othcrhalf · 2 years
Time ticks on, but luckily with Robyn they know that he understands better than anyone could when there’s no time to linger. They’ve always been skilled at this sort of thing, after all, have always been considered the best of the best when it comes to their job, and so Silver knows that they’ll manage this all just as well, because they have to. That’s something that they share, their ability to set everything else aside in favor of laser focus on the task at hand, especially when there’s something waiting at the end. And this feels like the moment of truth in that regard, an enormous chance for both of them individually, and one that will lead to everything they’ve been promising each other since things had changed between them, and they had realized what’s been there for much longer than either of them had admitted. There’s plenty of motivation, but it doesn’t hurt to have more of it in the form of knowing finishing their job well, and quickly will lead to see Robyn again, knowing he’s safe, being safe with him. 
Silver nods, confident in Robyn’s ability to do all they need to before leaving, too, and they hold onto this feeling for a moment longer to give them the strength to push through the panic and worry of the unknown, the fear of being apart during such important moments. Robyn’s hand on their neck grounds them, the little chill the feeling of their thumb tracing the skin there gives something they memorize as best they can, despite their mind’s work against them. They can’t help but smile a little at the nose bump, at the way Robyn tells them they can’t not make it. But the thing that makes their chest swell with warmth is the reminder of the promise of home, of making a home together wherever they end up. And the thought of having the chance at that somewhere safe, at least relatively so comparatively, isn’t one they had fully realized until this moment. It makes them all the more determined to finish this, and do it well, so that they can have just that with those they care for around them safe and sound, too. “I could never break a promise to you, Robyn, no need for threats,” they mutter fondly.
It feels nearly impossible to let go, even as Robyn loosens their own hold, preparing for that moment, but Robyn is right, the sooner they finish, the sooner they can be in that room together, and they can have that I love you in something like safety for the first time ever. They lean in and steal one more kiss, this one soft, lingering, full of the unspoken tenderness they can’t spend time sharing just now. They want to remember every second of it, the way their lips feel against theirs, how it feels to hold onto him, his scent, his beauty. It takes a great deal of strength to pull back at last, to let their hand move to his briefly, and give a gentle squeeze, before finally letting go, and taking a step back to finally split up to get everything they need done. “I’ll see you soon, Robyn. Take care until then.”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
They hate the thought of having to leave one another, of doing their best to finish all they need before time runs out, and all the while not knowing if Robyn is safe or not, but they’re well aware that there’s no other option. This is the moment for both of them to finally concretely find a way to undo some of the harm they’ve done in their own ways by being apart of this system for years, to make certain other people are given the chance at a better future, too. To let go of selfishness. They’re finding it terribly difficult to let go of the old habit entirely, though, when it comes to Robyn, but they’ll do their best. The promises are going to have to tide them both over until they make it there to the meeting point, because they will, they have to have faith that they’ll both manage, or they’re unsure how they could get any of it done. Robyn’s tears suddenly falling at last, though, make some of the resolve waver, make it tempting to fall back into that habit, but they know that one of the many things that holds them together is knowing how important it is they do this together, even if they can’t do so hand in hand. 
Robyn presses their forehead against Silvers, and they lean forward, too, closing their eyes, letting a little sigh fall from their lips as they hold onto this feeling, this overwhelming feeling of warmth, of love, coupled with understanding beyond anything they’ve found elsewhere. And it’s just like Robyn to make it into a demand, to try to steel themself, to find a sense of teasing amongst all the pain and uncertainty. They look back at him, deep into his beautiful eyes, eyes that say the words he refuses to just yet, in favor of making them wait for the after. A sad, soft smile crosses their lips, even as they try for something closer to a smirk, unable to push that far considering how heavy the air feels, the sense of unknown closing in around them, the distortion growing louder by the minute in their mind. 
“Clear as day. I’ll find you, safe and sound. And I’m expecting the words to move my cold, mechanical soul with all the emotion that’s going to be behind them, Robyn, so you best be prepared not to disappoint,” they mutter, trying for teasing themself, instead landing on something infinitely fond as they smile at them. And then he’s kissing them again, still deep and full of meaning, but a little softer. There’s a deep sense of love from the gesture alone, something they plan to hold onto tightly in their time apart. 
They let out a shaky breath when they break apart, and try to refocus on the task, on all the information they need to give Robyn to make certain they can keep their promises. Quietly, they explain the two different routes to the meeting point once again, focusing on detail, trying to offer as much instruction as possible in the absence of any way to draw them a map of the places. “Just to the meeting point. Take care of Four and Seven, try for any last minute sponsorships for Harbor, and then head there. I could never forgive myself if you didn’t make it in time because you were waiting too long for me outside. I’ll be there before time is up; you’re not the only one who’s told me I’m not allowed to not make it.”
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• • •
AS EXPECTED, SILVER understands what it is Robyn’s trying to do, sees through their attempts at steeling themself as they give out pleas like commands, and then proceeds to respond in a way that’s so exactly like Silver, Robyn can hardly stand how perfect it is. They answer positively, promising to find him later on, safe and sound in the safe place, before teasing back so smoothly, so easily, and Robyn is hit once again by infinite, irrevocable, and overwhelming affection for this person. It’s just like Silver to respond that way, and it’s just like the two of them to talk like this even with ( or perhaps because of ) the dire circumstances that surround them. There’s something so reassuring and warm about knowing Silver will always know where his heart is, where his mind is, without him having to fully tell them, just as there is warmth and reassurance in knowing they’ll always rise to the occasion and respond in a way that’s just right; because of course they will. Robyn thinks they know him better than anyone, and this proves precisely that.
After the second kiss, Robyn pulls them back into business, and Silver immediately follows suit. The two of them remain close, however, their murmuring voices soft. Silver gives Robyn more exact instructions, and they do their best to commit everything to memory. Part of them is nervous, scared that their fear and worry will betray them and push them into making all sorts of mistakes, but they know they can’t afford to think like that — especially not now, and especially not when they’ve been doing their own stressful job as Escort perfectly all these years. It’s just as they’d told Silver; failure is not an option. They know what they are at their most efficient, and even though they haven’t exactly been at their hundred percent for a quite some time now, they’re well aware that they can tap into that energy and that drive, knowing Silver will be out there doing the same thing.
It’s good to hear, though, that there are others beside themself who are wanting to ensure Silver’s safety too. That lightens the load a little, and gives Robyn the extra assurance that Silver will do as they had promised and make it to safety before time is up. He just hopes they don’t stay out too long. “All right. I’ve noted everything,” Robyn whispers with a slight nod, hands still behind Silver’s neck, thumbs still tracing their nape. “Whoever these other people are, they’re right. You’re not allowed to not make it.” They lean forward, bump their nose against Silver’s. “You promised me we’d make a home wherever it is we end up. If you break that promise, I swear I’ll find you and break you myself,” they joke one more time, although the sniffle that follows definitely lessens the threatening aura they’d meant to put up. With a shaky sigh, they pull back and loosen their hold, lowering but not entirely letting go.
“Now go. The sooner we get our tasks done, the sooner we’ll get to being in that room together.”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
They wish desperately that they could speak more outright, and that there was more time to plan together, more time to be together before they need to both get to work, but it feels as if the familiar static has become something of a ticking clock, a constant reminder that time is running out with each passing second, that the longer they linger in one place, the less time there is to make certain everything is in order before they need to make it there themself. But this is Robyn, they would give him every last moment they had if they could, except their promises made to each other keep them from that sort of selfishness, from the same sort of selfishness that would tell them to send him straight to the meeting spot, instead of counting on him to inform Four and Seven, and giving him time to help set his brother up to make it, to be there waiting when the time comes. Still, pushing past the selfishness doesn’t mean they don’t wish it could be different, and even before Robyn agrees they know that he feels the same. 
There are tears welling up in their eyes, and Silver wishes that they had the right words to quell them, to take care of any worry or fear, but they know that there’s nothing they can do but promise that they’ll make it together in the end when the time comes to go. Their hand moves to Robyn’s neck, holding on, trying to offer some sense of grounding, and strength in the face of so much uncertainty themself, as well. And it nearly breaks their heart, the way Robyn’s voice shakes, the way their body shudders with each breath, as they try to go on, as they accept what they both have to do, but consider the risks of it all. The risks are enormous. Trying to move so many people without concrete plans for timing and order is dangerous, would be dangerous already even without so many of them being closely watched by the Capitol, and that’s without considering the danger of even spreading the information around when there are eyes and ears everywhere, when some people are loud by nature, through no fault of their own. 
But they have faith in Robyn, and they have faith in themself, and they have no intention of going back on any of the promises they’ve made to them, no intention of doing anything but exactly as they ask, being there in that room on time, no risk of being too late, being there together when the time comes. They nod along with his words, let out a little hum of agreement, as their fingers move perhaps a little frantically over his jaw, in part to memorize the feeling, in part to try to give comfort to them both. They only wish they could go without the gloves, without the pain, and touch him fully. It seems that Robyn is thinking the same, though, because as soon as they finish speaking, they pull them into a kiss, hard and passionate, all of the unspoken feelings behind it all, so much that it’s nearly overwhelming. Impossible not to press into it, to deepen the kiss just for a second, indulge and savor, and say as much back to them without a single word, through lips alone. 
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Robyn pulls back, and they feel a little unsteady for a second, wishing they could keep going, could stay in something so perfect and full of meaning for much longer, but this is just as meaningful. “I promise. We’ll always find each other, Robyn, now, and after,” they breathe, eyes searching Robyn’s, knowing that he’ll understand what they mean, that the words are no exaggeration. They’ll always find him, and they know that he would do the same, through this, and any other hardship or danger they might face. The promises made in that hallway what feels like a lifetime ago, but was only days, were sincere, utterly truthful. They both promised to see this through together, and that’s what they’re going to do, now, and beyond, once they’re far away from here in an entirely new unknown. “If you can’t find me once you’re finished, go and I’ll meet you there. And then I won’t let go of you once we’re together again. I love you, Robyn, nothing could possibly keep me from being by your side.”
THE KISS IS exhilarating, and it takes Robyn’s breath away for how intensely Silver responds and gives that same passion he’d given to them back to him. For a moment, it deepens, and Robyn holds on tight, not wanting to let go, fingers clawing into the cloth of their jacket, their shirt, their back, and then he ends it himself. Silver wavers, as if wanting to continue, to push forward and keep going, and god does Robyn want it too, their lips and their body still hungry for more of that warmth, that touch, but they hold back. Silver’s response makes it worth it, though, yet another promise made to further seal their future together, a pact of sorts to always find one another, now and after. Robyn feels their chest tighten at this; they need that to be true, they need it desperately. “I...” they begin, but Silver continues, gives them further instruction, further reassurance that they’ll be there. They won’t let go of him, they say, once the two of them are together again, and Robyn wishes time would wind forward and bring them both there now, in the safety of the after, nestled in each other’s arms as they await what comes next.
Once more, Silver professes their love, vows that nothing would keep them from being by Robyn’s side, and so help them, Robyn can no longer stop the way a single tear falls from the corner of their eye and down their cheek. Followed by another, and another. They close their eyes, squeezing a few more out in turn, and press their forehead against Silver’s, savoring this, wanting so much to live in this warmth for as long as they can, both hands now on the back of Silver’s neck, thumb tracing the skin there. They sniff, try to calm themself as they attempt to put into words exactly what it is they feel. And they know that what they feel is overwhelming love, overwhelming desire for this person and for their safety, so they can be with him when it’s time to go. He loves them. So, so much. But they won’t say it yet, not now. It’s the first half of yet another promise, one to be fulfilled later along with the rest.
“I’ll... hold off on my reply for now,” they murmur, before taking their hand away and swiping quickly at a few fresh tears beneath their eyes. Looking up at Silver again, they try to put on a look of determination, of readiness, tempered just a little bit by the love that fills their dark brown eyes as they look deep into Silver’s. He caresses their cheek. “You’ll just have wait until we see each other again later. And then I’ll tell you,” Robyn says, before trying for a smile. It’s far too sad, far too watery and emotional, and not at all like the vague smirk they’d meant for them to see. “That’s clear, isn’t it, Ostro?” they try to tease, though a slight edge to their tone makes them sound almost like they’re begging Silver to make sure they’re able to meet them later. “You don’t have a choice in the matter. You have to find me; there’s no other option.” 
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And for the second time, because they can’t help it, because they know they’re about to separate very soon, Robyn pulls them in for another kiss, only slightly softer, and still full of meaning. When they let go, they whisper, “Now I need you to tell me again about those passageways.” Hands returning to Silver’s neck, they press close, lowering their voice even more, hoping it’s still clear despite the slight tremors that riddle it. “Aside from Four and Seven, is there anywhere else I need to go? Anyone else I have to find?”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
It’s a great deal to put on their shoulders all at once, but it seems that that’s the way things are in situations such as this. There’s no time for small moments, no time to build up to the grand picture and ease Robyn into anything, just as Silver themself has sat in the dark hoping that the cogs were still moving until Plutarch had suddenly given them everything at once. They feel Robyn’s body shudder against them, and can only imagine how overwhelmed they must feel, too, in an entirely different way, perhaps, with the implication of it all. It’s the chance that they had spoken of when Silver had finally been able to tell him everything, the chance to undo some of the harm that they were apart of causing, to offer the chance of a better future to those around them, and to find an ounce of penance for all that they did to contribute to the pain over the years, in their different ways, thanks to the Capitol’s influence and their choices because of it. But that doesn’t make it something simple to swallow. Saying the words and making the promise are very different than being faced with the dangerous reality of doing just that. They wouldn’t blame them one bit if, facing it all, Robyn chose not to do what Silver plans, in fact, they would feel a selfish sense of relief to be able to send Robyn to the spot immediately, to know that they’re safe.
But they know Robyn perhaps better than they know their own mind, and they know that he won’t shrink from the opportunity presented to him. No matter the risk, they’ve both promised to do this together, and they know that they’re not going to go back on that promise. The danger is worth it if it means the chance at a better future for them all, and a better future together. They can’t let themself think so far ahead when there’s much to be done in the midst of so much danger in the next six hours to insure they all make it that far, but it’s motivation, determination, to do all they can to see that future together, and to make certain their loved ones are there, too. They can see the fear in Robyn’s eyes, but they can also see their own determination reflected back in the brown depths, as their hands move to their face. Silver leans into the touch, and nods. “I know you will. I trust you with my heart, don’t I?” they say, giving them a small smile, full of tenderness, despite their own franticness. 
Robyn pulls them back into a tight embrace, and they’re glad for it for a plethora of reasons. The warmth of the touch is something they want to cling to while they can, the uncertainty of the next six hours terrifying to consider, but it also serves a purpose. They reply quickly, and quietly. “There’s a more direct route through the hallways; those who are in less danger of Peacekeeper interference should take that path, but anyone who’s been vocally resistant, or is directly involved with Griffin or me should take the kitchen. Griffin is taking care of Twelve, and he has Ashfrost taking care of the other upper Districts. I’ve already spoken to Aven, and I’ll find Slate next. We need to move in waves, we can’t all go at once, of course,” they say all at once, knowing Robyn well enough to know they’ll take it all in quickly. “We need to try for last minute sponsorships, but do so carefully. We won’t get to witness the end of the Games, we’ll be in route to pick up the tributes by then, but we’ll set them up as best we can. They’ll do the rest, just as we are here.”
A pause, in which they close their eyes momentarily, holding Robyn a little tighter once again, indulging in that feeling. There is nothing that will stop their thoughts from racing now, they’re well aware of that, but the feeling of Robyn’s embrace reminds them why they’re doing all of this. They only wish that it were possible for them to do the work side by side, instead of knowing they’ll have to part ways for at least a good amount of the next six hours to get everything that needs to be done first finished, and set up those in the Arena to make it out, too. They pull back just slightly, enough so that they can press a kiss to Robyn’s temple, lingering for a second, putting all of the unspoken feeling into it. “I wish we could do our work hand in hand.”
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• • •
SILVER SAYS THEY trust him with their heart, and Robyn feels that simple statement burrow into their chest, making a home there, taking root as one truth they know they’ll forever hold on to. There’s a thickness in the back of their throat now, a bit of emotion to dull the panic and frantic energy, and they feel a heat building beneath their eyes. Robyn trusts Silver with their heart too, irrevocably and infinitely, and they wish, they truly wish they could do their work together — that they didn’t at all have to be apart in the next hours. Robyn does his best to take it all in, trying to remember every single piece of instruction Silver is giving them. They’ve never had a problem with working under stress before and would have even said, years ago, that they thrived in that sort of environment, but while it’s obviously not the same at all, Robyn tries to tell themself that this isn’t any different. It’ll be like working under a tight deadline. Like accomplishing a particularly detail-intensive task under strict instructions. If they think of it that way, they won’t freeze up in terror over the stakes.
He’s relieved to know that most Districts are accounted for, relieved to hear DeeZee’s name there as well, and Cripes, of course, is an extension to Fava and the others. It feels so heavy, being given all this responsibility, knowing the price of failure is loss of time and perhaps loss of life. They’ll have to ask for clearer directions one more time later on to make it crystal clear to them, but they understand what it is they have to do. The question about the Tributes is answered somewhere along the way as well, and while the thought frightens Robyn and makes them want to find some other way to compromise ( recognizing they’ll be in a silent panic the entire time, not knowing what’s happening to Harbor, not knowing if he and Abe have already made it to the bigger group ), understanding that they’re meant to be picking the Tributes up calms them somewhat. They know Twig will want to double the efforts for sponsorships at that, get Harbor and Abe to the right directions before they leave.
Their mind is working a mile a minute, even in the embrace, even with the warmth of Silver’s arms around them. A shiver runs through their body again, part of them wanting to get to work right away, fearful of things being too late for their friends, for their brother, but Silver pulls back and watches them. They press a kiss to their temple, gentle, soft, and lingering, and it dulls the panic one more time, both the gesture and the words that follow. The tears that had been building fill their eyes to the brim, and Robyn lets out a breath. “I wish we could too,” they practically gasp out, barely able to breathe in the face of so much fear and panic, so much emotion. Silver had been thinking the same thing. If only they could do this work together, side by side; Robyn knows they wouldn’t be so scared.
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Another shaky breath escapes him as he brings his hands back up to touch their face. “I’ll... I’ll come find you once I’ve finished, but if I don’t see you out here...” It’s becoming harder and harder to talk, their breathing unstable, more sobs threatening to wrack their body, but they push forward, swallow, put on a stiff upper lip. “Then you better be in that room already. Alright? You — don’t stay out longer than you have to. I need you there with me,” Robyn says, emphasizing what needs to be emphasized, remembering their talk in the hallway, on what promises had been made. This is not and must not be the last time; they absolutely have to make it to safety together. Robyn knows that, believes that, and yet, their voice continues to tremble as they go on. “I need you beside me once it starts, and I need you to not let go of me until we’re both sure it’s safe.” With no regard for anything else, emotions too high not to do it, they pull Silver to them for a kiss, one that isn’t soft but instead passionate, hard, full of so much meaning, all their fear, uncertainty and worry mixed in with their hope, their determination, their love — everything in a single gesture.
When they pull back, they’re breathing heavily, lips still lingering against Silver’s, eyes on their pale blues. They don’t know if that’s Silver’s heart or his or both of theirs beating rapidly against his chest. “Promise me we’ll find each other at the end of all this. Promise me.”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
Ivory is Robyn’s last stop in District Seven, and she isn’t hard to spot. When they let her in on the plan, she’s immediately ready to spring into action. They dissuade her for now, though, wanting to make sure everyone knows and everyone is headed for safety first before she causes anything. They tell her to be careful, tell her that Harbor would want her to be careful too, and this placates her somewhat, but Ivory makes it clear to Robyn that this is something she’s been meaning to do from the start — this is a cause she’s willing to fight for, to stay behind for if need be. Robyn insists that they don’t want it to come to that but doesn’t push too much, seeing her determination, and despite years of distance and misunderstanding brought by her dangerous friendship with Harbor, they have a brief moment of understanding. Robyn, not wanting to encroach on her personal beliefs, decides to leave it at that before heading to Four.
The elevator ride to Four seems long, and Robyn can’t help but feel as though all this movement and talking has put an even larger target on their back. For a second, they’re afraid of what could be waiting for them once the doors to their floor slide open. Nothing happens, however, and no one is waiting, so they head straight for the common area to look for Swann. She’s in her personal suite, which grants them some level of privacy, and because the look on Robyn’s face is enough to tell Swann that something is afoot, the two are immediately able to get to the meat of the matter. Swann takes everything to heart, mind working quickly, asking the necessary questions, and for a moment, she considers staying to warn more people. Robyn insists that she go, though, to keep herself safe and to make sure someone is there, making certain there isn’t chaos among those who have already arrived. The two embrace and whisper words of love and care, and firmly tell one another that they’ll find each other later in the day. Robyn stays behind to do one more sweep.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
After filling in both Pista and Aldera, and promising to meet back up with them later before time runs out, DeeZee starts his hunt for the rest of Ten’s team. Heading downstairs, he runs into Robyn, and it’s clear immediately that they’re also on a mission to find others, too, which is basically confirmed when he asks if they know, and they give a small nod. Still, he can’t help but take a few minutes to do a little bit of teasing, the rush of adrenaline making him feel a little more like himself than he has in days, glad to have a moment with Robyn, but also worried about them making it out. He tells them not to wait too long to take care of themself, posed as a reminder that none of them can make sure others keep going if they don’t make sure they make it themselves, too. DeeZee also tells Robyn he’s gonna do everything he can to make sure everyone around him is safe, of course, before doing that himself, too. Before they part ways again, DeeZee gives Robyn a big crushing bear hug, and says he’ll see them later.
In the quiet, tense chaos that had started since Silver first filled them in, Robyn has gone from one District to the next, determined to get as many as they can to safety. Running into DeeZee isn’t unexpected, but it surprises them anyway. Thankfully, it's clear from the look on his face that he already knows, which saves Robyn from having to explain. For a moment, Robyn allows himself to relax, which DeeZee makes easy with a few teasing remarks, ones that, despite how heartwarming they are now to Robyn in truth, they respond to with that old familiar dryness. It isn’t long before they return to seriousness and worry, though, and because it’s clear they’ve still got quite a bit to do before finally feeling comfortable enough to head to safety, the two are forced to part ways. Robyn lets DeeZee’s warm embrace all but crush them, and they squeeze back, as strong as they can, before whispering a soft, determined, “See you later, cowboy.”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
After speaking with Dawn, Robyn immediately searches for Twig, whom he takes aside and talks to about plans for escape. In as few words and as softly as they can, Robyn lets him know what’s happening, gives him instructions to get to a place of safety. Twig takes note of this but mentions that he intends to stay for a little while longer in order to get one more sponsorship out for Harbor. He intends to go once he sees results on screen, and Robyn, infinitely thankful for Twig's attempt to help their mutual loved one further, grasps his hand tightly in gratitude. It’s the most he can show Twig, the most he’s willing to show Twig right now, but it does enough to get the message across. The two part, and Robyn searches for Ivory, hoping in the back of their mind that Twig makes it to safety soon and doesn't linger too long.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
Soon after his talk with Silver, Robyn gets straight to work. Difficult as it is to extricate himself from his partner, he manages to do so after promising to find them again once they’ve finished with their tasks. Their first stop is District 7, and it’s Dawn who greets them right away. As quietly and as calmly as they can, they tell Dawn about the plans to leave, giving him information about the meeting room, how much longer they all have, how limited the capacity is for escape, and how none of them will be able to see the Quell to its end. They mention wanting to tell Twig about this themself, as well as Ivory, and urge Dawn to focus on staying safe. Briefly, they are able to vaguely touch on Emerald and their involvement, and Dawn mentions trying for another shot at sending Harbor more assistance before they all leave, as a way to make sure he gets to the other group with Zero and the others. They make no clear mentions of Slate, but Robyn can tell from a deep look at his face that the Stylist intends to go to his estranged partner one more time. The two of them part with a long embrace, promising to find one another again once they’ve made it to safety. Robyn heads off to find Twig.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
Silver takes this moment to do their best to memorize this feeling all over again. They’ve done so before, but this feels all the more important to remember this embrace, the way they feel right now, chest aching, so much love for the person they’re holding onto, the chance to finally help give them something better than this, better than having to beg their parents to step out of inaction to give their brother help as he fights for his life. A small hum, proud as it is, leaves their lips, but they close their eyes, sinking into the feeling as Robyn squeezes just so. Their chin seems to fit so perfectly against Silver’s shoulder that it feels nearly impossible. Their warmth is motivating, their deep, steady breaths calming. They can tell that Robyn is as overwhelmed as they are, and they wish they didn’t have to push more on them now, but there’s no time to waste. “I’m…heading towards the sponsors, but I need to make a few pitstops along the way,” they mutter, trying their hardest to keep their breathing steady, keep the panic from setting in deeper and the distortion from overwhelming them. They don’t let go of Robyn, they don’t want to anyway, but it also serves a purpose. It’s easier this way to keep quiet, words whispered into their ear, less risk of anyone hearing, something only for them. 
“It’s time, Robyn. We have six hours, but the sooner the better. There’s a door through the kitchen, that’s where you need to go, and tell others to go, too.” Only then do they pull back, just slightly, just enough to look Robyn in the eyes, his beautiful brown eyes that they love so much. They don’t want to let go, can’t, for fear of all that could happen by asking them to do what they already promised, stand by their side and help them through this. Selfishly, they want to tell Robyn to go now, forget anyone else and get himself safe immediately, but they know that’s not fair; Robyn’s already made it clear to them that they’ve made the same choice Silver has, after all.
Their hand moves to Robyn’s cheek, gloved fingers brushing over his skin softly. “Will you talk to Seven? Twig, Dawn, Ivory,” they say, as if there’s a question of who they’re speaking about. It dawns on them that there are several names that fit a little too perfectly in the distraction category Plutarch suggested, and the latter is one of them. They’re not sure they can consider that more deeply just now, though. And rather grimly they think that perhaps they won’t have to, when it comes to Ivory, that she might inevitably play the martyr herself, along with one of her other angry close friends. That thought makes them feel sick, so they try to push it aside for now, Ten isn’t theirs to worry about, anyway, but… “Four, too, of course. Swann. Better if you talk to her. Safer.”
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• • •
ROBYN WISHES THEY could stay in this embrace for the rest of the next hour, if not for the rest of this day entirely, and perhaps in any other situation, Silver would have allowed for it to happen, and maybe it would have, but the both of them know well enough that there’s far too much to do, with the way things have been progressing in the Games. Wrapped up around him, Silver mentions going to find more sponsors, and Robyn doesn’t have to ask about it to know how desperately Silver wants to do something about Zero and the others’ situation. But there’s something in their voice that tells Robyn there’s more to this than what they’re saying. They sound a little breathless, a little frazzled, and perhaps to anyone else, it wouldn’t be too different from the norm that this year’s Games have enforced upon them all, but to him, so accustomed to the sound of their smooth voice in his ear, so aware of every tiny catch and every small change in their tone, it’s crystal clear that they’ve got something more to say. And when they lower their voice even more into a whisper and speak, Robyn almost stops breathing entirely.
A shudder runs across their body as their mind immediately begins to try and make sense of the situation, a million different questions all coming in at once, but they say nothing, as they always have whenever Silver is forced to unload a great deal of information on them. Six hours, they say, and something about a hidden passage through the kitchen. It’s time to leave, and they have to tell as many people as they can. Immediately, Robyn feels the weight of this, the panic making his skin prickle and his stomach twist and turn unpleasantly; his immediate thoughts are knowing they’ll have to be separated from Silver after this, knowing there will be a great plenty of things for the two of them — and Silver especially — to do. Almost automatically, their fingers claw into Silver as they tighten their hold, not wanting to let go, part of them briefly, momentarily considering sinking back into selfishness, into begging Silver to go there with them now so they can both be safe. But he remembers the promises they had told one another in that hallway, all the progress they’ve both made, as individuals, as people, both together and apart — the vows they had said unto the ether, about securing a future for everyone, about helping fix what they had contributed to breaking before.
And now Silver is giving them the opportunity, assigning them a task. They know exactly where to send him; Robyn would have considered those on his own too, even should Silver have left the decision to them. Four and Seven, of course. “Y-yes.” The response is shaky, their body once again shuddering, their voice soft, just as breathless as Silver’s, perhaps even more. He looks into their eyes now as they look into his, and he brings both hands up to their face, fingers resting upon their cheeks. Robyn is certain they’ll be looking a little fearful now, but they nod determinedly at Silver as they affirm their response, “Yes, I will. I...” They swallow, barely understanding exactly what it is they’re even feeling. On one hand, escape seems so close at hand, a possibility to leave this place once and for all, and yet, on the other, so much else has to happen before even any modicum of safety can be achieved. And there’s so much more they want to ask too. “I can handle Four and Seven. I will handle Four and Seven. Count on me.”
Immediately, Robyn pulls Silver back into that embrace again, keeping their voice soft and low still. They need to speak as silently as they can, but they need their warmth too, now more than ever if they’re meant to make it through these next six hours. “Please tell me more. Are there other ways through to this safe place? Will your allies be taking care of the other districts...?” And part of them wants to ask about the Tributes in the Arena, wants to know what’s going to happen to them, but they’re scared of the answer too. Scared of even uttering the question aloud.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
Robyn could lead meditations with a voice so soft. When they pull her in for another hug and whisper words only meant for her, Fava feels undeniably safe. Comforted, even, and she allows herself to close her eyes and truly take in the serenity of the moment.
So much is out of their control; so much is being moved around by strings invisible to them. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, easier to slip into the spiral of cynicism or overbearing sadness or both, but it’s interactions like this that urge to keep her head above water and vice versa.
There might come a time where their siblings are separated — unfortunately, it’s more likely that not — but until then, they have each other; a mirrored reflection of how Robyn and Fava have united over the course of a year. She desperately hopes that Wren will be given the same opportunity to make friends with those born in the Captiol. To learn that they aren’t all monsters. No, some of them are friends.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
It’s cheesy to say that there’s strength in numbers, but it’s the truth — it’s only strange to think about in comparison to Fava’s tendency to find comfort in isolation. Learning to lean on people — especially in times of deep vulnerability — is essential to surviving the Games. She should’ve known that; it’s the same advice Griffin gave her back on the train one year prior.
When Robyn’s voice catches in their throat, Fava feels a bolt of something run through her. (Is it concern or understanding? Is it both?) She still doesn’t know what to do in these moments and with a hug already checked off their list, the teenager does the only thing she can think of:
“We’ll make sure that Harbor is taken care of,” she says with a solemn nod.
His safety is not guaranteed — none of them are guaranteed a clean ticket out of there — but Fava will do everything she can to keep people talking about those names on her list. She’s made promises to people, promises she intends to keep. If only there was another way out of this.
“Robyn,” she begins softly, “you can always come to Twelve if you need to — talk. I’m not sleeping much these days anyway and it’s — better than keeping it all inside.” That’s rich coming from her, but it’s a start. An offer of kindness can go a long way.
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• • •
IT’S REASSURING TO hear her affirm that, but even without it, Robyn knows they and the people around them who care would do most anything in their power to make sure their loved ones in the Arena make it. To that first one, they only nod solemnly back, trying to get their body to relax now that they’re in Twelve’s common area, and not just outside in the hallways, where all the Peacekeepers are. But it isn’t long before they’re feeling vulnerable again, this time because of Fava’s attempt at softness. Her voice is gentle and quiet when she offers them a place here, a sanctuary to go to despite the fact that it’s barely even safe here anymore, and it tugs at a spot in his heart that isn’t strong enough at the moment to withstand this much honest kindness. She says it’s better to talk than to keep it all inside, and for a moment, Robyn’s throat seizes up.
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They’ve been so busy trying to do things for their brother and for Abe, so busy trying to look assured and stable, that the only time they’ve ever really allowed themself to just be is at the end of the day, with Silver — and even then, he’s been getting worried that he’s depended on them far too much that they always take care not to overwhelm them with his feelings. To hear her offer this place and her time for vulnerability as well has them releasing a shaky sigh. They nod, swipe at something beneath their eyes, and take a long, deep breath before looking back up at the young Victor again.
“Thank you, darling,” he says softly, the smallest of smiles breaking on his face as a hand moves up to brush a strand of her hair from her face. Overcome by the emotion of such an offer, they gently pull her into another hug once again, pressing tight for a moment as their shoulders shudder, the vestiges of what would have been a sob rippling through their upper body, but they keep their control well enough. And against her ear, they whisper, as quietly as they can, so no one else in here or anywhere close by can hear.
“We’ll get out of this, Fava.”
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othcrhalf · 2 years
Time doesn’t mean much of anything anymore, no real idea of how late or early it is, none of it helped by the Gamemasters’ manipulations on screen keeping the Arena thoroughly out of touch with reality, and yet time feels even shorter than it has the past twenty-four hours. Down several more allies, and then another several tributes gone over the span on their running around, it feels like the numbers are low enough that now the Gamemakers are going to truly turn the Arena on the tributes, no matter what Plutarch might or might not try to do. They’re at the point where most of the danger from fellow tributes is gone, after all, thanks to several horrible confrontations, but that just puts them all in danger of fates like those of Nilla and Bire. After spending some time with Aven, and then finding Griffin––and finding he has no more indication of if what they’d been planning for is still possible or not––the only thing to do seems to be to attempt to line things up for Zero, so that they’ll be ready to send in aid the moment they understand what he needs. They detest this part of things, have never been skilled at it, but they know how necessary it is, and they know everyone else is hard at work doing the same for their tributes, having noticed the familiar chime several times over in passing since leaving Three’s suite. 
They don’t make it that far, though, rounding a corner, determined, only to see Robyn there before them. There’s a sense of relief that perhaps isn’t logical; it hasn’t been long since they’ve been together, and yet every moment apart feels dangerous now, with so many unknown factors at play, so much danger lurking in and out of the Arena. So as soon as they make it to them, and Robyn’s hands move to touch any part of them they can reach, clearly feeling a similar sentiment, their hands move to his waist, pulling him a little closer, looking into his eyes. “I’m alright…things are…” they trail off, not precisely knowing how things really are on their end, when no action is happening, and they’re banking on others managing the sponsorships they spoke with Griffin about right now. It doesn’t matter, though, because Robyn pulls them into an embrace, and they gladly wrap their arms around them, holding them close. “I saw Harbor’s sponsorship. I know that can’t have been easy, but you did it, Robyn.”
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• • •
SILVER’S HANDS IMMEDIATELY move to their waist, pulling him close to them as he touches every single part of them that he can in that moment of relief, and all it does is loosen the screws keeping his control in place. The embrace happens before they can stop it, and Silver moves naturally into it, wrapping their arms around him too, pressing both their bodies even closer to one another. Robyn closes his eyes and rests his head against theirs, a hand moving up behind their neck to keep them there, close to him. “Yes. Thank you,” they respond, their voice practically a whisper as they take in the weight of Silver’s words. They’ve already spoken at length about it with Twig, and the Mentor from Seven has thanked them enough, but it’s meaningful to hear from Silver too, who’s done nothing but support and hold them throughout this entire experience. “I’m so glad it worked,” they continue, feeling something well up in the back of their throat as the relief returns to them again, the images of Harbor finally receiving his sponsorship and immediately putting them to good use flashing through his mind again. “They gave me leave to contact my parents, and it worked.”
Robyn squeezes once, not so hard, just because they can’t help it, just because they still can’t believe that they’ve managed to convince their parents to move at last, before relaxing again, still in Silver’s gentle hold. They sigh, rest their chin on their shoulder, and open their eyes, their vision only slightly blurry. They hold it back, so tired of crying at this point when it’s already been days of this, and not wanting to worry Silver so much either when they’ve got bigger things to think about. They inhale deeply, hoping to calm themself down again, and as they do, they breathe in Silver’s scent, match the subtle movement of breath in their body too, before exhaling. They wish they didn’t have to depend on Silver so much like this, but it’s something else entirely to get to see them, to hold them. Robyn can practically feel their energy building back up the longer they stay in this embrace. “Where are you headed next?” they ask softly, still pressed close, their head against Silver’s.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
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There has been so much going on in the world that she and Robyn have been participating in, it’s hard to even think that there’s a whole other world that Birch and the rest of them have participated in. It’s not just these mentors who have been struggling, they’re the ones in the Games.
“Maybe they’re far more prepared for this than we thought.” She looks down at her hands, which are nervously tapping on her thigh. “Or I thought, I guess. I just couldn’t see Birch as anything else than the kid I had weekly dinners with. But I guess just like me, he does what he has to do. We’re no different.”
It’s a thought she doesn’t like. No one should be like her, no one should end up like her or Pista or Deez. They’re all broken, fucked up, waiting for something better. Her lips point downwards and she knows it’s not something Robyn would particularly understand in the same way, but the stress on them is evident. “But he made friends, I guess that’s a good thing.” So long as they don’t have to kill each other in the end.
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ROBYN IS AWARE that they know more, courtesy of Silver’s quick rundown with them in that hidden hallway a few days ago, but they’ve always been careful about what to tell people, and what it is they think they can and can’t insinuate — and even then, not all facts are known to them. So when Aldera supposes that perhaps the Tributes were far more prepared for this than they all thought, Robyn can only nod in agreement. “Maybe they were. There’s no way of knowing, is there?” They’re not lying, of course, nor putting anything on. They don’t know the extent of Chrysanthe’s and Holly’s and Darby’s influence on the group, having been made aware of their roles as planted rebels only later on in training. They don’t know if they’ve been doing any planning at all in that training room or not, if they’ve somehow managed to find a way to communicate, despite being thoroughly watched. They don’t know the extent of the others’ knowledge about the plan either, or if they even knew at all.
“But this is better, I think, than all of them being completely defenseless out there in the Arena,” they add, wanting to continue with something a little lighter, a little less heavy on the shoulders. Aldera could use it too. She’s clearly so deeply caught up in not having known any of this that they want her to be able to see that maybe it’s better this way. “I was so worried about seeing what would happen to Harbor, knowing full well the delicate state the Capitol’s left him in, but...” Robyn sighs and tilts their head briefly, eyes staring ahead at nothing, before he shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have doubted him.” Harbor has always been the most capable one between the two of them after all.
“I’ve seen so many people pushed to do things nobody ever would have imagined themselves doing in those Arenas,” they say, thinking of all the Tributes they’ve watched over the years — not from a Career district like theirs, no, but from all the others they’ve witnessed: kids without formal training forced to take up arms, children pushed to kill, to do whatever it took to survive. “I want to have faith that our loved ones can make it without having to resort to any of that.” 
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othcrhalf · 2 years
AFTER ROBYN MANAGES to successfully secure support and sponsorship for Harbor from their parents once and for all, they immediately head on over to Twig to tell him what’s just happened. Twig is relieved and grateful for the assistance given, and both are able to watch together as Harbor receives water and medical assistance on screen; the release of tension in the viewing room where they are is palpable. The two continue to stay with one another as Harbor sets off on his own, up until the scene with him, Abe, and Harbor is shown on screen. Though saddened by the revelations regarding Osa, as well as her subsequent death, Robyn is relieved to see that the cream is put to more use for Abe, also in desperate need of help after the fight with the Tributes from One. When the camera cuts away from the duo, Robyn thanks Twig for his time and excuses themself with plans to head back to Four’s floor, and the two share meaningful, determined nods.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
FT. SILVER OSTRO ( @silverostro​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 4. some hallway, some time after the plutarch talk + the griff/silv talk that happens after that
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THERE HASN’T TRULY been a moment to calm down, not in any of these past days, not when there are no rest for the Tributes in the Arena. Since parting ways with Silver again earlier today, as they have done all the days prior, Robyn has barely had a moment to themself, going from person to person, making calls and talking to people on different floors, in the sponsorship room, in the viewing rooms, everywhere. They’re lucky to have witnessed what they had a day or so back, Harbor on screen, safe at last with Abe, both healed from the cream their own parents’ money had brought over, Harbor sated from the cannister of water as well — they’re lucky to have had that chance at all, to be allowed to call them up and ask them for sponsorships, lucky that those two finally chose this as the time to get over themselves and work to save their son once and for all. Robyn had already spoken with Twig, and they’re meant to be on their way back to Four now, to regroup with Swann and the others, but before they reach the elevator at the end of the Hall, a familiar and very reassuring figure rounds a corner and sees them. 
“Silver,” Robyn practically breathes out in relief, warmth spreading throughout their chest at the unexpected sight of their beloved. Before they’re able to even tell their feet where to go, they’re right in front of Silver, reaching out to hold their arms, their shoulders, their face, their cheeks. “Are you alright? How are things on your end?” they ask, somewhat breathless, brown eyes looking deep into Silver’s pale blue ones, before they force themself to calm down. They lower their hands, settling them gently on Silver’s wrists, before forgoing control and pulling them into a soft embrace. They’ve only been away for a few hours, but it’s been a grueling few hours, and so much has happened since then that it fills Robyn with immense relief to see their lover still standing before them despite how short the period of separation.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
The two sit and watch the broadcast for a good part of the evening, with Robyn taking notes for Silver. Silver tries to offer a little bit of hope with the realization that Zero has figured out the Arena, and seemingly has an idea of a plan involving the wire he has and the large tree, but mostly they just quietly support each other through the stress of it all. When the broadcast eventually cuts back to Harbor, the scene with Harbor, Birch, Bire, and the monkeys plays out, and there’s even more panic due to Harbor’s injuries. Before they can get much further, though, it’s back to Zero and Nilla, and they’re hit with her death. With so much going on in the Arena, several allies dead and alliances spread out, Silver and Robyn end up parting ways again to try to work on plans to help the various parties, but not without sharing a long embrace and a soft kiss as even a little ounce of comfort with so much uncertainty and pain being dealt right now.
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othcrhalf · 2 years
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It’s not a very good situation. Aldera is worried and she knows so many of the tributes are alone, stranded, and desperate for help. It’s going to be hard for them to have each other’s backs when so many have had to flee. She believes Robyn and what they say, that Harbor would be the kind of person to help. She knows the same would go for Birch. But they’re both looking rough. They’re both hurt and if one were to get hurt, would they be so selfless in a situation like this? It’s hard to say. She’s been in their shoes before, and she knows that it can truly change a person.
“Okay, yeah… yeah.” She nods her head, and looks around. “It’s been terrible, you know? Have to sit on my hands like this.” She doesn’t know why she’s opening up to Robyn,  as if they’re going to be buddies, but she has to get something out of her with the way her nerves are bubbling. “And now with this, with seeing he’s got friends I didn’t even know, it’s like the cherry on top.”
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FOR A MOMENT there, Robyn had thought it would be a passing conversation, something quick, a question then an answer, a few short exchanges, but Aldera goes straight for it and opens up, and immediately, they feel their defenses loosening as well. They weren’t necessarily on guard because of her; rather, they were on guard to keep the stress and the heaviness of their own emotions in check. But in this moment now, watching someone they barely even known bare her fears to them has them wanting to do the same. They had meant to start approaching possible sponsors, talking to them about helping their brother, or if not Harbor, then maybe Abe, if he makes it out of that situation with the Tributes from One and Two ( and Robyn hasn’t stopped hoping and praying that he does ), but now, he can’t think to leave her be like this, when it’s clear they’re both in need of someone to talk to.
“I know what you mean,” Robyn practically sighs out, their body sagging, that façade of ‘I’m stressed, I’m busy, and I’m in a hurry’ melting away at the first proper sign of her vulnerability. “As much as I spoke with my brother too, every single day since we got here, it’s clear to me now that there were plenty of things he wasn’t telling me. Impossible to really, fully know what happened in training.” The fact that they were all locked out this year, not even allowed to watch was frustrating. Had they planned something in there? It’s not hard to think that maybe they all thought it best not to tell their teams about what really went on behind those doors, but Robyn also understands where Aldera is coming from. “I hate the waiting too. The not knowing.”
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