ostianshadowed ¡ 1 year
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Happy August! And happy four-year anniversary to The Officers Academy! We wouldn’t be here without our wonderful community! Our anniversary event is slated to begin soon - stay tuned!
Current Month in TOA: Lone Moon
Here’s where we usually go ’Instead of a Mission Board, we will be running a month-long event!’ Of course, we are still running an event (more details below), but this time around the June & July Mission Board will be extended to run through until the end of August. The Unaffiliated requirement remains in effect for the Unaffiliated & Faculty-specific tasks.
The event will run from August 1st to August 31st. Signups are now closed - stay tuned for more information tomorrow at noon EST!
Our monthly submission limit on the site that hosts our event signups has been reset so everyone is free to take the quiz for fun now.
We will be announcing a second Fourth-Year Anniversary activity on August 4th. This will not require IC participation. Stay tuned for the details.
Please don’t forget to leave feedback on our feedback poll for this month! We do check the responses regularly, so if you have concerns during the event, the feedback poll is an appropriate place to pop in. (Alternatively, the mods’ dms are always open.)
Important Updates
This year, in lieu of suggestions and voting for a select number of rank chart & class additions to TOA, we’re adding a whole bunch of new prizes to expand the rank chart. Ree’s been hard at work coming up with a delightful spread of goodies to choose from.
You can check out the new additions on the rank chart itself, or read on for a summary of additions!
General updates
All new personal weapons and lord event classes have had stats added to the manual, and old ones have been rebalanced
All swords now have a base 15% crit
Swordmaster now grants a new ability, Pursuit, along with Astra, and anyone who has mastered Swordmaster can automatically add it to their stats page. This ability grants a 40% base chance for the unit to make a followup attack, which increases the more points of speed they have, independent of the enemy’s speed
Air Superiority now grants +2 speed just by having it equipped
Tantivy has had its dex buff removed and now grants +1 strength and +4 avoid as long as the unit is not under the effect of any ally passives, heals, or rallies
Hagakure Blade has been reworked to have the brave sword stat line, but deals magic damage and keeps its effectiveness against magic wielders/classes. Removed its HP cost and the Miracle ability
Archer now only grants Hit+. Bowrange+ has been moved to Sniper mastery. Anyone who has currently claimed Archer mastery will lose Bowrange+ unless they have Sniper mastered
Great Knight now allows the choice of B+ Lance or B+ Axe to access
Sword Avoid+ has been moved from Dancer mastery to C rank sword and its buff lowered from +6 to +4. If you have mastered Dancer, you will have Dazzle and Refresh, but will no longer have access to Sword Avoid+
The War Monk class has been granted Brawl Avoid+ as an additional mastery reward. If you have mastered this class already, you may add this to your stats page.
The Apocalypse spell has been updated
Rank Chart Expansion
New Intermediate classes: Martial Monk - C Gauntlets D Faith | Mastery: Qi Adept Lance Fighter - C Lance | Mastery: Backup
New Advanced classes: Wolf Knight - C Sword, Lance, OR Axe A Riding | Mastery: Hobble Dread Fighter - B Sword OR Lance B Reason | Mastery: Chaos Style Halberdier - A Lance | Mastery: Seal Speed Enchanter - C Sword B Gauntlets | Mastery: Convoy
New Master classes: Martial Master - A Gauntlets A Faith | Mastery: Diffuse Healer High Priest - B Gauntlets B+ Faith B Authority | Mastery: Self-Healing Griffon Knight - C Sword A Faith A Flying | Mastery: Clear the Way Mage Cannoneer - A Reason A Heavy Armor | Mastery: Let Fly
The Mage Cannoneer class comes with a completely different set of 14 weapons built-in, but cannonballs have limited uses and this class cannot use any other kind of weapon. As a tradeoff, cannonballs do not take up an inventory slot for the Mage Cannoneer class and they have access to all 14 at any given time
New Sword additions: Georgios (A rank) Cinquedea (A rank) Alacrity (A rank)
New Lance additions: Flame Lance (C rank) Venomous (A rank) Adaptability (A rank)
New Axe additions: Hurricane Axe (A rank) Merciless (A rank)
New Bow additions: Lendabair (A rank) No Distractions (A rank)
New Gauntlet additions: Shielding Art (C rank) Flashing Fist Art (A rank)
New Reason additions: Nova (A rank) Resonance (A rank)
New Faith additions: Freeze (A rank) Fracture (A rank)
New Authority additions: Battalion: Garreg Mach Youths (D rank) Battalion: Veteran Duelists (C rank) Battalion: Brigid Hunters (B rank) Battalion: Opera Company Volunteers (A rank) Dual Assist (A rank) Keen Insight (A rank)
New Heavy Armor additions: Arms Shield (A rank) Resolve (A rank) Allied Defense (A)
New Riding additions: Momentum (A rank) Reforge (A rank) Pivot (A rank)
New Flying additions: Air Raid (A rank) Pincer Attack (A rank) Detoxify (A rank)
August Mun Birthdays: Arden (9th), Ren (20th), Maxie (28th)
August Muse Birthdays: Julius (1st), Ephraim (1st), Eirika (1st), Zelkov (2nd), Laslow (7th), Lumera (7th), Alfred (8th), Patty (10th), Yuri (12th), Roy (14th), Ares (14th), Eldigan (14th), Edward (15th), Lyn (21st), Lachesis (22nd), Corrin (M) (25th), Frederick (26th), Sophia (27th), Soleil (31st)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Kano (4th), Serena (24th), Kristopher (31st)
Third-year mun anniversaries this month: Soji (8th), Maxie (9th), Mirae (21st), Lilly (29th)
Fourth-year mun anniversaries this month: Ree (5th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Linhardt (4th), Sophia (4th), Seliph (10th), Anankos (19th), Camilla (23rd), Michalis (28th), Lloyd (31st)
Third-year muse anniversaries this month: Marth (8th), Farina (9th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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ostianshadowed ¡ 4 years
testing 1 2 24
“Why thank ya,” he replied without missing a beat, grinning wide. It was probably the best compliment he’d received in a good while. “It’s a temporary engagement, a'ight? I’m here to support m'lord, and it seemed a decent way to do so without getting in the way. I could’ve gone the faculty route instead, I suppose, but… teaching isn’t really up my alley."
If kids were brats, teens were arguably Worse, and Matthew doubted if he had the patience for ‘em. Plus, the curriculum didn’t include teaching to fight with knives… And all that aside, he much preferred his current role anyhow. It afforded him a much greater chance to skulk around and snoop a bit.
”Hm? But you’re not gonna try it?“
A pause. "I’ll help myself to it then, heh.” Hefting the blade, he gave it a spin - it was short, but kinda heavy. Even so, almost close enough to a dagger, he thought. A bit awkward to handle, but manageable. All the same, the arrangement of weapons available begged the question: who had thought half of these would be a good idea, and even worth testing in the first place? Bah.
“Hey, find yourself a blade, and on your mark, let’s test the
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