orphcn · 8 years
so ‘my heart will go on’ syncs up with the avengers 2 trailer just a LITTLE too well
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orphcn · 8 years
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deleting a lot of shit is s o time consuming.
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orphcn · 8 years
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I’ll be doing a lot of work to this blog, including deleting a few roleplays(the fact most of them are just my reply now bugs me too much to ignore it.) and redoing the tag system.
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orphcn · 8 years
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long time no see guys
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orphcn · 9 years
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orphcn · 9 years
my trust has been betrayed
i should save ur info so i can do that everyday
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orphcn · 9 years
This completes me.
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orphcn · 9 years
Eggsy enjoyed the burger as well. “And if yer parents knew you was on a date with a werewolf?” His eyebrows lifted as he took another chunk from his burger. “Would they be acceptin’ of ya or would they kick ya out?”
That had Lucius thinking. What would his parents do if they found out? Probably disown him, call him a disgrace and a shame to the family name. He’s not sure he wants to tell Eggsy all of that though. “I don’t know. I don’t think they would be too happy. I like want to think  they’d be okay with it, but who knows?”
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orphcn · 9 years
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“ Well done please— and thank you! ” Steve glances up once and offers a fresh smile. He knows how rush hours get around diners. He’s grateful— more than grateful! His distracted mind drifts back to his  sketches for the day. They’re mediocre at best but, nonetheless they’ll do. For now at least. A few buildings and ghostly figurines of strangers.
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Lucius will scribble that down before watching Steve sketch for a few seconds. Before he was shooed away by his manager, anyways. Puffing out his cheeks, he places the order, continuing to go about with cleaning tables and taking orders. He always manages to look back at Steve, though.
Fifteen minutes or so pass by before Lucius is delivering the burger and a separate tray of fries. A soft, welcoming smile for a change, and he scribbles something down on the receipt. 
“ -- You can take it up to the counter to pay. Unless you   want dessert?”
The note he scribbled was his phone number, along with a cute  smile face next to it and the usual “call me sometime”.
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orphcn · 9 years
Do you ever miss yourself? The person you were before you had your first heartbreak or before you got betrayed by a person you trusted?
(via justlivingdead)
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orphcn · 9 years
[ sms ; babybear ] i love you too, darling <3 [ sms ; babybear ] why can’t i tell dad?
[ sms ; mom ] because i have to keep my tough guy exterior.
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orphcn · 9 years
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“So yer parents wouldn’t approve of this would they?” Eggsy chuckled, looking up when the food was placed in front of him, tucking into the burger.
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“No way. But I was never one to follow the rules.” As the burger is placed in front of him, he takes a bite immediately, groaning absentmindedly at the blood filling his mouth.
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orphcn · 9 years
*drops down on one knee* will u sin with me
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orphcn · 9 years
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“Yeah, you go ahead. Not sure what ta say about myself all that much.”
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“Well, I did a human study once. You can consider it my unaccounted for profession. Everything fascinates me, though it goes against my parents will sometimes.”
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orphcn · 9 years
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orphcn · 9 years
Steve can take a rainy day with no lip or snapping of teeth. Hell, the guy can even take Stark’s smart mouth for awhile.
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      He can jog several miles and wear himself thin just to        avoid the nightmares that linger on the edge of his damn       subconscious. However, there’s a few guilty pleasures Steve allows himself to enjoy every once in awhile. Which is important since Steve doesn’t usually claim so much for himself. So when the blond stumbles onto a new diner that’s got just the right amount of nostalgia and amazing food?
         You bet your ass he goes                                    every other damn day.
“ Can I have your dinner combo please— ? ” So the usual. Steve almost tacks on to his reply, absently setting his menu aside so he can work a few more small sketches for the day.
Yeah, he was the son of one of the richest families in  New York. The Osborns. But that doesn’t mean Lu lost his sense of pride. He continues to work at the old diner in town. a bus boy who does every other job except cook the food. 
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His hair is messy, brown curls from greasy hair still prominent. Each time they tried to get him a haircut it ends in tears and  regret. Lucius loves his messy hair. 
Brushing his bangs to the side so he can actually see properly and not get stabbed to death in the eye by a loose strand, the  small brunette is taking an order. Some blonde guy. Tall. Handsome. Seems familiar, but he can’t really think of it at the top of his head. Not right now, anyways. 
“Uh... Yeah. How do you want it cooked?” 
The younger will huff as the other draws. How rude. Lucius will watch, though, curious as to what he was drawing exactly. Looks like the interior of the diner, but Lu keeps quiet.
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orphcn · 9 years
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❛  i see, i mean i know the lore of vampires…and the initiation progress of becoming and learning to control your hunger….so i assume..and please forgive me if i’m wrong but….did the one who sired you leave without helping you first  ?  ❜  kristoff’s eyes soften as he speaks, not wishing to insult the other with such a forward question. it’s simple curiosity. he can’t help the slight tension held in his jaw at the mention of oscar’s blood, kris’ possessive nature kicking in. even if he was the pet in their relationship he could not refrain from having some issue in sharing the wendigo.   ❛  he wont give you his blood again, you should know that. don’t get your hopes up on the matter, it’s not up for discussion…and if you try to beg, it will only frustrate him, which is never good for anyone.  ❜  he sighs, turning to look down at the smaller   -  a somewhat foreign notion as the hound was almost always shorter than those around him.  ❛  i may know someone that could help you learn to control the hunger you’re enduring. ❜
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“yeah. he did. i slept with him for money because i was desperate to pay the rent, and he bit me afterwards. the next morning i got a fucking note from him.“ he grumbles, brows furrowed as he avoids eye contact. every single time it was mentioned, lucius started to feel sour. he knows it isn’t kris’ fault, but how else should he react? the whole story made him disgusting.
“i’ve tried. it worked once. why do you think i’m drinking this shit?”
and a pause.
“-- what do you mean?”
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