orion-rockwell · 9 years
Well I sure as hell didn't expect that when I came on. I am so upset to let Orion and Violet go I really enjoyed playing on them. If anyone wants to stay in touch message me on Orion and we can discuss swapping Skype's.
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
I have no idea who that is so im sorry that I cant help you find him.
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Thomas Fletcher. The Duke of Yorkshire.
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
You didn't answer the question, Kitten.
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“Stop it.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Who is your ex boyfriend?
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Yes. I came here to find my ex boyfriend and now they have me stuck down here! It’s ridiculous. 
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Excited how?
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“No….but it gets me all excited too and we’re trying to have a conversation here.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Is that a bad thing?
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“I do but it makes me so giggly and stuff.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
I thought you liked me sweet talking you?
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“Stop trying to sweet talk me.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
If you didn't, Kitten you wouldn't be all mine.
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“Seems I peak your curiosity daily. But I suppose that’s what the internet is for.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Cant say I know the dog but you have made me extremely curious.
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“She’s a goldendoodle–a mix between a golden retriever and poodle. When she was a puppy, she was half my size.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Now I really want to see a picture of this dog. What kind of dog was it?
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“Considering she was like bigger than me, I’d say it’s not that hard when she snuggled into me.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
How does a dog push you off a bed?
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“Yeah, my dog seriously pushed me off the bed. Multiple times. She was such a bed hog.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Are you telling me that seriously happen to you?
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
"You don't know that, we could have worked things out somehow. There are always ways to do things." Orion said twirling his fork around some more pasta. "I was happy while it lasted."
Evelyn wouldn’t deny that this was all her fault and being stuck in this island was just karma biting her back but that didn’t make it any easier for her to accept that she’s just going to stay here forever. "No, even if we got married, you would’ve hated me after all of the things I’ve hidden from you,” she insisted. "We were doomed from the start. Happiness has never been in the books for us, not together at least.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
"You did this to us and yourself. We could be happy right now living the life we were suppose to have." Orion pointed out right back at her. "This isn't my doing, I don't want this but I am helpless to change it. What do you want me to do go home and say 'oh Evelyn is stuck on a sex island as a slave and wants a redo over so we can get married' Its never going to happen, you burnt the bridge and even if you didn't I cant get you off here."
"What’s wrong?” she muttered to herself, repeating his words. Lifting her head up, she sought his eyes and answered, “How about what isn’t wrong? Everything is just so fucked up.”
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orion-rockwell · 9 years
Orion instantly noticed her breathing as he frowned at her. "What's wrong?" He asked now suddenly worried for her.
"I’m not going to find a good master nor do I intend to even find a master,” she said with clear irritation in her voice. As Orion continued talking about getting married one day, the nerves crawling under her skin began to bubble to the surface as she tried to keep herself calm. Obviously, she wasn’t doing a very good job at it as her breathing grew heavier while she practically send daggers on the food her eyes.
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