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As a trans person, 🤮.
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I'm shaking
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When a therapist tells you something is wrong, and you still don't believe it
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When your delusion is so bad you actually start hallucinating
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Ok so when I was younger I was a fucking SEA DRAGON kin, I thought I had phantom limbs and everything, I’m still a otherkin but now it’s way less toxic and I use it as a coping mechanism but I was a fucking sea dragon kin and I would make post about how I miss my scales and fins I’m so embarrassed about that stiLl
I never understood the whole otherkin as a coping mechanism thing
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Literally the other night I had a dream where I was Gregg from Night in the Woods. Doesn't mean I'm kin with him, I just like him and the game, so I had a dumb dream where I was him.
Wrong you're definitely kin. I don't make the rules.
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ill call you doodoo, short for shit
Yeah that works too
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I feel harsh about saying this, but I don't understand about otherkin having "past memories". Are they sure they're not remembering old dreams? Especially with fictionkin, I remember a while ago how someone who was kin to Papyrus from Undertale having dreams that were "repressed memories" of Sans living with them in Snowdin
Yeah I always thought the whole memory thing was pretty bad. Like it's just a bunch of people daydreaming and world building in their heads and then being like oh holy shit that was a memory and definitely not me just being bored and daydreaming! As a way to convince themselves they are otherkin. Cause they have memories so that means it's true!! Especially when they are fictionkin or something. Like they can just be headcanoning something from a game and call it a memory.
And when people do the "kin calls" where they post with their "memories" say "if anyone has these memories too we are from the same universe/time line." And it's like I'm sure people are just hurting so bad for any sort of interactions with other people they are just going along with any interesting "memory" someone else has and is like yeah totally I remember when Bastion from overwatch was actually a trans cyborg! We're from the same universe!
To me it's just otherkin trying to be extra special. Like saying your otherkin doesn't get you enough special points so having memories that are super detailed get you extra points.
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JFC this is actually the worst thing I've seen so far
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-Someone: cringe culture is dead!!1! -Otherkin: hold my beer i drink as a replacement for blood to satisfy my vampire kinmemories
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I just got out of my whole otherkin phase, I was an angel AND a wolf (urg it hurts to say that) until I was like “bitch the fuck????”
Glad you made it out
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Big yikes
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what if we... showed each other our wings... aha ha, just kidding... unless?
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hii! how are you? i stumbled across your blog in the otherkin tag. it looks like you only post about the toxic/misinformed side of the community. and yep, they're bad. but you should also know that most otherkin aren't delusional/manipulative. i'm kin & i know i'm human. i don't believe in physical shifting or anything crazy like that. i use my otherkinity to make me a more accepting/open minded person. thanks for your time! p.s. tumblr is probs the youngest and worst part of the community lol
I'm alright hope you are the same.
I do really only post about the otherkin stuff that is over the top. That's the kind of stuff that's the most cringy.
Regular people like you who believe in something higher are fine. I've probably said it before but I could get along with people like you. Who are basically normal and don't let something like being an otherkin run their lives. If it's all wolf stuff all the time howling in public, wearing a tail 24/7 is where it is cringy and postable.
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