ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
I thought that when creating a concept paper you are free to express any ideas or insights about the thesis statement that you are focusing on. That you don’t need reference for collecting data and such.
But i learned that when creating a concept paper you must be aware of the reliable sources where in you should collect your data to support your thesis statement. And also through concept papers you have a goal to change or influence the outlook of your readers about a certain topic or problem. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
Collateral Beauty is an American based drama film directed by David Frankel and written by Allan Loeb. The film stars Will Smith, Edward Norton, Keira Knightley, Michael Peña, Naomie Harris, Jacob Latimore, Kate Winslet, and Helen Mirren. The film premiered at the Dubai International Film Festival on December 13, 2016, and was released in the United States on December 16, 2016. It was panned by critics, although it grossed $88 million worldwide against its $40 million budget.
The movie follows a man who copes with his daughter's death by writing letters to time, death, and love. Howard portrayed by Will Smith was a well-known successful businessman, and then in an instance his daughter died. As his daughter died, his world also did. He got out of his focus and his normal self, he would always choose to be alone and be depressed for years. The authors behind the movie was able to create an idea that Howard was really in a downfall because of his daughter’s death. And with the creation of the most trusted friends of Howard, the director and the writer were able to create a specific idea or feeling when you are in the situation like in the movie. Howard’s three best of friends want to save the company and their lives and the problems they are facing the reason why they hired a private investigator to look out for Howard. Wherein they found out that Howard wrote letters to Time, Death and Love.
The writer used Time, Death and Love for the movie because these are the three things which are important not only to Howard but each and every one of us. And in the movie, there are “actors” who portrayed the three ideas, Time, Death and Love. The best of friends of Howard hired the “actors” for them to be able to make Howard realize that he still have a company to save and that he is going crazy given the fact that the actors was not visible to the others but him.But little did we knew that the writer and the director made a big plot twists for us viewers.
With the fact that the “actors” hired were successful in making Howard realize that he still has a life to live, the “actors” which are the Time, Death and Love was also able to help the friends of Howard in their own personal problems and challenges. The writers of the movie was able to reach out in the bottom of our hearts the importance of life with Time, Death and Love. Also as the plot twists gave us a screams and realizations, like the girl who Howard was visiting in a support group was his ex-wife, that the actress who portrayed Death was also the one who told Howard’s wife that there is a collateral beauty in this world and that the “actors” who were Death, Time and Love was not really actors but they are really the representations of the three ideas in the world to help those in need for realizations. From the thought collateral beauty, which means everything is connected. Like the Death, Time and Love.
The movie created a big realizations that sometimes in our life, there will be time where we just need to believe in the connection and the collateral beauty of Death, Time and Love. That there is always to look forward to, despite of how bad the situation is. Just trust the process of what life might give you.
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
In an epic movie review about how the revolution assassinated “Heneral Luna” really caught the attention of the readers. Because from the title itself, it really caught the attention of everyone who is able to read it. With the use of the personification, where in ‘revolution’ was the one who assassinated Heneral Luna. The author started the movie review with pointing out what is the movie all about. And who is the director behind the promising movie who became a hit. The author also gave out examples of the early hit movies which is similar to Heneral Luna.
           The author was able to compare the movies from before and how Heneral Luna was created and how technology was able to develop and improve the movie making. Through comparing these movies, readers were able to see more the good sides of creating the movie Heneral Luna.
           With the author explaining how Jerrold Tarog’s technique with starting the movie Heneral Luna helped a lot to create the idea to the readers on how unique Heneral Luna is compared to the other known Filipino iconic heroes. Heneral Luna was somewhat different with his intellectual skills and known to be a man of action. Based from the movie review, it stated that despite of how tragic the movie was, given the fact that Heneral Luna was assassinated by who knows who. The author created an idea that Heneral Luna’s death was something worth it or worth remembering for.
           The line “The revolution did not devour Luna; El Heneral was assassinated by the revolution” really caught the reader’s attention. With the author’s use of personification it helped to make the readers remember that Heneral Luna was a brave Filipino who was not only killed because of the Revolution but rather killed on purpose.
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
I thought that when creating a critique for a movie or a written work you can simply just give out your opinion or insight about what you’ve read or watched. 
But i was able to learn that there are different styles to follow when creating a critique, some of those are formalism, feminism, marxism and the reader’ reaction. With the help of these styles i was able to practice and improve my way of judging and critiquing works. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
Paraphrasing Activity 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
- Porphyria’s Case -
According to Robert Browning, it was January, year of 1924, Ms. Porphyria Blank was found strangled to death on the day after her engagement party in the cottage of John Doe. Based from the autopsy report death occured from the effects of asphyxia, or also known as the loss of oxygen. The victim’s hair was used for the strangulation of John Doe who was later on pleaded guilty. One interesting foundings from the autopsy report was that no obvious lession in the blood vessels of the neck. Porphyria Blank vanished from her engagement part with Barton Park, which was known to be rich, by eleven o’clock and was later on found dead on John Doe’s lap at his cottage at around five in the morning. Authorities said that John Does looked like he was in a state of hysteria for he knew that only death was the way for her and Porphyria would be together. Because John Doe is not crazy, for he is crazy in love and has a mutual feelings with Ms. Blank. Porphyria Blank who was unfortunately engaged with someone rich and well-known. There is no tragic story than loving the right person at the wrong time.. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
|| A B S T R A C T ||
I thought that when creating an abstract you must insert all the things that was in the original text. And all you have to do is to compile it in a shorter paragraph. But from what i have learned today, abstract has its own goals that it must be a good summary, that you may change the word but make sure that it still has the same idea from the original text. And must take in consideration the proper order of the ideas or the phrases. 
It is important to know the rules and regulations when creating and abstract because as we go and continue with our lives, we are expected to always create abstracts because of the continuous researches from each generation. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
|| D I F F I C U L T I E S ||
Citing sources may sound easy because you only have to give credit to the author of the article which you just used in your project or homework. That inserting his name and using quote-unquote can be considered as a proper citing of sources. But the truth is, there are guidelines which must be followed to create a proper citations to avoid plagiarism in a student’s work or project. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person which is considered to be an illegal act. Even though we are only students that doesn’t mean that we are exempted in the consequences of creating a crime such as plagiarism. It is also considered to be an act of stealing, that we must not practice ever. There are a lot of mistakes that we always commit in citing sources. You must thought that what is the importance and main purpose why we cite sources, it is only because we must be broad about which of the ideas from your work or article were borrowed to avoid the illegal act or stealing of other’s ideas through plagiarism. It is also proper to give credits to the author/s from which you got the idea in your given topic or issues. It is also to help and guide your audience what is your main goal in writing and doesn’t practice and have mistakes in dissemination of information to your readers or the netizens. As I was able to observe and experienced, the most common mistakes in citing sources is the part where you have to insert the author of the article. In some situations, some websites do not insert the journalist or the author that really created the writings, rather than saying that us researchers or users of the internet doesn’t know the real name of the author we instead insert the company or the name of the website which is considered to be wrong and improper. Why? Because it is not the company or the whole website was the one who did the writings, we must instead write “N/A or No Author” to indicate that the name of the author was not publicized. Another common mistakes made in citing sources are the proper style for each source type. For example, there is a different citing style which should be used when you got your information from the book same as with the citing style when you were able to collect information from websites. That is the main reason why we should be aware of the different citation styles to prevent common mistakes such as neglecting the proper format of citing sources. Some of the ways to prevent the common mistakes in citing sources is to practice and learn thoroughly the steps and guidelines when using different citation styles. The citation styles guide on which of this styles must be used, some of the style guides are The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), The Modern Language Association Style Guide (MLA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (EEE), American Medical Association Manual of Style (AMA) and the Chicago Manual of Style. All of these style guides must be read and learned on how and when you are going to use them. Another recommendations in preventing common mistakes and difficulties in citing sources is to learn on how to paraphrase properly that you will have less chance of being accused of plagiarizing. But the last point on how to cite sources properly is to learn and to practice the proper way of giving credits to the author/s with their outstanding ideas and their insights about a given topic or issue that helped us in knowing and adding to the body of knowledge as we continue in our generation.
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
|| C I T A T I O N ||
I thought that, citing sources is easy. Because you just have to insert the name of the author, date created and the website where you got the data. But after we were given different styles and formats of proper citation, i learned that we must always take in consideration the formats and the proper citation steps to avoid plagiarism. Knowing that plagiarism is a big issue in the writing industry. That anyone, can file a report regarding a plagiarized work or text. 
Citation is important most especially for us students because of the subject research, that we must always take in the importance or the significant roles of the websites that we get our information from. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
|| S U M M A R I Z I N G ||
I thought that summarizing, was only about the fact of making the original text shorter. That you have the freedom of which of the sentences or phrases that you want to insert in your summary. But after the few discussions about the correct steps and proper format in creating your own summary, it is important that you must filter the ideas that are mostly needed to fill in your summary. That your summary must still contain the same idea as with the original text, that you don’t have to change the context of the text.
Summaries help us readers to make our reading hours shorter and more convenient because with the summaries you get to have an enough background of the article or text you will soon read. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
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Effects of Martial Law in the Philippines
Title: Economic effects of Marawi and martial law
Author: Ruben Almendras
Date: May 30, 2017
Name and place: The Philippine Star, RFM Corporate Center Pioneer St., Mandaluyong 
URL:  http://www.philstar.com/freeman-opinion/2017/05/30/1705007/economic-effects-marawi-and-martial-law
Summary: Government economic managers issued statements that this Marawi incident will have little effect on the Philippine economy especially if resolved in a short time. The stock market is holding at its present level and there have been no massive sell downs. They also said that because of the strong macro-economic fundamentals, the country's credit rating will not be affected. Finance Sec. Dominguez opined that Marawi and the whole Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), accounts only for .6 of 1 percent of the Philippine Gross Domestic Product, (GDP); and the whole of Mindanao 14 percent of GDP.
 Title: Consequences of Martial Law
Author: Artemio Panganiban
Date: August 13, 2017
Name and Place: Philippine Daily Inquirer 2nd Flr. Los Baños Bldg. Aguinaldo St., Legazpi City 
URL: http://opinion.inquirer.net/106299/consequences-martial-law
Summary: The proclamation of ML may trigger constitutional provisions granting additional powers to the President or restricting constitutional rights, provided there are implementing laws specifically authorizing such powers or restricting such rights (with the possible exception of the first item which does not require an implementing law). Some of these are ML facilitates the speedy apprehension of suspected rebels because, after ML is validly proclaimed, the commission of rebellion as a continuing crime in Mindanao, he constitutional rights to privacy of communication, to travel and to liberty of abode may be restricted on the ground of public safety, provided Congress passes a law specifically authorizing such restriction. Emergency powers and military courts, a declaration of ML may “authorize the conferment of jurisdiction on military courts where civil courts are not able to function.”
Title:  Filipinos ‘neutral’ about effects of martial law in Mindanao on PH economy
Author: Catherine Valente
Date: July 26, 2017
Name and place: The Manila Times Publishing Corp, 2/F Sitio Grande Building, 409 A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila
URL: http://www.manilatimes.net/sws-filipinos-neutral-about-effects-of-martial-law-in-mindanao-on-ph-economy/340731/
Summary: FILIPINOS do not expect any change in the economy despite the declaration of martial law in Mindanao at the moment but think that it may get worse, according to a Social Weather Station (SWS) survey. The poll on 1,200 adults nationwide from June 23 to 26 showed that 43 percent were “neutral” about the effects of martial law in Mindanao on the general economy, although that neutrality bordered on the “negative”. This is evident in the 33 percent who expect the economy to get worse compared to the 24 percent who believe that it will get better, the SWS said
Title:  Philippines: Martial Law Threatens Escalation of Abuses
Author: Joy Cruz
Date: May 25, 2017
URL: https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/05/25/philippines-martial-law-threatens-escalation-abuses
Summary: Expanding the military’s legal authority in these conflicts opens the door to increased human rights violations against civilians, including leftist activists, indigenous leaders, and environmental activists, who have long been targets of military abuses. The Philippine government has a responsibility to protect the population from armed militants, but gaining the backing of affected people means abiding by the rule of law,” Kine said. “Martial law is not a free pass for abuse.
Title: Martial law has psychological impact on public, but not to extremists: analyst
Author: ABS-CBN News
Date: June 15, 2017
URL: http://news.abs-cbn.com/focus/06/15/17/martial-law-has-psychological-impact-on-public-but-not-to-extremists-analyst
Summary: Solicitor General Jose Calida's statement that martial law has a purely psychological effect, declaring it over the whole island of Mindanao is still unnecessary, political analyst Antonio La Viña said. So it’s not rebellion itself that justifies martial law. It’s rebellion plus public safety.”. People make fun about it, but he’s right about it and the justices confirmed that is there’s no difference between a martial law declaration and the calling out power from the President. It’s purely psychological.
The problem, however, according to La Viña is that martial law only has a psychological impact on the public but not to extremists who “love” it and see it as a victory for them.
The sources that we collected are all from the web. We judged that all of these 5 sources are reliable in terms of its accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage. First of all, in terms accuracy, we can evaluate that the sources are reliable because it used the proper way of paraphrasing and citation. That when someone said a certain line, it uses quote unquote. That it also is specific with what is the main idea from each articles. While in terms of authority, it is also reliable because it is mostly from trusted news medias that are written by their own journalist which are trained to write and disseminate information to the readers or viewers. The reliability of the sources in terms of its objectivity are seen in a way where the author did not mix its own opinion regarding the issue of the effects of martial law in the Philippines, that its only goal is to spread the information that was collected from interviews, surveys and thorough researches. The author did not become biased on the information which will be read or viewed by the netizens.  It is also reliable based on the currency because it was only posted this year, 2017, which only means that it has its updated information regarding the given issue. And lastly, the sources are reliable in terms of its coverage because the authors did not only compressed the information collected and researched in only one place. It elaborated and explained thoroughly why the person they interviewed and also themselves think those are the effects of martial law here in our country.
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
It’s time for...
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From the four articles that i shared and read about women gave me not  just facts but also became an eye-opener for me that in our generation today, being scared of fighting your right as a woman is not acceptable. Why? Because we women are not just stuff that men can catcall and harass with how they look at our legs, how they whisper offending words that they think is good and considers it as complements. Please, it’s already 2017. Another year is soon to end, i think the thinking of men that women are weak must end too. 
We, women, must help each other on how to empower each other. To feel good about ourselves, that we have rights that we should always fight for. That we should always take care of our well-being. That we should not depend on what the society might say about us, about how we dress. Because society is still locked in the way of thinking that the reason why women gets raped and gets catcalled was because of how she dresses, reality check! That is false, because even when a woman dresses so  modestly with her loose t-shirt and pants, men that cannot control his sex drive still tends to catcall and whistle their chicken mouths as if they always think it is still considered as a complement for us. 
Women are not sex toys and entertainment for you, boys. A real man doesn’t have a same way of thinking like you, boys. 
We, women of today, must start to help other women of this generation to not be locked in how stupid these stupid minds that women must only stay in the kitchen, that they cannot do the jobs only men are capable of. We must continue to fight for our rights, for what we believe in, because this is what we deserves. 
The series of reading women empowerment and giving importance of women’s rights must not end, it must be continued until the next generation. These articles and open letters are all helpful in opening the eyes and minds of the society. 
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
An Open Letter To Women Everywhere
Article 4
Title of the Text: An Open Letter To  Women Everywhere 
Author/s of the Text: Sarah Baker 
Title of the Journal/Publication:  Odyssey 
URL or web address: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/an-open-letter-to-women-everywhere
Main Idea: Female Empowerment
Evidence/s that support/s the main idea:
“Remember this, you are all beautiful, intelligent, strong, and independent women. And just imagine how powerful we can be when we are kind, supportive, and respectful to all people, including ourselves.”
“ I think it's about time we start focusing on what truly matters, female empowerment. There is no right or wrong time to stand up for what we believe in and make our voices known. And surprisingly, it starts with the way we treat one another. “
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
Dear Society: Women Shouldn’t Have To Dress Modestly To Be Respected Or To ‘Avoid’ Rape
Article 3
Title of the Text: Dear Society: Women Shouldn’t Have To Dress Modestly To Be Respected Or To ‘Avoid’ Rape
Author/s of the Text: Shahida  Arabi
Title of the Journal/Publication: Thought Catalog Articles
URL or web address: https://thoughtcatalog.com/shahida-arabi/2017/11/dear-society-women-shouldnt-have-to-dress-modestly-to-be-respected-or-to-avoid-rape/
Main Idea: Women’s Right to not be judged by her way of dressing herself 
Evidence/s that support/s the main idea:
“ Rather than making women bear the burden of other people’s responses to their bodies or clothing, it’s time to start dismantling some of the sick societal conditioning and double standards that have kept victims of assault and harassment silent for centuries.” 
“Women’s bodies don’t exist to please anyone. Women don’t exist to dress for or cater to what society wants them to be. Whatever your opinions on clothing choices may be, let’s agree on one thing: women should have the right to choose how to represent themselves on their own terms and they should not be blamed for being victimized. “
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
Making the World a Better Place
Article 2
Title of the Text: Making the World a Better Place
Author/s of the Text: not specified 
Title of the Journal/Publication: White Planet Technologies
URL or web address: http://www.indiacelebrating.com/article/article-on-women-empowerment/
Main Idea: Women Empowerment to make the world better 
Evidence/s that support/s the main idea:
“Women Empowerment helps to make the society and world a better place to live in and march forward on way to inclusive participation. It means increase happiness for the family and the organisations where women make a difference.”
“ Women empowerment adds to confidence of women in their ability to lead meaningful and purposeful lives. It removes their dependence on others and makes them individuals in their own right.”
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ortizvpdo-blog · 7 years
Short Essay on Women Rights
Article 1
Title of the Text: Short Essay on Women’s Rights
Author/s of the Text: Sanjib Kumar
Title of the Journal/Publication: PublishYourArticle
URL or web address: http://www.publishyourarticles.net/knowledge-hub/law/short-essay-on-women-rights/4316/
Main Idea: Overlooking the Importance of Women’s Rights 
Evidence/s that support/s the main idea:  
“More than half of the total rape cases go unreported.  The society makes the victims pay for someone else’s mistakes. Unwed mothers are verbally and physically abused in public places.”
“ However, women have not been treated nicely by men all throughout time. They have been denied their rights, their opportunities. It is very common happening on a daily basis in offices, sports, factories, schools and entertainment.”
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