our-life-times · 2 years
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our-life-times · 2 years
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Life is like a book. Our life stories are shaped by the decisions we make, the people we love, and the paths we choose. We are the authors of our own stories, each pages and syllables that we poured into it potentially directing our path to certain plot. Life is like a book, it begins with a blank page and our youth is one of its chapter where we still have our freedom to fill each pages with sentences that we want, carefully crafting our journey with all protagonist and antagonist characters who appeared into our life. We don't know what tomorrow will take us to, but today holds the chance to create our own destiny. As we move through life, each page is a chance to learn, grow, and create something special.
Life is a book, and our youth is the pen. Let’s make the most of it and fill our pages with joy, adventure, and love. OurLifeTimes ask you to turn the page of life and discover the youth within! And yes, it's highly inspired by Time of Our Life; a youthful song released in 2019, written and composed with love by Day6. Our agency concept wouldn't happen without this song and we forever be thankful to Day6 for blessing our playlist and youth with their masterpieces.
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our-life-times · 2 years
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our-life-times · 2 years
One account per head, just take your slot with full of responsibility. Also since it's Closed Agency, no outsider allowed.
No twins allowed if they don't have it in real life.
We accept all star with 2005 as our minimum year of birth.
You're obliged to reach 50 tweets on first day of opening and 25 tweets for the rest of the days.
It may lead you to unverification if you didn't reach 25 tweets for a whole day without any notice.
Also it would lead you to unilateral unverification if you brought unpleasant discord and fights between internal or external parties.
You only can take hiatus for 2 days maximum.
During the stay, please do contact Kanaya, Kaze, or Ares to report immediately if there was a tweet from our member or admin themselves that you found insensitive/offensive in general. We expect it already solved privately before it got spreading out from our bubble without us knowing.
Also do inform us if your account got broken within 24h or we will unverify you right away.
No inside jokes and keep your tweets from NSFW topics including toning down the profanity in any forms.
Changing characters will be allowed after 2 days of verification until 2 days before closing down.
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our-life-times · 2 years
Stay tune for our registration form.
In form, submit your account username where it ONLY has @OurLifeTimes as your following list.
Retweet after you've filled the form.
After you're officially accepted, you can change your username into @(face claim with uppercase)pages. E.g KARINApages, WONPILpages, JAYpages.
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