ourovision · 7 years
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 R5 was pleased to find themself on stage again, surrounded by adoring fans. Maybe the killing game had all been a hallucination? But no, those fans weren’t real. This couldn’t be real, because there was a horrid noise coming from the speakers. It made it hard to think, process things, and they could barely even move as it grew louder. Realizing that this was, indeed, an execution, they started trying to rush from the stage, only to be greeted by a mob of fans showing off magnets printed with their logo, along with other merchandise. But the deadly memory altering device was the most terrifying. R5 instantly chose instead to rush back onto the stage, and into the backstage area, pursued by the crowd. 
The noise grew louder, and the crowd closer as they ran, and they struggled to keep ahead, stumbling a bit over all of the wires. They thought they had almost made it, seeing an exit door in sight, only to trip, snagging a wire hard enough to cause it to bust open and fray. It soon caught the pant leg of a concert-goer, starting a fire. None of the audience members seemed to notice, only continuing their approach, as water started pouring down from the ceiling; the sprinkler system. R5 tried to shield themself from the downpour, knowing it would damage them for sure, but the longer they stayed in place, the louder the noise got, and the closer the crowd. They panicked, starting to cower, as they saw that as the only option. Electricity travelled through the water, and shot into their system, causing pain in every artificial nerve end. They couldn’t walk any more even if they tried. The crowd caught up to them eventually, and they succumbed to it, being trampled as every little piece of magnet and beat of noise ruined their processors, as the crowd crushed their physical form. No doubt about it, they were dead.
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ourovision · 7 years
hasnt there been a exevution this chapter???
Yeah, there has been. We are in the process of getting the art done for the execution. When it’s finished, we’ll post it here and move to the next chapter. 
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ourovision · 7 years
monofile #2
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Victim: Koizumi Fujimoto, SHSL Fireworks Artist Cause of Death: Exsanguination Time of Death: 1:00 AM Time of Discovery Alarm: 7:00 AM Location of Death: Waterfall Area Location of Body Discovery: Forest
[ credit to ify for the art! thank you very much! ]
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ourovision · 7 years
with fading festival lights
“Ohohoho?! About time sssomeone ssstepped up to the plate and kicked the bucket from sssomeone’ss feet!”
If there was anything that one would not want to wake up to, it was certainly to the sound of the monochromatic snake being gleeful. Wakey wakey, big mistakey! The familiar sound of a notification from your watch should be enough to tell you that something has gone extremely wrong.
Especially with the additional body discovery jingle following after it too.
“And here I thought you little ssshitss were going to continue with this boooooooring ssshit of avoiding what the viewersss really want to ssee! Sssuuuuuuuure, punching the SSSHIT out of each other isss entertaining, but elimination isss where it’sss at! Who’d want to sssee a bunch of fucksss punch each other back and forth? Ssso tiring~”
It points it’s tail out towards the camera, as it aggressively rattles it.
“Aquariusss. Rylie. Calling you fuckersss out. Who the fuck wakesss up and fightsss at thisss hour? Sssome idiotsss you guysss are. Get sssomething better to do, like getting each other eliminated or sssomething. Ssspice thingsss up!”
Unfortunately this is the part where the snake wishes that it had arms to freely express it’s dramatic flair, but alas, things aren’t meant to be. How tragic! So instead of doing the impossible in it’s current vessel, it throws it’s head back a bit.
“But I JESSST! Congratulationsss to the killer! Now you’ve got to avoid being perssecuted by your peersss! Jussst like before, your watchesss have been updated with a file on our latessst victim of the sssection. Blah blah, you can asssk quessstionsss to me, the one and only Monocobra if you’re sssooo fucking ssstupid. Of courssse, we haven’t SSSPOILED anything MAJOR with thessse filesss! What do you think we are? Heathensss? Ssspoiling sssomething iss worssse than murder, you know! At least in my book. Kekekeke!”
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“Ssso run off and do your invessstigation ssshit you sssick fuckss! If you asssk me though, I think it’d be a good idea to get that girl down before you guysss proceed! Though if that’sss how you want to roll, that’sss fine by me! I’m in a good mood, sssooo having a girl hanging by her anklesss isss alriiiight with me!”
It loudly cackles once more before your watch screen turns off.
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ourovision · 7 years
morning strifes, morbid delights
It had been a couple of weeks on the island, everyone stuck in a haze of infatuation as they continued their battle for survival on this terrible show. People were growing more and more nervous as the days crept by, uncomfortable at the seeming lack of attention from HPC after their little trivia event (just what was going on in the other parts of the world, anyway?). Perhaps some thought that this would be it for the rest of their lives, the days blurring into a monotonous sequence-- gathering food on the island, sitting in the sand, waiting for a death that might never come.
On one such bright and early morning, an altercation struck up between Vee and Aquarius, for what seemed like the umpteenth time despite Vee’s broken arm and inability to really do much except stutter angry insults back at Aq. Rylie, a nearly omnipresent force near Vee since the beginning of the motive, cut in between them with a few angry things to spew at Aq-- just what gave that sleazy shitbag the right???
And before they knew it, Aq and Rylie were engaged in a physical tussle, one that ended up with both of them on the ground with Vee panicking over them. Maybe this is why HPC had left the contestants alone for so long-- entertainment like this was just too good to fabricate!
Aq sprang up and attempted to get the fuck out of dodge, but Rylie, tired of this same shit happening over and over, gave chase. Soon all three of them were running through the forest in a comical display of desperation. 
Rylie finally caught up to Aq, who had come to a complete standstill. He was moments away from hitting him again when he realized what Aq had stopped for. Vee, out of breath and sweating buckets, approached in time to see that the sudden halt in their argument....
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... Is from the body of Koizumi Fujimoto, a vine firmly tied around her ankles. A heavy metallic smell permeates the area. Her expression is one of pure and unfiltered fear, with her cloudy eyes wide with terror and her mouth ajar. There’s no doubt that her last ones weren’t peaceful. 
It’s unsettling, really, especially with all of that blood that stains a large part of her clothing.
(But who-- who’d do such a thing to someone so young...?)
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ourovision · 7 years
Happy Valentines!
After many long hot sweaty days on the island, the speaker system hidden in the trees and bushes crackles to life. 
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“Good morning, you ssshits!! I hope your island paradise has been just ssswell! Do you all know what day it iss? Haha, of course you don’t. It’ss Valentine’ss Day! In the ssspirit of Valentiness, we’ve concocted a new way for you all to sssuffer, with love. You’ve all been ssstruck with Cupid’sss arrow! You’ll now have sssomeone very ssspecial that will alwaysss be on your mind, no matter how far away or closse to them you get.”
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“Isn’t that so sweet! It’ll give some of you the opportunity to think about and maybe meet those you wouldn’t otherwise! Or maybe just someone the fans pairs you up with... it’s really cute how they’re all rooting for you all to be friends! What lovely fans we have!”
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“But that’sss not all, folkss! Along with that ssspecial sssomeone, we’ve alsso given you sssomeone to hate! It turnss out Cupid hass an evil twin who shot you up with an arrow too. While your mind is plagued with thoughtss of sssomeone, whenever you get near or think about a certain sssomeone else, all you’ll think about is how much you disslike that persson! We can’t have love without a little hate, now can we? Thiss will lasst until sssomeone dies, so get on that murder train! Choo choo!”
The announcement from the speakers end, and your mind is instantly flooded with these thoughts.
Please PM Mod Jay for the person you like/dislike!
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ourovision · 7 years
      Well that was a good way to start things off, huh.
It’s kind of sad that things turned out how they did, but I can see where the confusion came up. If she had just rolled up her sleeves, she would be alright, right..? 
The execution was… terrible. I can’t imagine the kind of person that would enjoy watching that, faked or not. It’s abhorrent. Though, I have my own reasons for keeping up with the competition, so I suppose I’ll have to grin and bear it…
It makes me think of if this was all real, how would people feel seeing it? Probably terrible- people pit against each other and forced to murder for a game, for some stupid wish… It’s bad. But when it’s fake, it’s a thrill to watch, I guess. TV is great at letting people see things without the consequences actually taking place.
Though, there are people around who think that the show might not be staged. They’re just weird conspiracy theorists, mostly, but I won’t say some of the things they say aren’t compelling… Groups are trying to complain and protest the show, but with how big and mighty HPC is, none of what they attempt really matters. It would be like a local grocery store trying to fight against a worldwide supermarket- futile at best.
Aquarius seems to be a fan favorite, there’s lots of zazzle shirts with quotes from him on them. I bought one. It was cute, I couldn’t help it… A landfill was named in honor of Fuka Fukuda, though I don’t know if that’s really an honor. Seems kind of rude. 
On the bright side, I bet the contestants would be happy to know that their works outside of this competiton are flourishing due to the publicity they’re getting. Like, I saw a group of people wearing kimonos designed by Masaki Sakae walking past my room. It was neat. A kid ran through the hall with a Gleb Sewick action figure… It had a button on the back you press and the arm moved like it was punching. It’s so surreal how the contestants have been dehumanized by viewers, as if they’re all characters and not real people.. Viewers have even been writing fanfiction..? It’s really bizarre and kind of uncomfortable for me to read, not going to lie.
      Guess all there is to do now is wait and see what happens next…
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ourovision · 7 years
A day or two after the horrific trial, it’s time to head out. You’re given a few hours notice to pack up whatever meager belongings you might have, and then you’re bustled off to the new location. For "safety purposes” that really just make you feel more like prisoners, everyone is blindfolded and their hands restrained, making the possibility of escape impossible. If anyone tries, they’re immediately sedated and arrive at the new setting still drowsy and unconscious. 
After an indeterminate amount of time on an awkward, confusing plane trip, you’re all marched out of the plane and lined up for the big reveal...
The weather outside is mild and a breeze blows against your face. The ground underfoot, for those who can tell, is uneven.... sand?
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“Look alive, you idiotsss! (Or not, if you prefer-- kekeke!) Thisss time, it really will be sssurvival of the fittessst!”
The blindfolds are removed and several gasps escape from the crowd as everyone takes in the view. It seems that you’ve all been transported to a desert island.
It occurs to most of you that you’re entirely screwed.
“Have fun eating ssshit, dumbasssesss!” 
Monocobra cackles, then slithers off through the terrain. Monodragon is assumedly out there somewhere too. 
Your luggage is dumped unceremoniously beside you, the HPC representatives shoving parcels into your hands as well. Everyone gets their own little bundle of... well, hopefully whatever it is will help you survive! If you’re one of the lucky ones.
Please PM a mod to see what items you receive in your care parcel.
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ourovision · 7 years
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ourovision · 7 years
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[sticks my leg out]
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ourovision · 7 years
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ourovision · 7 years
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Just when things couldn’t possibly seem worse, the screens in the hotel flicker away from the usual limited Animal Planet channel. For once, everyone is able to see the same broadcast as the rest of the world...
The scene opens up to one that the players will find very familiar indeed, with its warm lighting, imagined makeup and tech crew nervously dancing around just off screen. Refreshments and celebratory decorations sparkle in the background. It’s the same room that everyone was in when they had to give their interview, before they arrived in this tomb of a hotel, before they knew what the horrors of the final round exactly entailed.
And it’s Sachiko sitting in the chair. The same person who, just a few short minutes earlier, met the worst end imaginable. On the screen she’s clean and safe, clothes not riddled with knife gashes or seeping with blood, her hands fidgeting nervously as she’s encouraged to speak clearly in front of the camera.
In this moment, at least, she’s still alive.
The interviewer smiles.
“Do you think the talent you’ve been hailed for is accurate?”
Sachiko perks up, smile spreading across her features. “O-Of course! I-I-I don’t m-mean to brag, o-of course, b-b-but my experience a-and research i-i-in my field h-have been heralded a-a-around the world! I-It’s probably t-t-the one thing I-I’m p-p-proud of, i-if I’m being h-h-honest....”
“And it certainly is something to be proud of!” The interviewer nods, an attempt at reassuring Sachiko, perhaps quell some of her nervousness. “It’s a talent that’ll surely take you far... speaking of, what do you think your chances are of being the final competitor?”
"O-Oh, uh..." At the question, Sachiko pauses, tugging on one of her ponytails, nibbling at her lip. "I-I-I don't t-think I have... too m-m-much of a g-good shot. I-I mean, s-s-sure, I'm strong a-and all, but... I-I don't think... I-I'll win.
B-B-But! O-Of course, I-I-I'll still t-try my best! I... I-I-I'd do anything f-f-for m-my wish!"
"Your wish?” The interviewer is smiling again, tries to follow that line of thought. “Ah, would you perhaps.... throw us a scrap? We’re interested to know what you’re fighting so hard for!”
“Ah, w-well, i-i-it’s… p-pretty private, I-I’m sorry! I-I-I just, i-if I win, I…” Sachiko pauses, before smiling and closing her eyes gently. “I-I’d love f-f-for it to b-be a c-c-complete surprise!"
“A surprise indeed... well, there’s no shame in that. Tell me, we just have one more question, Miss Ryouichi...
Do you consider yourself a good person?”
“T-That’s a peculiar q-q-question, I-I guess. 
U-Um… I-I-I do, I-I think...
..... B-b-but that’s a m-m-matter of o-opinion!
I-I-I could be c-c-considered a v-very bad p-p-person....
.... if someone t-thought so.”
And with that, the TV screen cuts off abruptly, the image of Sachiko fizzling out along with it. Any attempts to turn it back on are met with futility. 
Perhaps some things just aren’t meant to be seen again.
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ourovision · 7 years
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CW; needles, arm trauma, general violence/blood
"SSSACHIKO RYOUICHI..... IS NOT GUILTY!!! Kekekeke! Now sssay goodbye, you horrendousss fuck-upsss!"
Sachiko is thrown into a dark room illuminated only around her. However, she herself didn’t appear able to even see her hand in front of her face; it appears it’s only illuminated so you can watch. She lets out a shriek as something shatters near her, and bits of broken glass embed themselves in her arm. She's breathing heavily, the blood soaking through her large, heavy sleeves as she tries to stand; in doing so, something else - a blunt, heavy object - is thrown at her, and she wails as it hits her directly in the back. She collapses again, and clutches desperately at the ground, clawing at whatever surface it is as laughter echoes throughout the room. 
 Suddenly, the lights flicker, soon turning back on only for you to see a knife shoot by Sachiko, grazing her cheek and clattering to the ground behind her. She lets out another scream, but this time she hurriedly covers her mouth with her hands, attempting to silence herself. She whimpers, bringing her hands up to rest behind her head, leaning down in an attempt to hide from whatever keeps hurting her. She continues whimpering, until she lets out a scream as a knife embeds itself in her side. She collapses on the ground, trying to pull it out, only to whimper quietly when she realizes she can't do anything. 
 Another knife hits, and another, and another, and her breathing grows hoarse and weak. She coughs, only to groan in pain, and suddenly, she could see again. Just in time to see a syringe roll into the tiny area of illumination, and she gingerly picks it up. She knows what it’s for. They were coaxing her into doing this. She didn’t deserve this, but once backed into a corner, there’s not much else that can be done. Her peers chose this for her. And so, she lets her sleeve roll down, and she stabs herself.
She collapses, torturously slow, the syringe still in her hand, small droplets of whatever poison was left over falling onto the floor. She felt the toxin start to take its effect, and she closed her eyes, and she paused, before her lips turned up in a smile. She smiled a sad, desolate smile, before coughing up a sickeningly large amount of blood, and her hand goes limp, the syringe slowly falling out of her grasp and rolling away from her.
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ourovision · 7 years
Monofile #1
As promised by Monodragon, a neat little app appeared on the watches, labelled Monofiles. Opening it brought up a picture of the scene, as well as some basic information.
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Victim: Batman Cause of Death: Exsanguination Time of Death:  11:30 pm Time of Discovery Alarm: 10:30 AM Location of death: Pool Location of body discovery: Pool
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ourovision · 7 years
Daybreak, Knightfall
It's just another day in the hotel, or at least it started that way. Various contestants woke up according to their own schedules and it was a quiet morning all in all. Chie decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet to get some swimming in, and headed towards the pool. Along the way she bumped into Sayuri, the two of the chatted for a while before deciding to head for the pool together. However, as the two of them approached, they clearly heard a scream in the distance.
The two girls took off towards the pool as fast as they could, and nearly ran into Rylie, who was standing in the doorway, a hand over his mouth. When questioned, all he could do was weakly point with his free hand. When Chie and Sayuri looked into the pool they were greeted with a horrible sight.
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The body of The Batman. AS the group stared, a cute jingle played over the intercom system, and everyone’s watches went off with a ping, as monodragon appeared on the screens.
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“Oh....It seems we finally have an elimination my dears...Congratulations, we can now move onto the investigation phase. In just a moment, a file will appear on your watches that will contain some basic information. The rest you’ll have to find out for yourselves! You’ll have a few hours before we move onto the trial segment. Good luck!”
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ourovision · 7 years
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                              “Your life is your own, okay?”
Enter modern-day Japan. Psychics, talented humans capable of detecting and warping the reality of our world, exist in small numbers. There’s no consistency with who receives the abilities, and usually they are weak examples, like slightly bending spoons, or incredibly lightweight telekinesis. However, there a few individuals truly gifted in their abilities. Hope’s Peak Academy has taken to psychics as talents which should be appreciated in tandem to the commonplace SHSL, and acted upon that ideal.
Moving and renovating the campus of Hope’s Peak to the center of a prominent city in Japan, they scouted both prodigy psychics and Super High School Level talents. There is relatively no conflict between the two classes, and the former has been dubbed, in training, as Super Psycho Students. SPS , as they are called, strive to be the best in their subsection of the practice, ranging from Pyrokinesis users to masters of Illusion.
However, recent minor earthquakes have shaken up many professional psychics as a being a bad omen for the future. Of course, most are frauds, so it’s hard to believe.
But what if there is truth to those words?
                                                     What if?
This role-play takes place in a combination of different areas yet to be revealed, revolving around themes of Mob Psycho 100 and DanganRonpa alike. The game will include 20 talented teenagers, and opens the field up to psychic talents, as well as normal SHSLs.
Mechanics of the game include:
Discord, room based rps and trials!
A descriptive combat system similar to Dungeons & Dragons!
Psychic abilities!
Lots of areas to explore!
Lovely art!…if that’s what makes you join a group.
Cool mods!
And so much more!
Applications are open until a date yet specified!
       Application Submitted FAQ Mods Hopeful Discord
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ourovision · 7 years
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getting some nasty files outta my folder
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