origamiblacksmith · 56 seconds
"Surely, showing that the only people who vote are extremely conservative and that the more conservative a candidate is, the more likely they are to win, will encourage the Democratic party to be more liberal. This is a leap in logic that makes literally any sense"
You would struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
(If you actually believed that, that is. I refuse to believe anyone actually thinks that's how that would work. It's just retroactive justification for prioritizing personally not feeling "icky" over the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people. People decide they won't vote because they'd rather not be at fault than minimalize harm and they come up with something that allows them to do that while also continuing to feel morally superior to others, which is generally all they actually care about anyway. Every election there's a new excuse but they're all essentially the exact same thing. A new justification about why "no no this time it's totally different. THIS time it's okay that my own feelings of moral purity are more important to me than human life. THIS time my desire for a sense of superiority at the cost of immense human suffering and death is actually super ethical which makes me better than you" It's the exact same thing every time.)
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origamiblacksmith · 2 minutes
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thought I was muted and just had this exchange with a coworker on a zoom call
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origamiblacksmith · 5 minutes
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origamiblacksmith · 5 minutes
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origamiblacksmith · 6 minutes
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origamiblacksmith · 7 hours
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origamiblacksmith · 7 hours
I went to pride this weekend, and it was FULL of babies, toddlers, and school children. You know who else I saw there? Furries (it was quite a hot day, many kudos to them), an old guy with a puppy mask, tail, and harness, people wearing speedos and leather harnesses, drag queens of all kinds, someone on a leash, someone else in a shirt that said "Bottoms, Tops, We All Hate Cops!" There were also a lot of cute plushie penises for sale that we saw all over the place, as well as some cool crocheted ones in various flag colours.
And guess what? Nobody was scarred for life. Nobody saw any explicit sex or BDSM. Nobody suddenly had the urge to, idk, go start doing bondage with other third graders. It was fine. Everybody had a nice time and blew bubbles and got stickers, all the white people got charmingly turnt on the marching band playing Sweet Caroline.
The "no kink at pride, queer is a slur" people need to actually go to a pride parade, smile at some toddlers, and get a lollipop from a drag queen, so they can stop letting themselves be weaponized by the rhetoric of people who want all queer people everywhere to be illegal and invisible again.
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origamiblacksmith · 7 hours
guards! read me my bedtime yaoi
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origamiblacksmith · 7 hours
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origamiblacksmith · 9 hours
no moderation at all would be better than this. legitimately. i can block the nazis and zionists and transmisogynists myself, the only time moderation staff step in is to remind me nd my friends that we're not welcome. they're fucking cops, they dont serve shit, they dont protect shit, they're just in it to hurt people and exert power
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origamiblacksmith · 9 hours
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when i see people express sentiments like this, my thought is pretty much “who exactly are you trying to prove a point to?” the democrats? if trump gets elected, they’re going to be completely sidelined if not worse and will be entirely focused on trying to get back in power and i can tell you they will NOT be moving further left. netanyahu? it’s a BETTER outcome for him if trump wins since trump is SIGNIFICANTLY more pro-israel than biden has ever been. the people in gaza? they need a ceasefire which has been rejected by both the israel and the hamas sides multiple times and a trump win WILL NOT make that a stronger possibility.
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origamiblacksmith · 9 hours
no your honor I absolutely can make my case like an adult. first things first, fuck the defendant and fuck his family too. secondly,
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origamiblacksmith · 15 hours
i wont lie i miss cock and pussy on dash unprompted. you used to be able to follow someone and theyd just put cock and pussy on the dash sometimes. nothing to do with their blog they were just having a moment. because of Horny. what do you get nowadays. a measly nipple? an Adults content warning ? all because of Woke. sick and twisted.
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origamiblacksmith · 15 hours
some notable catchphrases of 2013:
bitch I might be
do she got the booty ? she doooooooooo ! 
swiggity swag
the D
wen u mom com home and make hte spagehti
“ hello______, im dad “ 
W R I T I N G  I N T E N S E  W O R D S  L I K E  T H I S 
 perfect _____ don’t exis-
And now, the weather
at least 2 potato
we’ve come full circle ! 
life hack :
[ __________ INTENSIFIES]
so many
such doge. much wow. very smile. 
*sweats nervously*
spooper hot choclety milk
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origamiblacksmith · 15 hours
personally if I saw a bi woman at pride with her cishet boyfriend I would be very happy to see that she has someone that loves and supports her given that 61% of bisexual women have experienced some form of intimate partner violence
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origamiblacksmith · 15 hours
How I feel adding an egg to my budget ramen
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origamiblacksmith · 15 hours
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It’s all so neat
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