orion-tec · 5 years
ERP Systems Applications and Products in Data processing is also known as SAP system consists of a number of fully integrated modules, which covers every aspect of the business management.
SAP Program is used for Systems, Applications and Products audit. SAP is a type of programming that is to develop applications that interact with the system software (operating system), or computer…
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orion-tec · 5 years
5 Ways you can turn SAP Training Into Success
5 Ways you can turn SAP Training Into Success
With the global advancement of IT in great pace, the world is transformed into a competitive ground where every business is getting more challenging day by day. The experts have thrown light on the success stories of small and big business organizations and concluded the fact that their victory is not measured by the capability to collect the information but by the ability to learn the…
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orion-tec · 5 years
SAP certification – examination, eligibility and benefits
SAP certification – examination, eligibility and benefits
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SAP certification help validate the expertise and experience of SAP partners, software users, customers and professionals who are looking to be placed in an SAP environment.
So, to begin with, what is SAP?
SAP means Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. SAP by definition is also the name of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software as well as the name of the company.
SAP is…
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orion-tec · 5 years
What are the Career Opportunities after Completing SAP Certification?
What are the Career Opportunities after Completing SAP Certification?
SAP aims at managing data, to provide customers with the ability to interact with a single unified system and it is ensured by its comprehensive modules. SAP implementation requires experience and adequate knowledge, as it is complex and difficult to handle. That’s the reason, why SAP is a highly demanded technological certification with a lot of career opportunities.
Increasing number of ERP…
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orion-tec · 6 years
Which Web Programming Language Is The Most Secure?
Which Web Programming Language Is The Most Secure?
The question is indeed a contentious one, never failing to incite heated arguments from all camps. Many ways exist to cut the cake in this regard—WhiteHat Security took a stab at it in a recent edition of its Website Security Statistics Report, where it analyzed statistics around web programming languages and their comparative strengths in security.
The security firm gave vulnerability…
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orion-tec · 6 years
PHP or ASP.NET – Which Should you Learn for a Better Career?
PHP or ASP.NET – Which Should you Learn for a Better Career?
When it comes to learning a programming language to build career in the software development sector, there are three major choices one can look out for – ASP.NET, PHP and Java. While java remains the choice of few because of its complex nature and difficulty in learning, PHP and ASP.NET remain the most preferred programming languages for learning. It’s easy learning PHP or…
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orion-tec · 6 years
SAP nowadays remains on the top of the list in terms of value as one of the most expensive technology and most expensive job in the IT industry. At the same time, Project Management has always remained a viable career leading to higher management spot. Having a career on either one of them offers a lucrative remuneration and a vast opportunity to see the world for free.
Someone who wanted to be…
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orion-tec · 6 years
SAP Customers in Different Areas
SAP Customers in Different Areas
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With the growing number of SAP customers, the need for young professionals with SAP-skills increases – no matter in which area. SAP is for example used by logistic companies, the telecommunication sector, automotive companies, as well as banks and the retail sector. No matter which area and position you prefer, SAP-skills are needed – and evermore often expected – in almost any of them. Thus,…
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orion-tec · 6 years
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Interesting Facts About SAP
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orion-tec · 6 years
SAP Training to Boost Your Career
SAP Training to Boost Your Career
With SAP certification, you get the right credentials and skills, which enhance your job opportunities while ensuring you have the right skills to perform the tasks assigned. With this certification, you will become a SAP professional, which means you will be sought after and respected, in terms of knowledge and qualification. The individuals with this certification are reputed for their SAP…
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orion-tec · 6 years
The Benefits of Attending Software Training
The Benefits of Attending Software Training
These days technology changes at an exponential rate, particularly if you’re in the software industry. Keeping up can be a real challenge when you’re already managing a full-time development or testing job. Whether you’re looking to become a rock star with the new tool your company is implementing, be a ninja at an existing tool, or are looking to move up to a more senior position, the big…
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orion-tec · 6 years
The Faces of SAP
The Faces of SAP
Learn from the many faces at SAP how diversity and inclusion is a seamless part of how the company does business and a signature example of its vision to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. It’s what makes SAP one of Fortune’s 50 Best Workplaces for Diversity in 2019.
Contact Us For Free Career Counselling : 079 66315706/07 or Visit www.orion-tec.com
Inquire Now and get amazing…
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orion-tec · 6 years
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Happy Republic Day
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orion-tec · 6 years
SAP Certified Candidates Success Stories, Built on ORION
SAP Certified Candidates Success Stories, Built on ORION
Orion – Your Technical Education Partner Contact Us For Free Career Counselling : 079 66315706/07 Web : www.orion-tec.com  Inquire Now and get amazing offer on Enrollment. #careercounseling #OrionComputechPvtLtd #careerpathways #careerchoices #careerguidance #education
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orion-tec · 6 years
10 Hot Tips for Passing SAP Certification Exams
In this blog we’ll first examine the reasons why you should get yourself SAP Certified, and then run through a list of top tips from people who have recently passed the test. We hope you enjoy it, learn something, and get certified!
1. Should I do a SAP Certification exam?
In our opinion, yes. They are expensive and no doubt a very nice earner for SAP Inc. but they are worth it. The next time you apply for a job you may be competing with a lot of other very experienced people. If SAP Certification gives you the edge, then it will pay for itself many, many times over. As someone who is often involved in the hiring process, I can confirm that SAP certification does indeed make a difference.
Can’t afford it? Ask around at your work. If you are a full-time employee there is a chance that your boss will pay all or some of the exam costs – usually around USD $500.
Apart from the monetary aspects, taking an exam is a good impetus for you to know your stuff, and forces you to read that thick book gathering dust on your desk.
2. Should I do the Associate or the Professional Exam?
For me, the main objective was to get a SAP certification – any certification. So I would recommend the Associate exam. And it goes without saying: pick an area you are very familiar with: not some trendy new Hana Cloud Big Data stuff.
3. What if I fail? Should I be afraid?
I have seen top-notch SAP consultants with over a decade’s experience hyperventilating before a certification exam. And I can understand why. Sure, you might know your stuff, but do you know their stuff?
The questions may have been dreamed up by some pedantic Eggkopf in Walldorf who hasn’t consulted in years. For example, they might ask you to list the 5 ways to do ‘X’, when you’ve only ever done it one way.
Thankfully SAP is now looking to crowd-source the exam questions, so they should become more practical and true-to-life.
4. How do I pass the exam?
Disclaimer: these exam tips are based on the SAP Certification exam experiences of this author and his acquaintances. The details may or may not be useful to you for your particular exam or country. Please let me know if something was very different when you eventually do take that exam.
Tip 1: Study, study, study. The very best preparation is to take the relevant SAP course(s) (as can be found on the SAP Certification website) and add to that (at least) a good few months of experience. The course notes are very useful, so if you did not take the course then try to borrow them from someone who has.
Tip 2: Gather as much information as you can about the exam itself from the SAP Training website (see above). Namely:
the topics covered and the weight given to each
the sample questions
the pass mark (“Cut Score”)
the number of questions and the time allowed
From this information you can build a section-by-section breakdown of the questions. For example, you can estimate that there will be 8 questions on Data Dictionary, but only 2 on Data Modeller.
Tip 3: Do not waste money on websites that claim to provide you with exam questions. The questions are useless – often out of date and sometimes downright misleading. Respect yourself: as a SAP consultant, do you really need to stoop to this level to pass the exam?.
Tip 4: Know what to expect at the exam centre. Exams can be held at third-party sites where the person sitting next to you could be doing a Microsoft exam. Some of these sites are open on the weekend, check for that. You may be required to hand over everything in your possession for safeguarding in a locker. You will be provided with a pen and paper (or other writing material) but you have to leave the paper behind.
Assume you will be under constant observation, so no funny business. Try not to drink beforehand so that you don’t have to waste time with a (fully supervised!) bathroom break. Don’t bother asking the supervisor any SAP questions – they don’t know anything, and wouldn’t tell you if they did.
Tip 5: Use ALL of the allotted time. The standard SAP exam seems to be 80 questions in 180 minutes. That is more than enough time, but you should still avoid the temptation to leave early. Check, double check, triple check and then check your answers again. A countdown is displayed on the screen so you will know when it’s time to go.
Tip 6: Read each question twice very carefully BEFORE you look at the options. I often find I miss a small detail (like the word “not”) on the first reading. Try to think what the answer is before looking at the options. Also take into consideration that many questions are translated from German, so they might sound a bit odd. For example I’ve seen cases where the Teutonic word ‘book’ was used instead of the word ‘save’ )
Tip 7: Check carefully: Does the question require one or more than one answer? This can be seen in the text but also by the use of radio buttons versus checkboxes. The exam application will alert you to questions for which you have placed 0 answers but it WILL NOT alert you if you have answered too few or too many. Pay special attention to this when going through the questions a second time.
If a question requires two answers but you only give one (even if it’s correct), then you get zero points.
Tip 8: The exam tool allows you to ‘bookmark’ questions. Use this feature to mark any question that you’re not 100% sure of. When you come back to it you may not even remember that you had spotted a problem. However, do not concentrate solely on the bookmarked questions; make sure you check ALL questions again. My approach is to only check the bookmarks on the second reading, and then check all of the questions again on the third pass.
Tip 9: The exam tool, surprisingly, does not tell you how far into the exam you are (e.g. question 57 of 80). It only keeps count of how far along you are in the current section. Use your writing implements to note down how many questions there are in each section so that you always know exactly where you are – handy for that nervous last read-through just before the final countdown.
Tip 10: Don’t waste precious exam time trying to memorize some of the questions to share with friends and colleagues later. You are there to maximize your own score, not somebody else’s! Handing out free questions to others also devalues the certification you just paid big bucks for.
When the exam is over you will receive the result immediately, often from a printer, with a breakdown of how you did in each section. Congratulations! If you have read this far then you will most likely pass. This is good news as you have just increased your market value; there’s also a persistent rumour that SAP Inc only hires SAP-certified contractors as consultants. You can try contacting SAP for a shiny new “SAP certified” logo for the next incarnation of your CV.
Source: http://scn.sap.com/community/training-and-education/certification/blog/2013/08/26/10-hot-tips-for-passing-sap-certification-exams
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orion-tec · 6 years
How to Get SAP Certification? A Fresher Case
How to Get SAP Certification? A Fresher Case
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In a highly competitive SAP jobs market as India, finding the first job for a fresh graduate represents a compelling challenge. The necessity to compete with experienced SAP consultants for the few available job openings may sometimes be frustrating. While SAP certification is not always a critical factor, it could in some cases give a small competitive advantage. For this reason, many freshers…
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orion-tec · 6 years
The Expanding Horizon of SAP in India
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SAP Labs in India augment and incorporate SAP solutions via scrutinizing, designing, and provisioning principle-edge software applications. It is acknowledged within the SAP global organization as one of the key contributors to alteration, excellence
SAP Labs in India augment and incorporate SAP solutions via scrutinizing, designing, and provisioning principle-edge software applications. It is acknowledged within the SAP global organization as one of the key contributors to alteration, excellence and service. Success has a different definition in different eyes. Once the SAP opportunities amalgamate with personal knack and zeal to work; it steers to Amazing opportunities. SAP in India promises to be the substantial booster and equip you with the career enhancement gizmo, training and reinforce your dreams to whirl into reality.
SAP inculcates 70-20-10 approaches in professional development that can be bifurcated as 70% on the job experience; 20% mentoring, coaching and networking and 10% formal training opportunities and this is why SAP has been identified as one of the best companies to work for across the globe.
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As a member of SAP India you will be working at the cutting edge of an stimulating, fast evolving business arena and be a part of one of the major team comprising experts from worldwide. You will be exposed to splendid SAP programs and will be granted opportunity to broaden your career, attain your full potential and mark a variation. SAP India covers Greenfield Implementation, massive upgrades, consolidation, across the locations such as Bangalore, Pune, Delhi, and Hyderabad. SAP innovations in India contribute opportunities knowledge, prototyping and replicating SAP Applications.
SAP certification & SAP technical education is the technique of learning or procuring knowledge in implementing the SAP software thriving in the business environment. The prime target of a business is to congregate specific strategic objectives and that is exactly what SAP technology provides. They mentor the business with their Enterprise Resource Planning System to implement their tactical goals. SAP certification facilitates technical sessions, demo lectures and query solving sessions. When it comes to educating and training your workforce with SAP education and implementation techniques, right knowledge and skills are of grave importance and in-order to gain so, it is important to choose from industry expert in the relative field.
With every single day, as IT is evolving in India; so is the horizon for SAP Jobs in India expanding. SAP is making business more productive, methodical and cost-effective, because of which the number of companies running on SAP is increasing exponentially which in turn is escalating the demand of SAP jobs in India. SAP in India consists of a huge workforce and promises great career boost. Even fresh graduates and high school students can opt for SAP training and certification, all u require is the passion to achieve, a computer and an Internet connection. Globally recognized training and certifications from SAP demonstrate rigorous study and domain knowledge in the particular industry which not only, enhances d brand value of their resume, but also increase their focus and skill level.
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