oraiaphonos · 9 years
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this goes for here too 
haven't been around in a few months 
henning returns tomorrow as well
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one more week left before spring semester starts again 
i’ll be back tomorrow to get to replies 
hopefully everyone has been doing alright 
talk to you soon
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"I don't see why not... " He broke out of his own stretch of silence, somewhat uncertain if opening his eyes was the correct course of action. Obviously, Henning knew that nothing good would come out of swaying back and forth by the soles of his shoes, but personally... there was this sinking feeling in his gut keeping him from pushing forward. It made no sense to be scared of the outcome, especially when death greeted them with open arms not too long back, but old habits were difficult to break. 
More so when asked to lose them on the spot, but he had to give himself the benefit of the doubt. They had thought hard about this carriage, and damn it, it was going to be there--it had to be there. 
Exhaling loudly, he willed his eyes open, hoping for something to be there. 
"Do you see anything?" His voice was soft, wavering as he glanced around until his eyes locked on the coach residing some feet away. Hesitantly, Henning stepped forward, turning back to Rene as his hand slipped out of hers. While he preferred not to let go, he wanted to make sure this was real.
"...Well then."
"You’re the one who suggested it so I’m afraid you have to take the lead here. Sorry I don’t make the rules." She shot him an almost cheeky looking smile. Sure it was a bit of a far-fetched thing and there was no way to know this was going to work at all but they needed some hope about their situation right now. This was it.
"Alright, just think… really hard" she repeated before closing her eyes. On his count she began to think of a rather common horse-drawn carriage. Her focus was less on the actual appearance and more on just the thing existing.
It took what felt like ages before Rene piped up, eyes still closed.
"Uh… should we check now…?"
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
Joan Ambrosio Dalza: ‘Calata Ala Spagnola’ Christopher Wilson, lute
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
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By all means bother the heck outta him, preferably when you aren't cluttered with a lot of other interactions lmao <3 I was thinking on continuing something with the little bro because he'd love to get to know his brother's nerdy roommate--yes, think about the little brother. LOVE THE LITTLE BROTHER 8)
But ye, take your time!
Henning'll be floating around until someone pokes and prods him uwu
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
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Ehh, I getcha
Thanks for letting me know, tho.
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
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Surprisingly enough, I don't have any replies to get to on Henning, but I'll use to post to make a list of the ongoing(?) roleplays that I have at the moment. If anyone sees something that needs changing, like the status of the thread because sometimes threads can die or are just forgotten for other things, please let me know? If you'd like to start something, you can hit me up in the inbox for sure!
I'll be reblogging this every once in awhile with updates and what not~
Current Threads:
Rene {hoplismena} - [ bitter cranky ghosties ] 
Lynne {parisayophiel}
Gelgar {notdrinkingonthejob}
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"How can I be in charge of the operation when I barely understand what I'm trying to say here?" He tossed over a slight look of hopelessness, still a bit unsure in whether the two of them should actually go through with this plan. There was no turning back, now that everything they've worked for up until now has come to an unexpected halt, so was there even a reason for him to be doubting what little options they had? Henning couldn't think of one, so the shift towards relying on concepts commonly found in children's tales was one of the more suitable last resorts. 
Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try. 
"Well, our hands are already joined so we've had that part down," he teased, nudging his head downward, "so I'd say let's go for the thinking extra hard bit." 
His grip tightened, once again for reassurance, as he closed his eyes.
"On three just... clog up your thoughts with the image of a horse drawn carriage. Whatever you want it and the horse to look like is up to you, but fingers crossed that this works. One... two..."
"A carriage huh? I actually like the sound of that."
If this was truly how things were done here then it definitely might be beneficial to have some wheels. Especially if they were going to do a lot of roaming. Even then if it appeared they wouldn’t have to roam at all they could just wish for new things to dot the landscape. It would be better than anything right now, the white was beginning to feel a little suffocating. How something could be so expansive yet so restricting at the same time she had no idea.
"Shush about that, you have a pretty decent idea. How should we go about this though? I mean do we join hands and think really hard? Say it out loud? You’re the one in charge of this whole operation now, I hope you know."
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"I just told him as I see it everyday, and he took it from there. Any friends of his big brother are great in his book, that's the logic he stands by, my writing didn't do much but illustrate a visual of you." 
Henning frowned at the foot that had kicked his, trying to take on a slightly pathetic look on the account that he hadn't been able to jab at Gelgar in the first place. Careful or not, that was a cheap shot on his roommate's part, and he was more than ready to make that known--feel guilty, you. 
"It was his idea. I told him I'd have to talk with you and the others about it first," he confessed, turning to a new page, "but he seems eager either way. Hey, he isn't the best writer out there, but he's more than ready to yammer away about his adventures around our house."
"Psh, I didn’t do anything to make him think I was even remotely cool. It’s all on you, man. All. On. You.  For makin’ me look good in writing."
Gelgar kicked back at Henning’s foot—carefully. “Yeah that’s, uh—it’s fine. But I might…need your help writing back. Can’t let him see what a piece of shit writer I am or anything, y’know?”
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"Well, the kiddo admires you, and I don't have the heart to tell him to call it quits. It's your fault he thinks you're cool beans." He paused in the midst of writing to try and poke at Gelgar's side with his foot to emphasize his statement, only to remember they were some distance away from each other now.
So much for that point he was trying to make.
"I told you were in for something major when I asked if it was okay to mention you in that letter I was writing. Now he can't keep quiet about you, or anyone else on the squad for that matter." 
His brother never got tired of what he had to say about his squad. 
"...He might be sending a letter your way soon, if that's okay?"
"Aw, geesh—you gotta tell the little punk that he should be tryna be like you, not like me. We all know I’m a piece of shit most of the time."
It was still flattering, though, and made him grin.
He’d missed seeing his younger brother grow up; his parents hadn’t wanted him to be a bad influence. That Henning’s little brother liked him at all was…
It was really nice.
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
He accepted the notebook that was handed to him, and began flipping through for a fresh page. It had been some time since he wrote down a finished piece, recognizing the little tidbits and notes scribbled around the margins. At the mention of his kid brother from Gelgar, Henning noticed a second set of writing alongside the last cluttered page of verses--Hugo's handwriting. 
"Yeah, that... that sounds good. Something for him to read since I know he's gotten through the books back home--even if I didn't forget a single thing from the story we both know he'll have a handful of questions to ask either way." It was hard to hide his smile when talking about his brother.
The kid was a ball of energy you couldn't even try to ignore, honestly.
"If I tell him you liked it, he'll probably go out of his way to try and appreciate it in the same light."
Gelgar sat up and reached for the notebook before pushing himself out of bed. He handed it to Henning.
"Geesh—Hugo’ll probably love it. Don’t forget anything or he’ll ask you a thousand questions. Oh—and maybe you should make him a copy of it. You know, so he has it when you’re here instead of at home."
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
He hadn't expected for Lynne's explanation to ignite whatever pent up anger she might've been feeling earlier, but it was in his best interests to try and calm her down again. While he couldn't imagine why someone would keep on with a senseless attack on another person after getting the heads up that they were wrong with their target, it wasn't the important thing to focus on.
Something that could have been potentially dangerous had happened to Lynne, and well, he was thankful that she had at least fought some of them back. He found himself sighing again, as he gave her a reassuring ruffle of the hair to get her to focus on something else.
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"Hey, it's okay... you don't have to say anything else. I got the gist of it, and I'm really sorry to hear you got caught up in something like that, but don't you think you're making somewhat... of a big deal about hiding the fight?" He suggested carefully, hoping to avoid any metaphorical landmines. 
"I mean, you're okay. Gelgar patched you up. You managed to get a few punches in. You had no problem telling me this, so... why not Nanaba--don't pout so much, you know I got a point." 
Lynne continued to pout, she knew Henning was right, she knew that Nanaba probably would see things from her point of view - but then she would also be telling her off for getting into flights, instead of simply walking away from it.
"A bunch of bimbos thought I was someone else in the village, ‘cause I was in my civies." She began to explain to him, "apparently, they thought I was this other bimbo who has been sleeping with their boyfriends and so they decided to teach me a lesson, despite me telling them I wasn’t this chick!"
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Explaining the whole thing, began to rile her up - she was still annoyed over the fact she was mistaken for some random chick. “And there was like five of them, and I wasn’t going to let them gang up on me and bash me - heh I got two of them back though.”
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"Teamwork, believing in yourself, and maybe... how it isn't right to judge a person based on words you've heard from others." Henning added with a laugh of his own, not at all surprised with the visual Gelgar was probably getting. Whenever there was a story that involved a cat, especially when it was one of his own musical tales, Nanaba was normally one of the firsts to take a seat and get invested. So it was in his best interests to make sure this ended on a positive note for everyone.
"Give it a catchy conclusion because it's always fun to end a happy story with those. I think I'll stash this away for the next time I go home, so I can play it for Hugo--could you hand me my notebook?" 
If Gelgar felt somewhat invested in the tale, he could only imagine how his kid brother would respond to it. The thought made him happy for sure.
Gelgar couldn’t help but laugh: he could picture the look from Nanaba easily.
"Yeah, you should go with that," he said. "Then you have some kinda moral lesson about teamwork or whatever, and everyone wins. Including Nanaba; she won’t have to give you any horrible looks if you make sure the cat’s safe."
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"I try my best~" Henning gave a tip of an imaginary hat before scratching the back of his head, wondering exactly what could be a good something to think about. While he had mentioned the infinite possibilities that could exist in this strange limbo-esque environment, they would have to reduce their options to one thing for now. Call it a test experiment of sorts... to see if this idea of his actually worked out in their favor, but he found himself stumped on what they could wish for. "But yes, the same thing would make the most sense. Our wishes combined should give us enough power to hopefully make something appear--I cannot believe I actually suggested this."
He shook his head in disbelief as his grip on Rene's hand tightened for a short moment, trying to come up with something that would make sense.
This... was harder than he thought--oh, wait.
"How about... a carriage? Let's wish for a carriage." 
Better to have something lead them forward instead of wandering around on foot for god knows how long.
"The amazing Henning always has a trick up his sleeves or a smart answer for everything, huh? So… alright we’ll just wish really hard for something I suppose."
Looking around at the area around them in a way it really did seem like a blank canvas. It was a white void waiting for something to be added to the landscape. But the question of whether they were the ones supposed to add those things to it remained to be seen. The more she thought about it however the more sense it made.
"So… we should probably think about the same thing at once right? Like to make sure we’ve got a lot of power of belief going right?" She wasn’t even sure where she was going with that to be honest. It had sounded so dumb when it left her mouth but she kept going. 
"What should we even think about…?"
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"There's nothing wrong with liking a story about a mouse, especially one as brave as the Lone Mouse." He reassured, now plucking at one particular string of the lute. He was trying to find the right flow, something that could bring about a good conclusion to the impromptu legend--speaking of his title character, that random mouse had made itself known in the room again.
Henning blinked carefully, watching as the small creature crawled along the wall. He couldn't help to wonder where it was running off to now. There wasn't anything around for it to nibble on.
"Ah, the cat? No way is it going to be harmed to that extent--that's too much even more for me, and Nanaba'd give me that disappointed mom look if I did that. Maybe the Lone Mouse'll team up with his family and rescue the cat from the clutches of the humans looking to get it out of the headquarters."
He looked to Gelgar for a thumbs up or down. 
"Nah, it’s not really childish… I like it fine—just feel kinda dumb liking something about a mouse, honestly. It’s pretty clever, though. So far. I guess if you wanna avoid drama you could, uh…"
He had to think about it. He really wasn’t very creative most of the time.
"Just don’t kill the cat, I guess," he said. "Even if it gets caught or somethin’."
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
Okay, it's after 5 am and I think I'm going to hit the hay!
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This is the first in a long while I've stayed up so late, but it was worth it cause I was active here and that was super special awesome... but I need some sleep or else I'll fall over faster than a lumberjack can shout timber. So, um, hopefully I can slide my butt back around here at a decent time and maybe hope on over to my other blog who I neglected today cause juggling two is kinda stressful.
See you cool cats later, and hopefully you all have a good night and a wonderful day to come! Sweet dreams for sure 8)
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oraiaphonos · 10 years
"But how much drama would be too much?" He frowned a bit, an expression that was all too familiar every time he found himself stuck on something. Gelgar had a point with the ending. Henning wanted the mouse to reunite with his family, and maybe introduce them to his feline companion... although it would have been interesting if something was to happen to the mouse's new friend. "I was thinking on a final stab of suspense with the cat getting caught since it's not supposed to be there but I'm not sure..."
Puffing his cheeks out, he absentmindedly started playing a repeat of the last verse he concluded the existing parts of the story with, only to pause momentarily as Gelgar's other comment.
"You shouldn't be too surprised, I've written up weirder tales for you to review and hopefully enjoy--did you like it, or too childish for your tastes?" 
"Aw, geesh," Gelgar said. "That’s a shitty place to leave it. I mean, it could be cool to tell it in installments, right? Keep the drama going. I can’t believe I just listened to a ballad about a mouse. I don’t even know what to say. But you can’t leave it there forever. I vote for a happy ending, as dumb and corny as that sounds; we live a cliffhanger life already—don’tcha think that’s enough?"
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