oscursed · 16 days
Instead of rebooting here like I probably should have, I was bullied into bringing back denydefeat so Harry will be there as a prominent muse. Stay cool, kiddos.
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oscursed · 1 month
still working on a carrd to revamp and come back once I catch up on shit on my main blog but I missed this little goblin boy so expect my return within a week xoxo
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oscursed · 1 month
Okay yeah I rewatched TASM 2 and I am back I am so weak for these brunette boys with daddy issues who are ultimately doomed by the narrative. Gonna do a blog clean up (gonna delete all old posts/drafts) and make a carrd (we a fancy bitch now).
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oscursed · 1 month
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2012 film
i know things have been difficult lately, and i'm sorry about that.
don't make promises you can't keep.
i thought it was great what you did out there. stupid, but great.
if you can do good things for other people, you have a moral obligation to do those things.
is that a knife? is that a real knife?
anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.
everyone was there but you.
something is very wrong.
this is my responsibility. i have to fix it.
i think i know what you're feeling.
you know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief.
i can't do this. i can't do this...
my weakness. small knives. anything but knives.
you leave right now. that is an order.
you should see the other guy.
i feel kinda pukey and... just emotional. i keep crying. it's brutal.
you seriously think i'm a cop?
oh come on, how dare you?
no one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.
it won't happen again, i promise.
let me ask you a question.
where do you go? who does this to you?
you've been living with so many unresolved things.
if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you.
i can't sleep.
you're my hero... and i love you.
i can't see you anymore.
i think most people would say he was providing a public service.
did you get expelled?
why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meat loaf?
we all have secrets: the ones we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.
i just did 80% of your job. and that's how you repay me?
where have you been?
you have to get out of there right now.
i was wrong about you. this city needs you.
oh, i'm in trouble.
people are gonna die!
what did you call me?
you are a lot like your father.
you're gonna make enemies. people will get hurt. sometimes the people closest to you.
did you ask her out?
secrets have a cost. they're not free. not now, not ever.
you think we're just sitting around eating donuts with our thumbs planted firmly up our asses?
i've been bitten.
don't make me have to hurt you.
oh. you saw a video on the internet? well, then the case is closed.
don't you ever think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen.
where are you headed?
i can save them. i can cure them.
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oscursed · 1 month
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I'm Harry Osborn. I want to make you a deal.
Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
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oscursed · 11 months
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oscursed · 11 months
imagine raimi verse and 616 verse and tasm verse and insomniac verse harrys all getting together for coffee though.
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oscursed · 11 months
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More of Harry Osborn being a sweet prince.
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oscursed · 11 months
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I'm Harry Osborn. I want to make you a deal.
Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
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oscursed · 11 months
MISCELLANEOUS SENTENCE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
hey, what was that shot?
do you think i did it?
i was just thinking that i wouldn't be caught dead in those shorts.
please don't take it away from me.
sometimes it feels like having a ghost in the house.
i haven't had sex in six... no, seven months.
i'm wrong all the time. it's how i get to "right."
they said it was right around here somewhere.
i don't think they're going anywhere.
if something doesn't feel right to you, it usually isn't.
we need to get you to a hospital.
you said this was going to end badly.
i want to follow in your footsteps.
hey, look what i found. a dead guy.
i wasn't being rude. i was being curt.
what's up, [name]? did you find something?
people are pigs.
i... am a genius.
i've got something for you to see.
i can't discuss the case.
it's gotta be the murder weapon.
how are you holding up?
i think i'd just feel a lot better if i had a change of clothes.
stay strong.
you rolled out of bed and managed to dress yourself.
i just wanted to congratulate you in person.
you never give up.
give me some time. i'm not a miracle worker.
i noticed something strange.
you don't have a personal life?
can't get much deader than this.
i just figured i'd come by.
i hope you're not starting to admire those thugs.
you stay, or i'll smash you to pieces.
this one's actually dead.
i tend not to believe people. they lie.
do you stop when it's finished, or when you've had enough?
stop doing the thing i know you're doing!
i'm not an egg man.
you need to get a girlfriend.
not enough to sting. just enough to make you think.
how much does water weigh?
i can't be fucked to plug it in.
don't insult me.
i'm a sinner. i have sinned.
it's warm! why is it warm?
sometimes i can be a little thoughtless.
it's not supposed to be fun.
your timekeeping is abysmal!
i guess i should stop trying to impress you.
i'm looking for the greater comfort of long-term financial security.
it was a gift from me, so technically i own it.
i've been talking for nine minutes?
you're not a bad guy.
never doubt. never look back. that's how i live my life.
i had an absolutely lovely day.
knowledge demands its payment.
i'm not in the mood.
the clues were there!
272 notes · View notes
oscursed · 11 months
Alright, under the cut is gonna be a vague, mostly disjointed attempt at a post SM2 verse. Expect also random thoughts of my own but I'll strike them out I just think they're funny. I'll write up a proper one for my verse page in the beginning of November that way everyone's had time to play the game and won't see spoilers they don't want to see.
Obviously, at the end of the game, Harry is in a coma, kept alive by machines and doctors. Norman gets the G-Serum ready (likely connected to Green Goblin, just a theory, like what's going to link to it like Harry hasn't been through fucking enough lmao). After tests that go horribly wrong, eventually one will go right for Norman and, in desperation, much like the last time, he'll likely had it administered to Harry. The timeline could be a little fuzzy but I suspect Norman would wait less than 2 years to try it, expecting Harry to die if he doesn't do something soon, so within 14-20 months after the events of SM2, Harry wakes up.
He could wake up alone, with Norman there, when MJ and/or Peter are visiting... that's thread dependent, but likely someone is there when he does wake up. He doesn't wake up right away after the serum is administered, but he does wake up, and much like before, it changes him. Not in the same way Venom did - but his strength grows, and he eventually begins hearing a voice in his head. Because it's so similar to what happened before, he suspects incorrectly that his father used a similar method of 'curing' him and loses his trust there.
I'm a fan of heartbreak so Of course this doesn't actually cure him, not really. Physically, sure, but he does eventually begin to go insane, with the voice in his head, and his body changing because of the serum, and how similar it is to the events from before. That timeline can vary because I also want happiness but definitely within a year of waking up, Harry becomes the Green Goblin, and a villain, if only for a time, before he regains his own agency and/or dies. weep
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oscursed · 11 months
❛  i'm sorry for everything i said.  ❜ ❛  i just made a stupid mistake, okay?  ❜ ❛  will you ever be able to forgive me?  ❜ ❛  i already said i'm sorry!  ❜ ❛  how many more times do you need me to apologize?  ❜ ❛  it's gonna take a lot more for me to be able to trust you again.  ❜ ❛  you can't just come in here and say sorry like it was no big deal!  ❜ ❛  i accept your apology.  ❜ ❛  i'm not the person you need to apologize to.  ❜ ❛  you don't need to apologize, i understand.  ❜ ❛  everyone makes mistakes sometimes. it's human.  ❜ ❛  don't you dare tell me you're sorry!  ❜ ❛  are you really sorry or are you just pretending?  ❜ ❛  i don't believe your apology.  ❜ ❛  do you really think a simple apology is gonna make everything okay again?  ❜ ❛  ii never meant to hurt you.  ❜ ❛  can't we just forget this whole thing and move on?  ❜ ❛  what more do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry i didn't listen to you sooner.  ❜ ❛  you were right, and i'm sorry i ever doubted you.  ❜ ❛  let's just forgive and forget.  ❜ ❛  i don't think i'll ever be able to forgive you for what you've done.  ❜ ❛  someday i'll surely forgive you ... but that day is not today.  ❜ ❛  let's just forget all about it and pretend it never happened.  ❜ ❛  what else am i supposed to do or say for you to believe me?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just say you're sorry?  ❜ ❛  i'm still waiting for that apology ...  ❜ ❛  that wasn't so difficult now, was it?  ❜ ❛  i'm begging you, please forgive me.  ❜ ❛  i promise you i'll never make the same mistake again.  ❜ ❛  that was the worst apology i've ever heard.  ❜ ❛  really? that's all you have to say for yourself?  ❜ ❛  you already broke your word once, who's to say you won't do it again?  ❜ ❛  will you just apologize already?  ❜ ❛  i don't need an apology from you.  ❜ ❛  i didn't mean what i said ... i'm sorry.  ❜ ❛  you need to be honest with me.  ❜ ❛  there's nothing to apologize for.  ❜ ❛  i've already forgiven you, you idiot.  ❜ ❛  i know you probably won't believe me, but i truly am sorry.  ❜
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oscursed · 11 months
Alright, under the cut is gonna be a vague, mostly disjointed attempt at a post SM2 verse. Expect also random thoughts of my own but I'll strike them out I just think they're funny. I'll write up a proper one for my verse page in the beginning of November that way everyone's had time to play the game and won't see spoilers they don't want to see.
Obviously, at the end of the game, Harry is in a coma, kept alive by machines and doctors. Norman gets the G-Serum ready (likely connected to Green Goblin, just a theory, like what's going to link to it like Harry hasn't been through fucking enough lmao). After tests that go horribly wrong, eventually one will go right for Norman and, in desperation, much like the last time, he'll likely had it administered to Harry. The timeline could be a little fuzzy but I suspect Norman would wait less than 2 years to try it, expecting Harry to die if he doesn't do something soon, so within 14-20 months after the events of SM2, Harry wakes up.
He could wake up alone, with Norman there, when MJ and/or Peter are visiting... that's thread dependent, but likely someone is there when he does wake up. He doesn't wake up right away after the serum is administered, but he does wake up, and much like before, it changes him. Not in the same way Venom did - but his strength grows, and he eventually begins hearing a voice in his head. Because it's so similar to what happened before, he suspects incorrectly that his father used a similar method of 'curing' him and loses his trust there.
I'm a fan of heartbreak so Of course this doesn't actually cure him, not really. Physically, sure, but he does eventually begin to go insane, with the voice in his head, and his body changing because of the serum, and how similar it is to the events from before. That timeline can vary because I also want happiness but definitely within a year of waking up, Harry becomes the Green Goblin, and a villain, if only for a time, before he regains his own agency and/or dies. weep
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oscursed · 11 months
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Alexa play “Cornelia Street” by Taylor Swift
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oscursed · 1 year
º ✧ 。mj tweets about @oscursed !
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oscursed · 1 year
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator.
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oscursed · 1 year
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2012 film
i know things have been difficult lately, and i'm sorry about that.
don't make promises you can't keep.
i thought it was great what you did out there. stupid, but great.
if you can do good things for other people, you have a moral obligation to do those things.
is that a knife? is that a real knife?
anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.
everyone was there but you.
something is very wrong.
this is my responsibility. i have to fix it.
i think i know what you're feeling.
you know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief.
i can't do this. i can't do this...
my weakness. small knives. anything but knives.
you leave right now. that is an order.
you should see the other guy.
i feel kinda pukey and... just emotional. i keep crying. it's brutal.
you seriously think i'm a cop?
oh come on, how dare you?
no one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.
it won't happen again, i promise.
let me ask you a question.
where do you go? who does this to you?
you've been living with so many unresolved things.
if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you.
i can't sleep.
you're my hero... and i love you.
i can't see you anymore.
i think most people would say he was providing a public service.
did you get expelled?
why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meat loaf?
we all have secrets: the ones we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.
i just did 80% of your job. and that's how you repay me?
where have you been?
you have to get out of there right now.
i was wrong about you. this city needs you.
oh, i'm in trouble.
people are gonna die!
what did you call me?
you are a lot like your father.
you're gonna make enemies. people will get hurt. sometimes the people closest to you.
did you ask her out?
secrets have a cost. they're not free. not now, not ever.
you think we're just sitting around eating donuts with our thumbs planted firmly up our asses?
i've been bitten.
don't make me have to hurt you.
oh. you saw a video on the internet? well, then the case is closed.
don't you ever think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen.
where are you headed?
i can save them. i can cure them.
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