originalanchorheart · 1 month
About Yuzuru's marriage, information censored and you might not know. His Eng fans have been under the impression that he definitely married women while half of Japanese especially educated ones actually thought he was coming out because of how his marriage announcement was written. His marriage announcement doesn't contain gender of his partner, this is very unusual, lacking information, not a standard celebrity marriage announcement in Japan. Look at Shohei's marriage announcement, he clearly wrote he married a Japanese woman. Yuzuru only wrote he was going to register. In Japan, same sex couple marriage is illegal, but couples can bypass this and register as adopted adult. Japanese know about this, foreigners may not know. Here is some link I found in English about this method.
Strategies that Japanese gays and lesbians use to legalize same-sex relationships In Japan, gay couples can use the ordinary (futsu) adoption system (adopting an adult person) as an "alternative" (Sunagawa, 2009) or as a way to "bypass" (Maree, 2004) the current legal system. This system has been used by gay couples in Japan to legally secure their relationships and protect themselves (Maree, 2004) and is considered their only option. 
That violinist tabloid has been pushing is definitely fake, her background was dug out from the very beginning, there is a video on YouTube, there is journalist who exposed her background. This information is all over Japanese and Chinese sns. She is a mistress, very poor, and she has been with several politicians and old men. Yuzuru's Japanese fans have been protesting about her being fake for several months now, they have some evidence because the tabloid story is contradictory. The following is my take, the people who hired this violinist want to ruin Yuzuru Hanyu's reputation and prevented him from coming out. They know who his real partner is. He was forced into divorce because he can't say anything about his partner.
This is the link for that YouTube video about that violinist's past history with politicians. This journalist used to work for Bunchun, he has his own business now. 
Her past indecent publicity photo here, exposing her underwear for fame, no one in their right mind can believe Yuzuru Hanyu could marry this woman. Even if Yuzuru is gay and wants to conform to Japanese society, he wouldn't choose this kind of woman, and he wouldn't divorce after 3 months because it would be an arranged and negociated marriage. 3 month divorce is very damaging to Yuzuru's image. It is career suicidal. He wouldn't do it unless he was forced and doesn't have choice.
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This violinist being a mistress not a secret in her hometown, many people know about this. She was exposed all over Japan's internet e.g. 5ch. Any Japanese who paid attention should know. Her past photos with men and politicians were even dug out. She never admitted herself she was his wife. If anyone forced her as his ex wife is helping the tabloid narrative, that's about it.
This violinist's family has ties with Abe family, her family business shut down long time ago, she struggled financially. Abe fraction is the biggest fraction in LDP party, it has motive to prevent him from coming out or cheat the general public that he married a woman, you should know LDP party's policies towards same sex marriage, the homophobic remarks the politicians have made. The former jsf president Seiko Hashimoto who sexually harassed and forced kissed Daisuke in a dinner party is a prominent figure in LDP party now. She dislikes Yuzuru a lot. They have past conflicts, it is not a secret. Daisuke is gay yet this woman harassed him, this is power play.
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You should know the only information that is true about this marriage is his two announcements which don't contain gender, deliberately used gender neutral words, he never said he had a wife. And also he responded to the tabloids, everything they write is delusional. his ice shows, photoshoots and programs are full of LGBT elements.
Before his fans start to gaslight me and claim I can't out him, and they can say he married a woman even forcing a mistress onto him is ok, he just has to bear it because his fans' wish, while what I am saying here is all over Japan's sns, he is a public figure I can have an opinion, it is not a crime. That violinist is a public figure as well, and if anything that journalist or general public said about her is false, she came out and responded to it. She didn't dare to respond to anything, didn't even dare to admit her ex is Yuzuru, only her supposed 'Guardian' that old man mostly likely her boyfriend helped her tell the lie that he guessed her ex is Yuzuru. You should read that tabloid's article, and see how big the lie that man tells.
This is the link of that major Bunchun article that slandered Yuzuru and his family by the violinist's so called 'guardian', you can see the full article if you pay for it 
In the Bunchun artical that old man said he wasn't told this violinist's husband because of supposed confidential agreement, but from the gossip he heard, it should be Yuzuru or another famous person who performed with the violinist before. And he went on to accuse Yuzuru and his family because the violinist and her mother complained to him after the divorce. Don't you see? He used this method to bypass the accountability, he can claim it was all misunderstanding if Yuzuru sues him for defamation.
What Yuzuru and team have responded up to now that indicates that violinist is fake. He said he married an ordinary person in his divorce announcement, this is a denial,a violinist is not seen as an ordinary person in Japan. That's why the media could publicate her photo without breaking the law. And also in the paid section of that Bunchun article. His team responded to one question.
Bunchun's question: Did Yuzuru Hanyu cause pain and suffering to the violinist's family?
His team's answers: the premise is wrong, there is nothing further to say.
This means the premise that they were married is wrong, there is no other explanation, this response is hidden in the paid section.
This violinist is still being reported now as his ex persistently with no ending especially during his ice show periods. She performed at a restaurant, is that newsworthy at all? Why keep on reporting her as his ex when they offer no real evidence? They have no real connection at all, the only photo they have for them is cropped from a group photo of the faoi ice show.
Shoma Uno actually offered an interview in the paid section of this Bunchun article. He is the only skater involved in the tabloid's slander article, he never responded that he didn't give that interview. Nobu was mentioned in one tabloid's article, he responded online that the women's magazine report is delusional. I am curious why he gave this interview, what he said is negative towards Yuzuru.
Japan's society is not that homophobic, but the political party that controls Japan is homophobic and very against LGBT rights, it is a democratic country, but there is no real opposition political party. No big celebrities in Japan truly dare to come out, if Yuzuru comes out publicly, he will lose his sponsorships and can't continue to do ice shows in Japan. People talking about him being gay in Japan is not that big a deal, a famous film director in Japan Takeshi Kitano once publicly said on TV that there is no way he is straight. Yuzuru never denied these claims. 
His Japanese fans found evidence that proves that the violinist performed on her so called guardian's party during the period of that supposed marriage which contradicts that old man's claim that she couldn't leave the room. She never lived in Sendai, if she lived there, there is no way the tabloid couldn't get a photo of her leaving the apartment, she even posed photos for the tabloid at the busy Tokyo station with thousands of people passing through, what kind of idiots can't tell now she was deliberately posing and cooperating with the tabloids? The tabloid never got a two shot of them together, only made up stories. Sendai residents living in the same apartment with Yuzuru never saw him with any woman. These are all ordinary people speaking up online, what is the real situation? is that he didn't have a wife living with him. Japanese law disallows the media to post photos of ordinary person, Japan is not a barbaric country. His Japanese fans are mostly middle aged or elder women who see him as child, they won't harass his marriage. if he has an ordinary person as wife, he has no reason to hide her and can't sustain the marriage. There are Japanese celebrities with even bigger fame than him marries ordinary women with no problem. Look at Shohei's marriage, he married a woman, has the media done any harm to his marriage? Why Yuzuru is demonized and targeted by the Japanese media? Isn't it an elephant in the room that his partner is not a woman? 
This is the poster for the violinist's so called guardian 's business party in Osaka on 18/9/2023, she is in the poster as main star.
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Not all of his fans are homophobic though, the people who want to acknowledge his true self are silenced and only the homophobic ones are the loudest. So that's what he sees and no wonder he suffers, and implies he is lonely and can't see the future.
Look at the environment he is in, if you follow Yahoo Japan articles related to him,  no positive articles exist for him. They write fake ex wives stories, write slandering articles about the Sendai new ice rink that puts blame on him,  use Shohei and Mao Asada to compare and put him down. Slandering his mother, about his relationship with his mother. Demonizing his Japanese fans, blaming everything on his fans. Anyone expects him to be happy in such an environment? How much he needs to sacrifice to be able to skate in Japan?
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