ototheo · 8 years
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I started collecting around 2005. Back then it was minimal. I had a couple used originals, but mostly reissues. I lurked on forums and eBay, searching for ones I liked but not buying much. I was just paying attention to what they were going for…big money.  
It wasn’t how much they were worth that got me into it. I’ve bought decks for $200 that I was offered $2000 for a day after I got it (I didn’t sell it btw). Its the fact of owning these rare pieces of history from a time where graphics and shapes ruled everything.
Most of these graphics are ingrained in my brain from staring at them in magazines non stop as a kid. As I grew older they now mean more then ever. We were part of something amazing in those days, the early days of the skateboarding. Theres a feeling I get when I stare at these walls that I can’t get anywhere else. It reminds me of simpler times. Nostalgia. Nothing takes me back in time like my collection.
Fast forward to 2012, and I started to get a lot more serious about things. The problem was, the decks I saw a few years back going for a few hundred were now going for much more. I set some money aside and bought a few good decks, and the rest is history. Its a very slippery slope.
I’ve spent countless hours scouring websites, eBay, craigslist, forums and creating relationships around the world just to find needles in haystacks. Every deck I buy and sell pushes the collection in different directions. I may get one deck that completely changes a lot of what I collect. Its like a ripple that turns into a wave. It might be something that doesn't fit in at the time, but eventually I may start collecting based around that particular deck.
The moment where you find something you’ve been after forever is the best feeling. It can come out of nowhere. A lot of the decks I have I never ever thought I would find.
You have to have an “act now, figure out the finances later” attitude or you’re never going to lock down the rare ones. Most of the time if something pops up that I’m after, I jump, and then figure out something to sell to buffer it. A lot of times, I just eat the expense for the opportunity.
You're obviously going to spend a lot of money and time making this happen. I have zero regrets when I come home from work, stand and stare at my collection. I'm transported back, and it's an honor to hold this small piece of history in my hands.
Everything pictured is original from the late 80’s and early 90’s. I also collect a lot of mid 90’s decks which has become a secondary collection in itself. I could go on forever, but I’ll spare you and get on with some photos. A frozen moment in an ever evolving collection:
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ototheo · 8 years
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Some fall vibes from the past few weeks. Fall is the best time to ride, and we’ve had some great weather too…well up until today at least.
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ototheo · 9 years
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Clinton Hill Brooklyn last night before the plows hit.
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ototheo · 9 years
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We got dumped on in NYC yesterday. A few of us got together and did some laps at prospect park. The wind and sleet were intense at times, but it was totally worth it.
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ototheo · 9 years
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Today I played hookie from work because I needed to ride. I know the foliage was in peak. Being a Tuesday, usually no one is around. Randomly as I hit the entrance to river road, Don rolled up behind me. Total random meetup that made the ride even better.
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ototheo · 9 years
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Red Hook Crit 2015
Its been awhile, I know.
I have a bunch of new content to put up once I get the huge pile of film I have processed!
Some words from Dave and photos from Red Hook Crit can be found HERE.
The rest of this series is on my Flickr. 
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ototheo · 10 years
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As fall is in full effect, and winter peaks its head, I'm thinking back to earlier times this year. Last winter was brutal. This first days of spring felt so amazing. When you are able to shed your arm and leg warmers, it's sort of like owning a convertible and being able to put the top down for the first time. 
I probably do more riding during this time of the year then any other. Its that time when you leave the base miles behind and start pushing your training and fitness. Its time to let loose. 
These are all 35mm shots from April and May of this year from a bunch of random rides and encounters. 
I'll post up part 2 tomorrow. 
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ototheo · 10 years
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A few shots of friends and teammates at Marty Cross this past Sunday. 
Flickr album HERE.
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ototheo · 10 years
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Gloucester 2014:
I missed Gloucester last year, so I was amped to be here this year. I had some bad luck on day 1, crashing and cracking my rear wheel, but overall the weekend was awesome. We had an great place to stay right on the beach, tons of great food and hanging with friends, and of course one of the best races in the northeast. 
More photos on my flickr HERE.
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ototheo · 10 years
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Charm City CX 2014:
Charm City was hot as hell. There was a lot more sand, and a lot more climbing then last year. Still an awesome weekend of racing, but I'm really hoping for some mud soon!
More shots on my flickr HERE.
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ototheo · 10 years
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Rosko v2.0
The day after I shot these photos, I raced at Gloucester. I made it a half a lap until I got into a crash and cracked the rear wheel really bad. RIP new wheels.
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ototheo · 10 years
Check out our rad collaboration with ICNY!
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ICNY x THE 5TH FLOOR CAPSULE COLLECTION Earlier this year, I was super hyped when ICNY hopped on board as a sponsor for #5THNYC, as I’ve been a fan of their products since the humble beginnings. Fast forward a few months and now a capsule collection is here. 
"Bringing reflective visibility to the active world, ICNY has teamed up with 5th floor over the past year in support of their NYC cycling team to create two unique moisture wicking t-shirts. The first a black tee with a reflective screen print and the second a white tee with a mixed media production of screen print and green reflective sleeve hits."
Pick yours up at The 5th Store.
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ototheo · 10 years
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Lost and Found ; Brooklyn to Montreal
One thing about life that has always been hard to accept is that we cannot truly share experience. We can do our best to tell a story with words or photos, but we cannot explain how these experiences change our perspectives, our paths, or our soul. I could rattle on about how tough it is carrying an extra 50 lbs of weight through 20% grades. I can tell you all about the moments where you felt so unprepared that you weren’t sure how you would make it through, but you do. Thats the meaning of adventure…The quote “adventure is what happens when everything goes wrong” rang true on many occasion. But were alive, and we made it through, and those are things I really can’t explain to you.
Within the first few miles we were talking and laughing and I think every one of us screamed “WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING?” at least once. When you think of the trip we were about to embark on as a whole, it was mind blowing. I think we all figured that there was one answer to that question, and that we would have that answer when we finished our journey, but the truth is, there is not one answer. It is an impossible question. So much happened and the reality is that the riding was only a part of it. What happened otherwise is what really mattered. The amazing places we saw (all of which I’d like to go back to), The lakeside of the land we illegally camped on, the state penitentiary we rode through by accident, the fist sized spiders outside our tent, Ice cream shops that felt like an oasis, all the way down to the seemingly endless amount of roadkill we saw on the side of the road…. Its not so much a collection of individual memories, but a collective. 
I felt every possible emotion during the journey, but the true weight of the experience is unquantifiable… not to me, or anyone else. It was an experience that will ripple through our lives for the rest of our lives. Lost: myself. Found: myself. 
I just got my film back from the trip, and will be posting it in parts over the next few days on the Lost and Found tumblr. Check them out, and enjoy. 
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ototheo · 10 years
We finished riding on Friday, and spent yesterday hangin in Montreal. Lots to be said about this trip. There will definitely be more to come, so keep following lostandfound500.tumblr.com
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Day 7
Start: Grand Isle, VT Destination: Montreal, QC Miles ridden: 81.12 Vertical feet climbed: 2,301 Stars seen at night: 7 trillion Tail winds: 0 International boarders crossed: 1 F1 courses ridden on: 1 Locals lead out train: 5 Memories from this trip: A TON
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ototheo · 10 years
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Day 6
Start: Lake Placid, NY Destination: Grand Isle, VT Miles ridden: 61.25 Vertical feet climbed: 1,989 Ferries ridden: 1 Crazy French campsite owners: 1 Paddle strokes in the canoe to go 500 feet: 10,984 Miles remaining on this amazing trip: 86
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ototheo · 10 years
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Day 5
Start: Keene, NY Destination: Lake Placid, NY Miles ridden: 23.37 Vertical feet climbed: 2,365 Insane overnight thunderstorms weathered: 1 Spiders so big it’s eyes reflected off flashlights: 1 Score of winning mini golf session: 46 (Chris) $800 “ice ball” makers: 1 Hotel rooms ruined: 2
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ototheo · 10 years
Day 4 recap...
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Day 4
Start: Pharaoh Lake, NY Destination: Keene, NY Miles ridden: 48.71 Vertical elevation climbed: 3,782 Freezing rivers swam in: 2 Burgers consumed: 3 (each) Good times had: 1 million
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