ourbts2013-blog · 6 years
doctor’s crush [ park jimin ff ]
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summary ; 
doctor park jimin was a very famous doctor . Once a patient who was hit by car was brought for surgery . When she woke up he realized she had amnesia . he took care of her and slowly fell in love with her .But not all stories have a perfect love............................................. 
“ doctor park we have a patient she is deeply injured ‘’ said miss anny. she was my assistant and was in her mid 30s. I got from my chair and followed her .  SHE led me to room no 45 . I went in to see a beautiful lady sleeping with pools of blood around her head .i admired her features .she was pale and skinny .her clothes were of light colors and she had small hands and a ring in the left hand. i quickly went in for the surgery . 
after some days i sigh in relief .. she is out of danger . the man who brought her here said that she was walking carelessly so she didnt see the car and she crashed with the car. he paid the bill and signed the papers and left. 
i shrugged of my thoughts when i saw she was opening her eyes. She tried sitting up but i held her , halting her movements 
‘’ where am i ?’’ she asked 
in the hospital ’’ i replied
she nodded and looked at me 
what happened with me’’ she asked , voice lacing pure innocence
‘’ you were involved in a car crash but now you are out of danger ..... so whats your name??’’ 
her small cute eyes widened . she seemed to think deep in her thoughts 
she started whimpering . she shuttered ‘’ i -i dont know’’  i sighed i could see this coming . she was hurt in the head so it is natural she can lose memory . 
my heart broke to see her pain . i dont know why but i slowly hugged her keeping her head on my tonned chest . she slowly hugged back .  she stopped when i said ‘’ so should i give you one’’ she looked at me and a faint smile crept its way on her lips. 
i thought until i saw a butterfly flew off from the window . i dont know why but i love them [ i am so sorry jimin ] 
‘’ nabi ‘’  i said . i could see the cute smile on her face it made my heart flutter
i think i like it’’ she said . i smiled at her . she looks very pretty . even though i dont know anything about her , i want to keep her by my side
but then my eyes landed on her ring . i cant help but feel sad. she belongs to someone else . how can i claim her as mine ? 
‘’ do you remember anything’’ i asked her . 
she closed her eyes and suddenly smiled after some time she opened her eyes . ‘’ yes ‘’ she said ‘’what’’ i asked curiously ‘’ the face of someone ‘’ i knitted my brow in confusion. ‘’ she continued ‘’ since when i am here i see the face of a little girl in my dream. she is very cute .i saw she was sitting on my lap and burried her head in my chest . i felt so good i want to see her in person ‘’ i smiled . then i remembered its time for her lunch so i bought her food
she tried to hold the food but she was too weak should i feed you’’ i asked .she nodded slowly and sat up . i chuckled at her eagerness . then i feed her the soup through spoon. i wished this moment never ended . i wished her husband never came . i wish she could fall in love with me ..................... but i am a doctor , i cant be selfish.
its been a week now my love for her is growing deeper and deeper . i was giving her injection for her better when she said 
‘’ jimin ‘’ i answered without looking at her ‘’ yes nabi ‘’ 
‘’ what if my family members dont come’’ i stopped my action and hugged her tightly . ‘’ if they care about you they will come ‘’ i could feel her smile 
‘’ thanks jimin i wont lose hope ‘’ i faked a smile and left as miss anny said i need to take care of another patient. 
the next day i came to see nabi reading a book i smiled at her and sat on the chair . she noticed me and kept the book aside. 
‘’ good morning jimin’’ she said with her usual bright smile . i replied with a good morning . 
‘’ jimin’’ ‘’ hmmm’’ ‘’ have you ever fallen in love ‘’ she asked i looked at her 
‘’ yes i had a first love or should i say crush’’ 
‘’ why crush’’ she asked 
‘’ because she is dead’’ i said slowly . her smile dropped 
‘’ she was my highschool friend. she was very playful and flirty . but she was very kind and had a big heart my face would go red whenever i saw her . but later she got cancer and died . i couldnt propose her . i still remember how she called me before her death but i never picked them up cause i was too heartbroken . but i am still guilty for not seeing her for the last time . maybe i could have lightened my heart by saying her what was in my heart.’’ then i continued ‘’ but now if i love someone i wont let her go without her knowing my feeling’’ 
she smiled and nodded ‘’ yes you should ‘’ 
suddenly miss anny came rushing towards us.
‘’ nabi there are people who want to see you ‘’ our eyes widened 
a handsome man stepped in 
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his eyes met nabi’s and he started tearing up ‘’ finally i found you seo-yun ‘’ 
i could see the big smile creeping on nabi no seo-yun’s face ‘’ yoo- yoongi’’ he jumped on her feet and ran to hug him . i felt sad but somewhere deep down i was happy . she pulled off and came to me ‘’ jimin i - i remember everything .. i was married and i have a daughter hayan ..yes she was the one i  used dream about ‘’ she ran upto yoongi ‘’ yoongi where is hayan .’’ 
‘’ she is sleeping . she was crying everyday seo-yun . i cant forgive for why i didnt go with you to the store to get items . but now that i found you , hayan will be so happy ‘’ said the man . ‘’ yoongi give us a minute ‘’ she said and yoongi nodded and went outside with miss anny. she came to me and held my hand ‘’ thanks jimin without you i wouldnt have made all these days thanks ‘’ she was about to leave when i held her hand and muttered ‘’ i love you nabi’’
she froze on her tracks and looked at me 
‘’ i am sorry . i knew you were married but that didnt stop me from liking you 
you said me to share my feeling with my crush before it gets late ‘’ her eyes softened ‘’ but maybe i am so worthless that i lost my love two times ‘’ she wiped my tears and spoke ‘’ jimin you are the best human so jesus wants you to wait for the girl with such purity . the thing is jimin we never deserved a person like you ‘’  i smiled at her attempt to cheer me ‘’ i guess yoongi is waiting for you ,you should go ‘’ i replied she smiled ‘’ but not before this’’ saying so she gave me hug .
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