optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 25 minutes
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Ivy the gargoyle from Dota 3 Deadlock(game)
I like how she's not the typical mischievous imp archetype with a grating voice but instead a peppy girl with a heart of gold
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Help Niya & Charley get out of Georgia (country)
queer people are getting the short end of the stick again so we'd appreciate some help in our move 🙏
Hi! we're Niya and Charley, a bisexual Russian woman and lesbian American enby living in Batumi, Georgia, for the past two years. We've been in a loving relationship for 8 year now.
Our original plan was for Niya to get a fiancée Visa to move to the US, but that was placed on hold indefinitely due to the pandemic and a certain Russian territorial conflict making it difficult for Russians to obtain a visa through embassies. At the time, Georgia seemed like the best alternative, and, as charming as our stay has been for the most part, it is increasingly becoming unsafe for LGBT couples. A new bill was passed trying to make "LGBT propaganda" illegal, which in Niya's experience as a Russian, means "anything they don't like, they can claim is illegal". While Georgia's president does plan to veto this bill, it has been stirring up anger and unnecessary attention to queer people regardless and led to a spike in discriminatory violence already. Even before things got this bad, Charley has had rocks thrown at them, screamed at, and been refused entry to public places for wearing normal feminine clothes.
We are currently looking into moving to Mexico, as that is another place both of us have easy access to a half year visa. Moving countries has never been an easy decision, but we've done it before, and with your help, we can do it again, for the sake of our safety.
Thank you!
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straight up not true i have spoken to many of the people that have sent me messages and this is a dangerous thing to spread. i won’t deny that there are probably bots but just use common sense. this same post says that the vetting process is just “trust me bro” and that also isn’t true. this post encourages donating to organizations that benefit palestinians instead, and that’s Fine, but to say every single message from an individual is a scam is frankly ridiculous. and harmful
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hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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Please help❤️🙏
Hello everyone, I am Ahlam, 21 years old. My life before the war was simple, filled with ordinary dreams like any young woman my age. I envisioned a future full of the ability to help others. I lived with my family in a warm house full of love and security, thinking about how I could achieve my dreams and become an impactful person in society.
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But suddenly, everything changed. The war swept through our city like a relentless storm. In a single night, my home became just a memory, and the city I once knew crumbled before my eyes. The sound of planes and shells became the only thing people could hear. We tried to find shelter, a safe place to hide our dreams and lives, but the war followed us wherever we went.
We were forced to leave everything behind—the house, the memories, and even the university. We became displaced, homeless, with no destination, just trying to survive. I walked with my family through unfamiliar roads, searching for a place to take us in, trying to escape danger, running from one explosion to the next, from one ruin to another.
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The war didn't just destroy our city and homes, it destroyed our dreams. My dream of completing my studies became far out of reach, and every day, I feel hope slipping further away. But despite all this, something inside me refuses to give up. There is a desire to escape this reality and build a new life, a life worth living. I dream of continuing my education, I dream of standing on my own feet again and achieving the goal I was once striving for: to help others who have lived through the pain of war like me.
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I ask for your help, humbly. I can't get out of these circumstances on my own. The donations you gather will help me travel to a safe place where I can continue my studies and start a new life away from war and fear. The amount I'm asking for is the key to a new life, to the dream of becoming strong again and one day helping my family and community.
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Help me rebuild my life and become the person I dreamed of being. Every donation, no matter how small, is a step towards safety, a step towards a better future.
Thank you for reading my words. Many thanks and respect to you
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 12 hours
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Binky gets ramen 🍜
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 12 hours
It’s that special time of year again
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 13 hours
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Hi I hate doing posts like this, but I've had to spend a big chunk of my savings on tests for Daisy. The vet isn't not sure what's wrong yet, it may be nothing but it also might be a serious heart or liver disease. If the tests come back unclear, I want to get her an echocardiogram, which could be $300-800 depending on what the vet suggests.
I'd like to ask for some help, but I never like asking to get something for nothing so I'm offering $15 sketch commissions on top of my regular commissions (linked here)
Ko-Fi / Venmo / Cashapp / Paypal
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 13 hours
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
Save my children from life's danger 🇵🇸💔
I am the mother of a family consisting of 8 people. I have a little girl who is 14 years old, her name is Farah. Help her to escape from death. She suffers from kidney failure and autism. She is a person with special needs. She has a motor and mental disability. I ask you to contribute to alleviating my suffering. Have a good night’s sleep, as she does not know how to sleep. I live in Palestine. In Gaza City, amidst the horrors of destruction and hunger that are tearing us apart, and the mysterious and terrifying anxiety, there is a lot of sadness and pain in my country, and fear restricts our thoughts every hour. We wonder: Will we die? Will we live? Will my child die from her chronic illness? Are we all going to die? We are truly suffering. Winter will come, and I will not have a shelter to protect my family
I am a patient with autism and chronic kidney failure. Please, you are my only hope.
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I hope to live a decent life and enjoy support and help. The inevitable death befalls me, my family, and my little girl every time and day. She needs permanent treatment, medicines, detergents, diapers, and special food. Kidney disease is a chronic disease to escape dialysis. I have no ability to buy her needs. I am tormented by staying in the hospital permanently. The kidneys evade potassium and air. A dangerous element that leads to death and cardiac arrest
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I have been living with an early awareness since her birth of the inevitability of death from this disease, accompanied by the fear of waking up to losing her and losing her life. My little girl is certain that she is heading towards death in the absence of treatment possibilities and the availability of her requirements and that the expected end of her illness journey. I ask God for everyone who helps me not to complain of pain. Sickness, you do not know it. When sickness visits you, the world becomes smaller before your eyes, and all your wishes become insignificant in the face of health, and to see your child playing and enjoying good health. I am looking for someone to help me to alleviate the painful reality. We are suffering from my heartbreak for my sick child. She is lost before my eyes, and my homeland is devastated.
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My life before the war was more beautiful. I hope that this pain and injustice that we are exposed to will end. I have the right to live in safety.
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
Guy whose about to figure out eating 50,000,000 bananas is a lethal dose of radiation: mm im so full from 49,999,999 bananas but one more
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
i like that we call animals friendly. like we got it in one, they totally are our frieeeeends
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
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joke stuff gets more attention apparently
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
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She was Caster in Fate, Kyrie Ushiromiya in Umineko, Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell, Harumi Kiyama in Railgun, and Flamme in Frieren.
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
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optimistic-ect0pl4sm · 14 hours
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