opticalexpressionsaz · 3 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 3 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 5 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 6 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 6 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 6 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 8 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 9 months
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opticalexpressionsaz · 9 months
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The TempSure Envi treatment delivers radiofrequency energy that gently heats the skin under your eyes near your tear ducts. Increasing your skin’s temperature in this area helps unclog tear ducts and triggers a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. The new collagen fibers are dense and neatly organized, giving you tighter*, younger-looking skin.
Patients are surprised to find out how quickly they notice results from TempSure Envi. From how it reduces symptoms of dryness and improves eye comfort to how it brings youthfulness back to your face, it’s no surprise more patients are asking about this treatment for dry eye.
Most patients report a comfortable experience with TempSure Envi. Treatment can last anywhere from 20-60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. But as soon as treatment is over, you’re clear to enjoy the rest of your day with beautiful skin and relieved eyes.
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We often associate our vision with being able to see what’s directly in front of us. But your visual field spans to the corners of your eyes too. This is called peripheral vision and it’s needed to see what’s happening around you.
Measuring this part of your vision gives our ophthalmologists insight into your vision strength and vision loss. A visual field test may be the best way to find a solution that can halt vision loss.
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Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the U.S. One of the concerns about glaucoma is that many people are unaware of any symptoms during the earliest stages. Vision loss linked to this disorder is permanent. That’s why it’s critical to have a regular eye exam to catch any early signs before they can progress. Our eye doctors at Optical Expressions can help you find a treatment that preserves your vision for as long as possible.
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Blurry vision can affect anyone and often comes and goes or worsens over time. It may also be caused by the need for prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Before that happens, get help from one of our doctors. They’ll help you discover a blurry vision treatment that works for you. 
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Whether it’s an infection, an abrasion, or some other eye care emergency, your best course of action is to get it checked by an optometrist. In most cases, you should not attempt to fix the problem yourself as it may worsen.
Call Optical Expressions at (602) 497-0662 immediately in case of an emergency.
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People with diabetes can sometimes develop an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy. This happens when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in your retina. The blood vessels may swell, leak, or even cut off blood from flowing through. This can cause vision changes and loss.
At Optical Expressions, we can help you understand your risk level for diabetic retinopathy and the available solutions.
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Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to glasses because they provide a natural appearance. No more worrying about broken frames or dirty lenses.
Considering contacts? The professionals at Optical Expressions can help. First, you’ll need a contact lens exam to be fitted for contacts. Schedule your eye exam today to get fitted!
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LASIK surgery involves the use of technological advancements to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and other eye conditions. This procedure is fast, effective, and has a quick recovery period. Most patients notice results by the next day. That means you’ll get back to doing the things you love—now with clear, burden-free vision. To learn more about LASIK and Cataract surgery in Scottsdale, call Optical Expressions today at (602) 497-0662.
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