orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
Character solidifying!
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
A pause. Oh, right--he’d heard about a certain mercenary group being revived in this damned place, of course the other would be a part of it. Was that clinging to his past or something? Disgusting, but it wasn’t as if Lusa gave a damn about the personal history of the ones he once traveled with. 
     “They keep ya busy then, eh? Ya dun’ look so burned out as I’ve seen ya before, so tha’s somethin’, not that I give a good eldamn.”
A huff would sound, and when the other finally called him out on his selfish act of taking a little kitten off the streets, his cheeks would burn nearly enough to rival a certain elbrat’s hair. 
     “S-shut t’fuck up, ya damn bird! I’ll shock ya ‘til all yer hair falls out! Ya wanna fuckin’ go?!”
Yeah, Rex had definitely hit a sore spot with the Lunatic. His expression would swiftly turn into a pout, however. 
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     “...I can do whatever t’hell I want, yanno.”
Scuffing a foot against the ground, his words were an embarrassed mumble. Still he listened to the other’s words, a little growl of frustration escaping from him as he heard that Rex didn’t have an immediate answer. 
Folding his arms across his chest, he’d remain silent for a long time. Stubbornly wanting to say ‘no’ just to tick the other off, but..this was important, so he had to shove petty childish actions aside. 
     “Fine...but ya better not be stallin’, or I swear t’El that I’ll make yer days miserable.”
Feeling confident in that threat, he’d motion for the other to move. He was fidgety and impatient, far too restless to be stuck waiting for a bird to walk as slow as a glacier moves. 
Hopefully his glare would be sufficient. 
It was fortunate that Rex didn’t mind Lusa’s presence too much, and he waved off the brawler’s initially blunt outburst with a subtle shrug, opting to simply explain himself.  “I needed to buy supplies for the Crow Mercs, so our medics can properly tend to anyone injured.”
While Lusa took the time to compose himself–something Rex didn’t immediately notice–Rex fished through the cart to double-check that he had most of what he needed.  Yep, all he needed was bandages and he was…
What was this about little animals…?
Immediately Rex’s attention was focused squarely on Lusa, listening closely to what he was saying.  He couldn’t quite stop the corner of his mouth from quirking up into a subtle smile, realizing that for all his bravado as being a tough guy, Lusa really did have a soft spot in there somewhere.
Even if said soft spot was for a little kitten.
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“Well, that’s not something I’d expected to hear from you,” he commented, a bemused smile on his face.  “The mighty Lunatic Psyker saving a kitten.”  His tone held nothing that would indicate him mocking Lusa–rather it was more of surprise.
“I prefer birds so I don’t know much about cats, but I do have a phone with internet service so I can try to look up how to tend to one.  Lemme check out first, okay?  I’m sure Raven would understand why some of our medical supplies are missing if I explain it to him.”
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
                  IF YOU HAVE TO FIGHT,               PUNCH FIRST AND PUNCH HARD.               
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
LP: Why is this food so salty?
EM: It's the tears of all the people you pissed off.
LP: Nah,Its your cooking. Its shit.
EM: ( •̀ロ•́)و
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
His hand would drop from his face out of sheer exhaustion, his arm hanging limp at his side as he heard the other’s words. Rex was too kind a man. This wasn’t something Lusa had ever experienced before, in all honesty. 
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Rex’s words were attacking his self that wanted to be alone to distance himself and alienate himself. Though his body could no longer feel pain, his chest ached, confusing the Lunatic. 
His eyes were closed in thought as the other spoke, for the longest time attempting to block the other out entirely. He wanted this...he didn’t want this...he couldn’t make up his mind at all. 
Though he was utterly silent, it wasn’t as if he wasn’t listening. As the other approached again, his frame would tense, as if a cat wary of anything resembling danger. 
     “It’s hard to think I can change. You seem to think it’s possible, but...is it really? If you’re wrong you’re going to get hurt and...a-and I don’t want that. I’m not...the same as the ones back then...who killed everyone. I keep saying that, but what if I AM the same? I won’t stop at just one...I can feel it.”
A trembling voice would dissipate into nothingness as he heard Rex’s final words. His eyes would open, only to wince closed as he hunched over with a sob. Something held back so long had been released, and now Lusa had a name for it. Grief. 
Nobody had truly helped him before. The word ‘help’ didn’t mean squat to him--so why was he crying? Wave upon wave, he couldn’t stop himself from this outburst, letting loose all that had once been trapped within. 
Why did the fact that someone still considered him human, that he wasn’t truly a bad person, bother him so much? The insistence by the other was painful, but some part of the Lunatic clung to that. 
Before he knew it, he’d moved forward, drawing the other into a hug, with his face buried into the other’s shoulder. If the other was acting so damn kind, they better be able to handle this much. 
His voice, normally harsh and abrasive, would sound childlike now in demeanor as two words Lusa never thought he'd say would escape from him now. Words that once had been lost on the ears of those who had enslaved him, it was always a silent prayer that had never once been answered.
     "...Help me."
Rex watched Lusa’s reactions carefully, noting his going tense at being grabbed like that and taking note to not do so again.  Gold eyes glanced toward the Dynamo for a half-second, before returning to the other, still watching him closely.
The silence ticked on, Rex not bothering to speak until Lusa did so, at which point he would reply–with the same, almost fatherly tone as he had been using earlier.
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Keep reading
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
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Illustrator: 루사의 귤토끼♡ [Twitter] Source: [Here]
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
lamia, belias + carreau
"ask me about my demons"
lamia: how do you feel about children?
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     “Children? Ah, yes..small humans an’ shit. Considerin’ I’m was in a group full of ‘em, I can they they’re a buncha idiot brats, but...if yer talking outside of those dumbasses...kids are...”
     “They’re the ones who need t’be protected.”
belias: do you gossip?
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     “Kuhuhu...! I ain’t got time fer that shit!”
carreau: do you consider yourself compassionate or harsh to others? why?
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     “I ain’t a nice or compassionate sort, yanno. I suppose y’can call me harsh, but...there’s no reason why to it. Nah, scratch that. It’s t’keep people t’fuck away from me.”
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
When Rex grabbed one of Lusa’s wrists, the Lunatic would actually be paralyzed with a combination of fear and revulsion. Contact that he did not initiate...was not something he could handle, and it showed through widened eyes. He would attempt to pull away, but his strength was gone completely, no power within his limbs at all. 
His Dynamo, having lifted off the nearby table as if readying to defend Lusa, would clatter to the ground, as if an invisible wire holding it up were cut. 
He couldn’t look at the other, even when told to--he didn’t have the strength or courage to even lift his head. Instead, he’d hide his face with his free hand, trying desperately to keep himself calm and listen to Rex’s words. 
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Rex was right about his own self and Lusa didn’t deny it. Rex really was wild in battle, and he knew that. Lusa thought that Rex of all people, would understand his inability to control himself, but...Rex never interacted intentionally with demonic powers, did he? The insatiable urge to fight, to gain strength and smash anyone in his way, all stemmed from a choice he’d made just a couple years ago. 
     “...What should I replace about myself then? M’fuckin brain? M’eyes? Ya had an’ arm fuckin’ wit’ ya, an’ I’m just...”
His voice cracked, did he really mean to say all this? 
     “Was it jus’ a simple change of equipment that helped ya? It’s not that simple with everyone. I chose my path, an’ t-this is what I have t’deal with.”
A pause, when the other let go, Lusa would actually sink to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his now freed arm around them, his face still hidden as he vainly tried to get himself together. But...that last question seemed to sting the most. 
     "Do I feel bad? ...I know I shouldn't have killed them, but the worst thing is that...I...I've killed others in Elrios, so why does THIS one have to make me sick?! I can't sleep, I won't eat...every time I close m'eyes, I see that bastard's face."
     "......T'hell is wrong with me?"
Lusa’s reaction was…unexpected, to say the least.
When Rex spoke, he had only had the simple hope that, perhaps, Lusa would consider them.  Take them to heart.  Perhaps understand that Rex didn’t see him as an enemy.  But when Lusa’s head snapped up like that, and Rex could see the tears spilling forward, he didn’t see the Lunatic Psyker, the terror who ripped apart anything in front of him on a battlefield.
He saw a child.  A confused, lost child.
The insistence that Lusa couldn’t change, couldn’t be a good person, fell on deaf ears.  Rex wouldn’t listen to that nonsense.  He wouldn’t accept it.  He himself was able to change, after all.
“…Lusa, look at me.”
He didn’t budge when Lusa grabbed at his shirt, unfazed by the halfhearted attempt to drive him off.  When he let go, Rex would move, grasping one of the brawler’s wrists with his left hand, the prosthetic’s grip strong, but not enough to trap him there.
He didn’t comment on the subtle muscle twitches he saw.
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“…You’ve seen me on the battlefield.  A berserker with no control over himself. When I fight, I can’t ‘see’.  I fight on instinct.  I attack anything that moves.  I can’t force myself to stop on my own.”
“But what do you notice?  The source of all of that is gone now.  My left arm was replaced again, and I haven’t felt a shred of rage.  I’ve been in complete control for quite a while now, and it’s pretty nice.”
After a moment, he would let go, letting his own hand drop down to his side.  “…If you thought I’d be angry at you killing someone, sorry to disappoint you.  I’m a bit upset, but…well, in this city, death isn’t permanent. I’ve died once before.  It’s not pleasant, but everyone comes back if they die.”
There was a pause, Rex shifting his weight slightly.
“…Do you feel bad for killing that person?”
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
"ask me about my demons"
lilith: what was your biggest rebellion against authority? why did you do it? raum: do you have a tendency to hoard anything? if so, what? jezebel: talk about a time you used your sexuality to get your way mephistopheles: have you ever helped  a loved one destroy themselves? verrier: do you find yourself disobeying or obeying most authority? asmodeus: on whom do you want revenge and how would you take it? baal: if you were a god, how would you prefer to be worshipped? lamia: how do you feel about children? lucifer: what are you most proud of? sonneillon: do you hate anyone? batibat: talk about the worst nightmare you have ever had abaddon: what person, place, or thing have you most wanted to destroy? belias: do you gossip? abraxas: do you believe in any higher power? if so, what? ornias: talk about a time where you felt drained of energy lix tetrax: if you could travel by wind, where would you go? astaroth: have you ever falsely accused someone? carreau: do you consider yourself compassionate or harsh to others? why? leviathan: what do you believe lies in the unexplored areas of the ocean? belphigor: if you could pick 3 forms to shapeshift into, what would they be? azazel: talk about a time when you were falsely blamed for something mammon: when were you most greedy? for what? verrith: are you a patient or impatient person? pythius: out of all the lies you have ever told, which is your favorite? berith: do you often argue with others?
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
[continued from x]
   “It’s because you’re our ally, Lusa.”
Of all the things that the other said, Lusa was stuck on that one line. Everything that carried on after that was just crumbling what Rex had just broken. All those barriers he’d set up to keep people out, Rex had so easily broken. Didn’t he realize Lusa could turn on them at any moment, even if he didn’t really intend to?
     “...I never wanted t’be yer enemy. I only helped out ‘cause I had nothin’ better t’do. I’m only here t’find a way back where I belong, and t’get stronger. Punchin’ some demon broad isn’t a big deal anyway--you lot probably would have found some way t’survive even if I never showed.”
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The Lunatic would turn away from the other to hide the tears forming in his eyes. His shoulders were slumped, and he...appeared to almost be attempting to make himself a smaller target. His hands curled up at his sides, then relaxing. Or rather, the closest they could ever be to relaxed due to the uncontrollable tremor he had, causing his hands to shake--no...his whole frame was shaking from the effort it took not to cry. 
     “I can’t control myself when I’m angry, Rex. I’ve killed someone in this city without meaning to. I’ve done horrible things in Elrios, and it hasn’t changed since I got here. I ain’t like t’rest of t’party. I can’t adjust here, I can’t change.”
But that was when the other put their hand on his shoulder. If not for the pat, he woudn’t have felt it at all, so after the second pat he’d nearly jump out of his skin. Turning to face Rex, it would show that his face was wet from tears. He actually looked...lost. There was no anger here, no hostility, just a childlike confusion and pain. 
   “You’re a good person, Lusa.”
     “I gave up my chance t’be a good person a long time ago. Add, the other ‘me’ here, has a chance, but I’m too far gone. If ya keep tryin’ to fix what can’t be repaired, yer only gonna end up gettin’ hurt.”
He’d move swiftly, grabbing the other by the front of their shirt, a last ditch attempt to scare the other away, but...his grip was too weak. He would let go with an exhausted sigh
     “Leave me alone.”
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
Hoe, don't do it.
13. Stealing a car
He screamed internally as he drove through the street, Lusa was back seat driving in shot gun while he himself attempted to not crash into 3 buildings. Why the fuck did he agree to this-. Oh god that was a siren wasn’t it? He was going to either die or get arrested. Great.
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[🔪]“Wonderful idea, Lusa. Let’s just steal a car, and make the guy who barely knows how to turn on his cellphone drive. And before you say anything, motorcycles, Airships, and cars are three very different thi-. WHOA. HOLY–… El lady in the highest we are going to die…” He muttered that last bit to himself after turning on a very sharp corner.
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
“Hoe Don’t Do It”
Send me “Hoe Don’t Do It” and I’ll generate a number
1. Chugging an entire bottle of hot sauce
     “I have’ta get stronger, so ya can’t stop me from doin’ this, lady! Jus’ watch, I can down t’whole thin’!”
Oh, and he meant it. He downed the entire bottle in a few gulps, and...
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He couldn’t remember losing consciousness, but the Lunatic would find himself waking up upon a bed. 
     “...Worth it.”
His voice sounded quite raspy...by the El, he actually wanted water. 
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
“It’s possible that you may have a problem.”
UNDERTALE starters
     “Naw, I don’t, but yer gonna have a problem if ya don’ think this lil’ nya is cute as fuck, I’m tellin’ ya. Look at ‘im!”
The little kitten he’d found off the streets was held gently in the Lunatic’s hands, before being held up to the other’s face, where the feline would give a little purr, nuzzling the older male’s face. 
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     “...Kuhuhu....he likes ya, see?!”
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
“Do you wanna have a bad time? ‘Cause if you take another step forward… you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.”
UNDERTALE starters
Oh, so whatever this man called himself, Dread or Dreg or whoever, was actually trying to start something? A ‘bad time’? Lusa was not amused by this at all. It sounded like a challenge, for starters, and Lusa didn’t have an opinion enough of this idiot to know if he wanted to punch him in the gut or in the face. 
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     “T’only bad time tha’s gonna happen is if ya open yer mouth one more time t’spout bullshit like that.”
He’d take another step forward. 
     “What are ya gonna do, fight me? Bring it on.” 
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
Send me “Hoe Don’t Do It” and I’ll generate a number
Chugging an entire bottle of hot sauce
Admitting a crush
Running a red light
Kissing your muse
Flipping off a police officer
Setting a chip on fire and eating it
Telling a bad pun
Proposing to your muse (real or fake, you decide)
Starting a flash mob
Commencing an impromptu rap battle
Killing a man
Robbing a gas station
Stealing a car
Carrying your muse someplace
Pushing your muse out of a helicopter, with or without a parachute
Playing a game of chicken with cars
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orantyouclever-blog · 8 years
"what do penguins do in a race? they peng-win,"
club penguin bans sentence starters
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     “Ya soun’ like one of those damn bear like creatures in Elrios, pong.”
Oh dammit, he did it. 
     “Dammit, I’m gonna punch ya fer that, bird brain. The only bird gonna win is t’penguin, not yer crows. Birds of a feather? Pshhh, what a joke.”
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