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                ❛   have you ever wondered why all of this happened ?  —–  or if  someone is trying to find a cure to end it ?  ❜  nonsense, she hasn’t heard of the firefliies research in a long time, they must of have given up, some call them GHOSTS    ❛   a rumor says that… the cure of mankind escaped from the St. Mary’s Hospital in the arms of an old man  ——   sounds pretty familiar if you ask me  ❜  
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SHE ASKS WHY,  AND HIS FIRST RESPONSE IS;  WHY ANYTHING?  Too much of a pessimist to query what life truly should be like instead of this perpetual chaos,  this constant chasing death  ---  he doesn’t respond at first,      ‘  Sounds like a fairy-tale.  ’      He is half-sincere in response to what,  for him,  is unreal.  Oliver quirks a brow,  and glances her slumped shoulders,  that down-turned countenance,      ‘  Where did you hear that?  ’
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❛ i’d be so nice not to worry ❜
//        @consultingsister      ┋ →        meme.
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IT’S EARLY.  HE LOOKS TO BE IN DISARRAY BUT FINDS HIS MIND,  for once,   in one piece.  They’re just inside after a round of cigarettes and Oliver’s attention is caught momentarily by the frost hanging about the window,  framing the courtyard the white hulk of a mastiff,  Thabo,  also peers out to.  The coffee machine clicks,  just the once,  and Oliver cracks the knuckle on his ring finger,      ‘  We get,  what?  More money than anyone’d know what to do with,  ‘second homes’  in every city,  and all the greedy-eyed friends we could ask for.  ’      Brows make for his hairline,  he wrinkles his nose at his chamomile tea and thinks he’ll pour it down the sink,      ‘  Self-assurance has never really made the list,  has it?  ’      And he gestures now,  to coffee cupped in her hands,  a bitter jest glinting behind the eyes,      ‘  That won’t help either,  so i’m told.  ’
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Deni Pesto
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         Sarah is present in the moment it happens. Acting quick and thinking on her feet is what keeps her and others alive, and albeit reluctant to admit it, she knows there is nothing she could have done. But now, after everything is over, the shock slowly seeps in. She registers Oliver’s presence, but it takes a moment for her to collect herself enough to be able to focus on him. 
        “Yes, just a few scratches,” she murmurs. She shrugs, as if she could just brush it off like that. Despite the water, her mouth feels dry. “It’s not her fault.” She can already picture herself standing in the pillory for defending the tryke, should any of this be blown up in public. Yet she won’t back down from it. She is the chief paleoethologist on the island. It’s her job. Her responsibility. That’s why they call her to sites for things like this. “She is dying anyway.”
‘  SHE’S OUT NOW,  ’      HE INFORMS,  HEAD HUNG LOW  between his shoulders.  Upon this allegorical mantle is a weight,  of all the likely chaos still ensuing within.  He remembers the air well enough  -  trade an elderly trike with an adolescent lioness and the picture seems slightly skewed,  still.  He bears his own scars,  under his shirt,  but this?  It’s bigger,  darker,  but not as shocking as he might have first assumed it,      ‘  ---  Sleeping heavily.  ’
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Then,  up he sits,  his palms shelve him atop his knees,      ‘  It could have happened at any time,  with anyone.  ’      Telling her something she already knows,  but he is far out of his depth here,  and stubborn to coherently replay the grisly events having occurred,      ‘  Animals are difficult at the best of times  ---  prehistoric ones,  Christ.  ’      And then.  faint light of kindness.  It is rare to see his soft edges;  one must first chip away at his sharp corners.  Yet,  here he grants such without fight;  awkward and reticent,      ‘  There’s nothing else that could have been done.  ’
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Karen Gillan at the “Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle” London Premiere on December 7, 2017.
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❛it feels like i just woke up ❜ ❛ i’m not afraid of who i used to be ❜ ❛ change is a thing you can count on ❜ ❛ i feel so much younger now ❜ ❛ my eyes open when they feel the light ❜ ❛ it’s always right before i’m about to scream ❜ ❛ i’ve never came to the beach or stood by the ocean ❜ ❛ but you brought me here, and i’m happy that you did ❜ ❛ sometimes i get so scared of what i can’t understand ❜ ❛ i’d spend the rest of my life standing here talking ❜ ❛ hoping that you’ll stay the nothing will change ❜ ❛ it’ll be us, just for a while ❜ ❛ i would’ve never believed you if three years ago you’d tell me i’d be here ❜ ❛ sometimes i feel like i’m drowning and you’re there to save me ❜ ❛ i know if we tried, we could really make a difference in this world ❜ ❛ i won’t give up ❜ ❛ i’d be lying if i said this was fine ❜ ❛ oh, wouldn’t it be nice to live in paradise ❜ ❛ it seems like you just wanna bring me down ❜ ❛ i gave you my heart, but you stomped it to the ground ❜ ❛ i’d be so nice not to worry ❜ ❛ i’m sick of wearing this silly dress ❜ ❛ you used to make me smile but now you don’t do that anymore ❜ ❛ it feels like i’m always just crying and sleeping alone ❜ ❛ they say that love can drive you crazy ❜ ❛ you know i’d never hurt you ❜ ❛ i’d physically live without you, but i don’t want to ❜ ❛ my heart is yours ❜ ❛ how can i miss you so much when you’re right here? ❜ ❛ you are everything to me ❜ ❛ i would die for you ❜ ❛ i’ve hear i’ve got words like a knife ❜ ❛ i am yours, and you are mine ❜ ❛ i don’t know where you always go ❜ ❛ you’ve got me thinking way to much ❜ ❛ you won’t pick up the phone ❜ ❛ all i do is think about you ❜ ❛ i wake up in a bad mood ❜ ❛ i can never fall asleep ❜ ❛ we’re held together just by a string ❜ ❛ i don’t really care what you think ❜ ❛ i believe in more than you can see ❜ ❛ i don’t give up ❜ ❛ i’m kind of getting tired of dealing with all of your stress ❜ ❛ i’m starting to think you have no heart ❜ ❛ i’m tired of protecting you of what you need to know ❜ ❛ i knew you weren’t the one ❜ ❛ don’t you dare say i don’t care ❜ ❛ it’d be a cold day in hell before i’d ever be your husband/wife ❜ ❛ you’ve changed my life ❜ ❛ you’ve been my world ❜ ❛ you’re not him/her ❜ ❛ i just can’t fall in love with you ❜ ❛ i’m sorry ❜ ❛ you don’t deserve all the bullshit i put you through ❜ ❛ we are meant for more ❜ ❛ i know it sounds so strange ❜ ❛ is anyone watching us down here? ❜
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Tell me I am a premature burial; / Tell me existing feels like being buried alive sometimes; / & it’s okay to feel that way;
George Abraham, from “The Olive Tree Speaks of Deforestation to my body,” published in Crab Fat Magazine (via lifeinpoetry)
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She’s  taken  a  look  around,  not  a  big  expert  herself,  she  could  only  confide  in  her  inclination  toward  BEAUTY,  common  to  all  men,  to  judge  the  pieces  in  the  safe  secrecy  of  her  mind.  ❛  I  don’t  think  I’m  educated  enough  to  appreciate  any  of  them  if  taken  singularly.  ❜  she  admits.  ❛  but  the  ATMOSPHERE,  you  know?  ❜  in  fact,  she  doesn’t  recall  ever  being  in  a  similar  situation  before,  it’s  not  her  place.  ❛  I’m  YULYA,  by  the  way.  ❜
THE ATMOSPHERE SHE SPEAKS OF WOULD APPEAR,  TO THE NAKED  eye,  almost of a homely nature.  The low-light begets something of an artificial warmth;  the smiles stapled onto strangers’ faces reflect the same.  It is jesting over champagne flutes and the admiration of colour and brush strokes.  All false.  Oliver cares little;  for,  behind the glamour and falsehood,  there is profit to be made.  Yulya receives from him a smile to match the room,      ‘  A pleasure,  ’      She already knows of him;  he does not recognise her but assumes her a plus one without hesitation or argument,      ‘  I’ve always had a penchant for the rare;  the forgotten things,  ’      A line right out of his Forbes cover story,      ‘  Such has the ability to change the character of a room;  our next exhibition will likely beget something quite different.  Perhaps you’ll visit,  then,  too.  ’
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          Matters like these were handled quietly, attempting not to alarm the visitors. Sarah had done what she could, but even getting herself in harm’s way couldn’t prevent the death of the young man working for the park’s vet. They had underestimated the strength of Lady Margaret as they tried to sedate her; the groggy triceratops was still coordinated enough to charge, still quick enough to get him. It had taken another shot and ten more minutes for her to finally collapse. Too late for the boy. 
            Now she sat outside on a boulder, drinking the water offered by one of the paramedics. She had already shooed them away when they started to dab at the little cuts and bruises on her arms and knees.
THE AIR’S THICK,  FEELS HOTTER THAN IT SHOULD BE.  Oliver’s heart beats in his ears,  a heavy thud,  thud,  thudding he cannot hear over.  He’s removed from the situation quickly,  but the image paints itself stubbornly within his mind.  He swallows his shock,  but it doesn’t remove the bile from the back of his throat;  every breath tastes like failure.  He’d been called to work over the minor injuries,  shock and breathlessness,  and he’s exhausted much in the green kit perched on the end of his fingers.
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Sarah,  sat in the silence in the wake.  The notion of company doesn’t so much as beckon him as it mindlessly draws him forth.  He,  too,  sits,  his hands turning over themselves between his knees.  Hunched forward,  he ducks his head.  There’s a pregnant silence betwixt,  and during this time he’s peering at his feet.  One shoe scuffed,  the other stained.  Oliver finds her in his periphery,  cut and bruised,  but otherwise fine,      ‘  Are you alright?  ’
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Jurassic World. Fallen Kingdom TRAILER
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RP MASTERLIST. jurassic park series
REBLOG this post if you rp a canon or oc character from the aforementioned fandom or have a verse for it and specify in the tags so you can be added.
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early paris mornings
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❛  Mr.  Lucas?  ❜  she’s  made  the  effort  to  wear  a  dress,  WHITE.  A  faint  shade  of  pink  colors  her  plump  lips.  She  doesn’t  need  to  force  a  smile  on  her  face;  it  comes  NATURALLY.  By  how  UNAPPROACHABLE  the  businessman  turned  out  to  be,  she  was  expecting  someone  MORE…  well,  different.  ❛  forgive  me,  uhm…  I  just  wanted  to  tell  you  I  admire  what  you  are  doing  with  the  gallery.  This  is…  absolutely  stunning.  ❜
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FEW WOULD PIN ONE OLIVER LUCAS AS A CONNOISSEUR;  not in the arts,  at least.  This showing is unashamedly swathed in the gold light of opulence  ---  the guests are draped in gilded fabrics,  their eyes hungry for whatever they might grasp.  It would be a hard push,  in fact,  to find on single person interested in the sweep of the brush or the painted light.  The professionals will come later,  he thinks,  for now it is only a play.
‘  It has indeed taken a lot of work,  ’      Not necessarily his own,  of course.  Oliver lifts his chin,  admires this girl with his usual geniality,      ‘  Do you have a favourite piece?  ’
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the song of achilles meme
       i recently finished this book and it was just…so…beautiful, so i wanted to make a lil meme thing cause their were a lot of really great quotes & actions tbh. i thought it’d be nice to share ‘em and write ‘em out. change the pronouns to your liking ~
p.s. i kinda went over board so i put my favs above the read more and the rest ( more generic types of sent. memes ) under the read more. enjoy !
“ i will never leave ____. it will be this , always, for as long as _____ will let me. “
“ i would like to know how you are going to stop the losers from declaring war on you ? “
“ will you help me put the rest of my armor on ? “
“ we are finished here. “
“ do not leave. “
“ did you ever think of having children ? “
“ ___ is half my soul, as the poets say. “
“ I could recognize ____ by touch alone, by smell; I would know ____ blind, by the way ____ breaths came and ___ feet struck the earth. I would know ____ in death “
“ coward. “
“ ____ is a weapon. a killer. do not forget it. “
“ you can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change it’s nature. “
“ i do not plan to live after ____ is gone. “
“ philtatos. “ ( means ‘most beloved’ ) 
“ i could kill you still. “
“ i am sorry for your loss. “
“ name one hero who was happy. “
“ they never let you be famous and happy. “
“ let me bring you food and drink. “
“ i cannot bear to see you grieving. “
“ there are no bargains between lions and men. i will kill you and eat you raw. “
“ is it worth your life ? “
“ i hope that ____ kills you. “
“ get out. get out ! “
“ _____ is dead. “
“ i am buried here. “
“ we die so easily. “
“ you will not speak another word or you will be sorry. “
“ i wish he had left you to all die. “
“ if you have to go, i will go with you. “
“ i am made of memories. “
“ listen to me. “
“ i will not live much longer. “
“ you are a better man than i. “
“ i do not need to prove myself to you. “
“ are you calling me a liar ? “
“ i do not care. i will be dead soon. “
Keep reading
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