...am I allowed to say that I think fandom has a problem with allonormativity n the same vein as main stream and heteronormativity? I’m not saying don’t ship things I’m saying “please don’t make that your entire praxis”? Though I’m pretty sure a good chunk of those making it their entire praxis don’t even realize they are? It’s like, they double down because the mainstream is negative towards them and now it’s a “I will die on this hill situation” which weirdly causes similar problems because it makes them get all defensive at the idea that someone doesn’t want to ship whatever it is? 
Okay I’m pansexual/panromantic but in connection to this earlier post but making a separate post for reasons. 
I dunno. Are you really so completely consumed by hormonal responses that your only reaction to a work of art is to gauge how turned on you would be by the prospect of sleeping with its characters. Is that all you’re here for
Does anyone else think it’s weird that people will go out of their way to make things sexual if they’re not. Like think Bill Cipher, the robots from Nier, I’m in the NiGHTS fandom and there’s no reason these dream creatures should have any reason to be procreating like humans or hell even knowing what romance is? Or Rule 34 of random stuff like the time tumblr decided it needed to (admittedly joking) ship planets. 
Does anyone else find that weird? That you see two creatures that are asexual by default for whatever reason and you think, “let’s sex them up” it’s just, it’s not like I don’t partake of it at times myself but like…um is that the only thing that goes through your head? 
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I wouldn’t say he’s outside more like a weird remnant from a time before? Roxas wasn’t suppose to come back. Nomura was surprised by his popularity and brought him back because of that. Same for Xion. Both of their arcs were about accepting their fates which explains the dissonance between Roxas in 2 and, well everything that came after it.
—Why did Riku get a haircut in KH3D?
Nomura: In KH2, a lot of players said, “cut Riku’s hair!” So I listened and gave him a haircut. If you ask me who exactly cut his hair, I’d say it was from the wishes of the players.
When listening to player’s opinions, although there are some where we cannot stray from, there were other voices that also made me uncertain about the path to choose. For example, up until the very end, I was very hesitant to bring back Roxas and Xion. I actually thought of a story route where they did not come back, but since I knew fans wanted to see their return, we ended up going that route instead
If you ever needed proof that Nomura sometimes retcons things
And Vanitas does want personhood just, differently? He wants to be in charge of the VenVan fusion it’s just Ventus fought back causing the instability at the end of Bbs because hell if Ventus wasn’t gonna go down without a fight. And that’s a good thing because khux shows us what happens when Vanitas is in charge. And there too Ventus fights back. He will always fight back for both himself and his friends.
It kinda makes me go bonkers insane that Roxas’s arc is about how badly he wants and how hard he fights to be his own person and be separate from Sora and live his own life and that Vanitas kinda has an opposite arc, of wanting desperately to go back. Roxas fights for individualism and Vanitas fights to rejoin Ventus and go back to being a person who can never exist again. Ventus and Vanitas are too separate, too individual and can never rejoin into a single person (at least not stably) again.
He’s so outside the norm of kingdom hearts characters who earn personhood, he’s fighting for the inverse of that and it makes me just a little insane.
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Do you think S*riku shippers realize how uncomfortably intense they get about the ship? I’m not saying that as a homophobic bro, I’m saying that as someone who wants the option to analyze the series through other lens? Like platonic?
Yeah the homophobes are a problem and they suck but I don’t think the shippers realize how they low key reject people who don’t ship it? It’s an unintentional echo chamber really.
Also the “we’re oppressed” okay like i said ‘homophobic bros’ but also, you guys are the most popular ship in the fandom. You guys de facto rule the fandom. The only ones that come close to opposing you are Z*myx and arguable S*kai (if only in ship war form)
Also on a final note: anytime I hear a conspiracy-esque Kh theory, it’s a S*riku one which. You really don’t need to jump through hoops to justify shipping this. Just ship it, it gets pretty darn gay already.
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Kh twitter is wild. I saw someone comparing JK Rowling to Nomura and saying Nomura is a more competent writer. 
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I see people thrown around the term unreliable narrator in the Kingdom Hearts fandom and, I don’t think that’s accurate? 
Unreliable narrator isn’t “the author didn’t know at the time or changed his mind” or “the author was being vague/lying” it’s different. 
It’s a deliberate writing choice that’s tied to the character from who’s point of view the story is told. 
A villain that lies left and right is not an unreliable narrator because they are not the narrator, they are the villain. An exposition character who communicates wrong information is also not an unreliable narrator. 
It’s also got a different vibe. An unreliable narrator will lie making you question whether or not you can trust any info they give to you. Alternatively their world view will be utterly painted by their perception and more often than not, narrow. 
When I think unreliable narrator in a video game I think Silent Hill 2 and James who, well if you’ve played that game you know. It’s getting a rereleased so I don’t want to dive too deep into it but, do not trust what James says. And even the surrounding makes me question if any of this is real. There’s a part where you enter an elevator and a gameshow host comes over the speaker and it’s really unclear whether or not this is happening or even why this is happening. It makes you question reality. 
I also think Cloud from Ff7 who thought he was Zack and kept telling a version of a true story. He is literally unreliably narrating the Nibelheim Incident.
It’s a writing tool meant to make you question everything you’re reading. 
It’s not the author concealing information or misleading the reader. 
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Google it
I headcanon Sora’s full name as 天田(あまだ)ソラ(空) because my sense of humor is weird like that.
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I hadn’t noticed this when I watched dark road, but one of the scenes they just updated, in the old version Xehanort is talking about the Child of Destiny and gives us the additional detail that they had been chosen to be a dark vessel- presumably in the same way that the foretellers had been chosen to be vessels for the Darknesses. And gee I wonder who MoM has had one of his gazing eyes on this whole time in the form of a certain keyblade, someone who has proven themselves to be able to keep darkness locked inside himself without being taken over by it, who has shown that he is able to consume the darkness and return it to light....I wonder....
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It does seem like from comments in Dream Drop that Traverse Town also exists as a special entity.
Joshua: Let's just say, her dreams are a gateway between worlds. Next question--how could I possibly know your name--right? This town has a little secret. It only appears when someone out there has need of shelter. I'll spare you the details, but right now it's made up of my dreams. So of course I know you--I dreamed you up. I know your best friend, Riku, too.
So while in the first game it was made from world remnants that isn’t the only way it can appear. Being made of dreams in 3D.
So I guess despite the worlds being reformed it, somehow continued existing. Though since it only appears when someone needs shelter and at that moment Sora needed shelter.
Does begs the question of why he thought the Dream eaters would be there if it wasn’t the Dream version though?
Actually if I had to headcanon Sora’s top 5 worlds it would probably go something like
Destiny Island
Radiant Garden
Twilight Town
Pirates of the Caribbean
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I was debating lumping it in with Radiant Garden because it’s on 2nd place for the same reason. Leon and Co. but Traverse Town shouldn’t exist in the real world anymore since it was made of fragments of destroyed worlds that got reformed.
Unless I’m forgetting something. Last time we saw it was in the dream world
Actually if I had to headcanon Sora’s top 5 worlds it would probably go something like
Destiny Island
Radiant Garden
Twilight Town
Pirates of the Caribbean
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I think of this as an offshoot of the “I have to justify my ship” trend which is itself an offshoot of “purity culture” and it’s just.
Dude just ship the damn thing.
Trying to justify it just makes someone look close-minded to me honestly because it gives off the air of ship superiority. Which is how ship wars happen and no one wants that shit.
These are fictional characters. Fiction is a the realm of possibilities. Two conflicting ideas can both exist because neither of them are truth. And that’s a good thing.
Embrace it.
I find "becoming canon" as the endgoal of shipping so. Unnecessary.
It's not like if I enjoy something for the whole series and they both wind up with other people I'm gonna stop liking it.
The want for something to be ENDGAME is even worse to me. The moment the series ends the characters are yours, if your favorite canon ship broke up at some point, just create your own headcanon that they got back together 5 minutes after the screen turned black/the book ended or whatever.
Even death is mutable within your own head.
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Xion: Roxas, don't be sad. I came from you and Sora. I am you...the same way that I am Sora. You'll forget me, but the memories themselves will never go away. Memories of you and me will always be together...forever, inside him.
Come play with me Roxas, forever and ever and ever
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i just wish to reiterate the well known fact of vanitas' japanese translation being actually really bittersweet.
"it's my reason for being born. it is because i am darkness, that you both belong to the light, able to exist there. if that isn't 'working together' i don't know what is."
vs. the english version.
"because i am darkness. and i do stand by your side. i'm the shadow that you cast. how much closer could i be?"
it's not just a case of "lol i am darkness", but that's how the english version of the game makes it seem. it's a case of "because i am on this side, you get to be on that side". vanitas is jealous of ventus because HE is the one to be on the side of light, to have people that love and care for him. but he's resigned to his fate, he was created from the darkness in ventus' heart, and he knows that in the end, he doesn't belong in the realm of light.
but he doesn't want ven to know his jealousy. he's too prideful to accept help from anyone, especially ventus.
ventus: "there is no need to bother with who is with the light and who is with the darkness, i am me and you are you, it's fine to live freely the way we want."
vanitas: "freely? yeah, i am living freely... in this way."
vanitas HESITATES for a split second. he hears ventus basically asks him if he really wants to vanish into the darkness he was born from, and vanitas hesitates. he doesn't want to accept his other half's offer, he's too prideful.
ventus: "is living trapped in the darkness freedom to you?"
no, it isn't, but vanitas won't admit that. instead, his reply?
vanitas: "this is how i chose to live my life."
ventus: "i see."
vanitas doesn't say 'yes' to ventus, he DEFLECTS the question by saying "this is the life i live". he says 'chose', but he never got the choice. he was created because ven had the choice, he chose not to summon the 𝑥-blade. that's the reason vanitas was created in the first place, so it could be formed another way.
kingdom hearts at it's finest.
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everyone always talks like the confrontation between naminé and recompleted lauriam & elrena is gonna be her chasing them down trying to attack them like a feral dog while they’re screaming the whole time and while i admit that’s funny
i raise you: lauriam is a kind and reasonable young man who can recognize when he’s messed up big time and needs to make amends. elrena is probably not as inherently nice but she would follow suit along with lauriam. naminé has like zero self esteem and would probably never even speak up about how she’s been wronged so terribly by someone, and she’s not a fighter in any way.
so i propose to you: they have like. a deal where lauriam offers to just let her punch him like once. really hard in the stomach or something. same with elrena. naminé gets one free shot of her choosing on each of them and then they’ll call it good and peacefully move on with their lives
alternatively. she does not want this. she asks for a large sum of cash in reparations. lauriam and elrena actually find this far more terrifying because they have absolutely nothing. they wish they could just have someone beat them up and call it good. they start panicking and naminé’s like oh geez i hope that’s not too unreasonable maybe i should back downNO. her friends make her stand her ground and keep the deal terms the same. naminé would probably apologize to you if you poured soup in her lap but the entire rest of her friend group are keyblade wielders who are more than willing to threaten lauriam and elrena a little bit
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Love not war
Embrace Poly, Stop the Madness
Sorikai sorikai sorikai sorikai
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Nah it’s more like “why can’t we have both” rather than actively throwing yourself into it
Sorikai sorikai sorikai sorikai
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Fun story: I got 2nd place in a Kingdom Hearts trivia contest at Youmacon once.
Some things to note:
I was de facto riding solo while everyone else was in a team. I had a partner technically but trust me I did 99% of the work.
I tied with another group for 1st place and we had to have a tiebreaker round
The one question I remember getting wrong on the initial go around was I forgot that Riku and not Xion was the final boss of 358/2. I was not the only one to make this mistake
The only reason I got 2nd was I forgot the name of Xemnas’ signature weapon. It’s Interdiction.
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Like. I'm serious. What is Riku's use of darkness now?
Can't do Dark Corridors which is like basic of basics, doesn't have dark mode anymore. He just can throw a few dark balls????
Riku's biggest strength is that he's immune to the bad effects of darkness BUT HE DOESN'T USE THAT FOR ANYTHING.
Give Riku his freaking skirt back at least.
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