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this was a great read. “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price
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maybe not the absolute best thing about les miserables the novel (it’s a long book) but the one that stood out the most to me and has remained with me most strongly is that when the book is explaining to us the plight of fantine, who basically like finds herself poor and knocked up bc iirc she hooked up with some fuckboy who was never gonna stick around, victor hugo really takes pains to be clear that fantine did a lot of really dumb shit. she made stupid ass choices. she was naive and impulsive and unwise and myopic. it’s not a story where a tragic heroine did everything right and still got screwed. but the moral argument put forth by, i mean, to some degree the entire novel but particularly (to my recollection) by this section is essentially like, isn’t it so fucked up that we live in a society where someone can be functionally condemned to a life of suffering for the crime of being a fallible human being in their youth? isn’t being young and stupid and getting to move on from that a human right that we are denying people? shouldn’t you be allowed to be kind of an idiot without ruining your entire life? it’s such a clearly and expansively empathetic view and it’s an idea that people obviously continue to struggle with based on Any Time Anything Happens Ever and also one that i feel like continues to be rare in narrative art or media, at least expressed this fully or strongly.
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The first link is a page six article from 2008
Response from Fraser's reps, trying to get the artists paid
Dave Rand's original tweet
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Overheard in a coffee shop, long conversation between two men about attempts to get more muscular (both were very tall and skinny) and one said to the other "I just wanna be that guy, you know? Like my friend needs his fridge moved and somebody is like 'awww man you're gonna have to call a moving company' and then my friend is like 'nah, man, I got my buddy Alex,' you know?"
What an absolutely adorable reason to want to be strong. Live your dreams, skinny man. Your body is thin but your heart is swole.
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My medieval servant boy has gone missing. I’ll just use Google to see if I can find him.
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I don't know who needs to hear this but you've probably got vegetables in your fridge that are starting to go a little off so you should probably plan on making a frittata or a pot of soup in the next couple days.
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Masha The Hero
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Titanic (1997) + letterboxd reviews
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Andrew Garfield: “To heal the most traumatic moment of his own life through doing it for his younger brother. Making sure that he didn’t have the same fate, there’s something cosmically beautiful about that. It meant getting a second chance at saving Gwen.”
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME (2021) dir. Jon Watts Screenplay by Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers
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i want to thank the 1920s-1930s third wheel who saw their two friends lying in bed together in their underwear and stocking garters reading a book with their legs wrapped around each other and said “i am going to take a photograph of this”
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I bloody love rereading mystery novels, particularly classic crime stories. Once I know the answer, I find it so enjoyable spotting the little clues the author left along the way. Lil’ treasure hunt, yes please.
I think it's a sign of good media when you have to reread or rewatch it to get the full experience. First time is for getting your brain blasted by the story and being confused second time is for knowing who's who and what's what and willingly getting your brain blasted again.
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