osoesclavosmoker44 · 3 days
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 3 days
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 11 days
Happy hour!
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 11 days
Happy Hour 2
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 11 days
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 11 days
Luke Mills
Does he have an Instagram account or an official account?
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 12 days
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The semester is finally over! Time to rest, recharge, and be creative!
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 12 days
My high school coach has been asking me to come be his assistant coach after I graduated last week. I don't think I'm really cut out to be a coach. He sent me over here saying I'd see how good a coach I'd be after I come back.
The halls are eerily empty as you walk back to Coach Raymond’s office. School has been out for a week already, and seeing the place so empty gives you a feeling of unease.
As you walk into his office, you notice that it is empty. The hissing sound of a single shower draws your attention to the locker rooms. You tiptoe inside, careful to not to draw the person’s attention.
“Coach?” You say. There’s a moment of silence before you hear Coach Raymond’s deep, husky voice growl in reply, “In here kid!”
You don’t even think as you round the corner. You only stop when you see him naked under the hot water of the shower, and turn back in shame.
“Don’t worry about it, kid” Coach says, “I’ve seen you all naked dozens of times. It’s only fair.” You turn back slowly, being careful not to check out his bear-like body now soaking wet and glistening with steam. “Join me,” he says, lathering up his hairy pits, “I wanna talk more about the assistant position.”
“Are you sure?” you say, a lump beginning to form in your throat, “wouldn’t you prefer to just talk in your office?”
“Nah,” he says with confidence, “trust me on this one.”
You’ve always trusted Coach’s judgement, and getting in the shower with that hot meaty body seems increasingly more appealing.
You strip down, your skinny, post-high school body shivering on the cold tile, and make your way to the adjacent shower.
“Nah come here,” Coach says, “there’s plenty of room in this one.”
Your body tenses. You know you should feel uncomfortable, not just about being asked to assistant coach, but about being coerced into showering with the coach himself. Instead, the only thing making you uncomfortable is the increasingly prominent boner forming between your legs.
You walk into the heat of the water and let it wash down your face, warming your body. You’re just inches away from him now, and you can feel the blood rushing to your face. To your dick.
“So,” he says, “that position.”
“I really don’t think I’m qualified sir,” you say, only with a hint of reserve.
Coach smiles back at you, just mere inches from your face. “And why’s that kid?”
“Well,” you look down at your gangly body, “I was never the best in PE, or on the baseball team. I mean… look at me!” He does. You feel an unexpected surge of energy as his eyes pass over your naked body.
He smiles again, this time with a lot more sly. “I think I might be able to do something about that.”
Suddenly, his hands are on you. You tense as his rough fingers, weathered from years of lifting weights and swinging baseball bats, feel up every inch of your body.
You let out a sigh. Everything feels numb all of the sudden. You close your eyes and feel yourself expand with every breath. After a minute, you open your eyes and look down. You’re actually expanding.
You jump back. “Coach what are you doing?” a large muscle gut has formed around your midsection, and your pecs have started to double in size.
“Just relax kid,” Coach says as he cups his hands around your ass, “or should I say, coach?”
With that, you feel a weight pull on your waist as your butt triples in size, filling up with a mixture of fat and muscle. Pleasure hits you like a tsunami and you throw your head back, letting out a manly growl. You can feel him adding on years with every touch, packing your body with pound after pound of hot muscle and fat.
As his hands graze over your arms, your biceps bulge out and your forearms grow thick. As he strokes your neck, you feel your lats expand upwards towards your head. As he touches your face, a grizzly beard prickles out and settles itself below your cheeks.
He kneels down and feels your legs. They grow heavy as the muscle and fat begin to seep into your thighs, up all the way to your dick, which grows big and fat along with the rest of your body.
Finally, Coach reaches your head. He cups it in his hand, draws you in close, and kisses you. Your whole body tickles as a thick blanket of hair covers your skin. You are filled with such ecstasy that you barely even notice as the cum shoots from the tip of your monster dick, sealing your fate as Coach’s next big assistant.
“Damn,” Coach says, admiring his creation, “you grew much more than I expected.” You can only smile stupidly in acknowledgment; your head is still reeling from the sheer volume of pleasure you just experienced. Coach laughs, patting your back. “Here,” he says, “lets get that meat of yours into a jockstrap. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and I can’t have you shooting all over the place.”
Truth be told, life as an assistant coach is pretty sweet. Coach keeps you busy spotting the kids in weight class (when he’s not fucking your muscle ass behind the lockers, that is). Sometimes you think back to your days back at the school, being spotted by Coach Raymond himself, quiety wishing you could one day be as hot, burly, and muscular as him. But man, that seems like so long ago, doesn’t it?
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 12 days
Daddy's Home
Caleb is a young contractor working on a new home build project just outside of Austin, TX. He'd recently moved to Texas from Alabama in order to start over after a difficult break-up with his long-time girlfriend. He was glad to have the distraction of work to focus on since his current living situation is up in the air.
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Caleb's client, Larry, found him via a lucky web search. Larry said he wanted someone from outside of the area so the project wouldn't look exactly like all the other homes in the area. They spoke several times about the project over Zoom before Caleb felt comfortable taking the leap to move out of state.
The more they spoke, the more connected Caleb felt to Larry. They were both single. Larry had also gone through a break-up recently, which led him to want to sell the house he was living in and start over as soon as possible. Larry was about 15 years older than Caleb, and a senior researcher at a biomedical engineering company with ties to the military.
After Larry convinced Caleb to take the project, he encouraged the contractor to save money by living with him in his current home. At first, Caleb thought it was an extremely odd request, but Larry insisted it would be convenient and they could spend evenings ensuring the project was meeting specs. Larry also had lots of contacts with sub-contractors.
While the arrangement was far from traditional, it seemed to work. The house was actually ahead of schedule. Caleb found hi self enjoying Larry's company and starting to see him as more of a friend and mentor than he ever thought. Surprisingly, Caleb didn't miss going out and enjoyed being home with Larry. He even enjoyed Larry's cooking a lot!
The day finally came when the project was done. Larry met Caleb at the worksite so they could do the final walk-through.
"Damn, man," Larry said, "This place is my dream. You did an amazing job." Caleb blushed, "Well, I never thought this crazy arrangement would work, but I'm super proud of it. Thanks for being a great client and partner on the project."
Larry pulled out two thick cigars, saying, "I think it's time we do a little celebrating!" Caleb took the cigar, rolling it in his fingers for a moment. As he watched Larry light and begin puffing away, blowing his smoke in Caleb's direction, he froze. Something wasn't right.
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"What's wrong, buddy?", Larry asked as he continued blowing smoke in Caleb's face. "Is my smoke bothering you?" Caleb's mind seemed to switch off. He was no longer doing what he would normally do. He felt scared as he suddenly looked as Caleb in a new way...with desire in his mind. A desire he had never had before. He wanted this man.
Larry smirked around his cigar as he could see Caleb's mind fighting the hypnotic triggers he'd been inserting since their initial conversations online. Once Larry knew Caleb had the skills he needed and he was single, Larry hatched his plan to build not just a house - but a home.
"It's OK, hon," Larry said, "It's time to let the new you out." With those words, Caleb immediately lit and stoked his cigar to life. As he pulled on the cigar, Caleb began taking on a more sultry look. His beard began thickening, along with a slight rounding of his cheeks.
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After a few minutes, Caleb reached over and grabbed Larry - pulling him in for a deep, smoky kiss. Shaking his head, Caleb apologized saying, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." Larry smiled then said, "There is nothing to apologize for, except for apologizing. You are going to want to do that and a lot more very soon."
Caleb couldn't stop pulling on his cigar, but managed to ask, "What are you talking about?" Larry responded, "I see there's still a bit of that straight bro in you, but that will be gone soon. May as well tell you the full truth as he ceases to exist." Caleb's eyes grew wide, but he couldn't stop smoking the cigar.
"I told you what I do, but I wasn't totally honest," Larry said, "My company recently developed technology to help the military make soldiers more compliant. During testing, I came across another potential use - changing someone's physical appearance."
"Why me?", Caleb asked. "Oh, I never knew it would definitely be you," Larry continued, "I interviewed several contractors, but once I saw you and we started talking - I knew you were the one. Lonely, wanting a change, could do the job, and handsome to start. Once I got you here, it was easy. I just put the compound in your food - and the highest concentration in the cigar you're smoking right now."
"This is bullshit!", Caleb exclaimed, as he glared toward Larry while sliding his smouldering cigar into his jaw with his tongue. "There he is!", Larry said excitedly, "I can see the dominance in your expression. Have you looked at yourself lately?" Caleb didn't know if he wanted to punch or pounce on Larry - his brain was totally fogged. Larry grabbed his hand and led him to a mirror.
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As Caleb looked at himself, he couldn't help but to like what he saw. He had gained both muscle and fat, filling out his frame and face. His beard was thicker and hair on his arms and chest was darker and more full. He didn't want to like this, but his mind said it was right. He took a long pull on his cigar and exhaled. "Damn boy," he said, "You did it."
"Oh yeah," Larry said, "I knew this would work. Even calling me, boy! I knew those binurals I played each night in your room were working. Once the physical transformation took place, I just knew you'd settle right in, Daddy."
As Larry continued, he further explained how he was ready to settle down with the man of his dreams. The only problem was that he didn't exist. He knew he would take it into his own hands to create him. And he did. Caleb would continue to change, both physically and mentally.
The home Larry had Caleb build was to be their home. While most of Caleb's past would fade away, he remembered being the one who built their home and take constant pride in that fact. Larry, however, knew the truth and was just as proud of creating the daddy of his dreams. A barrell-chested, cigar-smoking, dominant, man's man - who would do anything for his boy and life partner.
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 12 days
Dads Ring
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This is Brock and sadly his dad passed away last week. The passing had definitely taken a toll on him but him and his dad were never really close. They were totally different people as Brock liked to hang with friends go to the gym etc.. His dad on the other hand was totally different he mostly just sat in his recliner chair all day and watched football while drinking beer. He definitely started to do that a lot more after Brock’s mom’s passing. His dad was old had a huge beer belly with a beard and very out of shape.
His passing was kind of a blessing though to Brock as he is now moving into his dad’s old house. Arriving at the house Brock is filled with tons of different memory’s some good and some bad. But he’s just glad to be there. Brock quickly tried to unpack his stuff as he didn’t have much. All of his dad’s old stuff was still there so he didn’t have to bring much in the first place. Brock gets all of his stuff sorted out and put awake nicely. All he has left is a few boxes that need to be put into the attic. Brock hauled all of the heavy boxes up to the dark attic, surprisingly that was his first time up there despite being there so much times. Brock having nothing better to do takes a look around opening old boxes.
Finding nothing interesting Brock is about to head down but something catches his eye. His dad’s ring, what the hell was this doing up here in the attic his dad is always wearing his ring Brock can’t seem to remember the last time he saw him with it off. That’s odd what is it doing up here in the attic though. Curious Brock picks up the ring and slides it on his finger. Huh a perfect fit Brock thinks to himself. Looking at the ring Brock decides to keep it on I means it’s a great fit and kind of even looks good on him like it was meant to be.
As soon as Brock put on the ring his stomach could not stop rumbling. Damn I guess that means it’s time for dinner he thinks to himself. Going down and looking into the fridge there not even a single piece of food as he hasn’t even had time to stalk his fridge yet. So Brock just decides to order pizza instead as it’ll just be easier. Normally when Brock gets pizza he just orders a medium pizza. But the rumbling in his stomach said that he wants more so Brock settles on a large pepperoni pizza a side of bread sticks a two bottles of beer. Now normally Brocks not a big beer drinker but something about it tonight sounded good to him. The food arrived shortly after and Brock could barely resist he sat down in his dad’s favorite recliner chair and turned on the foosball game for the night. Brock dove in eating slice after slice of pizza and cracking open his cans of beers there was no holding back for Brock. After what just felt like minutes Brock was already done and letting out a big burp. Brock looked down at his stomach. Damn he looked huge he thought to himself as after that big meal he was definitely bloated. Brock to tired to get up and head to his bed slowly reclines back into his dads chair and drifts asleep.
Waking up Brock felt tired and sluggish two things he almost never feels while getting up. Brock noticed he still has his father’s ring on Brock reaches to try to take it off but the ring won’t budge. It’s almost like it stuck. Brock doesn’t really mind though as he think the ring kinda looks good on him. Brock’s stomach rumbles again as it feels like the worst pain Brock has ever felt he’s starving. Brock rushes to his kitchen but barely finds any food. The only thing he manages to find is a pancake mixture. Brock throws the batter onto the stove cooking up almost a dozen pancakes maybe even more. Brock can’t even think straight he’s so hungry, he digs in not even giving himself time to chew. He’s on auto pilot mode just eating pancake after pancake he’s so focused Brock doesn’t even realize his stomach slowly start to expand out there punishing against his shirt. After he’s done he finally gives himself a chance to breathe. He’s got a lot of work to do today though as he needs to get busy. After hours of long hard work getting the house together Brock thinks he deserves some lunch and he doesn't hold back cooking up three hamburgers as he went to the store after breakfast. He chowed down on lunch finishing it in less then five minutes. Brock things he deserves a break so he grabs a beer from the fridge and goes to sit down in his dad’s recliner. Brock wakes up a little while later still in the recliner tv still on. Brock gets up to used the bathroom while in there something caches his eye it was his stomach it was pushed out a little bit making Brock look a little chubby.
He brushes it aside as it’ll probably just disappear in the morning he thinks. Brock walks over to his bedroom and plops himself down onto his bed. Brock thinks it’s a little weird sleeping in his dad’s bed but doesn’t really mind that much the only annoying part about it is a huge indent in the mattress from where his dad used to sleep. Brock quickly asleep.
Waking up in the he hasn’t even realized how big he’s gotten. Damn I really need to cut back on the food he thinks to himself while getting dressed. Brock struggles to get his belt buckled as his stomach was in the way. Even though Brock knows he shouldn’t eat he can’t resist he’s starving. Brock rushes into the kitchen feeling like if he doesn’t eat something this instant he’s not gonna make it. Brock throws some bacon on the grill and heats up three big cinnamon rolls. Shortly after they were done and Brock plops himself down to eat them. Damn these cinnamon rolls are dry he thinks, he needs something to wash them down. Oh a nice glass of beer would be perfect for that he thinks. Brock is about dig in but his shirt feels really tight for some reason and not thinking much of it he slips it off and digs in. Bite after bite Brock just keeps getting fatter and fatter almost to the point where the bottom on his jeans is about to burst. One more bite could do the trick and so it did the bottom burst off flying across the room and Brocks beach ball belly rested on his legs. Brock panicked stands up and jiggles his belly watching it bounce in the process.
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Damn he looks huge Brock’s thinks to himself. He needs to stop eating but no matter what he does he can’t. Also his dad’s stupid ring won’t come off his finger, speaking of dad Brock’s starting to look a lot like him really taking after his pops living in his legacy. No that’s not what he wants though Brock wants to look young I mean what are his friends gonna think of his gut. Brock brushes it all aside i’m not becoming my dad am I no that can’t be right I hated my old man. Brock pauses and looks down at his gut damn the six pack that he worked so hard for where has it gone same with his pecs now two moobs rest atop his stomach. And his nice pair of jeans ripped speaking of new clothes he needs a new pair. Looking around he can’t seem to find anything that’ll fit his new size. Looking in his dad’s room he finds tho perfect solution. His dad’s old clothes I mean no one else is going to wear them so might as well. Brock slips on a pair of his dad’s old jeans and a shirt. Both of the clothes feel a little big on Brock which is good he’s just glad to feel something that fits him.
The day went by in a flash and Brock found himself sitting on his dad’s recliner. I can’t do it he says as he gets up to kitchen opens the fridge and grabs two cans a beer and sits back down in his chair. Now that’s better he thinks to himself as he cracks open the first can. Brock chuckles and gives his beard a good rub. Wait beard Brock doesn’t have a beard, he jumps up out of his seat and runs to the nearest mirror. Oh my god there it is a thick beard resting right on his face what the hell is happening he doesn’t have a beard he doesn’t even really have any facial hair. Brock couldn’t take the stress and plops is butt back down to watch some football and drink his second can of beer. Brock didn’t even notice his stomach start to expand right in front of his eyes it started to push against the shirt and his legs started getting bigger and bigger thicker hair started to form on his body and even his beard was getting a little bigger. Brock rest his hands on his stomach not even realizing it pushing farther out, becoming huge. Brock worn out from all the work and growing he'd done today he headed to his bedroom. Sitting down on his bed getting a good look at himself damn he’s gotten fat what had happened did he really let himself go that hard.
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Brock rolls over onto the indent in his bed almost fitting it perfectly. Waking up in the morning he struggles to sit up from all the extra weight put on him. This stupid ring, get the hell of my finger. The ring wouldn’t budge Brock’s fingers were far too chubby now for the ring to slide off. Brock makes a huge grunt trying to sit up barely being able to do it. He lets out a sign of relief as he’s already out of breath. Brock walks over to his dad’s closet and slips on some of his clothes still feeling tight on him. And waddles over in the kitchen for breakfast. Brock looks in the pantry finding a box of a dozen donuts that he had picked up yesterday. Brock hardly couldn’t wait sitting down at the. kitchen table and digging in bite after bite he was devouring those donuts. Brock was so concentrated in eating he didn’t even realize his beard start to grow bigger and bigger and becoming more of a salt and pepper color. And is belly starting to grow even more. Brock finished with his dozen donuts licks every finger one by one letting out a huge burp in the process. Waddling to the bathroom to release the hound he takes a look at himself in the mirror. Damn him and his dad could be twins, darn it he even looked a bit fatter then his old man himself. Brock takes one good look at the ring on his finger and gives his gut a good pat. I think I can enjoy this way of life Brock says as he walks to the kitchen to grab another beer.
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 1 month
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osoesclavosmoker44 · 2 months
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