ori-ohs-and-shame · 22 hours
It's too late, I've already depicted you as the ugly pathetic "soy"jack (the soy is because soy has estrogen in it, this is bad because it makes you less masculine and more like the inferior female sex, because men should only be manly otherwise they're "failed" and thus lesser and deserving of ridicule) And me as the White Handsome Blue-Eyed Blond Man With Impressive Facial Hair Who's Memetic Association Is With Being Objectively Correct (This makes sense because he is the ideal Aryan specimen, all of these features obviously make him objectively superior to other people). This means I win and definitely look good here, you should really just pack it up. I'm a leftist btw
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 2 days
Do you have any cool fish facts to share?
ummmm i likeys them
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 2 days
lesbians with terrible sleep schedules. you agree. reblog.
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 2 days
I love it (/sarcastic) when someone tells you they’re sick and then when you suggest it might be covid and they should take a covid test, they just say “it’s not covid” without any proof
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 2 days
Capitalism is a resilient mode of production because the bourgeoisie is not a passive class, but one who spends an incredible amount of energy, research, force, and violence in order to keep it going. They push back the material effects of the various contradictions which rise in intensity by the day.
The contradiction arising from the decline in the rate of profits have been resolved by various means in the past. Profits have been propped up through the profits attained via. superexploitation and imperialism, the financialization of the entire economy, creating a massively speculative stock market and the widespread application of personal credit, the widespread application of neoliberalism, and fascist control over various global south countries and sometimes in the imperial core itself. Today, the rising contradiction between the need for profit and rising poverty, joblessness, and homelessness will be resolved through the criminalization of poverty to turn the reserve army of labor into slave labor, and through various means of automation (e.g., AI) to reduce labor costs.
There is no future under the capitalist mode of production which does not end in abject barbarism. The question is: will you only fight back and organize when the cops are tearing your tent down, or now, where you have ground to stand on?
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 2 days
i think ppl in the imperial core especially need to stop thinking of things like petitions as communicating our wishes to our politicians, and start thinking of them as threats by which we enforce our demands
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 3 days
I've just posted a new Homestuck fic
It's a magically enhanced trip into Jade' psyche that helps her reconnect with a side of her that she thought she lost, using a play script as a framing device for a lot of it.
I've seen a lot of people talk about some really cool reads of Jade being plural, and I needed to write something that used that idea.
Hope you enjoy!
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 3 days
I gave my soapbox speech about how weight loss is mostly bullshit to two different patients in a row yesterday and so help me I’m pretty sure one of these days someone is going to say “but SURELY you agree I’d be HEALTHIER if I lost weight!” bc you can see the disbelief in their eyes. And like. Sure, maybe! You might see some improvement in biomarkers like LDL and A1c, and your knees would probably feel better. But you would be amazed at how much more good you can do for yourself by focusing on things you can actually meaningfully change without resorting to making yourself miserable. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables—it’s hard bc they’re more difficult to prepare and more expensive per calorie and go bad faster than other foods, but they’re what we evolved eating the most of so they’re what our bodies need the most of. And walk around more; sure, cardio is great for you, but if it sucks so bad you don’t do it, it isn’t doing shit for you. And we evolved to walk very very long distances, a little bit at a time, so our bodies respond actually very well to adding walks into our schedules, which is vastly easier than adding workouts that are frankly designed to be punishing when the definition of punishing is “makes you less likely to do it again in the future.”
You get one life. It is shorter than you can begin to imagine. Don’t waste it hating yourself because somebody is going to make money off that self-hatred. You deserve better than to be a cash cow for billionaires who pay aestheticians and dermatologists to make them (or at least their trophy wives) look thin and beautiful no matter what they actually do.
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 4 days
If you like the wellerman, try on this classic
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 4 days
I used to do cross country in high school, and there was this guy on the team that was wonderful. Great guy. But his advice to everyone that asked how to get good was to run 20k a day.
If you don't run, I'll just tell you, most people's bodies cannot take that kind of abuse. No matter how much you train, you will not be able to run 20k a day. It's like how you can't train to make your cuts heal faster. You recover as fast as you recover. So while a big part of what made this guy so succesful was the dedication and mental toughness needed to actually run 20k a day, an equally big part was that he healed like fucking Wolverine. And that's fine, but it would've been nice if he knew that and stopped telling new guys to commit suicide by jogging.
Different guy on the team ran like, 5-6k a day, which actually isn't all that much. His problem when he gave advice was that he didn't really get that 5-6k a day doesn't generally produce elite results for most people. He was lucky in the sense that he didn't have to work all that hard to get great results, and unlucky in the sense that if he pushed himself much further than that, he fell apart.
I think about those two whenever I get advice from succesful people. The very things that make them outliers also make their advice useless to most people. Worse, they're often outliers on totally separate ends of the same spectrum, so their advice will be contradictory.
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 4 days
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 4 days
I will 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱 my mutuals from everything. from the cold. from the five nights at freddys. you will be safe just get behind me
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 5 days
Now, researchers have put a nail in the coffin of porn addiction. Josh Grubbs, Samuel Perry and Joshua Wilt are some of the leading researchers on America’s struggles with porn, having published numerous studies examining the impact of porn use, belief in porn addiction, and the effect of porn on marriages. And Rory Reid is a UCLA researcher who was a leading proponent gathering information about the concept of hypersexual disorder for the DSM-5. These four researchers, all of whom have history of neutrality, if not outright support of the concepts of porn addiction, have conducted a meta-analysis of research on pornography and concluded that porn use does not predict problems with porn, but that religiosity does
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 5 days
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good morning rosemaryheads
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 5 days
as a woman with elevated testosterone (pcos) who uses steroids (asthma inhalers) i must say i am feeling very cheated in the athletic prowess department. when is my dangerous masculine olympic level strength and speed supposed to kick in. do i need to go to professor x
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ori-ohs-and-shame · 6 days
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polite paws
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