orcgirlart · 1 month
one thing tumblr has unironically done to improve my mental health is completely rewrite how i view disgust as a concept. there is no higher compliment to me than being told i have something wrong with me and should be ashamed of myself when i'm just living my life in a way that is perhaps odd and hard to understand, but ultimately as harmless as you can get in our society. which probably wasn't the intention of all the advice i got in therapy to reframe my negative thought patterns as more positive ones, but it's doing great things for me.
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orcgirlart · 1 month
So it can interest you to learn what was the Lewald's inspiration for the TAS episode Beauty and the Beast and the character of Carly.
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I feel like that final line basically entitles me to a continuation of this storyline in X-Men '97, because good god, TAS writers, you really do just want to stab me in the heart, don't you?
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orcgirlart · 2 months
I got into a car accident yesterday, I am OKAY, but the repairs are going to make it difficult to get my spouse to his doctor appointments. if you can spare anything and share the GFM we would be extremely grateful.
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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orcgirlart · 2 months
Will you be doing another chapter of Naomi x Wreck it Ralph?
Hey thanks for taking the time to read my fan fiction. I would really like to return to it someday. I hate being such a flake when it comes to finishing my fan fics, but I work a lot and I get distracted 😅
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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I am not just evil. I am extremely evil. I am the most evil of all evil beings. Nothing is more evil!!
Behold, my new temporary header for the month of August!! This was so fun to make, I honestly might do similar ones in the future uwu 💚 Give it a reblog if you like, all reblogs, tags, and comments are seen and appreciated!! 🥺
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orcgirlart · 2 months
"I was really tempted to make this a montage of Hank taking sitting on the edge of a chair to its natural extreme, because no-one sits on a chair like goddamn Hank McCoy."
Please don't hold back, just do it 😌 Show us Hank's ways of sitting <3
Hehehe, so, I've been wanting to tackle this one for a while, but it took a little time and I wanted to get my caps together, so, let's get through it, shall we?
So, anyone who's ever consumed a piece of X-Men media is likely aware of the fact that Hank McCoy Does Not Sit On Chairs.
Like, I mean . . . he does.
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He is ostensibly capable of sitting in a chair like a human being would.
But then he does this shit. All the time.
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Hell, how do we meet him in X-Men: The Last Stand?
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Reading, upside down, on the ceiling.
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So, this thing that he does - he does do it every now and then to be intimidating, but let's be real here, Hank doesn't really do intimidating very often.
No, the real reason he does it, is because it's comfortable.
He seemingly has absolutely no issue with blood rushing to the head or orientation causing him vertigo or anything like that, which fits with his superhuman agility, dexterity, and balance - his brain and body seem to be perfectly adapted so that he can remain upside down for as long as he wants without issue.
Hell, Hank's physicality and its role in expressing his character is explicitly called out in Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers #18 as a useful way to immediately communicate to new readers what he's about. He's weird, he's kooky, he's playful, he's not quite like everyone else.
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But it's one thing to hang from the ceiling. It's another entirely to see how Hank deigns to handle actual chairs. Because you'll start a scene, and he'll be like this. Just sitting, normal. Like a normal person sits.
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AAAAAAAND there he goes.
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He just cannot help himself.
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Never has been able to help himself, in fact!
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Hank, I refuse to believe you're washing your feet often enough for this to be hygienic. You're EATING that popcorn! Someone else might want to read that book without wondering why there's a goddamn footprint on it! ALSO!!! That chair is RIGHT there! Sit on it! Don't use it as an arm rest, that's just weird!
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. . . Is this a thing people do? Sleep on their front? I've always found that spectacularly uncomfortable? Just me?
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Hank, you've been alive for like 5 minutes, and you're already back on your bullshit?!
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Oh, you're just doing this to mock me now, you little fucker.
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You too, you little bitch?
But. Yes. Hank clearly does not believe in there being a universally accepted way to sit on chairs.
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orcgirlart · 2 months
Fetish Models discuss Hazbin Hotel
@orcgirlart with me
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orcgirlart · 2 months
Fetish Models discuss Hazbin Hotel
@orcgirlart with me
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orcgirlart · 2 months
some random Mojo Jojo headcanons because I've been brainrotting over him so much lately
he's very well-groomed and takes good care of his hygiene- probably uses the fanciest fucking shampoo to make his fur nice and soft, keeps his hands moisturized (the gloves prevent him from getting them dirty), hell maybe he even uses those face masks with the cucumbers over his eyes and everything LOL
at the same time though he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty if it means his work comes out better- sometimes if he's working on something in minute detail he'll take the gloves off so he gets things more precise
he'll never admit this but he enjoys dressing up and donning disguises whenever the situation calls for it. he's a fashionable monke
sometimes he has to be forced to have fun because he's usually so focused on his work that he feels he doesn't have enough time to let loose. he can be a bit of a stick-in-the-mud sometimes even if he denies it
at the same time though being evil kinda is his idea of fun which like... yes but also no. he gets so stressed out by constantly trying to keep up with the Puffs somebody help him-
on a related note, he's a good dancer but it's not exactly something he brags about often
and if he lets himself, he will kill it at karaoke
his passion is so strong that he never half-asses anything he does, he always puts his heart and soul into it even if he doesn't really want to do the thing LOL he always has to flex at every opportunity
he isn't aware of his tendency to repeat himself/paraphrase the same thing he just said- he is, however, fully aware of the fact that he overexplains everything and, as shown in Mo'Linguish, considers such speech more proper and eloquent than simple sentences where one could more easily be misunderstood or misheard
he actually is a good chef and skilled at the hibachi- he just doesn't make the kind of food that children typically enjoy (hence why the Puffs didn't care for the fish and shrimp he cooked for them LOL)
I like to think that, because he got to be the way he is due to the same Chemical X-plosion (haha) that created the Puffs, he can occasionally gain some of their same powers- most notably flight- but he can't control it as it only happens when he really loses his temper and flies into a fit of rage. this would explain how he suddenly appears able to fly and punch the shit outta a giant alien robot in Forced Kin lmao
however, he's already stronger than he looks even without any sudden effects of Chemical X; he can easily lift things that are more than even his own weight
personally I like to think he's more built than the cartoon lets on- he's not insanely ripped of course but like, I feel his legs would be a bit thicker than they're drawn to be (I know he's meant to have an exaggerated top-heavy design but shush) and if you squeezed his arm you'd feel some pretty solid muscles under all that fur. this monke is fit
this is something else he'll never admit but he loooooooves being complimented. tell him how good he is at his villainy and mans is just glowing
he enjoys classical music but he also likes oldies crooners (think Frank Sinatra or Harry Belafonte) and early rock n' roll from the 50s. he's not entirely sure why he enjoys the likes of Elvis Presley or Chuck Berry but he just does
he likes to take things apart just to see how they work. he's a naturally curious chimp, okay?
despite his villainous nature, Mojo Jojo is, if you can believe it, a gentleman at heart- if you get on his good side and treat him with basic respect he will repay you and then some
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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orcgirlart · 2 months
Reminder to self:
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orcgirlart · 2 months
Okay putting in my two cents, because arguing stuff like this is totally in my wheelhouse. *Ahem* YES, Mojo Jojo is totally dateable and here's why... Mojo's Positive Qualities: Let's start with the basics: He's intelligent and confident. Two qualities that can make anyone seem more attractive regardless of their physical appearance. I have gone on dates with plenty of people who may not have been "hot" in a traditional sense, but I was attracted to them because they carried themselves, and a conversation, well.
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Just look at this unbridled confidence. That being said, I don't think he's particularly lacking in the looks department either. I mean, he's pretty damn adorable.
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I present to you, Exhibit B Okay, okay sure he's obsessed with taking over the world, and in dating him you'll always come second to his love of global domination, but there's something to be said for having ambition. As an ambitious person myself, I admire the ambition of others. There is something charming about seeing someone you care about chasing their dreams, no matter how lofty.
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And given the state of politics these days, I'm almost inclined to give the maniacal green monkey a chance. Maybe he can do a better job? (He did in PPG Rule, after all.) Mojo has some useful practical skills as well. Cooking for example. We know he cooks a decent breakfast, we see him cooking several times in the show, and even more in the reboot. He is apparently a skilled hibachi chef, even if the Powerpuff Girls didn't like it. (But I think that has more to do with them having 5-year-old taste palates than with his actual abilities.)
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And even if it's not amazing, I can still appreciate having someone around who is willing to cook.
Mojo's Dating Experience: Diabolical villain, sure, but he has proven himself to be a good boyfriend on several accounts. For example: His relationship with Moko Jono. You can't say he wasn't dedicated. He left the Beat-Alls for her, after all. Also? He actually listened to her ideas (no matter how crazy they were) and gave them a try.
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How often does a male colleague actually listen to your ideas, working ladies? I haven't watched a lot of Powerpuff Girls Z, but I do remember Mojo having a crush on Ms. Keane and they even went out on a date in one episode. After a little further research to refresh my memory, it seems he actually read a dating self-help book to learn how best to win her affections. That's some dedication, there, and is more effort than a lot of guys go through. He even had the guts to put himself out there and tell her that he loves her in a note. Which is incredibly sweet.
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Plus the episode title "Keane Kong" makes a great shipping name.
And I know we're not wild about the 2016 reboot but hear me out... Mojo's relationship with Barbarus/Barbie was kind of cute. The two of them were united in weird monkey love and in villainy. Mojo even put up with Barbie's obnoxious sister following them everywhere. He even went so far as to plan a wedding and (almost) marry her!
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And you know his perfectionist ass made sure to match the tablecloths to the flowers at that wedding.
In my opinion, Mojo has a number of qualities that make him dateable. I think he'd be a fun guy to go out with -he certainly wouldn't be dull. I'm almost inclined to say he's husband material, but you'd have to be a pretty patient person to put up with him, and be comfortable having to bail him out of jail once in a while. I feel like I've made a decent case here, but I'm going to close out with this piece with one parting thought. Sure, Mojo is an egotistical, diabolical megalomaniac, but with those things comes passion, intensity and creativity. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that with those latter qualties, there's a good chance he's pretty good in the sack, too.
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Because I’m curious about recent trends I have been noticing inside of my PPG Tumblr bubble (which I started thinking about a little more after reblogging something earlier), I’d like to get a feel of what everyone’s opinion is about this:
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orcgirlart · 2 months
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orcgirlart · 3 months
When people give Elsa crap for being "too sexy" for Disney
It’s like,
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For gods sake, Ariel had a nude scene.
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