origamirosefactory · 3 years
New crush alert!
Super fun feelings time, love being a SIMP
New crush is almost 5 years younger than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that makes me uncomfortable!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I’m literally moving away.
Life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard life is hard
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
I was right.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
Emotionally??? I’m not fucking ok. Putting your phone on do not disturb in general is alright. Only putting it on because I’m around is sketchy as fuck and it means he doesn’t want me to see something. Fucker.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
It’s not like cheating but it’s like pretty bad it’s not sisters it’s cousins it still PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. part of me REALLY WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH HIM. Like it did feel like we already broke up And begrudgingly got back together already but like he was soooo sorry and just wanted me to say I love you like BITCH you just did something I DEFINITELY TOLD YOU I HATED and you made me feel bad for YOU. We are dating and you want to marry me some day? CHOOSE ME. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???? I feel like it’s not. It’s not. It’s not.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
When he puts his phone on do not disturb mode when you look at his phone haha oh don’t worry he probably just doesn’t want me to see all the dumb messages from the boys he’s not actively trying to hide his interaction with Haley he could just be like dw were friends I’m allowed to have friends no he just hides it and that’s what makes it worse
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
IM SO MAD IM SO MAD I’M SO MAD I’M SO MAD I’M SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
I’m so mad but I only learned like a little bit more than what I already knew so I guess it’s just old news but it brought up a lot of old feelings and we already talked about it a long time ago so I can’t bring it up again so I guess I’m just going to post a bunch on here.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
We got into this whole fight thing about whether we should break up and he dropped this bomb about like I agree we probably won’t make it long distance but we should stay together for now. We don’t even need to have sex. Like how undesirable am I? Every time you want to get off I’m guessing you just want to get off, you don’t even care about how I feel? My befriends boyfriend senior year set a due date for when they broke up because he couldn’t do long distance and I despise that. I also hate him but I hate him the most for doing that not just once, but twice: with the girl he dated the next year. Fuck men.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
I got literal broken bones and I found out this mans been visiting and talking to this girl on the down low literal days before Valentine’s Day. And like while I’m fucking in pain and depressed.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
My boyfriend is in love with someone else and he talks to her the way he used to talk to me but doesn’t anymore. If this is actually how he feels I wish he would just end it now, because everything is just fake! He complains about how little we have sex but he always sleeps on the couch. What the fuck.
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
I’m not happy in this relationship right now, and I haven’t been totally happy for a while. And it’s awful because I think about everything that’s wrong, how shitty I feel all the time, how I can’t handle you wanted the relationship to be open, but when I’m back home with you, you act like everything’s fine and these feelings are normal. So on one hand that makes me feel better. On the other hand, it makes it worse.
The first time I had a breakdown about this, last year, one of the things you brought up was this was helping our relationship. How? I’m clearly not handling it well. What you think is telling the relationship is the idealized version of the poly relationships you’re reading articles about. Have you looked up the stories of when it didn’t go well? How it normally goes when one person wants to open the relationship and the other doesn’t? It normally goes pretty bad.
I don’t know if you just don’t realize it or something, but when I try to get us to go on dates, and then you blow me off because of your time management, and then make time to have sex with another girl when I’m free, makes me feel unwanted, like a second choice. Im the maternal, domestic girlfriend. It would be weird to have sex without kissing, you said, after I wasn’t kissing you because you had a sore throat. You were still kissing her. But the past few times we had sex was only because you were in the mood, I’m not, that’s ok there’s no kissing here anymore.
The first time you wanted to start trying to practice polyamory was after my recital. I had maybe one day of rest between a stressful semester and a stressful relationship. I think I was unhappy on the day of our first anniversary because of it. It’s coming up on our second anniversary, and well, all this last week I thought about cutting myself or the least painful way to kill myself. And I spent this two hour car drive home contemplating breaking up.
But I still can’t figure out if that would be a mistake. We’ve thought about our future (a million different versions of our future). But in actuality I think it’ll expire once we’re no longer living in the same town, which is soon. Should I throw out the milk I know no one is drinking, or should I hope it never goes sour?
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
heart warming potato soup
- 🌿🍲🐌🍄✨
this soup.. is a cure all. break up? bad day? lazy day? rainy day? stormy day? repressed all your feelings for too long and now they’re coming to the surface far too rapidly to get a grasp on and this was all you could manage to pour yourself into as some form of healing spellwork.. day? try this soup! aha
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originally when i made this i was slugging around the kitchen throwing sh*t in the pot but i think i retained enough to slap a recipe together so here goes!
[ potato soup ]
• 2 medium yukon golds (or 3 small)
• salt
• thyme
• pepper
• 1/4 sm onion
• 2-3 cloves of garlic
• butter
• flour
• 1 tbs sour cream
• handful of sharp cheddar
[ steps ]
cube up and boil your potatoes in some salted water, throw some thyme and pepper in the water too, do the toothpick/fork thing and when it’s time to strain save maybe a cup of the liquid for later, throw the potatoes back into the pot a sec to sautee up with your onion and garlic and some butter for a sec, just enough to infuse the flavour
chuck it into a food processor or blender to get it smooth with about 2 tbs of butter or substitute and however much of that reserved liquid it takes to get it just smooth enough to blend nice
now! get your butter and flour and make a little roux real quick, just adds a nice texture and flavour density to the soup but you could omit, from here stir in your potato sludge and more liquid as needed to reach your desired consistency
add a little more salt pepper and thyme, maybe some more garlic powder if it needs it, stir in a handful or so of sharp cheddar and about a tbs of sour cream; ofc you can omit or sub both of these if you’re vegan/lactose, let the soup simmer and serve up with a sprinkle of thyme and/or fresh cracked pepper :)
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origamirosefactory · 4 years
I am so sorry everyone. I cannot go on any longer.
@doctorqueensanatomy I'm so sorry that I promised we would work on making videos together. I wish we could have done it. Thank you for being my mutual for so long. You were always my favorite.
@jadepidgeon I don't know where you've been for the past few weeks but you are so sweet and kind and you deserved so much more than me.
@pepperland-timelord @bisexualcrabqueen I hope that you two can go back to 1965 without me. I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the mission.
@themostdivinetrash thank you for sending me those adorable pictures of your cat. You helped me a lot.
@im-you-but-weaker you were really fun to talk to. I'll miss our chaotic conversations. I hope you have a good life.
@velvetblackheart I am so sorry to do this to you. I really am. Please don't cry too much over me. I love you.
@ziggy-starstop I failed you. I am so sorry. I couldn't go on even though you tried to help me.
@mclennonwasreal I am so sorry that I bothered you. You will always be my favorite blog. And your website deserves so much recognition.
@macca-bby I know you don't follow me but I love your blog and I want to thank you for the icon.
@angel-fell-out-of-grace I wish we could have been friends for longer. I'm sorry.
@no-gender-only-soup we never talked. I wish we could have gotten to know each other better.
@darkgothicchicken I am sorry. I helped you as much as I can. I can't be here any more. I'm so sorry.
@return-of-the-thin-white-fuck you're blog has always been hilarious and you are so sweet and kind. You got me through some hard times. Thank you.
@afrlbatgirl we never talked and we aren't even in the same fandoms anymore but you are one of my longest mutuals and seem very sweet.
@spooky-scary-frank-iero you seem cool, I'm glad you got your hair cut. Sorry we never talked.
@i-carnt-spel thank you for validating me that one time. I really appreciate it.
@georgemccharmly thank you so much for that one time you helped me. I'm sorry I failed you.
@definitely-a-living-human i recommended music to you one time and then we thought up a marvel plot. You seem cool.
And to all the rest of my followers and mutuals, I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep my blog going. I wish I could have but life is too hard. I am being selfish and that is part of the reason that I deserve to die. Thank you all so much for being there for me.
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