osnapitztommy · 6 years
May 27, 3018
Junior Year is almost at its end! I’m one step closer to leaving this hell hole. But friendship wise it has been moderate. I don’t have friends but at this time in my life.. I don’t care. It’s funny because I usually care about everything in the world but now I don’t. I don’t care that my ex best friend left me for her boyfriend, I don’t care that I lost my friends due to uninterests. Things seem to mean nothing to me. The only thing that matters is me getting my foot out the door and reaching far in life. I don’t care about who’s gonna call me in morning to see what I’m doing. Because I REALLY DONT CARE.
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
They say that friendship comes in different shapes an forms.
So that means a form of evil and backstabbing is an exception.
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
October 15, 2017
Life is good, still filled with fake ass bitches but the population rose higher for me. But I found myself 3 friends. These 3 will be with me to the very end. All the people I have written about in my previous entries are nothing now. They are just pages in a book. Useless and Tearable.
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
July 27, 2017
Everyone says “I Told You So”, Friendship is one of the most evilest backstabbing bitches. I was warned by my friends and family but I never listened. I was a pathetic and stupid human being who just went with everything. I just lost one of my closest friends. She was the only hope I had left. And now what has happened? Life stabbed me in the back and I have no one. School starts in a month and all I wanna do is become everyone’s nightmare. Become the person to rip out everyone’s heart so that they’d feel how I feel. Lost, Confused, and Alone. Because that’s what someone did to me. I have my eyes on you. So don’t think I will be your friend. I will be your friend and snap your neck in half.
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
May 11, 2017
Welcoming me back to my little blog. My little journal entries. If your reading this in the future Tommy you'll smile. Maybe it'll be real, maybe it'll be fake. Let's start off with the good news..Remember that saying that when you lose a friend, you make a new friend. That is true because it's like I physically and emotionally lost a really close friend. Someone I shared a connection with. Someone I want to call my best friend but she's gone her path. She picked a boyfriend over her best friend. I don't blame her I'm not that important to keep around. She only needs me when she has an argument with her boyfriend. I'm almost like a rebound to her. I'll literally never be in her sight. Great news is that I made a new friend. Her names Jessie and we both share a lot of things in common. We both love acting and Ariana Grande. We both just clicked together like magnets. We talk for hrs and hrs about things that aren't funny but somehow we laugh. Something that no one has brought to me in a long time. Someone who returns a light back in my eyes. A really good friend. Allaiza has never done that with me. I never felt so bonded with someone before. When I looked at Jessie I wanted to talk to her but I didn't want to be weird by just randomly coming up to her. Almost like we were friends in the past life. Thankful that I actually have a friend.
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
January 21, 2017
Allaiza hasn't texted me for like a week then she texted me today. She has family problems that may require her to move to California. She said to be myself and make friends. That really broke my heart. I went to take a shower and "So Sick" came on by Ne-yo. Right when the song played i bursted into tears. I couldn't stop crying. I was crying in the shower while I hear the lyric. "It's the only way I hear your voice anymore" I tried to stop but when I put my head into the water I started crying even more. I thought about the memories we shared. Falling in the snow and singing and it's just something no one can recreate. She's not ready to tell me everything. I cried even after I got out of the shower because she was one of the friends that had my back when no one else did.. I'm trying to continue my day. Sincerely Tommy,
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
January 19, 2017
Today was a better day.. I was in shop with the children and I just sang half the time with a friend.. Edyiana. Edyiana is one of my closest friends at this point. She always seems to make me laugh and I haven’t felt this way in a while. She brings back the light in my eyes. Something that nobody has ever been able to to. I know it sounds like a crush but it’s not she’s just a really good friend. We sang “I Want You” and we slayed the shit out of it. Angie is moving and I’m obviously upset because she’s a really good friend but I’m gonna probably get her a gift. She has always been there for me and I wish I could show her I care but I just can’t. Sincerely Tommy,
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osnapitztommy · 7 years
January 16, 2017
Currently living these few days without posting anything on Social Media because it causes me stress and drama. Couple days before I got into an argument with Rosa,Allaiza,And more. Somehow everything is my fault.. Alethea was the only one who saw the good in me.. Nobody sees the good in me. I'd walk 5 miles if I heard a friend was in need. It's like when people see me all they see is a demonic devil. Today I cried my eyes out because it just sucks when people don't care about you and you're caught up in this world with nothing to do. You're just laying in bed while people just go on with there lives.. it's almost like no one would care if I died. Only person that would care is my mom.. Sincerely Tommy,
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osnapitztommy · 8 years
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osnapitztommy · 8 years
Never judge a person until you’ve been in their skin. If you haven’t heard their Point Of View shut your mouth.
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osnapitztommy · 9 years
Of course everyone makes and loses friends but I learned that even if Buddha gives you 5 new friends your leaving high school with none.
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osnapitztommy · 9 years
“If I gave you a cent for how many times I felt left out I feel in high school right now I would be a billionaire. 3rd day and everyone decided who there friends are and I’m over here still confused on who are my friends...”
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