orgxzmic · 2 years
Why does it habe to be always
Metaphors and poetic devices that,
Define a poem?
Can't it be simplest words, and
Rawest feelings poured all over the page?
Why does it have to be always
Difficult words and, have twisted meanings?
Can't it be just tanglez thoughts and,
not make any sense?
Because at the end of the day,
Poem is not a piece of literatire
Out there to show everyone
That you've got talent.
But a source to let the words, and
Feelings and tears and emotions amd
Grief and guilt,
Someone giving their time to
And the numbness that takes control
Over your senses to
Spill ober the paper,
That once was as white as a beautiful, Albinism.
But now filled with untold truths of glossy eyes.
Poems don't have to make sense,
Because feelings does not either.
All we need is to
Untangle our thoughts and give sense
To our feelings.
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orgxzmic · 2 years
I caressed the barren land of my heart
With the tears of my never ending sorrows
Just to bloom the flower of
Distanced happiness.
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orgxzmic · 2 years
Let me be in my delusional worlds for as long as i can, for i can't face the reality.
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