orokana-bara 1 month
饾暣 饾枩饾枎饾枒饾枒 饾枙饾枟饾枖饾枡饾枈饾枅饾枡 饾枮饾枖饾枤 (sound of salt falling weakly to the table) hyah hyah hyah
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orokana-bara 1 month
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what is he accused of 馃寑馃寑馃寑
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orokana-bara 1 month
Kind of hilarious to me how poorly the title "Mob Psycho 100" localized to English-speaking areas. To someone whose first language is English, it scans as:
Mob (Yakuza, Mafia)
Psycho (violent person with "crazy" behaviors)
Thus: a particularly violent member of organized crime.
But in Japanese it scans as:
Mob (background characters in crowd scenes in manga or anime)
Psycho (short for psychic)
Thus: a psychic who looks/acts like someone you'd never pick out of a crowd scene in a comic.
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orokana-bara 1 month
i think hes a top because there doesnt seem to be a single thing in his life that hes legitimately got a handle on
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orokana-bara 2 months
i cannot possibly be the first person who has had this idea
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orokana-bara 2 months
Phoenix just sits here and gets beat up by young women all day
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orokana-bara 2 months
phoenix is stupid in the way that theres something fundamentally wrong with his decision making process. miles is stupid in that if he had a steel samurai figure delivered to his office and someone suddenly walked in he would put it inhis mouth to hide it.
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orokana-bara 2 months
Ace Attorney girls will adopt older siblings and declare them "little" just because they entered the family last, it's just a fact of life.
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I love that there's a consistent logic to it despite their actual ages. Both Edgeworth and Phoenix are 7 years older than both of them. Neither of these women are even in their 20's at this point while the lads are both 26. They are little brothers to them. Incredible.
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orokana-bara 2 months
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im actually obsessed with 2-4 phoenix he is tired of all this bullshit. i love how he does not say a word for like 5 minutes after edgeworth enters the room
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orokana-bara 2 months
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orokana-bara 2 months
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His silly rabbit
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orokana-bara 2 months
I think what I love the most about AA is that characters have a duality to them that I don't see often in media. They have actual flaws and do actual bad things, and it's not glossed over. Phoenix is a fundamentally good person, he helps people at the drop of a hat, risks his life for them. Has a penchant for taking strays under his wing. He believes in people... but also not really. He carries a literal lie detector with him at all times, and only employs people who can also peer into other people's hearts. So is he really that trusting? Sure he trusts his clients are innocent, but he doesn't trust they will tell him the truth at all (there's always something to lie about). He believes himself naive, and that's why he works extra hard not to be. Some people think he changed with his disbarment but I feel like when he actually changed was after Dahlia. He became less and less trusting as time went on. And Phoenix actually does forge evidence and risks his subordinate's career, and he says pretty nasty things sometimes (that one time to Edgeworth had got to hurt, badly, especially if you consider that the note could have been genuine at first, which we don't know for sure), has a pretty tactless and somewhat hurtful sense of humor, brings his daughter to cheat at poker, and doesn't tell said daughter she actually has some family left alive. He's secretive, elusive and cryptic, and masks it under a false pretence of goofiness. Miles is, by contrast, very easy to read. He may appear emotionally stunted but is one of the more emphathetic characters. He realizes when he's wrong and immediately needs to correct those wrongs. He grows uneasy and uncertain and eventually recognizes when he's mistaken. By the end of it he begins to help people naturally, without even thinking about it as much as he would have in the past. He helps so many people, he has basically got Phoenix's savior complex 2.0 but the healthy kind where he doesn't jump off a bridge. But... he was also actually cruel, and did send innocent people to their graves (was he really so naive to believe whichever defendant came his way was guilty?). He feigned his death disregarding other people's feelings, and while you could say he had no obligation towards Phoenix (apart from basic decency and respect towards someone who had turned his life around to save him), he still abandoned Franziska, who was still just a kid and had just discovered her father was a psychopath. She probably thought, at some point, that the apple didn't fall that far from the tree. That's it's somehow her fault as well. He may be rude and antagonistic, frank to a fault. Isn't afraid of telling stuff to your face. But he also cares about the people he loves so much, to the point he doesn't hesitate to risk his career and break the law multiple times. He may appear a pessimist but he's pretty idealistic at heart, it's quite funny that his favourite show is about an hero of justice, isn't it? Godot is... well, we don't know much about it from before his coma, but he definitely shared Mia's sentiments for helping people in their hour of need. But when he wakes from a 6-year coma he's so broken that he just pins the blame on the most absurd person to blame it on, settles on a complicated plan, and also prosecutes on that particular murder he should just confess upon. Iris was sweet, innocent, self-sacrificing. She knew absolutely nothing about the world apart from what Bikini or her sister told her. She was naive and falsely thought she could fix everything, that her sister was salvageable, that she could save Phoenix. But she still ended up lying to the person she loved and abetting a murder. That's why I love these characters so much. They're interesting and their stories make sense. People don't remain unchanged from what happens to them. People are multi-faceted and complex. You can't sum them up in a bunch of characteristics and aspect them to act on every single one of them, always, consistently. Sometimes people break. They make mistakes they regret, ...and some they don't.
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orokana-bara 2 months
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I hate that I did and intricate frame for this, but it just looks better with a black square and I wasted hours of my life on it. Please enjoy the fruits of my suffering.
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orokana-bara 2 months
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flirt with me like it鈥檚 2001
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orokana-bara 3 months
Did a part two to this comic
Turns out Edgeworth just likes to see a more vulnerable side to Phoenix
It doesn鈥檛 translate well
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orokana-bara 3 months
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this would fix him probably (<- lying)
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orokana-bara 3 months
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what did he mean by this
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