Tadashi: Bot fighting is illegal. You’re gonna get yourself arrested!
Hiro: YoU’rE gOnNa GeT yOuRsElF aRrEsTeD
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Honey Lemon: That’s not science.
Fred: ThAt’S nOt ScIeNcE
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Baymax: You have fallen.
Hiro: YoU hAvE fAlLeN
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Gogo: Why are we stopped?
Wasabi: The light’s red!
Gogo: tHe LiGhT’s ReD
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Baymax: Tadashi is here.
Hiro: tAdAsHi Is HeRe
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I may have gotten a bit carried away… Inspired by this post
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witches protecting trans boys
Witches drawing a sigil on trans boys’ binder labels to make sure they stay safe and healthy while wearing them Witches helping trans boys to destroy their dysphoria by getting them to stomp their feet and shaking it all out, quickly sweeping it away with their broom
Witches enchanting a necklace to give trans boys happiness in their hair cut and jaw line Witches taking trans boys for a calming walk in the forest, making them an antler crown from broken twigs and saying they look like a very handsome forest Prince Witches giving trans boys a piece of Carnelian to squeeze every time they take a deep breath and prepare to speak to give them confidence in their voice Witches making up specially charged cups of tea to send positive energy from head to toe as a substitute for T when trans boys are really down for not having it yet, as a magical “tea” shot Witches cursing transphobes and not letting anyone harm their trans brothers Witches falling in love with trans boys and being so excited to watch their boyfriends grow into charming young men full of star dust Witches protecting trans boys
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"I think I'm doing witchcraft"
Me, staring at a candle for a solid 23 minutes: ........
Me, swinging a pendulum: should I have macaroni and cheese for dinner?
Me, talking to rocks: hello I love you everyone gets to be kissed
Me, kissing my rocks: cleansed♡
Me, lighting incense and waving it around: YeSSS
Me, throwing herbs into a bottle: okay yeah uh rosemary represents like.. love. I think. This is a love potion. Yeah
Me, chugging piping hot tea: SELF CARE
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me: shit it's full moon i forgot
me:*throws crystals on the windowsill* charge, my children
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“You Cannot Touch Her” Curse/Binding
This curse is particularly for people who have done harm in the past, and as such already known to be a potential threat. The idea is to keep the person from speaking to or approaching the one you’re trying to protect, and to make them feel watched and judged for their past actions.
You will need the following:
A jar big enough to hold a poppet
Some kind of poppet - I used a wooden one with the offender’s name written on the bottom. A photo could also be used
White out
A black candle
A mixture of black salt & cayenne pepper
A sigil of your own design meaning “You cannot touch [name or pronoun]”
A permanent marker
Light the candle and white out the mouth of your poppet. Roll the poppet in the mixture of black salt and cayenne pepper (black salt tends to stain so keep this in mind). Place it in the jar and seal the lid, leaving the poppet inside under the gaze of dozens of eyes. Write your sigil on the lid. During or after all of this, say the following aloud or think it to yourself (change pronouns accordingly):
You cannot touch her. You cannot speak to her. Think of her and bring this curse upon you. May your tongue catch in your throat if you dare to reach her. May you burn and ache if you come near. May you feel eyes upon your back each time you think her name. They’re watching. I’m watching. May you forever question the gaze of others - Do they know the things you’ve done? I do. I curse you. I bind you. You cannot touch her.
Stash the jar in a dark place, like a closet or a cabinet (I don’t recommend burying jars). Let the candle burn until it extinguishes itself.
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my favorite trope maybe ever is the shitty witch. the witch who doesnt give a fuck about atmosphere or anything. if you ask her for an energy potion she’ll make you coffee with redbull in it and toss in a few herbs for flavor. her spellbook is this crusty ass 50-cent journal she picked up at walmart with coupons wedged between the pages. uses a candlestick for a wand. her familiar is a rabid squirrel she picked up off the street that exclusively dines on raw meat. probably owns a set of brass knuckles. they’re not enchanted or anything she just likes to do things the old-fashioned way sometimes
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cheek kisses
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*spongebob narrator voice* ah… the temptations of the flesh
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I added some filters to my Jesla manip…I like it! (x)
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You roll into a small town early in the evening, go to the local diner and order a steak off the menu. You’re brought soup. You are confused. You look around you and you notice everyone else is being given soup, yet are still ordering a variety of things from the menu. You think it’s a joke but upon a second look of the menu it is merely all soup. The chefs special is Soup soup with soup. You bring it up to a waitress. She seems startled by your accusation. She asks another person at another table what they ordered. They say soup and then have a startled look on their face. Everyone within earshot begins to panic and ask eachother what is going on. The room descends into chaos. You try to leave through the front door. But there is only soup.
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life updates i still have a piss fetish and tangled up in mysteries is still the best fic nothing has changed
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i wanna delete all my posts but i have like 16,000 so lets not
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Me when I first joined Tumblr: Oh, I already reblogged this. That's too bad.
Me now: I reblogged this every day for the last three weeks and I'mma do it again. I don't give a fuck.
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2008-2011: the meme renaissance
2012-2013: meme shaming, memeing not condoned by the public and is considered unforgivable
2014: the second meme renaissance, memeing is once again in style , the world is at peace
2015: putin bans memes, memeing intensifies
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let this be my legacy
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