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bat monster siblings
Diamond ickis mother
Scraw Diamond s little brother and Ickis s maternal uncle
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Let me introduce Shagrat the most hated monster tyrant abusive husband and father to Ethea and Sublima,he is a racist who hate loomers and bat monsters
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Krumms family
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Ickis had three ancestors with the same name.
Ickis I was a king from the acient age or prehistoric period who took his responsabilities and royal duties seriously.
Ickis II is from Mesopotamia period he is the first one who made a kind o clock that kind guide monsters on the underground
Ickis III was from the acient Greek he was a capitain from the monster army and taught Monsters to scsre and make feart the humans off
Ickis IV the actual as we know in the present time
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This character was created by me back in 2018, her name is Ethea she is Sublima s mother, Oblina Grandmother, Oblina for example is like her grandmother both enjoy study in the academy,and smart and they enjoy scaring humans....
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Au part 5 paying a visit a relative.
Ickis decide to pay a visit his maternal uncle Scraw it was saturday....
Ickis: i need to talk to my uncle about he told me about the red sewers...
Ickis follow the same path to find his uncle Scraw home
As Ickis makes his way towards his uncle Scraw's home, he retraces the same path he took with his uncle the night before. The early morning air is crisp and refreshing, and the surroundings are relatively quiet as many monsters are probably still asleep.
Ickis walks with determination and a mix of excitement and uncertainty, knowing that he has something important to discuss with his uncle. After a short walk, he finally arrives at Scraw's home and knocks on the door.
Ickis enter...
Ickis flew seeing his uncle upside down.....
Ickis: hey are you awake
Scraw opens one eye lazily and glances at Ickis, still hanging upside down. He lets out a yawn and stretches his arms.
Scraw (groggily): Well, look who it is, early birdie. What brings you here at this ungodly hour, my nephew?
Ickis: well is morning already uncle
Scraw chuckles and rolls his eyes good-naturedly.
Scraw (teasingly): Morning, shmorming. It's still too early for my liking. But I suppose you're up early for a reason, huh?
Ickis: uncle, you remember what you told me about the red sewers
Scraw nods, his expression turning serious as he comes out of his sleepy state.
Scraw (firmly): Yes, I remember. I told you about the red sewers and how dangerous they can be. Why do you ask, my nephew?
Ickis: well i did stop one of my classmates to enter in
Scraw frowns, his concern growing.
Scraw (sternly): You stopped one of your classmates? When did this happen, Ickis? Was this recent?
Ickis: the previous friday
Scraw's concern deepens as he hears the timeline of events.
Scraw (seriously): And this happened last Friday? And you stopped your classmate from entering the red sewers? Do your friends or anyone else know about this?
Ickis: i told this to the Gromble
Scraw's frown turns into a puzzled expression.
Scraw (slightly skeptical): You told the Gromble about this incident? Well, that's good. At least someone in authority is aware of the situation. Did he say anything in response?
Ickis: well he reunited everyone in class and told us why we shouldn t enter the red sewers
Scraw nods slowly, a sense of relief washing over him.
Scraw (calmer): Ah, so the Gromble spoke to the entire class about not entering the red sewers? That's good. He's being proactive and ensuring that everyone's aware of the danger.
Ickis nodded
Scraw studies Ickis's face, his expression softening.
Scraw (gently): You did good, Ickis. You stopped your classmate from entering the red sewers, and you informed the Gromble about it. That takes courage and responsibility. I'm proud of you, nephew.
Ickis nodded,
Ickis: i got shot by gregor the monster hunter, i was doing scaring asigments when that human shot me
Scraw's eyes widen in shock and concern at Ickis's revelation.
Scraw (alarmed): You got shot by Gregor the Monster Hunter?! My goodness! Are you alright, Ickis? How badly injured are you from the gunshot?
Ickis: its only one gun shot on my back
Scraw breathes a sigh of relief, although his concern remains.
Scraw (reassuringly): Well, that's good to hear that it's just one gunshot on your back. But even still, you should be careful and rest. Gunshots can be serious, especially for a young monster like you.
Ickis: i m glad mom isn t here i know how she could react
Scraw nods understandingly.
Scraw (dryly): Ha! You're right about that. If your mother was here, she'd probably go on an all-out rampage. She can be quite protective, that sister of mine.
Ickis: my mother is worst she was like that since i hatched
Scraw laughs heartily.
Scraw: Oh, I know your mother well, Ickis. She's always been a fierce and protective mother. Even back when you hatched, she'd guard you like a hawk.
Ickis: yes
Scraw grins, shaking his head in amusement.
Scraw: Your mother's dedication to keeping you safe was impressive, if a bit over the top. But I must admit, it's certainly entertaining to think back on those memories.
Ickis: don t remind me the time i was a hatchling and my mother upside down watching me
Scraw chuckles at the memory.
Scraw: Ah, yes, the infamous upside-down hovering of your mother. That was a sight to behold! She really took her protective duties seriously, didn't she?
Diamond flew inside
Ickis: .....
Scraw looks up, seeing his sister Diamond fly into the room. He raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Scraw (surprised): Well, speak of the devil. Diamond! What brings you here, sister?
Ickis: hi mom i didn t expect you here
Diamond glances at Ickis with a mix of surprise and relief.
Diamond (softly): Ickis? What are you doing here, dear? I wasn't expecting to see you this morning.
Ickis: paying a visit the family
Diamond smiles, her gaze filled with warmth.
Diamond (fondly): Oh, that's lovely to hear, dear. It's always nice to spend time with family. But I didn't expect to see you here this early in the morning.
Ickis: i awake early
Diamond nods, her gaze turning slightly suspicious.
Diamond (curiously): Oh, really? You woke up early, huh? That's unusual for you, Ickis. You're usually not a morning monster.
Ickis: im not longer a bonsty for you keepen a eye
Diamond raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.
Diamond (teasingly): Oh, so you're not a bonsty anymore, eh? Don't be too grown-up just yet, Ickis. You'll always be my little hatchling, no
matter how old you get.
Ickis: mom you remember the time i crawl inside a red sewer
Diamond's expression turns serious as she recalls the event.
Diamond (firmly): Yes, I do remember that, Ickis. It was a dangerous and reckless thing to do. I was so worried when I found out you had gone into the red sewers.
Ickis: i was courious
Diamond's stern expression softens a little, a hint of pride mixing with her concern.
Diamond (somewhat reluctantly): Yes, I remember now. You were just a hatchling then, and you were curious about everything. You insisted on exploring the red sewers, despite my objections.
Ickis: you couldn t stop keeping a eye on me including the day i hatched
Diamond chuckles softly, her expression filled with nostalgia.
Diamond (affectionately): Oh, yes, I remember vividly. I was so protective of you the moment you hatched. I tried to keep an eye on you every second of the day, just to make sure you were safe and sound.
Ickis: i had this picture of me as hatchling i m embarrased to show it to my two close friends..
Diamond grins, her eyes filled with mischief.
Diamond (playfully): Oh, you have a picture of yourself as a hatchling, do you? And you're too embarrassed to show it to Oblina and Krumm? Well now, that's something I'd love to see!
Ickis shows the picture of himself as hatching sucking a sponge,
Diamond's face lights up with laughter as she sees the picture.
Diamond (laughing): Oh my goodness! Look at you, clinging to that sponge as a hatchling! You were such a cute and adorable little thing. I remember when I had to pry that sponge away
from you just to feed you.
Ickis: chuckle
Diamond grins, still chuckling herself.
Diamond (teasingly): You looked so cute with that sponge, almost like a little koala clinging to a tree. I remember you would cry and whine whenever I took it away.
Ickis: it was my toy
Diamond laughs heartily.
Diamond (fondly): Oh, I know it was your toy, dear. But you got so attached to it that I had to limit your time with it, otherwise you would've lived attached to that sponge!
Ickis: but it didn t work
Diamond chuckles, recalling the memory.
Diamond (humorously): No, it didn't work. You would just find another sponge lying around and start sucking on it again! I had to constantly keep an eye on you to prevent you from becoming attached to another one.
Ickis: mom jeaoleus
Diamond raises an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on her lips.
Diamond (teasingly): Oh, so you say I got jealous when you latched onto an inanimate object, huh? Well, let me tell you something, young man. It's perfectly normal for a mother to be a bit jealous of anything that takes the attention of her child.
Ickis: i remember dad chuckle while you try
Mention Slickis
Diamond laughs, the memory bringing a fond smile to her face.
Diamond (affectionately): Oh, yes! Your father found it quite amusing to watch me struggle to detach you from that blasted sponge. He would just sit there, chuckling as I tried to gently pry it away from you, and you would cling on for dear life.
Years in the past.....
A tiny hatchling Ickis was inside a nest made by old blankets from the city dump
Lying on his back, the Hatchling Ickis clutches a large sponge in his tiny arms, sucking on it like a pacifier. He coos and babbles in his bonstytalk, clearly enjoying the comfort of the sponge.
The little hatchling continues to babble, his small voice filling the cozy nest. The sponge in his arms serves as a pacifier, and he sucks on it contentedly, looking all cute and innocent.
Diamond sits nearby, her gaze fixed on the bonsty Ickis. Her eyes sparkle with a mix of love and protectiveness as she watches him with the sponge. She lets him keep the sponge for now, her heart melting at the sight of his innocent delight.
The Hatchling Ickis continues to babble in his usual babytalk, blissfully unaware of his mother's watchful gaze. He sucks on the sponge, his chubby cheeks puffing out slightly with each suckle.
Ickis: mmm
Ickis makes a satisfied smacking sound as he sucks on the sponge. He coos and babbles some more, clearly enjoying the soothing sensation of the fabric against his gums.
Diamond smiles softly, her eyes fixed on Ickis as he continues to suck on the sponge. She can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as she watches him, remembering the days when he was just a small hatchling under her watchful care.
Diamond's voice breaks gently through the quiet as she speaks softly to her young son, who is still enjoying his sponge.
Diamond (gently): You really seem to love that sponge, don't you, dear? Just like when you were a wee hatchling.
Ickis babbles
Ickis responds with a string of cute and unintelligible bonstytalk, his small mouth still occupied by the sponge. He looks up at his mother with innocent, wide eyes, giving her a gummy smile.
Ickis was hungry
Ickis babbles a bit more, his tiny tummy rumbling lightly as he continues to suck on the sponge. Despite his contented appearance, he can't quite satisfy his growing hunger with the soft fabric alone.
Ickis wail
Ickis' innocent facade fades as the hunger takes hold, and his small face scrunches up into a pout. He lets out a soft wail, trying to convey his discomfort and need for food.
Diamond talk
Diamond's motherly instincts kick in as she hears Ickis' wail. She scoops him up gently in her arms, bringing him closer to her chest.
Diamond (softly): Shh, shh, it's alright, my little one. I think you're hungry, aren't you?
Ickis continues to wail, his tiny fists clenching and unclenching as his hunger grows. He looks up at Diamond with teary eyes, silently begging for some nourishment.
Seeing her little one so distraught, Diamond quickly sets aside the sponge and starts to soothe him.
Diamond (gently): Oh, my sweet bonsty, you must be so hungry. Shhh, shh... I'll feed you, darling.
Ickis' tiny body squirms in Diamond's arms, his wail growing louder and more desperate as his hunger gnaws at his little tummy. His wide, pleading eyes lock onto Diamond, silently begging for food.
Diamond continues to gently soothe Ickis, holding him close to her chest. She can feel how hungry and upset he is, and she knows that he needs something substantial to eat.
Diamond (reassuringly): I know, I know, my dear. I won't let you go hungry any longer. Let mommy feed you first, okay?
Diamond smiles affectionately at Ickis' nod, knowing that he understands and trusts her completely.
Diamond (softly): That's right, darling. Momma will take care of you. Just give me a moment, and I'll get you all fed and satisfied.
Ickis quiets down as he feels a sense of security in Diamond's presence. He looks up at her with trust in his eyes, knowing that she'll provide for him.
Diamond (tenderly): There, there, my little one. That's better. Now, let me see what I can find to quench your hunger, hmm?
Diamond gently places Ickis back on the cozy nest, ensuring he's comfortably settled. She then gets up to search nearby for something suitable to feed him, her maternal instincts fully engaged.
Diamond (reassuringly): You wait here, my sweet. I'll be right back with a nice, scrumptious snack.
Ickis curls up in the blankets, his tummy still rumbling ever so slightly. He waits patiently, his eyes following Diamond's movements around the room as she searches for something to feed him.
Diamond (whispering to herself): Let's see, what do we have here... Ah, this'll do just fine.
After a few moments of rummaging through nearby supplies, Diamond returns to the nest with a small container.
Diamond (smiling): Look what I have for you, my little one. A nice, fresh meal, just for you.
Ickis' eyes widen as he lays eyes on the container. His tummy rumbles eagerly, indicating that he's ready for the food.
Diamond (cheerfully): That's right, my sweetheart. Momma's got something tasty for you. Are you ready to dig in?
Diamond opens the container, revealing a delicious and nutrient-packed meal. She scoops a small amount into a small spoon, then holds it out to Ickis.
Diamond (gently): Open wide, my darling. Let me feed you.
Ickis start to eat.....
~Flashback end~
The flashback fades away, leaving Diamond and Ickis back in the present moment. Diamond glances at her grown-up hatchling and chuckles softly.
Diamond (remembering): You were such a cute and hungry little thing. Always needing to fill that tiny tummy of yours.
Ickis sheed tears
Diamond notices the tears welling up in Ickis' eyes and cocks an eyebrow in concern. She gently reaches out to touch his cheek.
Diamond (softly): Oh, dear, why the tears? Don't tell me you're getting emotional over that memory.
Ickis: yes mom
Diamond gives Ickis a small, understanding smile, wiping away the tears on his cheek with a gentle touch.
Diamond (tenderly): Ah, my dear. It's natural to feel a little nostalgic about those days when you were such a tiny hatchling. But look at you now, all grown up and independent. You've become a
fine young monster.
Ickis: yes and you didn expect me grow bat wings
Diamond chuckles heartily at Ickis' remark, unable to help but find it endearing.
Diamond (playfully): Oh, you're right about that, my dear. Who could have predicted you'd sprout those bat wings? They certainly caught me off.
Ickis nodded
To be continued
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Part 4 from my au
Ickis lay inside his bed.
Oblina and Krumm make sure Ickis is comfortable in bed, adjusting the blankets and making sure he has everything he needs
Oblina (concerned): get plenty of rest,Ickis. We’ll check on you frequently and bring you anything you need.
Ickis: you Don t need to be caring about me honey,you just had enough of the class lessons also scaring asigments.
Oblina shakes her head,her expression filled with concern.
Oblina: We’re your friends,Ickis. Of course we’re going to worry about you. And your health is more important than than anything than class or scaring humans. So just focus on resting and getting better,okay
Ickis: you are going to date a monster who is reckless.
Oblina raises an eyebrow and looks at Ickis with playful smile.
Oblina: what’s that supposed to mean Ickis
Are you calling yourself reckless
Ickis: I m calling myself a reckless honey
Oblina laughs softly and shakes her head.
Oblina:oh,Ickis. You’re not reckless, you’re just young and adventurous. But sometimes that curiosity can lead you into tricky situations. We just don’t want you getting hurt, that’s all.
Ickis: you worry to much and is not good for you because you will missing studies or worst being snorched
Oblina looks slightly sheepish as she nods.
Oblina: you re right, I m worrying to much. But it’s only because I care about you Ickis. We both do. It’s hard not to be concerned when one of our friends gets hurt.
Krumm pipes up,trying to lighten the mood after eating a bug.
Krumm(cheerfully): and don’t worry about us missing study,Ickis. We can catch up easily.
It was night time the three friends are sleeping.
Ickis was a younger monster before he attended the monster academy and meeting Oblina and Krumm, his maternal uncle Scraw take him to show the red sewers the dangerous place where no monster do not return alive.
As Ickis follows his maternal uncle Scraw into the red sewers,an eerie atmosphere fills the air. The red walls and dim lighting cast a menacing glow. Scraw holds a kind of a lantern, providing some light in the encroaching darkness.
Scraw: do you know why this sewers are red.
Young Ickis shakes his head,staring ahead the red walls with wide eyes.
Ickis(curious): no,uncle Scraw. I don’t know why the sewers are red. Can you tell me.
Ickis s eyes widen wit a mix of fear and intrigue.
Ickis(nervous):so other monsters have gone in here and never come back
That sounds dangerous,Uncle Scraw.
He made a nervous sounds,glancing around the dimly lit environment.
Young Ickis face lights up with curiosity at the mention of his mother involvement.
Ickis(excitement):you mean,my mother discovered the sewers that’s amazing tell me more,uncle Scraw . Why did she find it so scary
He hangs onto every word,his imagination running wild with the possibilities of the mysterious red sewer
Scraw: well my older sister Diamond was dating your father,Slickis the great student from our generation,Diamond was wondering where was her lover and she find him enter the red sewer,something that her feels it’s dangerous she entered inside and saving your father out of that place.
Young Ickis eyes sparkle with fascination as Scraw delves deeper into the story of his parents adventure.
Ickis(eagerly): so, my mother,Diamond,saved my father from this sewers that’s incredible
What happened in here to scare her so much, Uncle Scraw did they encounter a monster or something even worse.
Ickis hangs on every word,enthralled by the tale of his parents bravery and the mysteries of the red sewers
Scraw: they found a dead monster inside those sewers it was,the Gromble s father,yes our master is the Gromble but he didn’t t know that his father died in.
Young Ickis gasped,his eyes wide with both amazement and simpathy.
Ickis(quietly): they found the Gromble s father and he died in here
That’s tragic. How did he die uncle Scraw.
His young mind processes the gravity of the situation, filled with a mix of curiosity and sorrow Mr.Gromble s father.
Scraw: well a monster hunter shoot inside the red sewer and hit Gromble s father and he died from an infection from his wounds.
Young Ickis covers his mouth with his hands,his eyes filled with a mix of shock, sadness, and horror.
Ickis(whispers): oh no,that’s horrible. The Gromble s father was shot by a monster hunter and died from infection. Poor Mr. Gromble,that must have been so hard on him.
Ickis s expression turns solemn as he ponders the weight of the story
Scraw: is getting late and I don’t want your mother wondering where you was.
Ickis nods,understanding that it’s time to return home.
Ickis( determined): you’re right uncle Scraw. Mom will be worried if I stay out to late. But thank you for taking me on this adventure today. It was both scary and exciting. I’ll never forget it.
With a mix of. Gratitude and excitement, Ickis waves farewell to Scraw as he prepares to head back home.
Flashback ends~
Ickis sheed a tiny tear…
Ickis: thank you uncle Scraw for your advise…
Sleeps back again.
Oblina,who had been listening intently to the story,gently wipes away Ickis s tear,her eyes filled with empathy and support.
Oblina(softly): it’s okay, Ickis. Your uncle words were wise. Now get some rest and let your body heal. You ll feel better soon, I promise.
She gently adjusts his blanket,making sure he s comfortable and warm
She brushes a comforting hand through his cheek offering him the reassurance he needs.
To be continued.
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Au part 3. After talking with Zimbo,Ickis walk outside the Monster Academy.
Ickis: at least outside i can use my bat wings.
Ickis flew off from the city dump.
As Ickis exits the Monster academy and spreads his bat wings, a sense of freedom and excitement washes over him. He takes to the air, feeling the cool breeze against his face as he soars above the academy grounds.
With a mix of determination and curiosity, he prepares to embark on his first flight outside the academy, ready to explore the open skies and test his newfound abilities.
While with Krumm and Oblina...
Oblina and Krumm are sitting alone in their room, waiting for Ickis to return from his flight. They chat casually, discussing their day and speculating about Ickis's wings.
Oblina: So, you think Icky is enjoying his first solo flight?
Krumm: maybe, since he grow his bat wings recently
Oblina nods.
Oblina: Yeah, it must be exciting for him. Growing wings out of nowhere is a pretty big deal. Plus, he gets to fly around now. That's pretty cool, if you ask me.
Krumm: i heard Ickis and you are dating
Oblina is caught off guard by Krumm's unexpected comment. She feels her cheeks warm slightly, but she regains her composure and responds with a coy smile.
Oblina: Oh, really now? Where did you hear that from?
Krumm: from Kriggle
Oblina lets out a small sigh, rolling her eyes slightly.
Oblina: Figures. Kriggle has a habit of spreading rumors and gossip. But... is it really that obvious that we're dating?
Krumm: ha,i knew it you and Ickis you had feelings for each other monster lovers
Oblina, unable to hide her smile, lets out a small chuckle.
Oblina: Seems like you've figured us out. Yeah, Ickis and I have been seeing each other. I didn't think it was that obvious, but I guess Kriggle had to spill the beans.
Krumm: i m going to be out to scare humans in a short minutes.....
Are you coming or are you waiting Ickis 😏
Oblina hesitates for a moment, torn between going to scare humans and waiting for Ickis's return from his flight. She glances towards the window, anticipating his return but also feeling the urge to go out and scare some humans.
She turns back to Krumm with a mischievous smile.
Oblina: You know what? I can wait for Ickis a bit longer. Let's go scare some humans together.
Krumm: alright lets go
Oblina: Sounds like a plan to me. Let's make tonight a night the humans will never forget!
While Ickis was flying and just scare three humans off.....
Ickis: i m now terrified those stupid humans are not mistaking me with a Rabbit....
Ickis flew off.....
On other place a monster hunter was keeping an eye on ickis his name is Gregor
Gregor, the monster hunter known only as The Gregor, quietly observes Ickis from a distance. His eyes narrow as he watches Icki's unusual appearance and behavior.
The monster hunter smirks, sensing that Ickis might be a rare find. He silently follows Ickis while staying concealed.
Ickis was still flying.... not aware of the danger behind him....
Ickis: did i heard something
Ickis's ears perk up as he senses a noise behind him. He looks back but doesn't see anything initially.
Meanwhile, The Gregor is stealthily trailing behind Ickis, blending into the shadows and staying just out of sight. He cautiously moves closer, planning his next move.
Oblina freezes as she hears Krumm's urgent whisper. She quickly hides herself behind a large rock, trying to remain unnoticed.
Oblina (whispering back): Monster hunter? Where?
Krumm: points Gregor with one of his arms holding his two eyeballs with the other
Oblina follows Krumm's gesture and spots Gregor, the ominous monster hunter, in the distance. Her heart skips a beat as she realizes the danger they're in.
Oblina (whispering): Oh, no... You're right, I see him. We have to stay hidden until he's gone.
Gregor shoot Ickis on his back two times....
Ickis:damn this hurts....
Notice Gregor and escape flying away from him......
Gregor lost the trait and returns his home
Ickis: phew, this almost cost my.....my.....life..... faints....
Ickis was bad wounded by the monster hunter gunshoots
Meanwhile, Oblina and Krumm watch in horror as Ickis is shot down by Gregor. They witness Ickis managing to get away but also see him fainting due to the gunshot wounds.
Oblina (panicking): Ickis! No, no, no...!
Ickis stare at her but with blurry vision only seeing a cane snake monster runing towards him..
Ickis close his eyes
Oblina and Krumm race over to where Ickis has fallen. Oblina's heart sinks as she sees her injured companion struggling to keep his eyes open.
Oblina (frantically): Ickis, stay with us, please! Don't close your eyes!
Ickis: what are you both doing here
Oblina, tears welling in her eyes, kneels beside Ickis. She gently takes hold of his hand.
Oblina (voice trembling): We were scared out of our skulls when we saw you get shot down. We followed you to see what happened, and then we saw you get hurt...
Ickis: you always call me reckless
Oblina nods, her expression a mixture of worry and frustration.
Oblina: Yeah, you're definitely reckless. You rush into things without thinking. That's how you ended up getting shot down by that hunter.
Ickis: thats why i love you
Despite the dire situation, Oblina can't help but feel a slight fluttering in her heart. She gently strokes Ickis's cheek.
Oblina: You're such a goofball. But... I love you too. Even if you're a reckless idiot sometimes.
Krumm: we should take ickis inside the academy to be checked by a doctor of the academy...
Ickis: ok, since that dude had been made checkups on me since i got combustion spontaneous previously
Oblina nods in agreement.
Oblina: Yes, you're right, Krumm. We need to get Ickis inside the academy and have him seen by a doctor as soon as possible.
She gently places her arm around Ickis's shoulders, trying to help him up.
Ickis stand up and walk slowly
Oblina and Krumm flank Ickis, supporting him as he walks slowly back to the academy, their concern growing with each step.
Oblina: Just a little further, Ickis. We're almost there. Hang in there.
Ickis: i know,honey, do not worry....
Oblina give him a serious stare and corcern
Oblina can't help but shoot Ickis a stern, concerned look, even as she continues walking with him.
Oblina (slightly annoyed): Don't "honey" me right now, mister. You're the one who got yourself shot and injured. You scared the heck out of us!
Ickis: you dont need to be worried.....
Oblina was about wrapp him inside her coils but she was trying to be calm.
Oblina huffs but restrains herself from wrapping Ickis in her coils, resisting the urge to be overly protective.
Oblina (with a hint of frustration): I can't help but worry, Ickis. You got shot by a monster hunter, and you're telling me not to worry?!
Ickis: ....
Oblina sighs in resignation, knowing that trying to argue with Ickis when he's injured like this is futile.
Oblina: Okay, we'll focus on getting you to the academy first. But as soon as you're patched up, you're facing a major lecture from me.
Ickis: i wan t to hear how your lecture to me boss monster girl.
Oblina rolls her eyes at Ickis's cheeky response, but there's a hint of amusement in her expression.
Oblina: Oh, you bet your butt I'll give you a proper lecture, mister. You're not escaping the wrath of the boss monster girl this time.
Krumm: we are almost there
Oblina nods at Krumm's words, continuing to support Ickis as they make their way closer to the academy. Her mind is now filled with a mix of relief and determination.
Oblina: We're almost there, Ickis. Hang in there. Once we get you to the academy, the doctor will take care of you.
Ickis: ok
Oblina and Krumm continue to guide Ickis as they approach the entrance of the academy. They are now close enough to see the building looming ahead.
Oblina: Just a few more steps, Ickis. We're almost inside.
Ickis nodded
With their support, Ickis takes a few more steps and finally crosses the threshold into the academy. They continue moving forward, heading towards the infirmary where they hope a doctor can attend to Ickis's injuries.
They arrive the academy nursery
As they enter the academy nursery, Oblina and Krumm look around, the sterile environment a stark contrast to the outside world.
Oblina (to Ickis): We're here, Ickis. We'll have the doctor take a look at your injuries now.
Ickis: ok....
Oblina and Krumm help
Ickis to lie down on one of the beds in the nursery. They wait anxiously for the doctor to arrive, hoping that Ickis’s wounds can be tended to quickly and effectively.
The monster doctor enter...
The monster doctor enters the room, his eyes immediately turning to Ickis with concern. He approaches the bed where Ickis is resting and begins examining his injuries, checking the extent of the gunshot wounds.
The doctor (seriously): Hm, you've been through quite the ordeal, haven't you? Let me take a look at these injuries.
Ickis: sure
The monster doctor begins to tend to Ickis's gunshot wounds, his skilled hands working carefully and efficiently. He uses medical supplies and his knowledge to clean and bandage the injuries, making sure to minimize any pain and discomfort for Ickis.
The doctor works diligently, his face focused and serious as he tends to the wounded monster.
Ickis: did you treart emergencies like this, or is the first one
The monster doctor continues working on Ickis, his focus on tending to the wounds. He responds without looking away from his work.
The doctor: Oh, I've dealt with all sorts of emergencies in my years. Gunshot wounds, creature attacks, accidents... it comes with the job of being a monster doctor. Although I must admit, seeing a young monster like you in such a situation always tugs at the heartstrings.
Ickis nodded....
Ickis: what i should say to the Gromble the next day in class
The monster doctor nods, a slight smile on his face as he continues to work on Ickis's injuries. He seems to understand the nature of the Gromble's character.
The doctor: Indeed, the Gromble has a tough exterior, but he has a heart for his students. Just be prepared for some stern words and make sure to show that you've learned from this experience.
Ickis: i know that.... perfectly
The monster doctor nods, a slight smile on his face as he continues to work on Ickis's injuries. He seems to understand the nature of the Gromble's character.
The doctor: Indeed, the Gromble has a tough exterior, but he has a heart for his students. Just be prepared for some stern words and make sure to show that you've learned from this experience.
Ickis: i know.......
The monster doctor finishes bandaging Ickis's wounds, making sure everything is secure and clean.
The doctor: That should do it. Just rest and take it easy for a while. Your body needs time to heal and recover from the shock it's been through.
Ickis: Oblina,Krumm how the Gromble is going to take this news
Oblina and Krumm exchange glances, a mixture of worry and anticipation in their expressions. They know the Gromble's strict demeanor and how he handles situations like this.
Oblina (with a sigh): The question is, how ISN'T the Gromble going to react? He'll have a fit when he finds out about what happened to Ickis.
The monster bell rings and it was class time
The monster bell rings throughout the academy, signaling the start of class. Oblina and Krumm help Ickis to his feet, supporting him as best as they can.
Oblina (concerned): Are you sure you're good to go to class, Ickis? You should rest, you know.
Ickis: the Gromble need to be informed....
If he yells at me or everyone in class
Oblina nods, understanding Ickis's perspective.
Oblina: Yeah, the Gromble definitely needs to know about this, but... he doesn't like it when we're tardy.
Krumm (agreeing): Oblina's right. The Gromble can get pretty grumpy when we're late for class.
The three monsters enter class
As they enter the class, the room is bustling with fellow monsters students talking and taking their seats. The usual chatter and commotion of a class in session fills the room.
Looking around, they spot the Gromble standing at the front of the classroom, already waiting for his students to settle down. His stern expression suggests he's in a particularly strict mood today.
The Gromble start to talk
The Gromble clears his throat, getting the class' attention. His eyes scan over the students before he begins speaking.
The Gromble: Silence, everyone. Pay attention. Class is now in session.
The room becomes quiet as the monsters in the class turn their focus to their stern instructor.
Ickis try to pay atention in class
Ickis:( this wounds hurts) on his mind
Ickis sits in class, struggling to focus on the lesson. The pain from his wounds makes it difficult for him to concentrate, but he tries his best to pay attention.
The Gromble continues lecturing the class, his voice stern and serious. Oblina and Krumm keep glancing over at Ickis with concerned expressions, noticing how uncomfortable he seems.
Ickis: is nothing sir, only i had gunshoots by a monster hunter
The Gromble gives Ickis a sharp look, his eyes narrowing as the young monster speaks up.
The Gromble (sternly): You had a WHAT? A gunshoot, by a hunter? And you're in class instead of resting?
Ickis: i though informing you first was better, than seeing you with anger
The Gromble considers this for a moment, his stern expression softening slightly. He nods, acknowledging Ickis's decision to inform him first.
The Gromble (with a sigh): You're right, Ickis. I appreciate you telling me directly. But what in the world were you thinking, getting involved with a monster hunter?
Ickis: i just scare three humans with success and that monster hunter shoot me from behind
The Gromble (frowning): So you successfully scared humans, and then a monster hunter ambushed you? That's a risky move, Ickis. Scaring humans is already dangerous enough, but being shot at is another level of trouble.
Ickis: yes but this monster hunter is dangerous his name is Gregor more dangerous than simon
The Gromble's expression darkens at the mention of Gregor's name. It's clear he's heard of this particular hunter before.
The Gromble (serious): You encountered Gregor, did you? Ickis, you should have been more prepared. Gregor isn't a normal hunter. He's ruthless and cunning, a real menace to us monsters.
Ickis: i know sir, but i will more aware of the danger of that hunter
The Gromble nods, appreciating Ickis's determination.
The Gromble (firmly): Being aware of the danger is crucial, Ickis. But you also need to be more cautious. Don't throw yourself into situations blindly. Think first, then act. We don't want you getting hurt again.
Ickis: yes sir
The Gromble (nodding): Good. Now, focus on the lesson. And next time, if you get into a situation like that again, come straight to me first. Understand?
As he faints..
Ickis: i m ok, i m still weak because of the gunshoots
As Ickis starts to sway and then faint, Oblina and Krumm immediately react, moving to help support him.
Oblina (concerned): Ickis! Are you okay?
Krumm (worried): You look terrible. You're still too weak from the gunshot wounds.
Ickis: i guess i need days of rest.....
I know i will lose lessons,but my health is inportant
Everyone be careful and if you all want end like me...
Walks towards to the room he share with Oblina and Krumm
Oblina: You're right, Ickis. Health comes first. We want you to get better, even if it means missing some classes.
Oblina and Krumm follow closely as Ickis makes his way to the room they share. They're still worried about his condition but they understand that he needs rest.
to be continue
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Au part 2
Days later......
It all starts in the hospital. A nurse goes into the room where the cockroaches are eating the rotten cheese, they fleed.]
Nurse: Ah, cockroaches.
[The nurse switches the lights, but not working.]
Nurse: Darn light bulb.
[The nurse humming to look in the files while Ickis is looking through the vents.]
Nurse: Hello? Is someone there?
The nurse shrugs and look the files again, the door closed.]
Nurse: Dr. Middendoll, is that you? This isn't funny you know. You're not scaring me.
[Ickis watches the nurse through the vent, then the nurse sees a pair of red eyes glowing, the vent then breaks and pops out Ickis trying to scare the nurse. The Nurse was terrified but she then notices he was cute.]
Ickis grow his size and drops blood from his fangs...
The nurse jolts back at the sight of Ickis popping out, her eyes widened with fear. But then she sees that he's.... cute? She's still startled and frightened, but she can't help but notice how adorable he is.
As Ickis growls and drops blood from his fangs, the nurse screams in terror, "Please, don't kill me!"
Ickis: ROOOOOAR!!!!
The nurse trembles in fear as Ickis growls and roars at her. She stumbles back, nearly knocking over a tray of medical tools. "Please, don't hurt me!" she shrieks, her body quivering.
The nurse's eyes widen even more, her body trembling as fear courses through her. She immediately turns and runs out of the room, her footsteps echoing through the halls as she flees from Ickis.
Ickis: yes i finally correct a mistake from the last time i try to scare...
Time to head back to the academy and rest for the next day in class
Ickis flew inside the city dump and fleed to the his shared room with Krumm and Oblina.....
Ickis returns to their shared room at the academy, feeling satisfied and proud of his scare. He looks around to see if Krumm or Oblina are in the room already.
Ickis enters inside...
Ickis: hey guys
As Ickis enters, he sees Krumm and Oblina sitting on their own respective bunks, chatting and laughing with each other. They look up as he enters, their faces lighting up at the sight of him.
Krumm: Hey, Ickis! You're back!
Ickis: yes i m back after correct a failed scaring from the past
Oblina sits up on her bunk, her curiosity piqued by his statement. She crosses her arms and looks at him with a sly smile.
Oblina: Correcting a failed scare, huh? That sounds interesting. Care to share the story, oh great scaremaster?
Ickis:you will see the next day in class.
The scene then changes to the auditorium where the class is watching the viewfinder
It all starts in the hospital again A nurse goes into the room where the cockroaches are eating the rotten cheese, they fleed.]
Nurse: Ah, cockroaches.
[The nurse switches the lights, but not working.]
Nurse: Darn light bulb.
[The nurse humming to look in the files while Ickis is looking through the vents.]
Nurse: Hello? Is someone there?
The nurse shrugs and look the files again, the door closed.]
Nurse: Dr. Middendoll, is that you? This isn't funny you know. You're not scaring me.
[Ickis watches the nurse through the vent, then the nurse sees a pair of red eyes glowing, the vent then breaks and pops out Ickis trying to scare the nurse. The Nurse was terrified but she then notices he was cute.]
Ickis grow his size and drops blood from his fangs...
The nurse jolts back at the sight of Ickis popping out, her eyes widened with fear. But then she sees that he's.... cute? She's still startled and frightened, but she can't help but notice how adorable he is.
As Ickis growls and drops blood from his fangs, the nurse screams in terror, "Please, don't kill me!"
Ickis: ROOOOOAR!!!!
The nurse trembles in fear as Ickis growls and roars at her. She stumbles back, nearly knocking over a tray of medical tools. "Please, don't hurt me!" she shrieks, her body quivering.
The nurse's eyes widen even more, her body trembling as fear courses through her. She immediately turns and runs out of the room, her footsteps echoing through the halls as she flees from Ickis.
the viewfinder ends lefting everyone shocked with ickis horrific face
The class sits in stunned silence as the viewfinder comes to an end, their eyes wide with shock at the sight of Ickis's fearsome appearance and the nurse's terrified screams.
Krumm turns to Ickis, his eyes filled with both admiration and a hint of surprise.
Krumm: Damn, Ickis. That was some scary stuff. I didn't know you could look so terrifying!
Ickis: at least i did correct my previous scaring failing
Oblina nods in agreement, her eyes studying Ickis's face in fascination.
Oblina: Yeah, you definitely scared the crap out of that Nurse! Way better than last time. Good job, Ickis.
Gromble: Class... class dismissed.
He was shocked.....
Ickis: i knew someone lost his monstrous tongue
The class rises from their seats, still shaking from the frightening viewfinder. They file their way out of the auditorium, whispering to each other in hushed voices about Ickis's terrifying appearance.
Oblina glances at Ickis with a sly smile, clearly impressed with his improvement.
Oblina: Looks like you left Gromble speechless this time. I don't think I've ever seen him so tongue-tied before.
Ickis: i will see you two in our shared room, i think the gromble is going to talk with me or dealing with me again....
Oblina nods, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Oblina: Yeah, it seems like Gromble wants a word with you. Probably wants to give you a pat on the back for that impressive scaring job.
Krumm chuckles, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Krumm: Or he's going to give you extra cleaning duties for scaring the crap out of that nurse.
The Gromble was still shocked.....
Ickis: i see you two in our sharing roon
Oblina and Krumm nod simultaneously.
Oblina: We'll meet you in our room.
Krumm grins.
Krumm: Have fun with the grouchy Gromble.
Ickis nodded and then he face the Gromble
The Gromble stared at Ickis with a stern expression on his face.
Gromble: Ickis, come with me. We need to discuss your recent "performance" in the viewfinder.
Ickis:yes sir
The Gromble leads Ickis to a quieter part of the academy, away from the hustle and bustle of the other students. Once they're in a secluded area, the Gromble turns to face Ickis.
Gromble: I must admit, I was taken aback by your latest scare in the viewfinder. You've certainly improved since your last failed attempt.
Ickis:yes, it was time to improve since i grow bat wings days ago...
Yes i was the one making all the drama inside the academy bathrooms i was looking my new grow bat wings
Gromble rubs his temples, his irritation evident.
Gromble: I see. So you've been causing all the disturbances in the restrooms, hm? And all because you were checking out your new bat wings.
Ickis: yes and i was you know having the entire academy whispering about my wings
The Gromble sighs, shaking his head in disapproval.
Gromble: Yes, I've heard the rumors and whispers from the other students. It seems your wings have become a source of gossip and intrigue.
Ickis: yes,but i don t blame my mother genes for the wings
Gromble raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Ickis's comment.
Gromble: Your mother genes, you say? And how exactly do they relate to your new bat wings?
Ickis: since my mother is a white batmonster with red eyes a proof my eyes turns bloody red when i do an scaring, and the blood droping is an scaring tactit i did get from her and her name is Diamond
Gromble listens intently, his expression turning from irritation to mild curiosity.
Gromble: Hmm, I see. So, your mother being a batmonster explains your new bat wings and the red-eye trick you use for scaring. And dropping blood when you scare people... that's an interesting tactic.
Ickis: it is...
Gromble nods, his irritation slowly fading.
Gromble: Well, I must admit, that blood dropping tactic certainly adds an alarming touch to your scares. I just hope you won't make a habit of causing disturbances in the bathrooms simply so you can show off your wings.
Gromble nods, his irritation slowly fading.
Gromble: Well, I must admit, that blood dropping tactic certainly adds an alarming touch to your scares. I just hope you won't make a habit of causing disturbances in the bathrooms simply so you can show off your wings.
Ickis: you know how i m like sir, i m also the trouble maker in your entire class
Gromble groans, realizing Ickis's point.
Gromble: Yes, I'm well aware of your reputation as a troublemaker, Ickis. You've always had a knack for causing mayhem and chaos within the academy.
Zimbo: Forgive me, my all-knowing, all-wise and forever patient Gromble. May I humbly interject?
Gromble: STOP GROVELING, ZIMBO! What is it?
Zimbo: Since I, Zimbo, am the only flying monster in this academy, Ickis is violating my airspace.
Ickis: Zimbo you are not the only flying monster because i can fly as well
Floats in the ir using his bat wings
Gromble's patience thins as Zimbo disrupts their conversation.
Gromble: Oh, for the love of all things horrific...! Zimbo, we're in the middle of a discussion here. Ickis's wings are not infringing on your airspace. Besides, you don't own the entire sky, you arrogant pest!
Zimbo:however,refused to back down.
Zimbo: Oh, please, Gromble! Ickis's bat wings are clearly an affront to my aerial superiority. He's encroaching on my territory!
Gromble's irritation reaches a boiling point.
Gromble: Zimbo, enough! It's Ickis's right to fly with his wings. He's not infringing on your airspace, or whatever you want to call it. Flying is not exclusive to you, you entitled nuisance!
Zimbo: I don't care what the Gromble or the monster manual says. On my worse snakeless, Snorch, that little red-faced two-legged floppy-eared, piano-toothed upstarts will have to answer to Zimbo.
Snorch: 😑
Snorch, ever the level-headed snorch the monsters ,monster, sighs at Zimbo's ridiculous rant.
Snorch: Zimbo, there's no need to be so worked up about Ickis's bat wings. He's just a student, and Gromble has clarified the situation.
Zimbo turns to Snorch, his eyes gleaming with determination.
Zimbo: Oh, come on, Snorch! You know as well as I do that those bat wings are unnatural and unsightly! Ickis is flaunting them shamelessly, as if he's mocking my own flying abilities.
Snorch, sensing the tension, replies calmly.
Snorch: Zimbo, Ickis's bat wings may be unusual, but they are a part of him nonetheless. He's not flaunting them to mock you. He's merely adapting and exploring his own abilities, just like any other monster. It's not worth getting all riled up over this.
Zimbo crosses his arms, his irritation still evident.
Zimbo: Fine, fine. Perhaps I'm exaggerating slightly. But don't you think it's unfair that Ickis can just sprout wings and start flying like it's nothing? My flying abilities are a result of many years of training and practice!
Snorch offers a patient response.
Snorch: Zimbo, life isn't always about fairness. Everybody has their own unique abilities and talents. Just because Ickis can fly naturally doesn't diminish your flying skills in any way. Your training and practice have made you the skilled flyer you are today.
Ickis: he is righ i mean i just only grew my bat wings days ago and i m still adapting and learn to fly with them
Zimbo huffs, still somewhat unconvinced.
Zimbo: Hmph. Well, I suppose I can understand that you're still adjusting. But mark my words, Ickis, I won't tolerate any encroachment on my airspace once you start flying better.
Ickis: got it but i will fly outside the academy to do scaring asigments
Zimbo relents, his irritation diminishing slightly.
Zimbo: Alright, as long as you're not flying around within the academy's grounds, I suppose that's acceptable. But heed my warning, Ickis: no entering my airspace!
Ickis nodded and walk to his share room where Oblina and Krumm are....
Meanwhile outside
Chimera:that boy is going to pay what he had done to us.
Typhon:but what about the other two?
Chimera: i don t care about that snake or that ugly ball wit holding eyes!
the end.
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ickis enter the monster bathroom....
Ickis: shit shit shit. How i possible grew bat wings
Oblina hears the commotion from the bathroom and exits the room.
Oblina looks at the sound of the commotion, "Ickis? That you in there?" She says, approaching the bathroom door
Ickis hide inside of one of the toilets
Oblina walks up to the toilet Ickis was hiding in, "What the hell are you doing in there?" She asks bewildered
Ickis: why are you asking this?
Oblina crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow, "Well, you're hiding in the freaking toilet and I heard you making all that noise. So, what in the name of Gromble are you doing in there?"
Ickis: not your bussines
Oblina rolls her eyes, "Seriously, why can't you just tell me what's going on in there?"
Ickis: no
Oblina groans and crosses her arms, "Now you're just being difficult"
Ickis: yes
"You're a damn idiot sometimes.." Oblina mutters under her breath, "You do know I'm not just gonna leave without getting answers, right?"
Ickis: i m not going to t-
Oblina sighs and knocks on the toilet door, "Either you come out of that toilet and answer my damn question, or I'm gonna kick your stupid ass"
Ickis: is not your bussines
Oblina groans in frustration, "Of course you have to be difficult. I'm going to count to five, and if you don't come out of that toilet by then, I'm busting that door open"
Ickis flussed the toilet to escape form her warth quietly.
Ickis: i blees the sewer sistem for escape from Oblina s warth.
Ickis fly off
"Hey!" Oblina yells upon noticing Ickis trying to escape.
She quickly exits the room, trying to chase after Ickis
Ickis: ok i should find a place to hide from the cane snake nerd monster
Oblina spots Ickis flying off into the hallway, and quickens her pace and follows him
Oblina: "Hey! Get back here you idiot! You can't just avoid my question like this!"
Ickis: shit
Ickis notices that Oblina is catching up to him, "Oh crap.."
Ickis: Oblina your questions are boring!
Oblina starts running faster, "And your reasons for hiding in the toilet are stupid! Now get your ass back here!"
Oblina continues to follow after him, "I'm not gonna stop chasing you until you give me an answer!"
Ickis: NOOO 😫
Oblina runs even faster, "You really should give up, you ain't escaping me!"
Ickis: I love her when she is like this 🤤
Oblina growls in anger as she runs after him, "I'm gonna kick your ass when I catch up to you!"
Ickis: she is damn beautiful
He keeps flying
Oblina continues to chase after him, her eyes glued to him. She runs at full speed, determined to catch up to him
Ickis: Oblina you believe all the time i was a bunny, but wrong
Oblina pants as she runs after him, "Yeah, no kidding! A bunny doesn't have freaking wings!"
Ickis: hehehe .well i m a bat monster and half loomer monster.
Oblina continues to chase after him, "I figured that out already, birdbrain!"
Ickis: she is damn hot!
Oblina runs even faster, her eyes narrowed, "Damn it, Ickis! I'm gonna make you tell me why you were hiding in that toilet!"
Ickis: no
Oblina's eyes widen with anger, "Dammit, Ickis! I'm gonna give you till the count of three, and if you don't give me a straight answer, I'm gonna knock your block off!"
Ickis: crap
Oblina runs even faster, her eyes fixed on him, "One!" she shouts loudly, panting as she chases after him
Ickis: not your bussines
Oblina's voice gets louder, "TWO!" she yells, her footsteps thump on the floor as she chases him
Ickis: she is going to use her coils to catch me
Oblina keeps chasing after him, her eyes fixed on his every movement "THREE!" she says, her voice loud and clear.
Oblina finally catches up to him, grabbing him in her coils to stop him from moving "Now you're not going anywhere, birdbrain" she says, her breath heavy from sprinting.
Oblina huffs, her tail still coiled around him, "Now, are you gonna tell me why you were hiding in that toilet, or do I have to squeeze it out of you?"
Oblina's eyes widen, "I can see that, idiot! What I wanna know is why the hell you were hiding in the toilet in the first place!"
Oblina groans, rolling her eyes, "Seriously? You were trying to hide all that just to avoid getting in trouble with Gromble or Krumm or our classmates? That's... the most stupid thing I've ever heard from you"
Oblina groans, "You could've just said that you grew wings to avoid people being weirded out, but no, you had to make a big friggin deal out of it by running and hiding, and running off so I had to chase you, and... and..." Oblina's voice trails off, her face turning slightly flushed
Ickis: 🤨
Oblina's face goes a little red and she scowls at him, "Stop looking at me like that, dumbass"
Ickis: you're flushing
Oblina's face goes even more red and she glares at him, "Shut up! It's just hot in here, okay?"
Ickis: don t lie, you re having a squish
Oblina's face goes redder and she crosses her arms, "W-what? What the hell are you talking about? I do not have an a squish!" She says defensively.
Ickis:are you sure of that 😏
Oblina's face goes from blushing slightly to turning tomato red, "Y-yeah! I'm sure! I don't have a damn squish!" she stutters as she looks to the side
Ickis: don t lie,
Oblina's face flushes and she looks away, "I'm n-not lying! I don't have a stupid squish" she stutters, her heart beating faster.
Ickis: you are not stoping staring at me 😏
Oblina's face blushes furiously as he points that out, "I-I'm not staring at you! I was just.... just trying to make sure you don't fly off again!"
Ickis: yeah sure 😏
Oblina's face turns even hotter as she hears his tone, "S-shut up! I don't have an squish on you! Not at all!"
Ickis: well i do have one on you
Oblina's face turns completely beet red and she suddenly averts her gaze, "Y-you do? R-really?" she stutters, her heart racing even faster.
Ickis: yes...
Then he hides in his wings
Oblina stands in front of him, her face still flushed and her heart beating rapidly, "You.. Y-you actually have a-" She stumbles over her words, still processing what he told her.
Ickis nod
Oblina's face continues to burn with heat, her heart still beating like a drum, "Is.. is that why you were hiding in the toilet? Because you didn't want me to find out?"
Ickis: Oblina, i m reckless and for you i m stupid.
Oblina takes a small step closer to him, her face still flushed, "You are stupid, I'll give you that" she mutters, her tone soft, "But... why? Why are you so stupid for me?"
Ickis: well the times i cause trouble because i m a low at scaring humans.
Remember the times you laugh with the entire class after in the viewfounder i m called a bunny.
Oblina smiles faintly and nods, "Those were fun times. And I still call you a bunny" she says, still stepping closer to him, "But why would you cause trouble just to make me and others laugh. You could've gotten in so much trouble with Gromble"
Ickis: yes like the time i lost the monster manual
Oblina snickers, remembering that incident, "Yeah, that was hilarious"
Oblina rolls her eyes and pokes him gently, "Don't give me that face. It was funny to see Gromble getting pissed because you lost his manual again!"
Ickis: sure and me sent to the Snorch was the most exciting thing 😑
Oblina looks at him with mock sympathy, "Oh, poor little bonsty. Getting in trouble with a monster as grumpy as the Snorch. How terrible" she says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice
ickis: I m not a bonsty!!
Oblina smirks, "Could've fooled me" she teases, "You're being so pouty right now, it's cute"
ickis:I' m not cute
Oblina rolls her eyes, "Yes you are. You're cute and dorky and silly and the goofiest monster I know"
ickis: shit
Oblina smiles faintly, "What? Are you shy because I called you cute?" she teases, her tone slightly sing-song
Ickis: we re lucky nobody is here.
Oblina looks around, noticing that they're alone right now, "Yeah, we are" she says, still smirking, "No Krumm, no Gromble, no classmates. Just you and me. Completely alone"
the footsteps were heard it was the Gromble walking towards them.
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Gracias a @kamyanai y a toda la gente que me ha ayudado a llegar a los 10 reblogueos.
Thank you i will upload my au of Aaah real monsters there soon ^ ^
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A fanart from my favourite Ship,and this time without a reference.
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A fanart from my favourite Ship,and this time without a reference.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Cylindria/Pac-Man Characters: Pac-Man (Character), Zac (Pac-Man), Sunny (Pac-Man), Apex (Pac-Man), pacinator, Betrayus Sneakerus Spheros, Stratos Spheros, Elliptica (Pac-Man), Spiral (Pac-Man), Sir Cumference (Pac-Man), Cylindria (Pac-Man), Spheria (Pac-Man), Specter (Pac-Man), Fuzbitz (Pac-Man), Blinky (Pac-Man), Pinky (Pac-Man), Clyde (Pac-Man) Summary:
my own version of the season three
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my Au of A!RM!
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This from my coming comic Au of Aaahrealmonsters.
Well this happens before the events of the show this happen when Slickis was a student in the monster academy.
Well Sublima had three half-siblings their names are Reska,Zandor and Nordark
They had the same mother but diferent father that means Shagrat is a tyrant in the entire monsters worlds or lands and story, so Shagrat was heartless with no mercy or giving a chance a nobody to be alive or weak.
Well Shagrat is Sublima's father, the Mother is Ethea but Shagrat kicks her out and her trash children because she betrayed him with Chagua, Grickis ' s younger brother and Slickis uncle,but Slickis didn't know nothing about his Uncle.
So Shagrat had a brother called Kuzimu.
Kuzimu was a gentle and better than his brother and very friendly with the other monsters.
His wife is Sada and his daugther and son are called Sarla and Kitunzi.
Yes Shagrat and Kuzimu are brothers from blood
So Sublima and Sarla and cousins.
Sarla and Reska got together and then they got a daugther Oblina, but they got exiled for no reason and decide to leave their daughter under her uncle Skeech and aunt Sublima.
For protecting her from the hard life outside... hate coments will be deleted.
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Not my choice as well
What is your opinion on the music genre, Reggaeton?
Eh…..not my choice…
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WHEEZE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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“I’m just a-yearnin’ for some learnin’.”
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