orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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                                     if anything bares its fangs at me…then i’ll do the same.                                                         and mine are sharper and bite deeper.
art cred. 
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
Presenting to those of you around my favorite and one of the muses I’m rather fond of, Nine! Yeah, yeah, I know it’s gonna be weird separating me from him, LOL!
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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     Please do not scroll past this, it’s a serious situation!
  You don’t know me & I don’t know you but my boyfriend is in an extremely toxic home environment and the abuse is psychological and it often becomes physical from all people within the house ranging from an adult to a small nine year old. They don’t even stop when he’s on a call with me and it results in him hanging up and crying.
It’s getting to the point to where he thinks there’s no other way out but to off himself and I can’t let that happen. I can’t lose him because he’s extremely important to me.
I’ve started a gofundme for the cause [ link ] and I’d be forever grateful to whomever donates/spreads this around. I want him out of that home and in a safe, nurturing and healthy environment since abuse is WRONG and NOBODY deserves to be degraded on a DAILY basis over things they didn’t even do.
Please, signal boost this. He’s extremely important to me and I want him safe! I’ll be forever grateful and so will he.  
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
╎╎ @orgcnic​
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          observations were quick && silent in regards to the stranger  —           noting his ears as a way to determine he was not human without           having to directly inquire such a claim.            yet in the end, he had strayed a tad too far from whichever path            he had originally followed  — straying from the path, as mothers’           often warned, held lethal consequence. 
                           ❝ turn back. ❞
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⊰⚔⚔⊱          ❝Look lady.❞            It’s not that he had plans to start a fight mind you but the steel dragon found himself a bit annoyed that was the response. He’s worn out, hungry, and irritated that her first idea is to make him leave. Part of him wanted to just yell at her but he won’t do that; she’s not the cause of his irritation per-say but enough that he can’t help but snap.          ❝I need to fucking take a break and I just also got done clearing the damn road here by accident because some idiots thought I was food. So instead of ordering me to leave, can I please have a chance to rest?❞           Even if he won’t be able to eat that didn’t mean he won’t display some form of gratitude were she to give him that opportunity. His mother may have warned him in the past about things and more to force him to stay but he didn’t care to hear it again. He’s not going to cause trouble, he just needed to rest his legs.          ❝That’s all I ask, I won’t go in and if I gotta lend a hand so I can rest for a bit then give me something to do.❞
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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⊰⚔⚔⊱            ❝Shit, hey, lady! You know the quickest way to the nearest pizza parlor? I need to get food even if it’s something like pizza for breakfast. I need to get to a job site soon is why I’m asking.❞              Idiot. He needed to start eating more healthy over thinking something like that is an acceptable breakfast. He may workout consistently and fight at a constant rate but that didn’t mean there was some form of healthy habits displayed from someone like the steel dragon food wise. His master had in all certainty ruined his diet.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
⚔⚔ <DIZZY!>
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C e r u l e a n locks leisurely danced in the cold, November wind as the Gear’s head was slowly tilted to one side out of both curiosity and puzzlement because of the man’s words; caution was something she had learnt to respect and embrace since her foster parents had ‘abandoned’ her in the woods ( that eventful moment marked the beginning of a new life made of solitude and fear ) , therefore she wasn’t surprised to know that evil, violent people roamed around that place… What actually startled her was the fact that an unknown person was concerned about her wellbeing, even though he knew absolutely nothing about her. 
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💗 — ❛ I think that every living being on this planet should be careful, we never know what’s hiding and waiting for us behind a corner - But even so, this just gives us one more reason to try and enjoy life at its fullest, right? ❜
That utterance was certainly hilarious, especially coming from someone who barely knew what living and feeling alive actually meant, someone who had cowered and hidden out of fear of being captured by the various bounty hunters who were after her.
💗 — ❛ What’s your name? I’m Dizzy! ❜
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⊰⚔⚔⊱          ❝Gilgamesh, I use Gil more though than my full name since it’s quicker to say. Well... that and people probably think it’s weird I’m named after an epic.❞           Some may find his behavior toward a mere stranger of all things to be unusual since he didn’t know her. Maybe he noticed she was out of the ordinary. Feeling alive is something that he can’t vouch on living life to the fullest since he’s nothing more than a boy himself. He may look like he’s mature but to be truthful he’s not completely. Shoulders rolling, the steel dragon’s interest seemed to be piqued.          ❝Dizzy? Never heard someone named that before but people have strange ways of naming their kids, I mean, look at my name.❞            Rambling, how unsurprising considering he was prone to rambling when trying to make himself get comfortable enough to relax. His own parents, well, mother had named him Gilgamesh and went as far as to use him in any case to power a gate. He’s only a weapon in human form to begin with and had since no problems aside from needing to fend off demons as his work.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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I forgot this idiot makes some of the weirdest faces when angry.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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    That, no doubt, was a puzzle.     At least that was something she was able      to recognize; she’d seen Batter do it many    times before. She just had to remember how    the puzzles used to work. They had.. a lot of    memorization. Yeah, that was it.    She could totally push these rocks around.     Well, she attempted to, but being on her own,    she wasn’t exactly as great as she tried to     tell herself.
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⊰⚔⚔⊱            ❝The hell?❞             There’s something strange about this girl and he could just feel it there. Then again, he’s not normal and he tends to be one of the most unusual things out there with the fact he didn’t recognize the area. This isn’t Capulet, seemed like some weird ass place that’s causing some form of confusion for the steel dragon although he’d have to learn more later.             From what vague memories were fluttering in his mind he could recognize a puzzle. Rocks? He didn’t have the patience for this mind you, puzzles were never his thing since he’s more use to brute forcing his way through things when it came down to it but he can do thinking for a bit. It all depended on the situation like usual.           ❝Uh... hey, you see a bunch of angry ass looking stitched bastards running around with peg legs and scythe arms?❞
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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C u r i o s i t y was written in capital letters upon the Gear’s visage once his question captured her attention, bringing an amused yet gentle smile upon rose tinted lips; people had approached her in a lot of different manners ( each one unique, under her point of view ) , but it was the first time that someone bothered to worry about her sake and wellbeing - What a wonderful surprise.
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💗 — ❛ I don’t mind the cold… To be honest, I prefer it to the suffocating heat of summer. It feels refreshing, but thank you for your kindness! ❜
The whole situation was quite unexpected, yet interesting and amusing nonethless; Dizzy could clearly sense that he wasn’t a human and as much as she would have liked to pry into his life, perhaps it was just too early to do that.
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⊰⚔⚔⊱            ❝Well... your choice I guess, too cold for some peoples liking from what I noticed.❞              As amusing as he can be, the steel dragon did have times where he can be different depending all on his mood and more. Shoulders soon being rolled about just so he can pop them into place again for a brief time he almost had to wonder how anyone can run around dressed like that. Ms. Trish and Lady could manage it just well but he didn’t see how anyone could dare to look like that.              Not that it’s a bad thing, he was curious since things were new enough to him in some ways. Humanity is one interesting aspect of life that had attracted his attention more with the way he grew and the more that things progressed along in his life but now he’s spacing out. She didn’t seem human either. Not from what he noticed because humans... felt different to him than non-humans did for the most part.            ❝Thing here is that you gotta be careful, there’s a lot of crap that wants people dead in some form.❞              And he didn’t just mean two bit thugs either.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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     “umm…” blink, blink. “like, do i wanna know? …”
wait, hold that thought. her hands will spring to accept his (questionably singed?) garment, though not before gratitude can grace her features.
     “well, beggars can’t be choosers! eh, heh. thanks~”
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⊰⚔⚔⊱           ❝Eh... I kinda burned some random dudes Ouija board because I got called there to do something since their neighbors were hearin’ weird stuff then he tried to put it out and a fire started.❞             Did he have to be that honest? Singed coat soon enough was placed around her shoulders although he seemed fine for someone that ran through a burning building without question. Why he didn’t get in trouble was beyond him since that should have ended with an arson charge.           ❝Wait, I just realized that made me sound like a criminal.❞ Way to go you idiot.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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⊰⚔⚔⊱            ❝Aren’t you cold in that?❞ Deja vu given earlier he ran into someone wearing a karate gi that was freezing her ass off too. Seemed like people were forgetting the cold air and everything but not everyone had to worry about that if they were hot blooded enough or something he guessed. Still, young dragon or not he would try and be courteous in his awkward way around women. ❝Jus’ curious y’know? Weather here can be brutal and that’s a fact since more times than not the heat got turned off where I slept at before we got to work more.❞
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
|| 泉 || :: The warning that came sure did grab her attention, though it did nothing to faze the VAMPIRE especially when she knew damn well as to what caused the other to give such a warning. The rumors and news of ( disappearance ) occurring down this very route and street. Ones resulted from HUNGER of something far different than humans and though it wasn’t her who did it, it was her - kind -, the more vicious ones.
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                 “Are you afraid?” Returning his words with an inquiry, hazel optics landed on the male and immediately identified him as non-human. But whether he was a demon or anything else, she didn’t know. “Of what caused the rumors? The news?”
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⊰⚔⚔⊱           ❝Not really, I’m warning people to not come through here because there’s... enough issues. I don’t need someone to play live bait or bait at all.❞            Seemed the dragon had ideas in mind for this although he won’t mention a single thing. A trait which someone he knew might get annoyed by but he was doing this by his own choice without payment or anything. Letting demons run around without moving fast before more lives are taken is a mistake, he realized this and is of course planning to take action. Someone needed to do so while his master is away.           ❝Ya see, I recognize the crap goin’ on in there too well and thought if I’m gonna take care of it, better make sure nobody else is incoming.❞ Honest enough toward someone he realized isn’t human but that’s nothing out of the ordinary for him given he had known there is more than just demons and humans out there.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
yo, to roleplayers, don’t incorporate today’s tragedies ( or any tragedies for that matter ) into your roleplays. I don’t care if your character is French, Japanese, from Lebanon or Beirut, today’s tragedies are not your angst or plot bunnies and its important to stay respectful.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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          “coo~old, cold!” two words: puppy. lips. “pleaaase, let a babe borrow your coat?”
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⊰⚔⚔⊱            ❝... okay, just don’t blame me if people ask why you smell like you came out of a burning building.❞ GIL, NO.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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     to be honest, she didn’t feel surprised her didn’t know what a gym was       —— almost as if it was slightly expected. 
❛ gyms are buildings that specialize in physical fitness  & have equipment of all kinds to tone the body with.   ❜
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⊰⚔⚔⊱           ❝Oh, didn’t know that, uh... I don’t get out much!❞            That’s a lie, he did although he was for the most part distracted by work if a client gave him some form of a job.
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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Okay, been up for over 24 hours kinda but anyone want a starter much as I may or may not be coherent enough? Just like this post or message me!
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orgcnic-blog · 9 years
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❛ —— you know,  ❜                 funny how she’d run into him again, yet she wouldn’t question the chances of such a encounter occurring again. the chances were slim, she’d assume. 
❛ you workout in a gym.  ❜
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⊰⚔⚔⊱           ❝SHIT!❞             And there goes his count given he almost fell down face first at this unexpected meeting. The android? Well, he guessed stranger things have happened.           ❝... what’s a gym?❞
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