" I shut the door when you came in. " Pala said softly before standing again to use the sink. Filling up a glass of water that was only full for a minute before she drank it all down. @castielangelofthelord1
He walked close to her. “I’m sorry, this is never gonna happen, I just needed some time to put myself back. Don’t ever think that I would do that. Never. I was just really sad last night. Nothing more.” and he hugged her.
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" my neck kind of hurts from sleeping on this thing. " she said pointing to the couch she was sitting on. Pala was starting to get a bit hungry, but it really wasn't something to mention so she left that part out. @castielangelofthelord1
He walked close to her. “I’m sorry, this is never gonna happen, I just needed some time to put myself back. Don’t ever think that I would do that. Never. I was just really sad last night. Nothing more.” and he hugged her.
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Pala nodded giving a small smile in return, " your my family to. " she said as she finnaly moved from her retreated spot by the table and walked back over to where she slept on the couch. Where she sat down, but also kind of flopped into her seat. The bounce in the cushion surprised her at first, but she soon found it funny. @castielangelofthelord1
He walked close to her. “I’m sorry, this is never gonna happen, I just needed some time to put myself back. Don’t ever think that I would do that. Never. I was just really sad last night. Nothing more.” and he hugged her.
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Pala nodded hugging him back. She didn't want to be so clueless and unaware of different things because she was afraid. Even tho he told her he wouldn't leave her, she still worried. Was that something that humans do often? Worry? This was definitely a new feeling to her, " thank you. " she said quietly. @castielangelofthelord1
He walked close to her. “I’m sorry, this is never gonna happen, I just needed some time to put myself back. Don’t ever think that I would do that. Never. I was just really sad last night. Nothing more.” and he hugged her.
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" it's ok.. " Pala said looking over at castiel, who was now awake, " I thought... I thought you left me here. " stated quietly. Not knowing if he understood what she meant about leaving her there. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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Pal looked up from where she was to see castiel on the bed. Wiping her face off a bit with her her hand, she stood up and shut the motel door. Locking it as castiel had before, she grabbed the blanket that was on the couch, wich she didn't even think to use for herself and layed it across castiel. Pala then carefully loosened his tie to get it off, at least while he slept. For some reason it just came natural to her. And she didn't want to burden him. Next she pulled his shoes off, setting his things next to the bed before returning to her sitting position by the table. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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here’s a reminder that mental illness is not your fault. 
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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" but your human to.... " she sighed watching him walk out of the motel room. She took the picture off the notepad and put it on the closest table by the door, before chiseling to lay on the couch instead of the bed to sleep. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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" castiel? " Pala said with a tilt to her head. She couldn't stand the feeling that something was wrong but she knew he wouldn't tell her yet. Especially since she had been trying the entire time she was with him. Pala stood up, wrapping her arms around him to give him a hug. That's all she could do, she couldn't pry into his feelings. The best she could do was try to comfort him. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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" I uh... " she blushed, instead of saying it first Pala handed him the notepad. " I drew you, you where the first one to help me. " she said quietly, Pala wanted him to know that she would be there for him but she didn't quite know how to express that. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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Pala looked up when he spoke, only to find that he was trying to tie his tie?, " you know.... I don't think that's healthy to sleep with that on you.... " she thought aloud before setting the pencil down that she was drawing with, " um.... the tv was kind of boring... so I started doing this. " she said pointing down at the note pad. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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There really wasn't much Paula found interesting on the television. So she decided to search around the room, maybe there was something to do? Searching through the drawers until she came across a notepad. Eaither someone left it there previously or it was something the motel left there for its costomers. Pulling it out and shutting the drawer, she then pooped herself back on the bed. Leaving the tv in for background noise as she started drawing on the paper. She found it more comfortable to draw than watch tv to pass time. @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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" erm. I mean sure yeah. " she nodded, standing up from her seat at the table, " I just don't want it to scare me again. " she said with a slight laugh afterwards @castielangelofthelord1
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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when you get a reply for a thread that you’ve been waiting on all day and you’re out in public
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Someone please rp with me or reply. I'm so bored
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