orange-delicacy · 1 year
Pleasantview: Spring 3 round
Hey, welcome to the spring session. These kids from spring have already returned from their studies and have become fully adults.
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Jacob Dreamer (Lilith and Dirk Dreamer son)
Philomena Langerak ( She is the adopted child of Kaylynn Langerak)
Seraphim Newbie ( Angelica Pleasant and Dustin Newbie daughter)
Mario Miller (Son of NPC Kaylynn Spitzig)
Alfons Landgraab (Dina and Malcolm Landgraab son)
Lydia Newbie (daughter of Beau Newbie(Broke))
Norbert Langerak (Berry Dreamer and Gabriel Langerak son)
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orange-delicacy · 1 year
Pleasantview: Autumn/ Winter 2 round
Today will be short :) I combine the two remaining seasons of the year, because there were few children in this game. :)
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20. Veronica Newbie ( Dustin Newbie(Broke) and Meadow Thayer daughter)
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21. Dorothy Pleasant (Nina Caliente and Daniel Pleasant daughter)
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orange-delicacy · 1 year
Pleasantview: Summer 2 round
Hi. I had to divide this post into several parts because there are so many kids that it would be hard to squeeze them all in here :P Also today's post will be dedicated to adult children of the summer second round.
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Everyone here is siblings, I mean it just so happened that everyone I'm going to introduce here are siblings. 8 and 9. Anita and John Pleasant (Bella Goth and Daniel Pleasant kids)
10. and 11. Egon and Roxana Szulc ( Nina Kaliente and Ray(townie) kids)
12. and 13. Constance and Leo Newbie ( Dustin Newbie(Broke) and Meadow Thayer kids)
14. an 15. Marceline and Michael Dreamer ( Brandi and Darren Dreamer kids)
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16. and 17. Paul and Peter Landgraab ( Dina Kaliente and Malcolm Landgraab sons)
The best part is that I don't know where the red hair gene in Landgraab's sons came from… Maybe Dina had this gene from her mother who passed on? um…
18. and 19. Robert and Simon Lothario ( Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario sons) Funfact:
Robert and Marceline are married, their first child, Aurelia, was born recently.
Anita and Paul were married but very briefly, today they hate each other and are already in happy relationships. Anita is dating Egon and I'm still wondering what to do with these two.
Leo and Roxana are also a happy married couple, for now I will not breed them, but who knows, who knows…
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orange-delicacy · 2 years
Pleasantview: Spring 2 round
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I'm throwing here adult children from the second round, only from spring. In the second round there were many more children, so I have to divide the post into 4 parts. Let's start!
Louise Lothario (Cassandra and Don daughter)
Adam Szulc (Nina and Ray(townie) son)
and 4. Burb siblings Polly and Tim (Esmeralda and John kids)
5. and 6. Langerak sisters Rosalie and Ursula (Daniel Pleasant and Kaylynn Langerak kids)
7. Alex Landgraab (Dina and Malcolm daughter)
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orange-delicacy · 2 years
Adult kids of my first round.
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Elisa Newbie(1) (Brandi and Skip's daughter)
Julia Goth(2) Victoria Goth(3) (Bella and Mortimer daughter)
In Polish, the names of girls 4 and 5 make sense, in English they will simply be fruit names. I present to you the (4) Raspberry Dreamer and (5) Berry Dreamer (Brandi and Darren daughter)
Gabriel Langerak(6) (Daniel Pleasant and Kaylynn Langerak son)
Susanna Goth(7) and Francis Goth(8) (Dina Caliente and Mortimer Goth kids)
Dominic(9) Olga(10) and Helen(11) triplets Pleasant (Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant kids)
Olive Lothario (12) ( Don Lothario and Nina Caliente daughter)
Silvester Goth (13) (Don Lothario and Bella Goth son)
There are also some interesting facts :)
Berry Dreamer and Gabriel Langerak have a child or even two and are in a happy relationship even though Berry is a romance sim.
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orange-delicacy · 2 years
Hello! Ten turns are behind me. Pleasantview has changed, although the starting sims are still alive. Still :). In general, I play four days every turn. And today I would like to show you, show off the sims who left this game, in general I will show children, but already grown up, sometimes I will discuss starting families and what has changed with them. So what? We start?
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