oriongarcia · 9 months
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'What do you want?'
Jordyn asks and Orión feels like an animal being observed by a mad scientist. Like an octopus caged in an aquarium, he wonders what colors he’d be showing if he truly was a cephalopod. Rage, for anger? All spikes and coils and signs of aggression he truly doesn’t feel, but it’s a way to protect himself and if Orión has learned something in his life is that he must protect himself, because no one else will do it for him.
Perhaps green, for envy. Envy that is a synonym of jealousy that means there's resentment and bitterness boiling somewhere underneath the surface but he isn't quite sure who those are directed to. Jordyn, for speaking with that random guy at the bar? Himself, because Orión, as brave as he thinks he is, has no other option but to admit that he is a fucking coward when he can't even accept feelings in the silence and comfort of his own room, without no one to witness his shame?
What color would we identify with shame? Something muted. Perhaps a light yellow, the color of someone's face when they are sick and about to throw up their insides. Orión feels a little bit like that. He's been about to vomit it all; his love mostly. Putrid and sour from rotting under the sun without no one to attend to it. Like one of the many corpses that adorned the streets of the Borderlands, here it is, a love story that didn't even begin, a child that died before being born, fire suffocated by the lack of oxygen.
What does he want? The answer comes easy to him.
You, you, you. And it's unfair that he can't say it. And it's unfair that his secrets will die with him when he inevitably meets his end in any of these twisted games.
'Don't speak to him again, he'll bring trouble.'
He says instead. And he feels blue.
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oriongarcia · 9 months
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'What do you want?'
Jordyn asks and Orión feels like an animal being observed by a mad scientist. Like an octopus caged in an aquarium, he wonders what colors he’d be showing if he truly was a cephalopod. Rage, for anger? All spikes and coils and signs of aggression he truly doesn’t feel, but it’s a way to protect himself and if Orión has learned something in his life is that he must protect himself, because no one else will do it for him.
Perhaps green, for envy. Envy that is a synonym of jealousy that means there's resentment and bitterness boiling somewhere underneath the surface but he isn't quite sure who those are directed to. Jordyn, for speaking with that random guy at the bar? Himself, because Orión, as brave as he thinks he is, has no other option but to admit that he is a fucking coward when he can't even accept feelings in the silence and comfort of his own room, without no one to witness his shame?
What color would we identify with shame? Something muted. Perhaps a light yellow, the color of someone's face when they are sick and about to throw up their insides. Orión feels a little bit like that. He's been about to vomit it all; his love mostly. Putrid and sour from rotting under the sun without no one to attend to it. Like one of the many corpses that adorned the streets of the Borderlands, here it is, a love story that didn't even begin, a child that died before being born, fire suffocated by the lack of oxygen.
What does he want? The answer comes easy to him.
You, you, you. And it's unfair that he can't say it. And it's unfair that his secrets will die with him when he inevitably meets his end in any of these twisted games.
'Don't speak to him again, he'll bring trouble.'
He says instead. And he feels blue.
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Pretty sure I don't fulfill any of the criteria other than rich. Not like I care. Oh, wait, what's that beneath the cut...? A picture of me?
Well, then.
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“ go nuts.. or whatever “
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Alternatively ;
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oriongarcia · 1 year
The sound of the glass cracking drew his eyes towards it. Oh, Hatter was a dangerous man. There was a common misconception: that mad meant stupid. And while it could, one thing necessarily didn't imply the other. The man in front of him knew he had all the power, knew he was the Big Boss, the King everybody paid homage to. He knew that, with one of his words, every traitor, ever enemy would be reduced to a corpse full of bullet holes. Similar to how Orión's stepdad behaved in the real world, other that they didn't need to murder people to destroy them and everything they stood for. Hell, even Orión behaved like that, too.
The Spanish man didn't quite know what power he held over the militants, though... from what he had heard, they only responded to one man's order: Aguni. A scary-looking guy, with a big scar crossing his eyes, that looked like he belonged to the Yakuza instead of the JSDF, as he claimed. But Aguni did answer to Hatter. With religious fervor. Were they friends, lovers, partners?
'Nice. So you'd fuck just about anyone then? Can relate. In Spanish we say every hole is trench in times of war, you know.' He remembered that old saying. The importance of choosing any option available in times of crisis. Applicable for sex, but also... for situations like the one he had found himself in: the Borderlands. Neutrality seemed to be a crime on its own. Luckily, Orión had already leaned towards one team: that of the winners.
He grabbed the new bottle of alcohol, pouring it into his glass and, again, taking a long sip. They needed to keep this going. None of them would like to ruin the night by getting to sober, or worse, sad, after the effects of alcohol had passed, hm? 'I'm into pretty much anything that's a little bit wrong and a little bit exciting.' Like Cass. Only Orión didn't think his younger sister was much into sex? He had never met any of her partners, but then again, his relationship with his half-siblings wasn't great.
'Ah, balconing.' He used the term that Spanish people had come up with to name the British tourists' strange behavior when they went to cities usually intended for holiday: jump from the balcony of the room to the pool. The higher the floor, the better. At least a few people died from it every year during the summer. 'Very wrong, and very exciting. A lot more than I usually would go for but what was that line from the movie... If you jump, I jump.'
His way to tell Hatter he would follow him, anywhere.
At least, as long as it was convenient for him.
Hatter banged his glass on the table with such force the glass cracked. But he didn’t care. He was laughing laughing laughing. After dealing with a bunch of hypocrites, people who despised him but pretended not to, talking to Orión felt refreshing; the man had no filter, he was honest to a fault. Good, maybe his new associate could even help him weed out the traitors. Did he also have a taste for killing? He would have to find out.
‘I have no set preference. If you prefer a boy’s night, then that’s what we’ll have.’ This was partially true in the sense that he would sleep with just about anyone regardless of gender, but he did have an inclination for women.
Hatter stood up trying not to sway too much as he made his way to his liquor cabinet. The room was spinning. He squinted to read the labels on the remaining bottles until he found an acceptable one. His stock was running low; he made a mental note to ask Aguni to tell one of his minions to bring more bottles the next time they went looking–scavenging, stealing, whatever–for supplies.
His shoulders still shaking with laughter, Hatter zig-zagged back to the couch letting himself fall back on it, the bottle held aloft like a beacon of light.
‘Now, are you into that? Watching, I mean. Because I wouldn’t be opposed to that either.’ Hatter opened the bottle, took a swig directly from it since his glass had shattered, and passed it to Orión so he could refill his glass. 
The noise coming from the pool party below made Hatter look away from Orión, inspiration suddenly striking him. 
‘Not that watching each other get off doesn’t sound appealing… but how about we jump from the balcony to the pool?’
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oriongarcia · 1 year
'Let's open another bottle.' Orión nodded, placing his now empty glass on the table in front of him. He must have been drunker than he thought, because it fell and started rolling around. However, he was quick to catch it and set it straight, ignoring the droplets of liquor that were now staining the wooden surface of Hatter's table. Orión didn't think the leader of the Beach minded, at all. They had just been in this meeting for an hour, maybe? and the room was already in a sorry state.
Probably it was like this every single night. Bottles everywhere, rests of cigarettes, people falling asleep in the couches, on the floor. Girls and boys with their golden swimwear, the mark of Hatter. Instead of him peeing on others, like wild animals did to mark their territory, he gave them what to wear. Maybe, even, how to do their hair and make up, and what to do in bed. Bossy.
'You can invite some girls over, but I don't play in that team.' Orión shrugged. It was not like he wouldn't have sex with a woman if he found one interesting enough, but it rarely ever happened. Men were his poison of choice. And even when that was the case, he was not so much into sleeping with them; that involved a level of intimacy he just wasn't sure he wanted to reach with anyone. He flinched at the mere thought. Getting a handjob, or getting his dick sucked, was more of his thing. It involved... less. You could just dismiss them and go to bed alone, didn't have to deal with them in the morning or with stupid text messages the day after. "This was great", yes, and? 'But please, don't let me stop you. I can watch.'
He was aware his words made him look like a pervert, but also, Orión García knew you could be pretty much anything you wanted as long as you had enough money and power. And he didn't have the former in this world, but after this little deal with Hatter, his pockets were full of the latter.
‘To our blooming friendship.’ Hatter nodded, the sound of their glasses clinking ringing in his ears almost as much as Orión’s words. Yes, Hatter nodded again to himself, Orión had indeed managed to charm him; there was no point in denying that. 
How did it happen? It was that combination of qualities that Hatter appreciated: innate charisma, a certain air of self-assurance that could be just blunt arrogance, but no, there was something more to it. 
Like how Orión hadn’t been afraid to request to keep his regular clothes the very first time they’d spoken; and furthermore, how he wasn’t afraid to be sitting face to face with him, discussing the terms of an alliance like an equal, not like those who tried to ingratiate themselves with him. No, Orión knew how to negotiate. Ask, and you shall receive, Hatter thought.
Hatter refilled his glass, emptying the bottle into it, swirled the liquid, and stared silently at the man in front of him, glad to have made his acquaintance, because Orión could very much become a powerful ally–he certainly didn’t want Orión as an enemy. Could they trust each other? That was to be seen. For now… Well, Hatter respected a man who could hold his liquor and keep the party going. Because what else was there to do between games, really?   
Hatter appreciated that. His best friend might complain about his antics, going as far as to suggest he was starting to lose his mind, but Hatter knew better. In his experience, those who indulged in so-called vices and enjoyed their lives were the ones who had the strongest will to live. 
‘What a great start to our partnership,’ Hatter said, pointing to the empty bottle between them. ‘Shall we open another one, invite some girls over? Or do you have any other ideas?’
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oriongarcia · 1 year
A little boring.
Nothing Jordyn could ever do would be boring.
The intensity of that thought hit him like a raging bull, suddenly a pressure in his chest making it harder for him to breathe. Where had that come from? He didn't understand. But he just knew, for certain, that he believed so with the devoted fervency some people had for a higher deity. A God.
If his assistant wrote a shopping list, he would devour it, his eyes running through each of the letters, focusing on the way he wrote them, wondering what they meant. Wishing he had done some sort of psychological calligraphy course only to find out more about him without having to ask directly. Without having to reveal himself, or his true feelings.
He still listened, with an apparent lack of interest, eyes sliding sideways and arms crossed over his chest, but clinging on to every single word. His eyebrows raised at the mention of Cass. Was Jordyn friends with his annoying little sister? He would like to see her, talk to her. Test the waters...
'Well, today's your lucky day. You're free to do whatever you want, I don't really need you for anything. Of course, I might follow you around to see that you don't do anything that might make me ashamed,' a stupid fucking excuse, but the best one he could think of, his brain dazed and confused because they were still in the early hours of the day. 'But other than that, yeah. Go ahead, get drunk, get a date, do whatever fuckity fuck thing you've dying to.'
Jordyn ignored how Orion was probably judging his outfit. He tried.. a little bit at least to look presentable. Dressed how he usually did. So if Orion had any complains well.. whatever.
Jordyn met his eyes, bright green ones that were as prominent as the bags under his eyes. He would admit.. secretly, of course, that Orion himself had nice eyes. Fit him well. But he immediately pushed that all away and paused-- was Orion really asking him that? What he would do.. just normally. If he wasn't having to work in a parallel world to the one they probably left behind. Jordyn was taken aback for a moment, clearly not expecting it before thinking a moment
"A.. Normal day?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrow. What would he do? This place wasn't exactly normal.. "Well uh.. It'd probably be a little boring, you know? Try to write.. which I've actually been doing a good job lately. I think this place just helps, or something. But I wrote last night" He said. Although what he wrote wasn't exactly.. about the borderlands.
Jordyn scratched the back of his head, "If that didn't work out. I'd probably go find someone to hang out with. Maybe someone like Cass or Narumi. Maybe even see if Niragi was available" He's surprised himself that's he's managed to make a few friends. Jordyn liked having friends here, and people have been nice, made him feel welcome-- normal even. "So yeah, nothing to special. Just.. take time to do whatever I want to do at my pace, on my time." He said. He wasn't trying to make Orion feel bad at that last part, it was just true. Jordyn felt like he always had to focus on his Job, and if not-- everything he worked for would crumble. Even here, he had to make sure that he kept himself and Orion alive. So it was nice to just.. relax. Chill. Have the most boring day but it was nice because he was able to just do it.
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oriongarcia · 1 year
'Some.' He replied, apparently unfazed by Jordyn's sudden appearance. If it had startled him, he wouldn't show. 'Buenos días.'
He used the Spanish for good morning, remembering the words his assistant had used to wish him a good night the day before. Dulces sueños. Sweet dreams. They hadn't been sweet, more annoying and unpractical than anything else, to be honest, but the way he had said it...
Eyeing Jordyn's outfit choice with a certain smugness, but keeping his thoughts about it to himself (has he always looked good in that sweater?) and hoping they wouldn't betray him by making themselves known in his facial features, he thought for a second on what the plan was for today. He had to play a game, later that night. But he would do it with the militants, perhaps with Hatter as a company. Promises of funding took you that far when they were made to a mad man.
After considering for a second, he focused his hazel eyes on the man. Lighter eyes than the rest of his half-siblings, inheritance of his mother, as well as his relatively small frame and his sharp nose. 'What would you do if you weren't working for me today? What would a normal day be like, for you?'
Like he said, Jordyn didn’t get much sleep that nice. He was too busy thinking over on what happened that night. Did he expect anything from Orión? They had a moment, he knew that much. But.. did it mean anything? Was Jordyn expecting Orión to treat him like a equal now, or at least.. decent? If he had to be honest, he really didn’t have any expectations yet. But maybe he was hoping there was something.. maybe.
He tried to not think about it so much, by writing about things that of course would never see the light of day and walking around the beach. It was mostly quiet by tthis point, so Jordyn liked it more.
Jordyn wasn’t too fond of this beach. It was nice, yes— to have a place to sleep, eat, and shower. But he didn’t think a place like this would last. It was a cult, not exactly a paradise that Hatter promise. Jordyn wanted to believe that the cards were the way home, but we’re they?
He managed to get a few hours of sleep, enough to keep him going. Jordyn held his sweater vest in his hand that was a little tattered and worn out. But it was his favorite outfit, it was the one he came here in. And luckily, he was still able to wear it. Jordyn was not.. he did not want to wear a swimsuit here. Too much exposure, and he was not ready for that. Putting on it as well as a button up shirt and pants. Pulling his hair back into a ponytail, Jordyn headed off to the lobby.
Breathing in softly, his eyes glanced around and immediately spotted his boss. He walked up to him, hands in pocket and he nodded “Morning. Did you get some sleep?” He asked
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Dulces sueños.
Familiar words, whispered maybe by a nanny, or a grandparent, years ago. Words he hadn't heard in a while, since he usually went to sleep alone and woke up alone. The few times he had spent the night with someone in the last few years, he wasn't sure of what words had been shared before going to sleep. Maybe good nights were a given, after sharing kisses and twisting bodies. Still, Orión would have preferred to hear them. Those words brought comfort. Those words brought familiarity.
Vulnerability was sitting still at his throat, unmovable, and he was choking on it. No matter how many times he coughed, he swallowed. Orión couldn't really get rid of that feeling that he had shown a part of his soul that he should have kept hidden. Whatever. Sleep (and more alcohol, and more drugs) brought forgetfulness. A recurring dream in which he lit up a candle, lit up a candle, lit up a candle...
He didn't spend a minute wondering about the meaning of it. Waking up with a groan, a walking complaint machine, he showered, brushed his teeth and hair, made himself look acceptable, presentable. Dressed in the most expensive white shirt and chinos he could find, which were in a bad state from being worn so much, he made his way to the lobby, where he knew he would find Jordyn... or Jordyn would find him. A little pick-me-up in the form of a pill he had taken from Hatter's room during the last meeting and a shot of pure vodka. Breakfast of champions.
Something had changed. He knew this and, probably Jordyn too. What Orión wasn't sure was what exactly was his assistant expecting from him now. A friendship? Support, simply someone to rely on? A companion, of sorts, in this wasteland?
However, what bothered Orión the most was the fact that, when he asked himself the same question, he wasn't really able to give an answer. Or a logical one, at the very least, because it all could be reduced down to one thing:
To keep getting to know Jordyn. To be the person to make him laugh again.
Was.. Was Orión’s laugh always that nice to hear? It was soft, but it made Jordyn smile and chuckle himself.
He could, afford them now. But what would be the point? Jordyn had no band to perform in back in their world and he wasn’t to keen on doing anything solo— and besides. Probably wouldn’t have the time to do so. Maybe once he was done with college, if he still wanted to do something.. he could pick up the guitar again. But right now, it was just a memory. If they got back, that is. Jordyn didn’t even know if that was possible. “I could, yeah. But there’s no need anymore.” He said, shaking his head. “It’s just something I did then. Maybe in the future.”
Listening to Orión talk about how he was just used for entertainment— like he was just there to serve the purpose of being shown off. Rich people.. kinda sucked man. But not all of them of course. There were some nice people, like Sofia and Hinata. And maybe, Orión. But thinking he was nice wasn’t going to change everything he’s done so far.. but getting to know him— there could be something. “Shit.. I’m sorry dude. That’s shitty.” Jordyn has only ever briefly met Orión’s mom— and only sees his Step-Dad at meetings and things like that but..
Jordyn laughed at the joke, something he probably would’ve just rolled his eyes and let it go. But just like Orión, maybe he was becoming a little different here. That didn’t seem like a possibility anymore— what Orión just said. But now, Jordyn actually just.. wanted to laugh at his joke. “Be funny to see you dressed up as a Ring master.” He hummed
His smile immediately faltered when Orión suggested that they end it for the night. He blinked and cleared his throat— he was getting way too comfortable. Orión was still the shitty boss he worked for, even if he was starting to get to know him. “Nah. But you know me. Either I’ll crash when I crash or I’ll just keep.. doing things til I’m needed. You know my room number, If you need me.” He said, patting his legs before getting up. Maybe this was a start. Of something more, and Jordyn was just dissapointed he couldn’t stay longer. Or maybe this was a one time thing and it’ll never happen again— and theyd go back to being the shitty boss and the overworked assistant. Jordyn heads to the door and opened it, before pausing.
One hand holding on the edge of the door, he stood there for a moment before looking back and giving a half smile “dulces sueños” he said gently. And not giving any time for Orión to react or look at his reaction, and left. Shutting the door behind him. He probably wouldn’t sleep tonight. Maybe a few hours, so he returned to his room to write things out. If he could, that is
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Who is this, Cass?
Very funny. Shall I tell everybody about that time you were three and we were in the countryside and you thought goat poops were chocolate-covered peanuts?
Go live in your made-up land of dragons and fairies.
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Wait... is he actually crazy?
Orión wondered as he observed the man, feeling as if he was in the presence of a rabid animal; fearful and aggressive at the same time, unpredictable. You never knew when it might just jump at you, ripping your throat apart with its sharp teeth. Maybe being here wasn't such a good idea. Maybe dealing with Hatter...
No. Orión was used to power. He craved it: the feeling of it, the superiority. Ordering people around as if he was the puppet master moving the threads. He couldn't retreat now. He didn't know what kind of charisma this man had, what made people accept him blindly as their leader. The only explanation he could think of was that they didn't see him often, because otherwise... anyone could see the effect the Borderlands were having on him, consuming his body and soul.
He kept drinking from his glass, waiting for Hatter to clear his mind, give him a proper answer to his question. Playfulness substituted by a feeling of insecurity, of not being quite safe with the man around. But he was absolutely sure of one thing, even more than before — he needed to be in the man's good side.
He pondered his suggestion for a minute or two. Or pretended to. Because he knew the answer he was going to give. He sucked at games. He wouldn't be able to survive without Hatter's protection. Plus, he was sure he was charismatic enough. Whether that was a general opinion or not, didn't quite matter. Orión was convinced that everybody wanted to fuck him. And with promises of money, of financial support, not only too Hatter but also to those who were considered to be more trigger-happy... 'Of course I am. I'm going to lead an empire, I'm the gossip magazines' favorite heir. What do you think? I've managed to charm you, too, haven't I? Come on, let's toast. For this blooming friendship.' And with those words, Orión brought his glass closer to that of the leader of the utopia, the leader of the cult, making them touch. 'Chin, chin.' Then, he swallowed the rest of the contents, hardly changing his expression.
Hatter let go of Orion’s wrist and sat back, his head already spinning, wishing he could sink into the soft cushions of the couch and just. Disappear. And reappear in the real world. 
He nodded at Orión’s words. It was a valid question, he would have asked a similar one if he’d been in Orión’s situation. He had to think, had to meditate, had to ponder what he could really offer. 
It was in Hatter’s best interest to ensure Orión made it out, of course. But he wasn’t about to let him leave first. Hatter was The Boss. Number One. Número Uno. Giving up his number was entirely out of the question. If he even caught a whisper that anyone was trying to usurp him he would deal with that. Death to the traitors.
‘Maybe,’ Hatter mumbled, half talking to  himself, half to Orión. ‘Maybe that could work.’ He nodded, as if he had just explained what could work. He downed the rest of his drink and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
‘You used to be an actual executive in the real world, right? Do you think you could be an executive here too? My personal advisor, my right hand.’ Hatter made an obscene gesture with his right hand. ‘If you play your part well the others won’t kill you, but you have to win them over. What do you say, are you charismatic enough?’
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Soft laughter at Jordyn's band memories, of his friend Teresa, a certain sadness that he couldn't really share anything of the sort. What would he tell him? About that time he and the other rich kids had snorted cocaine on the small toilet of a German rave? About how his only hobby had been getting high and disassociating because he couldn't cope any other way, developing an addiction he still denied, even now?
'I bet you could afford them now, if you wanted to.' But you probably would't have the time, he added only to himself. A fact they both knew, but Orión wouldn't be the one to say out loud, because it would be like admitting he was a bad boss, and maybe, also, a bad person. And the moment he would say something like that to himself, there would be no escaping it. 'Yes, it looked posh. They used me as cheap, no, not cheap, free entertainment for whatever fancy dinner was happening that week at home. Hey, look what the kiddo can do...' Orión had never felt more like a clown than in those moments. The only thing he was lacking was the face paint.
'You and the other minions, yes.' PR specialists, secretaries, number guys, marketing people... there were so many people working for his stepdaddy, for him, even if not directly. Orión had lost count; the only thing he needed to do, was being the face of the future of the company and not get into too many scandals. He hadn't done so well, in that department, but the number of times he had appeared in magazines had considerably decreased in the last few years. So... 'Soon I'll dress like a ringmaster, with my circus jacket and my whip, and punish you all if you don't do your work before the time runs out.' It was a joke, of course. However, some of the people working from him wouldn't consider it as such. And yes, maybe once he had been capable of doing something like this. Was he still that person? Had the Borderlands changed him that much?
'We should probably sleep. Will you be able to do so, given your coffee intake?' He stood up, stretching his arms and legs, walking around for a few steps, before simply crossing his arms across his chest and looking at Jordyn in the eyes. It was nice but. Now he felt vulnerable. And he wanted peace and calm. And drugs. To fall asleep. 'Let's meet tomorrow morning, in the lobby?'
Hm.. I mean, it sounded nice. Some of it. But then again.. if he was homeschooled— Jordyn would’ve been taught by his mom. And he did not want that. Besides, he would’ve never been able to meet his friends. It made him feel a little sympathy for Orión. Jordyn nodded, “Easy.. hm. Sounds nice” he said, his leg bouncing slightly
“Yeah, a band. It was just four of us, and one of our other friends was our.. manager of sorts. Got us our gigs. I was the guitarist” he said, grinning happily. “I always thought drums were cool. Teresa— she was our drummer. Quietest girl ever, but once she got on those drums.. man, She was a beast” It was always so funny, when people would come up to them after performances. Expecting a loud party girl and instead getting this shy quiet girl. But he thought Teresa was great just that way she was.
Blinking slightly, he tilts his head at Orión “Nah.. I mean. I looked up a few tutorials here and there when I needed them but.. I think I had a natural talent for it. Couldn’t afford actual lessons.” He and his mom got by well, but only enough to keep them going. It’s one of the reasons why he was so ecstatic when he got the job. Why he cared so much about the money and went through what he went through. His mom also would’ve never actually paid for the lessons.. “Really? I mean yeah, if I was forced to learn something I didn’t like.. I’d hate it too.”
Knowing exactly what he meant, Jordyn let out a breathless chuckle “Yeah. I know. That’s why you have me right? Fill in the gaps you can’t do?” He teased slightly. Orión was the face. The guy who was able to do things with the snap of his fingers. While Jordyn stayed in the background, or by his side. Calculating what do to if something went wrong or how to fix it. The numbers guy.
It felt surreal. Just to be here, chatting with Orión about school life and sorts. He could tell that although neither of them were admitting the full truths.. they were still getting to know eachother. Orión wasn’t being a complete Dick and Jordyn wasn’t snarking back annoyed remarks. Orión Garcia and Jordyn Parks weren’t talking to eachother, no. But Orión and Jordyn were. Just two guys.. hanging out in a hotel room that belong to what Jordyn saw as a weird cult thing that definitely wasn’t what it was all cracked up to be.
And Jordyn was perfectly okay with that.
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oriongarcia · 1 year
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oriongarcia · 1 year
'It was... easy. You just rolled out of bed, made your way to the living room, and started the lesson.' His many years being homeschooled summarized with a single sentence. But it had been an uneventful part of his life, what else could he say about it? How sad he had been? How alone? How much it had hurt him to not be able to make any friends? He couldn't. He might have opened up a little bit, but that was giving Jordyn power over him, and Orión would not do that. Not yet.
He was, indeed, a little bit jealous to hear about Jordyn and his group of friends. Glad that he had that experience, sad that he hadn't. Him, or Cass or Hércules. Andro was a different thing; with her looks, it was impossible for her not to be the most popular girl around. He had only seen her around quite a few times after arriving at this place, but she hadn't changed a bit. If only, she had become even more stunning. It dawned on Orión then that it was not friends, what he really wanted. Just to have with his three half-siblings the relationship they had between them. That fierce loyalty. That unconditional support.
'In a band? You should talk to Hércules. He used to play drums.' A passing thought, a fact he didn't even remember until the topic of playing in a bad was brought up. In fact, didn't Cass also play some instrument...? She was good at singing, he remembered that much. 'Guitar, eh? Did you take lessons?' Orión wasn't much of a musician, in fact, he disliked most music, finding the silence much more comforting. His parents, however, had insisted he learned to play the violin and the piano. 'I used to be able to play some instruments,' he didn't specify which ones. 'But it was only because my mother insisted. I hated it.'
'About your friends... how come you haven't seen them that much?' Did the job keep him that busy? Of course it does, Orión, don't be stupid. Jordyn shouldn't work as many hours as he did. In fact, his contract didn't really demand the assistant to be at his service 24/7; that was something he had sort of made up as it went. Just because he enjoyed having authority over someone. Why? Was it to compensate how powerless he had always felt?
'I'm dumb but... I'm smart. The two things can coexist.' He hoped Jordyn knew what he meant. He wasn't that intelligent, maybe, not in the academical sense. However, he knew people, he knew how to make them like him, how to charm them or repel them enough, if that was what he wanted. He also knew how to convince them of doing exactly what he desired, in most cases, by carefully moving their threads like a puppet master.
He wanted to say something else. Maybe apologize, the idea of it increasing its weight, becoming as heavy as the air between them. He hadn't been the best boss. Or a good friend. Is that what they were? Friends? It hadn't escaped his eye how Jordyn had leaned back as he did the same thing forward, and it had filled him with dread. Maybe he could... solve this? They were both stuck in here, after all.
He wouldn't say sorry, not directly, he decided for a second time since starting the conversation. But maybe there could be certain changes in his attitude... Other than finally getting to discover more of Jordyn, other than welcoming him in his life.
Jordyn nodded, “Yeah. I guess I would’ve figured you went to like some fancy school or something but.. Homeschool. What was it like?” he asked— geniunely curious. Did he prefer it? Or did Orión wish he had gone to school with other people.. if he had to guess— probably preferred homeschool.
He smiled, “Yeah.. I mean— with how much I do, it’s worth it” Jordyn jokes. He had never expected to actually get the job, since he was freshly out of highschool and starting college. But when he did, he was excited. A job like this would do wonders.. not expecting what was to come. “Yeah.. I guess I’m lucky. The people I became friends with were pretty well liked. As long as I stuck with them, I was good. And they liked me back so”
His grin widened, before seeing as Orión leaned forward. On instinct, Jordyn leaned back just a bit, resting his hands on the bed as he shrugged, “Parties— yes, a few times. But uh.. I was in a band— actually” he said. “I played Guitar. Nothing to big but we played at a few venues and stuff— it was fun.” Jordyn murmurs. That was the time he felt the most free. He liked being a writer, although he wasn’t the best— so he never dreamed of actually doing anything with his band. It was more of a hobby to him. But.. it was nice “I didn’t have much time for it anymore, once I started working for you. And I haven’t exactly seen those friends in awhile— before the borderlands of course” it would be crazy if he did see any of his friends here.. or— his old friends
He wondered how they were doing, at their respected universities and what not. Did they dislike him for up and leaving the band, leaving the group? A lot of his peers did, not for leaving his band but for always ditching when his job called for him. As much as Jordyn would deny it, he geniunely didn’t have many people that he would actually call a friend. That’s why he hoped the borderlands could be different.. maybe he could even call Orión a friend. Snapping out of his train of thought, he realized Orión was asking about his college life.
“Hm-? Oh yeah, it’s going good. The work isn’t too bad and the people are nice” a partial lie but.. Jordyn wasn’t going to be 100% honest about everything. He frowned slightly at that. I mean, of course Orión had paid his way through it— or at least had it help. “Maybe you’re smarter than you think. If you put your mind to it” he suggested, eyes flickering to his
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oriongarcia · 1 year
mushroom mayhem, boom. guy with a big cock? big mushroom cock gun, BAM! mushroom mayhem! guy didn't even think about it. didn't think twice.
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oriongarcia · 1 year
Orión had meant that comment as nothing more than a joke, but the idea of it was starting to make a home in his mind. Hatter was... a good-looking dude, that much was obvious. A little dirty, but the Spanish man had never been put off by that before and wasn't going to start now. And fucking the leader of a cult would definitely be one more thing crossed out of his bucket list. It was not like he would pursue too intently, however. Or, at least, not for now.
He tried to listen to Hatter's speech, but honestly, he couldn't care less. They were the delusions of a mad man. He nodded from time to time, pretending he was paying attention, as he sipped from his glass and tried to refrain from rolling his eyes a few times, keeping his expression lacking of any emotion. How many people were there at the Beach right now? A few hundred? How many deck of cards would they have to collect? They would all meet their end before that.
He did, however, take note of his offer. He wasn't usually the one to make final decisions; that was a responsibility that his step daddy still held, but that was heavily influenced by the words of his advisors. He didn't have them here, so he had to decide on his own. He pondered Hatter's words. It seemed like a good deal. He got protection, he got a bracelet with a higher number. However, since Hatter would be the first person to leave (if his stupid plan even worked), how could he guarantee his safety once he had left?
'I'm willing to give you any financial support you may need.' When he inherited his stepfather's empire he would be one of the richest people in the entire world. He had no issue about that. 'But, when you leave, how are you going to make sure your brainless followers don't just shoot me in the head?' Slightly slurred words, denoting how much the alcohol was getting to him. The fact that his mind was awake as ever, didn't mean his body had to be too. 'It doesn't work after you make it back to the real world.' Dark eyes focusing on his, a spark of playfulness. It was... fun to negotiate.
Most people couldn't form coherent thoughts under the influence of alcohol. That was not the case with Orión; quite the opposite. Everything else went numb and his mind was more alert than ever. But maybe that was also because of the quantity of drugs flooding his system at any given time. Of course, it was all recreational and he would have denied having an addiction no matter who asked.
'Yeah, you'd be dead if not.' A snort accompanying his words, as he held a glass filled to the brim with some sort of amber-colored alcohol. No point filling it just a little bit when the night was young and they both knew they would consume a lot more than that, right? He took a sip, carelessly, not really caring if he spilled it and it got in his clothes. 'You fuck me and I fuck you, yes, I know. Not in the literal sense. Unless...'
A raised eyebrow and a crooked smile, like that of his brother and sisters. He was joking, of course. Testing the waters. He knew little about this man other than what other people had said; he was crazy. Obsessed with getting all of the cards and leaving this place. Convinced that was the only way they would. Such was his conviction he'd murder (by his own hand or using militants? Orión would have to find out) those he considered traitors. 'This is business. You offer, I ponder, I probably end up accepting because I suck at this. And same with me. It goes both ways, sí, señor.'
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oriongarcia · 1 year
'Do you find it surprising, me being homeschooled?' Orión asked, still smiling, the taste of the last sip of martini he had taken lingering on his tongue. Of course, he understood. Most people would expect a fancy private school, but his parents (technically, his stepfather and mother) had enough money to hire the best tutors, so why not get taught in the comfort of his own home? It, also, probably saved him years of bullying for being nothing but a rich kid. Un mimado, as they said in Spain.
'I'm glad this job helped you do that.' He added next, and he found himself really meaning those words. Orión had known he was a recently-graduated student, but... truth be told, he had picked Jordyn's CV out at random. The head of the HR department had left a stack of them on his table, first thing in the morning, and he had simply... chosen one, throwing the rest of them in the trash. 'Also, that your experience was good. I've heard high school being compared to a war zone a little too many times, especially by Cass and Hérc.'
He knew he hadn't been an easy person to deal with. An easy boss to work for. That he should apologize, at least. But he couldn't bring himself to it. So, asking about his life, actually caring for once, was his way of trying to solve a few years of mistakes.
'Crazy stuff? You mean parties?' Suddenly, his interest was piqued. He finished what was left of his drink, ate the olives (he loved them as a little snack afterwards, for some reason, and olives always reminded him of his home, in Spain) and after leaving it on the closest table, he leaned forward, placing both elbows on his knees, reducing the distance between him and Jordyn by a few centimeters. 'How is it going? Your notes well? I graduated with honors, but only because my step-father made a generous donation to the university. I still am unsure how I passed most courses.'
Jordyn set his almost empty coffee cup on the floor, before sitting back up. He nods at his words, “Sure, Okay..” he muttered. At least he was being reassured the guy wouldn’t die.. was he a bad person that he wasn’t caring if Orión was going to send some guys to, in his words, teach him a lesson? Maybe a little bit.. it was the borderlands. And Jordyn didn’t exactly like being blamed for those deaths. And honestly it kind of felt nice having someone, be it Orión, care enough to have that happen.
“Homeschooled huh?” He didn’t even know that about Orión— that he had been homeschooled. Honestly he didn’t expect it, maybe that he had gone to a rich private school— paid through. But Jordyn was wrong about that.. and it begged the question; what else was he wrong about?
“Yeah. I mean it wasn’t nothing special.. I had a good friend group and I studied a lot. Graduated like everyone else Yknow” Jordyn said and hummed, “Right before college though, that’s when I applied for my position as your assistant. Helped me get into the college I was hoping to”
He remembered when he started. Jordyn had an idea of what Orión was like— but most of it was speculation from rumors and all the news outlets. But he didn’t expect what is Job was actually going to entail. Immediately he went from having a group of friends and a calm normal life— to just being acquaintances with everyone he comes across— never having time to actually hang out and focusing himself on his job. Was it partly his fault? Maybe. But it was also hard being Orión’s assistant.
Blinking out of his thoughts, he heard Orión start speaking again and focused in listening to him again. This was nice— something foreign. The two of them taking the time and getting to know each other. “Oh I know very well” Jordyn said, chuckling softly, “University was, or— is going ordinary for me before. I mean I did some crazy stuff in my first year but other than that.. just trying to get by and get my degree”
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oriongarcia · 1 year
His siblings would have said oh, you're just mad because somebody touched something you considered yours. But while there might have been some truth in those poisoned words, it wasn't exactly like that. Orión was angry because he cared about Jordyn. In some twisted, sick way, yes, but he cared about the person he got to spend all his time with. The disrespect was just... a way to not let him get too close. A way to not let anyone, keep everybody in his life at arm's length, because then nobody would be able to hurt him. Not if he didn't give them the power to do it.
'Next time you see him, tell me. I'm not going to have him killed,' he made sure to point that out, because overall Jordyn was a good person. And, Orión wouldn't admit it to himself, but he thought that was one of his assistant's better qualities, if not the best. 'But he should be taught a lesson.'
Slightly more relaxed now, and adopting a more laid back position on the chair he was sitting in, he listened to Jordyn's words about high school fights, his smile extending almost imperceptibly. It was... fun imagining him in that situation. Endearing, somehow. Without stopping to wonder what he had done with Orión and why, all of a sudden, this conversation had become so important to him, he replied: 'I was home-schooled so I never really had those experiences. Did you like it?'
'I did go to university...' He reflected, after a moment of silence, taking another sip of his drink, carefully prepared just the way he enjoyed it. Would Jordyn do everything with equal attentiveness? 'However, I didn't get into any physical fights. Quarrels with words sharp as daggers? Sign me up. When I'm having a good day, as you very well know, I can be the wittiest person around. But nothing out of the ordinary.'
Pausing for a moment, Jordyn’s eyes flickered to Orión. Was he trying to give him genuine advice? Smiling softly at that, he just ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’ll try.” Was all he said about that. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t stop thinking about those words.
Looking at his boss again, he finally noticed the way Orión was squaring his jaw. The way he was gripping onto the glass. Was he.. truly pissed because someone took a swing at his assistant? But why? Jordyn was confused but.. maybe it was clearer than he thought. But he nodded “Yeah.. I remember he had blond hair, but you could tell it was dyed because you could see the roots coming in. Had this uh.. green Hawaiian shirt and dark green swimtrunks. But I could definitely point him out” Jordyn said. He had an inkling that Orión was going to do something.. or get someone to do something. But he hoped he would just.. rough him up. Jordyn didn’t want a death actually because of him.
Seeing the smile and the strained laugh, Jordyn relaxed himself. Was Orión.. trying to actually get to know him? Without insult or a tease? He pushed himself off of the dresser and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, one foot tucked under the other leg and shrugged.
“No, not usually. Uh.. maybe a few times in highschool— got in a few fights with some kids at school but.. I try not to. Yknow” he said, with a shrug. Hey, if Orión was gonna ask about him, actually— then Jordyn didn’t mind sharing a little bit about himself. Maybe.. maybe Orión would do the same.
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