from what you have mentioned both the original characters are very different in terms of their story , I would say this issue is not present here . 
I will say it again , but you are under no obligation to interact with the type of muses you mentioned if it makes you feel uncomfortable , your comfort always comes first - all you can do is request that they tag and label things appropriately . I would also like to mention that I hope their blog and biography have provided warnings of their dark themes ? Because if they did then I think you should not have went through the muse’s story knowing very well it could serve as a trigger to you . 
Now , please please please keep in mind that just because your partners compliment someone else does not mean they do not enjoy your character as well . Please remember humans in general have varying interests and can like two things that are entirely different and world’s apart but that does not mean they like yours any less and you should not jump to that conclusion . 
Characters do not have to be violent or edgy to be interesting and I think it is a huge mistake to assume a character is boring just because it is light . A character’s darkness or lightness does not determine its level of interest but rather how deep and well developed the character is . Any character if well written can be interesting but again , people have different preferences and different people will favor different types of characters . 
Even if some of your mutuals happen to favor darker themes , there will always be ones who appreciate more innocent stories just like you . You just need to find the right people who share your same interests and preferences to write with you and trust me , there are such people out there . Don’t lose hope and don’t feel bad or insecure because you are not boring for having different preferences .
Also I would like to request of you to please not generalize that everyone who includes mental illness or abuse does it to be unique or different . There is difference between romanticizing it and representing it . Representation is important and I think including such characters is important as well . For a lot of them , it is natural for their back stories that they do experience certain illnesses - the most common one for any one in such a universe in my opinion , being post traumatic stress as a result of their experiences . Including such is not wrong , but rather doing the character and the illness both justice . 
However , I do agree that they are not accessories to be worn around and should not be added to characters lightly and offhandedly unless a person is willing to carry out the research and time needed to portray illness and survivors correctly . It is not a joke or something to be taken lightly and unfortunately a lot of people in the community do treat it as such and I am sorry you have had to bear witness to that . 
I wish you the best of luck and I hope this was of at least some help to you , please take care of yourself and comfort first .
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Ne, Robin. Would it be rude if I created and Original Character using a minor's character faceclaim that already exists within the One Piece rp community? Should I ask them for permission? Would it be rude if more important (canon) characters came across them and realized the OC is not the minor character, but a "different" person instead? I don't know if my point is clear, but I hope you can help me out. Have a nice day and thank you so much for the help provided!
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;;hello , anon , I personally do not find it rude in any way to do so as just like you would not need permission to create a blog for the very same canon character , you do not need so to use it as a face claim for an Original Character . What I mean is if I had a robin blog and someone wished to use robin as a face claim or even make another robin blog , they should be perfectly free to do so without needing my permission at all .
However , of course , there is never any harm done in doing so out of courtesy and politeness if you feel that you need to then I’d definitely advise it but again , in the end there’s nothing wrong with you using the character as a face claim . 
To your question however , I do not know if rude would be the right word but it certainly would be confusing for blogs that stumble upon yours and natural that they would assume it to be the canon character . 
I personally would advise against it unless it is part of your character’s story that they do resemble the canon character — for example if someone were to write Robin’s twin or doppelganger or something along those lines , then it’s natural that she looks like Robin . If you are worried about people mistaking your OC for someone they’re not and do not wish for it to happen then it may be best to choose another face claim from outside the One Piece universe . 
If you are determined to use this face claim though then I do hope your partners would take the time to read on your pages to realize it is not the canon character .
Good luck with whatever you do decide .
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oprpadvice-blog · 7 years
Hello Robin, I need some advice. How do you recommend dealing with jealousy? I know there are multiples of my muse out there and people can role play whomever they want but whenever I see another one of my character, I can't help feeling jealous and insecure and kinda competitive. I get afraid that I'm gonna be forgotten or passed over for this other person because I'm not as good as them, and that makes my mood drop instantly. Help?
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;;Hello , anon dear , I think this is a problem a lot of people who write canon muses happen to face and I have answered a very similar question to it over here and another here . I hope the previous answers will be of some help to you .
But I like to also answer specifically each question addressed to me regardless if the matter has been discussed prior or not . 
I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that no one will write your muse the way you do , every other portrayal of your character will never be yours just like yours will never be identical to another . They may be the same character but they are not yours and no matter what happens there will always be people who will love to write with you and prefer your version .
I understand how natural it is to feel competitive but please do try to always remind yourself this is not a competition in any way and the other mun deserves to have people write with them just like you do . It’s not something any of you should be feeling bad over and I’m sorry you do feel this way .
A solution that may help solve this problem would be if you too were to befriend the mun writing the same character . I know a lot of people who have been intimidated and jealous of one another but all of it was put behind them once they got to know the person on the other side . 
Instead of thinking of it as a competition of who will write with which of you , why don’t you instead all write together ? There are many possible plots for duplicates and it can eradicate this feeling of being left out .
Also try to have more trust in your friends . Your true friends would never forget you or pass you over for another person and just because they may write with someone who writes the same muse as you does not mean in any way that they love you or your muse any less so try to find those people who you feel comfortable with and build irreplaceable bonds between your muses with . 
No two muses interactions will be identical so try to keep that in mind .
If none of this works for you and you still feel bad then my last advice though a bit drastic is to perhaps search for roleplayers who only roleplay with one muse of a single character . There are some that have exclusives and perhaps joining a closed roleplay group where you only write your muse may be a good idea to consider if being in an open community is stressing you out . 
I wish you the best of luck and hope your mood will lift soon . 
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