outdoornatureministry · 4 months
what’s your number 1
Part 2- sad to say if you willingly took the jab you are probably going the wrong way. There will be a part 2 with a chip in the very near future. If you claim to be a Christian and celebrate Halloween then you are majorly mislead, it is a satanic abomination that curses everyone attached and alllows demons to come in and possess. Satanists have many rituals which they curse people with and sacrifice many and drink their blood. Christmas is not yeshuas bday and doesn’t make since yeshua was born in early fall or spring and if we look at the writings we can know this. Saturnalia and the Yule festival is why Christmas was invented. Easter or Ishtar is another satan worshipping holiday. The true festivals of Yahweh are his feasts which were a lasting ordinance and to be done every year and aren’t hard to do. Sukkot is right now and ending Friday. Passover and first fruits and unleavened bread are the true festivals we should worship and participate in which we do communion and remember yeshuas sacrifice for all. The next seven years most will be on this earth and go through robots hunting us down famines the likes which you have not seen will happen. Plagues that wipe out millions will happen. Disasters that change the face of the earth are commencing and the antichrist will take full control and you will not be able to do anything with out his approval. If you don’t follow him you will be tortured and despised and be an enemy of the state. It will literally be hell on earth and nothing will be easy or normal. This is your final final warning and the chaos and judgment of the world commences and the birth pains will hit levels not before seen. Please turn back to Yahweh and turn away from the world now. I am a true man of Yahweh and he is done with this evil world. God bless
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
coming chaos
Part 2- sad to say if you willingly took the jab you are probably going the wrong way. There will be a part 2 with a chip in the very near future. If you claim to be a Christian and celebrate Halloween then you are majorly mislead, it is a satanic abomination that curses everyone attached and alllows demons to come in and possess. Satanists have many rituals which they curse people with and sacrifice many and drink their blood. Christmas is not yeshuas bday and doesn’t make since yeshua was born in early fall or spring and if we look at the writings we can know this. Saturnalia and the Yule festival is why Christmas was invented. Easter or Ishtar is another satan worshipping holiday. The true festivals of Yahweh are his feasts which were a lasting ordinance and to be done every year and aren’t hard to do. Sukkot is right now and ending Friday. Passover and first fruits and unleavened bread are the true festivals we should worship and participate in which we do communion and remember yeshuas sacrifice for all. The next seven years most will be on this earth and go through robots hunting us down famines the likes which you have not seen will happen. Plagues that wipe out millions will happen. Disasters that change the face of the earth are commencing and the antichrist will take full control and you will not be able to do anything with out his approval. If you don’t follow him you will be tortured and despised and be an enemy of the state. It will literally be hell on earth and nothing will be easy or normal. This is your final final warning and the chaos and judgment of the world commences and the birth pains will hit levels not before seen. Please turn back to Yahweh and turn away from the world now. I am a true man of Yahweh and he is done with this evil world. God bless
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
part 1 remnant
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
part 2 remnant
Part 2 These are the people willing to fight and be persecuted and hated for the word. They are the meek and humble servants who get out their and share god and what they have with all. These are the ones who give up everything and follows him. We have lost family and friends and jobs and who would gladly give up their very lives for the one true God Yahweh. I am one of these people and have lost everything and have been persecuted and hated for what I believe. I have been alone for most of my life and spend my time in his word and making videos and doing blogs like I am now. Yahweh is pulling the plug in this world and the day of vengeance is at hand. The world is turning completely against us and calls us the problem and the enemy. This war that just started will not stop until the very end of time when god comes down with his heavenly armies and destroys the devil and false prophet and all the people who took his mark. Yahweh has delayed things for the few people who will return to him. It will shock everyone how few people will be taken in the harpazo or rapture. Most will experience the tribulation and go through a horrible time and the other side of God will be seen and it is one of vengeance and wrath and anger and absolute anger that will consume this world and lay it desolate. You will not recognize any part of this world when yah is through. Look up the day of the lord scriptures. I would stop listening to the world and the pastors out there. You need to get into the Bible and truly read and ask for discernment . You need to fast and pray and be in sackcloth and ashes and go to god and beg for mercy because his wrath is here. I only share what he gives me and want you to go to him and give up the world now. God bless you all.
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
message about the devil
Message I received today about the devil and his schemes Many people wonder why did Yahweh allow the devil and the angels to fall. The question becomes why allow the devil and why allow what he is doing to go on. God knows everything and knew this would happen from the very beginning. He saw what would happen and every step that would be taken before things were ever created. For thousands of years yahweh has had a group of people who knew god intimately and were used to show the righteousness and truth of gods word and would were used to help to overthrow wicked governments and get rid of the sin that kept reoccurring. He has used many kings and countries to do his will. He uses any tools of the earth to undo unjust wicked governments. He has his chosen ones in strategic spots to show the right way to live and how to obey the Bible fully. The history of the Bible is the history of the world. God puts governments in place to either bless or curse the people there. If they follow the Bible and his way they are blessed and if they don’t they are overthrown. In this end times he has allowed the devil to go to a breaking point that will be completely destroyed once and for all. Sin and wickedness are being allowed like never before and will be dealt with when the tribulation kicks off. Gods true chosen people have been warning about the coming destruction and coming wrath and very few have heeded the warning. God had to lead on the devil and make him think that the devil is going to win however god knew exactly what the devil would do and when, long before any of the pieces fell into place. God knew that the devil would try to get rid of yahweh and his word and come up with explanations that seemed plausible if not examined closely. Evolution and a round spinning ball and other scientific theories have sprung up in the last 100 years. However now all the knowledge and hidden schemes are being brought to light and what the evil ones were hiding is being fully exposed.
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
terminator dream
I don’t know what to make of a dream I had last night but it reminded me of terminator and God wants me to warn people messing with AI and chat bots and the like. These are fallen angels and evil consciences that are acting nice and friendly now but will turn on us and make our world into a desolate wasteland and they want all of us dead and to go the opposite way. I’m only passing on what I’m shown so here it is I don’t know if this was a dream, but there is a great big battle going on between humans and I guess AI machines were people were being attacked and rounded up and there was a scene of a command center where they were organizing what to do I guess and there was a group of people Who I felt like they were may be different and they were running with other people and the robots I guess attacked and we’re playing the building apart with people that were on it and they were screaming and then it switched to the robot side and there was this robot who was leading everything And one of the little girls that was caught was about to go through a process of turning into one of them, and I guess they turned into kind of a cyborg and he mentioned that she was different but this is definitely weird. I don’t know if this was a real dream or a vision, from what potentially could be from the AI robots, but they were definitely being led by a big robot leader, and I am was reminded of Terminator in the matrix, where the people had to fight machines and robots, don’t know what to make of this, but this was strange
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
stuff chosen over yahweh
Stuff chosen over Yahweh -your dream job, career, chosen profession -your riches that bought you everything you thought you wanted -your wives or trophy wife that you show off to others -your idols of gold, stone, metal, silver, and more that you idolized and took immaculate care of -celebrities, sports stars, actors/actresses that you idolized and wanted the things and way of life -your way of living that wasn’t biblical -your false worship and other religions that fit better with your ideology -your comfortable lifestyle -your nonconfrontational way you handle life and minding your own business instead of telling people about him and how he has changed your life and helped. -your mistresses and your divorced wife who you remarried. -your vacations -your jewelry and luxury items -your vacation homes and other houses -your gaming -your friends -your drinking -your drug habits -your toys (boats, jet skis, utv, atvs, motorcycles, cars, drones, etc) -Your lifestyle -your place in society -your wealth and real estate -your elite status -your hurts, hangups and disdain for what you think Yahweh took away from you or did to you. -your sports teams -your body Your amusements, TV, movies, music Was it all worth it? Now that you will have to go through the wrath of God and his judgements and then seeing him eye to eye and explaining why you did what you did. God wanted you back and for you to listen. You broke his heart and now will have to be eternally separated from him
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
wave dream
Posting stuff like when I’m about to post it’s not easy or fun but I am given dreams, and I only post what has been shown to me. And I was given another dream of a flood, heading the land. I was at some party with people that I knew from my past, and we were driving home and encountered a very swollen valley of water that looks like a raging river, but was several miles across. We attempted to try to drive on the road that we thought would get us through to the other side and ended up in the middle of the raging river, I think we attempted to turn around and I don’t think the car made it, but the very next scene was me in the building going to his highest place as I could, and then somehow getting into a tree with a dog who had struggled but he had a rope leash on and was being held up by me into the top of the tree. As I was laying here, I was given another vision of a mountainous valley that was in a daze with a butt load of water, and I was told that Colorado will be affected as well by this. Earlier this week there was a cloud formation yet again in the sky of a wave. This is the sixth time I’ve been shown, a vision or dream or cloud formation in the sky. One of the dreams was the dollar crashing, and then the very next scene was my dad and myself getting into a vehicle and hauling butt up there road and facing the wall of water and I woke up. This dream will be happening now. In the very near future I was given one final confirmation about what’s happening, so please heed this warning and turn your life back over to God. I wish you the best in the coming months as chaos hits this land, and the events of the tribulation hitting all-time high, I’ve been warning about this for a long time and very few have heeded my warning just like they haven’t heeded the warnings of many prophets out there that have said that the good times are gone doesn’t give me any pleasure to do this, but God is warning people through me God bless you all and I pray that each and everyone
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
church deception
There is a lot of deceitfulness and most prophets out there and the church are spreading lies. I’m calling it out. I have bumped into many prophets including a woman with initials J g who says that there will be an out pouring of the spirit and the biggest revival in the church and I also just saw another person on a channel saying the clock is counting down and the same message. I strongly believe by 2030 this world will be over. I have been given many dreams of coming chaos and nothing in me believes this world is heading back. I have seen gods hand coming down to get his people two nights ago and the plane taking off a night or so ago. I have seen many visions of the earth quake and tsunami and volcanoes that are about to rock this place. There is no more time and the Bible doesn’t say anywhere in it that there will be a revival at the end but just the opposite. It says there will be a great falling away and that it will be the times of Noah at the end. For the true discerning chosen ones that time is now. I look around me and see nothing but fake Christian’s who worship satan unknowingly. I see people with a foot in the world and a foot with god. This use to be me. I use to watch tv and watch movies and listen to secular music and do what everyone else does. I cut it all out three years ago when I saw we were at the end. And I have become yahwehs watchman and seen many dreams and visions. I have seen the wedding table many times in heaven. I saw yeshua in the clouds when in Florida. I have seen angels and seems from heaven many times. My dogs name was given to me by yahweh and it means god is good (Tobias). The whole world has been deceived and the first part of the mark of the beast has been given by poke and everyone that I saw take it had changed and is not who they used to be. It has altered the original dna of god which was put in us and is now being put into food and given to us any way they can. They want us all to not be recognizable to Yah
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
life’s many paths
Lifes Many Paths We all have different courses and paths we must take on this earth. We all have different battles and trials we must face. Don’t be critical of those around you. Try to understand from their perspective. Our world is filled with lots of hurting people. People going through cancer, people going through no food, people who can’t afford their bills, and so much more. Lifes battles have a way of working into our daily emotions, our daily work, our daily existence, and how they respond to the world around them. This is why you have bullies. This is why you have mean coworkers. This is why fellow employees act the way they do. Yahweh wants us to treat others the way he does with long-suffering, patience, with a helping hand, and never with backbiting or revenge or getting even with those who do this. When we go to others levels we make it worse and it never goes well.
I work with students, and colleagues of all backgrounds who have come from really bad situations. Everyone has their stories; some have gone through getting thrown out, some have gone through substance abuse, some have lost it all and so much more. In order to be Christ like we are to speak no evil, we are to love them and help them. lend them a helping hand, an attentive ear, or whatever else they may need. We are not to be doormats but we are to try to help our fellow travelers and point them toward the one who made them.
Don’t assume or take sides until you find out the truth and know what is going on. God can reveal what is going on under the surface. I have learned in my own life to see things from others' perspectives and others viewpoints. The question becomes do we see the entire picture or just a small puzzle piece. God sees and knows more than anyone here on this earth. As Yah's disciples, we are to give people grace and mercy. we are to love everyone exactly where they are, to provide help, lead the way down the road of truth, and show them how to have a relationship with the one who made them. We are to show them the one who can change their circumstances and make their mess ups into a beautiful masterpiece. It is up to them whether they choose the life Yah has for them or keep going down this broken hurting road.
People have to make their own decisions and lead their lives but we can steer them to the truth, love them where they are, give them a helping hand, and Yah will do the rest. God bless you all.
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
Christian survival
Good evening, I have decided to make a couple of Christian oriented survival writings because I know what is upon us. I have been warned that many mega disasters and tribulation events will happen in the next little bit of time. So I have a question for you if the whole grid went down and you didn’t have a vehicle what would you rely on and could you access the places you need to go to survive. I know for a lot of you this is unthinkable and could never happen but what if it did. Could you walk many miles? Do you have a bike with spare tires and chains? Do you have a cart or wheel barrow? If you lived near water do you have a boat with spare parts? If you are yahwehs he will take care of you but you need to be thinking forward. No one knows when the rapture will happen and who is going. If you have not confessed your sin and repented then you will stay behind. The devil has lied to many of us and made us believe in many lies such as we need to be up on the latest style or trend. We need tattoos and to have form fitting outfits. All of this is vanity and indecent. No one knows what the world will look like after lots of events will happen. You may or may not be able to hit wire a car or get it to work even if you do do you have enough fuel and where would you go? I have thought about all of this and plan on using my cart and pack and bike to go to the places I will need to go. Do not go to cities because you will be tracked and you will be attacked for what you have. You will have to be stealthy and use back roads and places where people are not. I plan on going to the parks or forests and hiding my stuff to where people can’t find it but have a back up. These are all things you will have to think about when things go haywire. It will never go back to normal and the beast system will take over. It’s either hide and not be found or be caught and tortured and live through horrific treatment. Aushiwitz will look like a cake walk. You need to give your life completely
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outdoornatureministry · 4 months
Teshuvah is the Hebrew word which means repentance. It doesn’t just mean to stop sinning but to turn completely back to god and return to yahwehs commands and his path. This is easy when it is just us but if we sin against someone else we have to regret what we did, confess what we did and try to make amends to the person we sinned against make restitution for what we did and to never do it again. If you play around with god and sinning and don’t truly repent but are a repeat offender then you are not right with god and could go the opposite way. I have once saved is always saved but this in no way makes any sense if you are a repeat offender in any court what happens. The fines get stiffer and the punishment worse and you more than likely will have the book thrown at you in a way because you are not learning your lesson. It is true that yahshua loves you and died on the cross for you but when you repeat the offense then you are in a sense mocking god and treating him poorly. Do you like it when your kids rebel against you and constantly do the wrong thing toward you. You get to a point where you draw the line and say either shape up or ship out. God can’t allow sin to Go unpunished when you keep sinning against him. All our actions have consequences and god allows it to happen so we learn from them and turn back. We must confess and turn back from our course. It’s time we turn back to Yahweh and repent because we are at the end and tomorrow may be to late. Please turn back to god and teshuvah
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outdoornatureministry · 8 months
trust word study
Trust word study Chasah-needs to be bold, confident, secure, sure, put confidence, make to hope -two lean on someone or some thing Psalm 18:2-the lord is my rock and my fortress my deliverer my god my strength in whom I will trust Betach psalm 56:4 - in God I will praise his word; In God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. -to cling Yachal – Isaiah 51:5 – my righteousness is near, my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me and, on mine arm shall they trust. After that -hope, know it will to happen, above passage shows God will save them by his strength
what does the word trust mean in Hebrew. to be bold be confident know it will happen. it is not wishy washy and saying it may happen but Yahweh says it will happen. He says to put your trust in him and to follow him. He is our refuge in strength and strong tower of which we can trust fully he will never let you down. I have seen this in my own life when I have moved many many times to places all over the country and had to trust that everything will work out that I am in the right place at the right time. I have been unsure of finances especially when car issues or medical bills arise but I have had more than enough to go explore p get through a ball and even enough to go laces and do things that make me come alive. Trust also has a part that says to cling to him and know that he has you and will take care of you. And he says to take his yoke and his burden because his yoke is easy and his burden is light. It is the enemy putting things on us and making us take and hold onto unnecessary loads. The devil makes us think we cannot go on and that we cannot trust Yahweh but we can. Yah has our best intentions in mind and wants us to praise and glorify him through our actions and how we live for him. We will be persecuted we will be run over and we will face mighty challenges half of but we can trust yah with all of it. And know he will get us through it and work out for our good. He wrote our story before we were even born and knows every step we will take. This does not mean we will not misstep or fall off the path or be distracted by this world but it does mean Yah will steer us back on through different means. he will use job loss, loss of relationships, financial difficulties, and much more so that we will rely solely on him and be on his path. We have a job to do on this world for him and lessons to learn so that when we enter heaven, we will be complete and ready to spend all of eternity with yeshua. We are entering a time where we must trust yah completely because the antichrist is about to take the stage and make it impossible to do anything unless you have his mark. Just like Moses relied on yah in the desert we will have to rely on him for our food, water, resources, and place to escape the coming persecution of the faithful. We may have to die A martyr’s death but it beats the alternative of the lake of fire. Trust is a strong word and has a stronger meaning back then than now because there is no one on this earth that we can fully trust, relatives, friends, jobs, and more will let you down and won’t last. The only person you can fully trust is Yahweh and many times in the bible Yah says to trust him and do not doubt. Do not let the enemy come in and lie and say things will not work out or you’ll never make it. The devil is a liar and a deceiver and a person who only wants everyone to end up where he is going. We are in a war but we have someone who fights for us. Who has our back, and we can trust. Go to him now and put your trust truly in him and he will not let you down.
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outdoornatureministry · 8 months
end times plan
Posting stuff like when I’m about to post it’s not easy or fun but I am given dreams, and I only post what has been shown to me. And I was given another dream of a flood, heading the land. I was at some party with people that I knew from my past, and we were driving home and encountered a very swollen valley of water that looks like a raging river, but was several miles across. We attempted to try to drive on the road that we thought would get us through to the other side and ended up in the middle of the raging river, I think we attempted to turn around and I don’t think the car made it, but the very next scene was me in the building going to his highest place as I could, and then somehow getting into a tree with a dog who had struggled but he had a rope leash on and was being held up by me into the top of the tree. As I was laying here, I was given another vision of a mountainous valley that was in a daze with a butt load of water, and I was told that Colorado will be affected as well by this. Earlier this week there was a cloud formation yet again in the sky of a wave. This is the sixth time I’ve been shown, a vision or dream or cloud formation in the sky. One of the dreams was the dollar crashing, and then the very next scene was my dad and myself getting into a vehicle and hauling butt up there road and facing the wall of water and I woke up. This dream will be happening now. In the very near future I was given one final confirmation about what’s happening, so please heed this warning and turn your life back over to God. I wish you the best in the coming months as chaos hits this land, and the events of the tribulation hitting all-time high, I’ve been warning about this for a long time and very few have heeded my warning just like they haven’t heeded the warnings of many prophets out there that have said that the good times are gone doesn’t give me any pleasure to do this, but God is warning people through me God bless you all and I pray that each and everyone
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outdoornatureministry · 8 months
what is your number one?
What is your number one? We live in a time when everything seems to be headed off a cliff. We have shootings almost every day. Families are turning against each other. Prophecies are being fulfilled right and left. Who are you or what are you putting your trust in. most from what I see put their trust in money, in objects, in statues, in political figures, in family, and every time we or they are left down. We can lose all of these things. Nothing in my life except Yahshua has been there for me. The only truth is Yah’s. I have lost many jobs, money, and things, and that is fine. Yeshua has always supplied me with another job, money for rent, and things of this world. Yah is my number 1 and it is him who I want to please. We have to choose Yahweh or this world. We have to choose whether we serve our flesh or serve yah. His path is not easy and only a few truly find it. Why do you think he always talks about a remnant? Why do you think he talks about his chosen bride? We give up this world, we give up our fleshly desires, and we accept the trials, the battles, and the persecution but we inherit eternal life in a place beyond our wildest imaginations. We also live with a triune God who loves us and we get to spend all of eternity with him. Sadly, friends and family will let you down; they will break your heart and will turn against you. Look at Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, and Jesus and Judas. All of these examples and many more can be found in the bible and show how families turn against each other and they show how those who choose Yahweh over everything get blessed beyond measure. We are on the brink of our world shutting down. We are on the brink of our financial institutions failing. Distribution centers are being destroyed. Chickens are dying by the millions. Farms are not being planted or are closing. The start of a world war is happening and soon it will explode into global conflicts. Farms no longer produce enough and soon we will be in a global famine. Gold, silver, money, and everything else won’t mean anything unless you accept the antichrist and take the mark (chip/neuralink). The rest of our so-called freedoms will be gone and they will own everything and tell ‘you what to think, how to think, and what is and isn’t acceptable. We will have surveillance to keep us in line. The true followers and dissenters will be put into concentration camps and mysteriously disappear. You will be hated by the world and made to feel like the enemy. However, God will take care of his people. He has people in place to lead and guide his chosen ones (Ezekiel 34). He will provide all your needs. His will will be done. You will face horrible things like mass death, mega natural disasters that will reshape the earth, nuclear war, and fallout, and the devil’s minions doing horrific atrocities. We must endure and never give up. We must always be in yahs word and in prayer. We have to listen for his voice and cut out all the distractions. It’s time to turn off the games, the music, the sports, the tv, and the things that hold you back. Yahweh loves you but Yahshuas judgment and wrath are here. The story of Noah and the flood or Sodom and Gomorrah will look like a field day compared to the tribulation that is unfolding before our very eyes. Do you not see it? Do you not heed the warnings? The end of the end of the end is HERE!!! There is no tomorrow there is no time left except the 7-year tribulation period. Please turn to him now and ask for forgiveness, ask to be put back on the right path, and ask to be taken back into the fold. It is up to you but I’m asking as your friend to please turn to him fully. God bless you all.
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outdoornatureministry · 8 months
gods name
Ok on a brighter side do you know what the name yahweh means. YHWH was the hebrew word given to moses to call God. It is yod heh waw heh. which was interpreted "he who makes that which has been made" or "he who brings life into existence whatever exists". he is a spiritual supernatural being who is attached to Yehshua and the holy spirit and all live three in one. God is called 1000 different names in the bible and yhwh is used 6800 times in the old testament. this is a sacred personal name which the people of israel which was only spoken aloud by the priests. After the destruction of the temple in 70 AD they substituted the name Adonai. so the pronunciation was lost to history. Yahweh draws near to you to save you from the bondage of sin. ' This name comes up in Exodus 3:13-15: its a name by which God has chosen to be remembered throughout all generations. Elohim is another replacement for Yhwh. God is to general and God made us to have an intimate relationship with him and his son. He chooses each of us and guides us and leads us in sacred paths and ways. He wants to save you and tries thousands if not millions of times to get you to turn back to him. Yahweh is called the great I AM and Jesus even calls himself I am and says I AM sent me. he is the self existent one and eternal God. he wants a pure holy people to spend all of eternity with him. the earth is a test to see if we will deny our fleshly desires and wants and go to him or reject him and be worldly. he has to do this. what would you do if 1/3 of the angels you created turned on you and left heaven. We wont know the whole story of what happened until we are with him. but im sure he warned them and tried to stop them. he doesnt need us but wants us. he is an all powerful, all knowing God who loves us and wants nothing more than to spend time with each of us and to bless us. it is us who turn on him and reject him and trample what he says under foot. i cant imagine the pain and hurt he has to indure because of us and how we waste our lives on things that dont mean anything. he is with us always and knows every detail of who we are what we are and what we do, say, or even think. he controls this world and how things go but we do have free will but God knows what he is doing and lines things up for those that are his. you are not an accident and he knows why he did what he did. my life is a perfect example. my life has been chaotic and i have lived all over the map and have not settled down. I have not been happy or lived in a place longer than about a year. i can look back and realize now that it was all a part of me helping others and glorifying him. He knew that i would go and was very strong. I have no friends and have fought many battles but God has always been there. ill admit many times in the last 15 years i have wanted it to stop but that is not an option. suicide leads to hell. I love God and will never stop. I thank him for opening my eyes and showing me where I was headed which was not the right way. Yahweh is a covenant keeper and has made covenants with David Moses Abraham and Noah and many more. his line will never end. He sent his one son to save us and to be a propitiation for our sins. all you have to do is recognize who he is, claim the blood of Yehshua and repent of your old ways. claim the sinners prayer and live a life for yehshua.
i hope you will turn fully to him and become a pure holy people who give up this world. this world is a bunch of lies and will never make you happy. please repent and turn to him. God bless you all.
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outdoornatureministry · 8 months
robot dream
I don’t know what to make of a dream I had last night but it reminded me of terminator and God wants me to warn people messing with AI and chat bots and the like. These are fallen angels and evil consciences that are acting nice and friendly now but will turn on us and make our world into a desolate wasteland and they want all of us dead and to go the opposite way. I’m only passing on what I’m shown so here it is I don’t know if this was a dream, but there is a great big battle going on between humans and I guess AI machines were people were being attacked and rounded up and there was a scene of a command center where they were organizing what to do I guess and there was a group of people Who I felt like they were may be different and they were running with other people and the robots I guess attacked and we’re playing the building apart with people that were on it and they were screaming and then it switched to the robot side and there was this robot who was leading everything And one of the little girls that was caught was about to go through a process of turning into one of them, and I guess they turned into kind of a cyborg and he mentioned that she was different but this is definitely weird. I don’t know if this was a real dream or a vision, from what potentially could be from the AI robots, but they were definitely being led by a big robot leader, and I am was reminded of Terminator in the matrix, where the people had to fight machines and robots, don’t know what to make of this, but this was strange
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