otterpopsforme · 3 years
how old am I?
here are some descriptions of developmental milestones at various ages to help you pinpoint to what age you regress. sources: mixture of webmd, the cdc, speech and language kids, and parents.com
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limited vocabulary: babbling, may say “ma-ma” or “da-da”, or other small words; may be nonverbal
often either sleeping or crying/whining for needs
wiggly and able to crawl; very cuddly
completely dependent on caretaker for physical needs and attention
accessories: pacifier, pacifier clip, bottle, onesie, diapers, blankies, rattles, mobile, floor gym, pushcarts, walkers,, soft blocks, oversized toy cars/vehicles, soft stuffies, stacking rings
able to form very simple sentences and phrases (”want ba-ba”, “where paci?”)
can ask “what?” and “where?” questions
uses social words “hi” “bye” “please” and “thanks”
can follow simple directions or instructions
plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo type games
recognizes shapes and colors
crawling, pulling up on tables, steps and walking, stationary dancing
limited range of emotions, black/white thinking
greater independence from caretaker (can be left alone for brief periods during regression)
accessories: ages 0-1 years + shape sorting toys, small playsets, life size playsets, oversized blocks, people or animal figures, instruments, soft-cover books, picture books
able to form sentences of 3-5 words (”I want baba please”)
uses personal pronouns (”I/me” “she” “her” “he” “him” “they” “them”)
can ask and answer “who?” “what?” and “where?” questions
can follow two-step directions or instructions (”brush your teeth then get in bed”)
recognizes books by covers or popular songs, reads/listens attentively
imitates the actions of adults and playmates
can be taught childhood rhymes (”itsy bitsy spider”, “wheels on the bus”)
accessories: age 2 years + sippie cups, board books, crayons and scrap paper, finger paints, chalk
answers simple questions clearly and logically
can properly use possessive pronouns (”mine” instead of “mines”) and past tense (”gave” instead of “gived”)
enjoys singing, rhyming, and making up words
expresses feelings better verbally (frustration without tantrums)
count 10 or more objects; correctly label shapes and colors
can follow multi-step directions or instructions
developmentally, no longer requires use of pacifier (pacifiers are commonly used habitually until approximately 5 years of age)
greater independence from caretaker; may want to assist in “big” tasks (dressing/undressing, lacing shoes, etc.)
accessories: age 3 years + crayons, markers, coloring books, activity books, short story books, play doh
can hold a basic conversation or tell a simple story
speaks of imaginary conditions (”What if” “I hope”), but can tell real from make-believe
recognizes many or all letters and numbers in print, can write name
able to ask and answer “when?” questions
can utilize fork and spoon successfully; still needs larger foods cut up
potty training completed
accessories: age 4 years + baby dolls, fashion dolls, action figures, simple board games, puzzles, construction sets (legos or lincoln logs)
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This was created as a general guide to help age regressors learn more about psychosocial development at pre-school (and pre-long term memory) ages.
Don’t forget that your regression doesn’t have to fit “the norm”; just like in initial childhood development, everyone is different. You can, of course, use any toys or tools you feel are appropriate for your situation.
Let me know if you have questions, or want me to do a continuation with older ages. :)
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
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I got a new onesie off of Amazon and I really like it 🥺 it’s soft and extremely comfy
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
agere culture is getting upset & your brain just locks you in the baby zone until you calm down
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 ✨
🍼 “bababaaaaababababababaaaaaa”
⭐️ always sleepy
☁️ little baby noises ‘cause talkin’ is a lotta work
🌙 hold and rock me, p’ease
🍼 bottles and paCIS
⭐️ chewin’ on my fingers!
☁️ chewin’ on everything else too
🌙 nappin with your hands by your ears
🍼 baby babbles!
⭐️ moBILES
☁️ soft aesthetics
🍼 feet kicks
⭐️ warm blankies
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
A little tip to regressors of all kinds!
If you aren’t comfortable or too shy to explicitly state you’ve regressed, you can establish a keyword or add an emoji to your messages to signify you’ve entered your headspace!
For instance, I’ll message a friend “strawberry” or “bunny” to notify them I am regressed, or add a 🧸 to my messages!
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
—☆*・゜゚・*:things that don’t make your regression invalid🌈💫
☆ not having trauma
☆ your trauma not being as “bad” as other peoples trauma
☆ not wanting/needing regression tools like pacis
☆ not fitting into the stereotypical agere aesthetic you see on social media
☆ not regressing regularly
☆ not calling your cg names like daddy/mommy
☆ having trouble regressing most of the time
☆ voluntarily regressing as a coping mechanism
☆ voluntarily regressing for fun
☆ vent regression (formerly “impure” regression)
☆ not being able to get little tools
☆ not having a cg
☆ regressing to ages above 10
☆ being a minor who regresses
☆ not baby talking
☆ not knowing what ages you regress to
☆ being new to agere
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
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Flower Teddy ♡
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
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Kai agere stimboard for anon!
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
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jack skellington stim board ☠️👻🖤🤍
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
Some things NOT to do as a caregiver to a age regressor or syskid.
- [ ] swear at them
- [ ] call them annoying
- [ ] yell at them
- [ ] call them any bad names
- [ ] say someone is better than them
- [ ] say s*xual things to them
- [ ] hit them
- [ ] take away things they need
- [ ] ignore them
- [ ] take away comfort objects
- [ ] misplace your anger onto them
- [ ] call them things that make them uncomfortable
- [ ] do things that make them uncomfortable
- [ ] say that stuffies can’t talk
- [ ] insult their clothes
- [ ] say their “baby talk” is annoying
- [ ] say they’re stupid
- [ ] say their coloring or doodles are bad
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otterpopsforme · 3 years
Welcome to my new age regression blog!
To clear things up: age regression ≠ ddlg.
I am over the age of 18 and do not welcome minors for the simple fact that I do not feel comfortable interacting with minors under the age of 17, please respect this. Thank you.
A͟b͟o͟u͟t͟ m͟e͟:͟
My big age is 19 and my little age ranges from 4-8 currently. My pronouns are any but preferably they/them at the moment.
I use age regression to cope with c-ptsd, bpd, ASD, and anxiety. I’ve been doing it for about four years now but I stopped for a long time due to not feeling comfortable enough to embrace this. I’m back now because this coping mechanism genuinely helped me feel better and less stressed.
My triggers include: nsfw things, loud noises, aggression, large crowds, violence, g*ns, and paranormal things.
I would love to make new friends with both other littles and care givers alike! :)
Thank you for reading this! Sincerely,
Big C.
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