organiclucid · 2 years
Single Use Plastics- Let’s say no to straws
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Single-use plastics are one of the major causes of pollution in our oceans and on land. Collectively, we toss 28 billion pounds of plastic into the oceans each year. Around 500 million straws are used and discarded daily in America, totaling around 12 million pounds of plastic waste.
Think you’re clean because you put your straw in the bin? Straws easily fly out of overflowing bins and into lakes and oceans. Many straws get missed in recycling as they slip through the cracks in the recycling conveyor belt. They end up in landfills and the ocean. Once in the ocean, they become easily edible by ocean wildlife. Recall the video of a sea turtle with a straw embedded in its nose that went viral in the summer of 2015.
Floating trash strangles sea creatures
All that floating trash, like six-pack rings and plastic bottles, are strangling fish and sea creatures. They are killing coral reefs from the inside out. Plastic breaks down into microplastics which fish are eating. Furthermore, that fish may end up on your plate. We know all this and continue to buy up and discard plastic daily. But there’s one type of single-use plastic in particular that is, when you think about it, unnecessary. Yet, we continue to use: disposable plastic straws!
We use straws for around 20 minutes and then discard them. I feel plastic straws have become so ingrained in our social-cultural norms that no one even thinks twice about it. When did it become so necessary for bartenders to put a straw in every drink?
Strawless September
Below is a great campaign called the “Strawless September” campaign, part of the Lonely Whale’s larger Strawless Ocean initiative. They launched the #StopSucking challenge to prove that it’s possible to live in a city to go on without plastic straws. The Lonely Whale has coordinated an expansive effort across the city to get restaurants, facilities, and events to trade out plastic straws for paper alternatives and for customers to say “no, thanks.” And leading up to September 1, the nonprofit is coordinating the #StopSucking challenge to get people across the country to think more actively about their plastic-use habits
I love how this #StopSucking campaign is tongue-in-cheek, but the playful approach seems to catch on. It’s one thing to decide against using straws, but it’s another thing altogether for a whole business or city to decide to go plastic-straw free. Businesses can have fun with the idea, getting logos customized onto their straws and leading the way to a new era of a straw-free planet.
So will you or your business take the challenge and #StopSucking? Get your reusable straws here! Check out our bamboo straws.
Olivia Foti
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organiclucid · 2 years
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Our Mission - Best Vegan Skincare Line | Lucid Liv
Best vegan skincare line is what we aim to offer ever since. In an industry where skincare is a must, Lucid Liv will be your guide, that's our mission.
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organiclucid · 2 years
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organiclucid · 2 years
Let’s Talk Zero Waste Periods
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Trash free periods. Is it possible? It sure is! Save yourself money while helping the planet. It’s a win win. Let’s talk about the benefits of reusing.
Better for your health
Many conventional pads use a lot of chemicals that don’t have to be disclosed on the packaging. Tampons and pads with odor neutralisers and artificial fragrances are virtually a chemical soup, laced with artificial colours, polyester, adhesives, polyethylene (PET), polypropylene and propylene glycol (PEG), contaminants linked to hormone disruption, cancer, birth defects, dryness and infertility. Harsh or harmful chemicals near or in my lady parts? No thank you!
Better for the planet
20 billion pads are thrown away annually in the US alone. Beyond creating all that waste and landfill, there is a lot of production and chemicals going into creating these pads and tampons. Each pad contains plastic equivalent to four plastic bags. Cotton production creates a lot of waste water and soil erosion. By switching to reusable, you’re saving all the resources used in the creation and transportation process.
Better for your wallet
The average period goes through 20 pads a cycle. Over five years the cost will range anywhere from $225 (generic) to $480 (organic). That is a lot of money.
So what’s the answer?
Everyone is different when it comes to managing their period. I personally use a Juju menstrual cup and my hand sewn cloth panty liners when I’ve got a light flow. This works great for me and I find it so much more convenient than tampons! You can leave the cup in for 12 hours and when you’re done, you just sanitise it and leave it in your cup pouch until next month.
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Cloth pads are another great option if you prefer not to insert anything in your lady parts. You can wash and re-use them over and over again! They come in a range of different colours and styles depending on your flow. Check them out here! 
As well as this, there are sponges, period panties and more! You just have to find what works for you. Have you gone zero-waste for your periods? Do you have any tips or recommendations? 
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organiclucid · 2 years
10 Zero Waste & Natural Beauty Hacks
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Hey eco friendly friends! If you love simple natural products and are passionate for the environment like me, then you will love these 10 beauty hacks. Most products come in plastic or have lines of unpronounceable ingredients. So save your health and money with my tried and tested beauty hacks below!
1. Scrap your usual face toner and use apple cider vinegar instead
That’s right, apple cider vinegar is your friend! It balances the natural PH of your skin and breaks up the bond between dead skin cells- so it’s great for natural exfoliation! Plus it’s antibacterial so can help prevent pimples and improve skin tone. I like to dilute the ACV with 50% water into a small spray bottle. I then spray onto a reusable face wipe and apply all over my face and neck after washing my face. It leaves skin feeling clean and fresh!
2. Trade face wash in for Dermaklear acne sulphur soap
This amazing cleansing soap lasts for months and comes in a box (only a tiny bit of plastic around the bar). I use it to wash my face with a face cloth, the best way to remove makeup. I love that it lasts for a good 6 months, is natural and cleanses your skin so well.
3. Use a natural loofah exfoliating sponge over the plastic ones
I love my loofah sponges! I have a small one for my face and bigger one for my body. They are awesome because they are all natural and help scrub away dead skin on your body and face leaving you feeling fresh and smooth. Once you’re done with them you can simply compost them! Better for you and for the planet.
4. Ditch your dry shampoo and use corn flour instead
Fun fact- dry shampoo is basically corn flour with some other unnecessary fragrances and chemicals. Yep, don’t you just feel ripped off when you realise this? Talk about waste of money and resources! Plus all the waste in those little plastic bottles or spray cans that don’t last very long. Grab some corn flour (or if you have brown hair like me, cocoa powder works just as well!), put it into a reusable container and voila! I put mine in a reusable silicone bottle and empty some onto my hands before dispersing it into my hair roots. Brush through to blend it into your hair and absorb the oil. Look fresh and save having to wash your hair for another few days.
Corn flour in my reusable silicone bottle
5. Make your own moisturiser with just TWO ingredients!
This one is my favourite! After suffering from eczema my WHOLE life until about three years ago (yay me, blog post on that to come soon), I tried every moisturiser under the sun. Every. Single. ONE. Most of them left me itchier and worse off. After some research into the harmful effects of many ingredients in moisturisers, I realised the only way around this was to make my own. So all you need is 200g Cocoa butter and 200g Coconut oil! Melt them together then freeze to let it harden a little, around 20 minutes. Once firm (but not too solid), beat the mixture until soft peaks form. That’s it! Put it in a jar and you’ll have soft smooth skin that smells like chocolate! Absolutely divine!
Coconut oil & cocoa butter moisturiser
6. Use jojoba oil as a face moisturizer
Similar to the situation above, I found many face moisturisers with too many harmful ingredients and they would irritate my skin severely. After some research, I found jojoba oil to be the closest oil to our natural sebum and light enough for use on our face. So grab a bottle of jojoba oil and use as your regular moisturiser. I hardly ever get pimples and my skin is soft and smooth!
Jojoba Oil
7. Use olive oil to remove waterproof mascara
Don’t waste your money on expensive makeup remover, olive oil works just as well! To remove waterproof mascara, put a few drops of olive oil on a reusable makeup wipe, press against your lashes and hold for a minute then wipe off! Too easy right?
8. Use Bentonite Clay for face masks
If your skin is sensitive like mine then you probably can’t use regular face masks that have many unpronounceable ingredients. Bentonite Clay will be your new best friend! You can buy it in bulk so it will last forever as you only need a small amount once a week or two. The clay pulls all the oil out of your skin leaving is silky smooth! 
Bentonite Clay
9. Make your own deodorant with just five ingredients
Many deodorants (especially anti-perspirants) contain many harmful ingredients that get absorbed into our skin (such as aluminium and parabens which can mimic our hormones). Perfect solution- make your own with five ingredients! Combine two teaspoons of shea butter and two teaspoons of coconut oil in a pot. Gently melt together then combine this with four teaspoons of arrowroot powder, 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of the essential oil of your choice! I personally love bergamot & lime or geranium & lime. Put the mixture into a small glass jar and you have yourself your own deodorant paste. If this seems too hard, you can purchase deodorant paste too- my fave is a brand called Schmidt’s. They come in glass jars in a variety of scents or unscented. You can also collect the empty jars and reuse them or send them back to the company for a free deodorant!
10. Refill your bottles at your nearest zero waste store
A lot of people don’t realise that zero waste shops offer all sorts of things to refill! Generally soap, dishwashing liquid, laundry liquid, shampoo & conditioner can all be refilled at your local zero waste/green store! Save that plastic waste.
Did you enjoy my tips? What are your zero waste beauty hacks? Share them below!
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organiclucid · 2 years
Vegan Recipe - Cherry Coconut Bars | Lucid Liv
Delicious no bake vegan coconut cherry bars! Like a cherry ripe only vegan & cruelty free 😉 Video & written recipe below!
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Vegan Cherry Coconut Bars Recipe
Delicious no bake vegan coconut cherry bars! Like a cherry ripe only vegan & cruelty free 😉 Video & written recipe below!
For the filling:
4 cups fine desiccated coconut
320g can evaporated coconut milk
300g glace cherries
1 tsp vanilla essence
For the coating:
400g vegan dark chocolate
1 tsp vanilla essence
Combine all ingredients for the filling into a food processor. Form into balls or scoop into ice cube trays. Place in the fridge to set for at least an hour.
When filling is firm, melt the ingredients for the coating by double broiling. Dip each bar in the melted chocolate and place on baking paper back in the fridge to set for at least 1-2 hours. Make sure you share them, or don’t (we know they’re that good!).
Alternative flavours to cherry you could try:
Peppemint oil
Lemon oil
Plain Vanilla
Orange oil (like a jaffa!)
Let us know if you try them and what your thoughts are below! 🙂
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organiclucid · 2 years
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organiclucid · 2 years
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