otterfire · 5 hours
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So a lot of political scandals just dropped in the last 24 hours
-NC Governor Candidate Mark Robinson's online posts were found, including some VERY graphic descriptions (like seriously, do not read if you're not 18) of him cheating on his wife, calling himself a black Nazi, and expressing support for reinstituting slavery. His email address was also found on Ashley Madison
-Robert F Kennedy Jr was revealed to be cheating on his wife with a reporter (and that isn't even the weirdest thing since federal law enforcement opened an investigation into him allegedly cutting off the head of a whale and taking it home with him less than 24 hours ago)
-GOP Senate candidate who is the CEO of a bank has been found accepting millions of dollars from what seem to allegedly be Mexican drug cartels.
-Finally, probably the biggest bombshell, according to multiple eyewitness testimonies within sealed sworn affadavits, Congressman Matt Gaetz allegedly invited a 17-year-old girl to a drug-fueld sex party
And we haven't even hit October, folks. Again, these are all still breaking news stories, so things are subject to change, but oh man oh man.
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otterfire · 6 hours
Two ingredients: Sea otters and awareness—it’s that simple! 🦦
Sea Otter Awareness Week starts THIS SUNDAY and runs from September 22–28! 
Stay tuned to all of our social channels “fur” another week full of fabulous fun featuring our favorite fuzzy fronds. 
Sea a list of events and more.
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otterfire · 6 hours
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FRIENDS (1994 - 2004) The One Where FRIENDS Turns 30!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 The show debuted on September 22nd, 1994, on NBC to 21.5 million viewers.
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otterfire · 7 hours
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Psych – 4.09: Shawn Takes A Shot In The Dark
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otterfire · 7 hours
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otterfire · 7 hours
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That $1000 is taxpayer funded, BTW. Our vindictiveness as a society is unsustainable.
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otterfire · 7 hours
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it might just be because im sleep deprived from jetlag rn but this r/relationship_advice post is making me cry actual tears of laughter. i read the post at first and was like yeah pretty standard whatever but im nosey so i clicked on the drawing op linked and i was not mentally prepared for it. putting it under a read more so you can get the same experience as i did
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some of the top comments
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otterfire · 7 hours
I know most people on here don't like to go to the gym because you're all gay nerds. I like to go to the gym. For the purpose of understanding this post please try to imagine that you, too, enjoy going to the gym so that you can empathize with my point here.
Anyway, so imagine you are going to the gym. You're pumped about the concept of getting some muscle on you. Plus, the gym has this "lift weights every day!" challenge with a feasible plan to slowly and safely increase the amount of weight you can lift by the end of the month. Cool!
So anyway you go there, and you're having a good time. But then you notice something. Some people are coming in with these guys in shirts that say LIFT FOR HIRE. You're curious, and you notice over time that some people are actually paying these guys to come in and do the lifting challenge for them.
"Huh," you say to your mega hot, muscled gym buddy. "That's so weird. What's in it for the people paying these guys?"
"Dunno," says your friend, mid bicep curl.
"Um, actually!" says the gym owner. "Some people are disabled, so the only way they can lift weights it to pay LIFT FOR HIRE, inc."
"But wait," you say. "They still aren't lifting the weights though? Paying someone else to lift for you doesn't mean you've lifted the weights."
The gym owner gasps. "How could you SAY that?"
"Because... it's true?" you say. "Uh, if you pay guys to lift your weights, that's probably really good for the guys you are paying. But it's not going to develop your ability to lift at all. Your muscles aren't going to grow, you're just going to lose money and get no results."
"That's ABLEIST," they say. "How DARE you! Some people are LITERALLY paralyzed, did you think of that?"
"Well, yeah, some people are, and that means definitionally they can't lift weights," you explain. "And paying someone else doesn't change that. Maybe if they wanted to like, move something in their house it would make total sense to hire these guys! But if you hire them to do your workout you get nothing, because the purpose of a workout is personal development. I'm not morally condemning people who do it, but it seems like a waste of money when this event is, again, about improving one's personal abilities."
"This is absolutely DISGUSTING, CLASSIST rhetoric!" the gym owner roars, and then turns to one of the LIFT FOR HIRE guys, "Pay no attention this disgusting person, dear sponsor, we support your business and we totally want you to keep funding our gym!"
"Sponsor?" says your hot muscled friend who was way too busy actually doing their workout and getting gains to engage in dumb discourse. "Oh, now it makes sense."
"Shut up, you don't understand our love!" says the gym owner, before sloppily making out with a LIFT FOR HIRE guy in front of you.
Anyway, that's what learning about the whole AI nanowrimo controversy was like for me.
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otterfire · 10 hours
you’re in one of the thinnest countries in the world; you should lose weight so you can stop looking like a stereotype lol
ok this is something i see kind of often and i want to address it because i feel like people are getting worse and worse at this:
when writing anon hate dont end it with “lol”. it COMPLETELY undercuts the sincerity of your criticism. By saying “lol” you’re saying “I’m admitting that the purpose of this message is to make you feel bad, not give you advice that WOULD make you feel bad about yourself or your identity”.
as little as 5 years ago people would send flames that actually HURT a person. you used to get MEANINGFUL attacks on who you were at your core, shit you couldnt change. nowadays its all fuckin “maybe if you stanned twice your hair wouldnt look so greasy LOL” like what the fuck ever dude this petty gradeschool recess shittalk does not stick with a person, you forget about it within 200 seconds and get on with what youre doing.
put some effort into your insults. make a person feel like shit, god damn, i just want to FEEL something.
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otterfire · 18 hours
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this is so fucking funny jrbfgjkbjhfbg
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otterfire · 18 hours
it’s 21st night of september eve
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otterfire · 18 hours
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otterfire · 18 hours
I really hate that so many people can't tell a difference between "lost media" and "commercially unavailable media".
Like there's a TV tropes article that calls the SNES Lion King game "lost media".
No? We have ROMs and there's carts on ebay?
But it's no available in the Nintendo Switch store, so it's "lost media".
Like, don't get me wrong, the fact that there's so many games (especially Nintendo console games!) that you cannot legally purchase right now is definitely a problem, but it's a mostly separate problem from lost media, which is where there's no archived versions anywhere, and it's potentially completely lost.
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otterfire · 19 hours
POV: You’re on the set of Supernatural
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otterfire · 19 hours
With Han Solo running spice for Jabba, it's easy to fabricate a Canon Divergence AU in which he meets Luke Skywalker a little earlier. Luke Skywalker is ship-watching at a local spaceport with Biggs and some other pilot buddies, and Luke accidentally says, "What a piece of junk!" just a little too loudly when he first sees the Falcon docked somewhere, and that's how Han nearly throws hands with an 18yo farmboy.
It also works if you do a twin swap to get Leia Skywalker and Luke Organa. Han Solo nearly gets his ass caught by bounty hunters a couple times because he can't stop flying back to Tatooine to go "AND ANOTHER THING-!" at the teenage farmgirl whom he met in a bar that one time. Leia was dropping off some of her aunt's blue milk cheeses at a cantina and some real creep got a little too pushy, which was fine because she had her blaster rifle as always, but then some SCRUFFY-LOOKING NERFHERDER butted in and keeps claiming that HE shot FIRST-?!
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otterfire · 19 hours
Henry Ossawa Tanner's depiction of the Annunciation will always be my absolute favourite but I really do think there is something so ethereal and endearing about his study before the official artwork was completed.
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The way Mary sits with almost no visible features but you can still tell that her hands are clasped in prayer- the angel Gabriel manifesting as a single stroke of light as the paint and room seems to contort around him. Easily one of the all timers.
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otterfire · 19 hours
played sims 4 for the first time and one of the married cis men had a desire to try for baby with his cis husband. i accidentally pinned it and could not unpin it. trying for baby is physically impossible. I tried to use cheats to give him a viable womb in create a sim but it wouldn’t let me do so retroactively. so I thought, maybe if they adopt the want for pregnancy will go away, and had them adopt a toddler daughter. but then the try for baby desire did not go away. since they now had an unwanted adopted child I tried to remove the toddler from the household, thinking this would send her back into the ether. it did not. instead she wanders the neighborhood like a feral cat. i thought the social worker would come and take her back so someone else could adopt her, but I guess there is no social worker in sims 4. so now the neighborhood is haunted by a smelly miserable baby that has no home but cannot die and everyone who sees her is uncomfortable. fucking omelas scenario.
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