outlaw-gold · 6 years
full offense, but does it ever hit you in the god damn gut that tony stark, protector, knight in shining armor tony stark –
mister “i saw young americans killed by the very weapons i created to defend them and protect them,” mister “i’m trying to protect the people i put in harm’s way,” mister “i hope i can protect the one thing i can’t live without,” mister “i see a suit of armor around the world,”
the guy who answers for his most paternalistic acts (like wanting to keep pepper and wanda locked in a mansion) with “i can’t protect you out there” and “i did it to protect you,”
tony stark, whose gradually worsening mental conditions show in his progressively more backwards, desperate attempts to protect people, tony stark who’s been trying to protect people to the point of harmful consequences,
that tony stark
is the single character
in the entire mcu
who has been accused
– by friends, enemies, and civilians alike
in every movie he’s been in –
tony “i shouldn’t be alive” stark, tony “i’m not the hero type” stark, mister “you deserve better,” “you’re right, i don’t deserve her,” “it’s me, you’ll think of something [to complain about],” “you’re in a relationship with me, everything will never be okay,” “i saw them all dead, felt it, because of me,”
tony stark, who shoots his reflection and views himself as a “monster” and openly resents himself during his speech about charles spencer, THIS TONY STARK
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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Licia Ronzulli, member of the European Parliament, has been taking her daughter Vittoria to the Parliament sessions for two years now.
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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It’s nice that he seems not at all bitter.
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
Barba called Benson “Olivia” at the end of the 14th season in the Her Negotiation episode. He then called her “Liv” in quite a few episodes. But it took Benson until season 18, episode 15, Know it all, for her  to call Barba “"Rafael.”
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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this is a thank you for 400+ followers! All the content I’ve seen for these two is always absolutely amazing, continue being wonderful! Thanks again for following <3  
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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Edit by @summermint.
Inked - Part II of the Skin Deep Series
Stepping through the door, his mouth was already open to launch into his tirade.
It stayed open.
But not a single noise came out.
Carisi stood to the side, locker door open and eyes wide.  
Shirt open.  
Shirt off.
One arm was in its sleeve but the rest of the shirt was hanging from his body.  His pale, bare body.  The body with more muscle than Rafael has previously imagined, toned and slender from the shallow valley between his pectorals to the deep slant of his hipbones.  Ridges of sinew in between that made every word he’d imagined lobbing at Carisi fly from his head.
The most shocking image, of course, was the tattoo covering the expanse of his ribcage and curling around his chest.
Coming tonight.
Stay tuned.
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
“It could be Raul Esparza’s last season, a set up for his departure”
I don’t fucking think so. SVU will be cancelled they can try it if they want to
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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11 Characters I Loved in 2011 ↑ Ben “Human Disaster” Wyatt | Parks and Recreation
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
One of the funniest fucking things about Kingsman: The Secret Service is that at one point Harry has to go on a mission in Kentucky and he tells Eggsy to just wait at his house and he’ll be right back.
They’re in England.
He’s going to Kentucky.
Do you know how long the average flight time from England to Kentucky is?
That’s not even factoring in delay and wait times, or the times of the actual mission, or the prep time for the mission, or sleeping and eating time.
So Harry is telling this kid to just sit around his house for a good day and half, acting like it’s only gonna be a few hours, and either Eggsy doesn’t understand travel times, or he has literally nothing better to do with his life, because he does it unquestioningly, like the absolute madman he is.
Not only this, but he sits in Harry’s office and watches the whole mission via the video feed sent to Harry’s laptop from his glasses. Like, how long was he watching? Did he just sit there with a bag of popcorn as Harry walked around airport terminals and stared out the window of a jet? I need answers!
Harry doesn’t make it back after the mission, so it only would end up being like ¾ of a day, but still, what the fuck?
The best part is that absolutely none of this is addressed in the movie at all, and the way the cuts are set up it looks like it took Harry like an hour to get there and Eggsy just sat at his desk the whole time. Now, you can talk to me about James Bond style tech and private jets and shit all you want but as far as we can tell, Kingsman only has the same kind of flight tech as the rest of the modern world, so it would only cut it down like four or five hours at best.
So Harry’s still telling this kid to chill at his house for a whole day at least.
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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Insp: X  X 
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
Hi there, what are your top 10 films that are a must watch for any colin firth fan? Thanks!
hey anon, honestly it’s really hard for me to choose only 10! There are soooo many great colin movies, but anyway I managed to put my top ten, here goes…
1. The King’s Speech
Obviously this would be number one. Somehow I’ve become rather attached to King George VI after watching this (Colin is really that great ok) that it’s hard for me to watch The Crown because I don’t want to see him die.
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2. Kingsman
This is the movie that got me on board the Firth train. I mean, Colin Firth as a debonair british gentleman spy? count me in every time.
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3. A Single Man
Probably my favorite movie of all time. Colin plays an english professor who recently lost his longtime partner and fell into depression. Truly a cinematic masterpiece by Tom Ford.
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4. Mamma Mia
I mean the gif says it all…
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5. Bridget Jones’s Diary
First discovered Colin while watching this movie. A must watch for every colin fan! I personally don’t like the second movie, but totally in love with the third (Bridget Jones’ Baby).
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6. Pride and Prejudice
No other words for this other than Mr. Darcy with his dark, smouldering look and fluffy hair
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7. Another Country
A colin firth classic I suppose. The movie is basically about the situation in a british boarding school in the early 20th century, where the main character is a gay man. And there’s baby colin in all his glorious fluffy hair lol  
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8. What a Girl Wants
Imagine colin in a tight leather pants dancing in front of a mirror.
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9. Valmont
A rather different take of Dangerous Liaisons (a.k.a Les Liaisons dangereuses). Colin plays Valmont who is a super charming french womanizer!
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10. Apartment Zero
Another favorite of mine. I like the story and it has a super twisted and creepy ending.
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There it is anon! I have so many other favorites, like Conspiracy, The Secret Laughter of Women, The Important of Being Earnest, Relative Values, etc, etc, etc. But if you’re a firth beginner, check out those ten movies and let me know what you think!
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
reasons why colin firth is The Worst™
incredibly tall
made up of 80% legs, 10% torso, 10% curly hair
super in love with his wife of almost 20 years
great dad to all three of his sons
probably smells really good
incredibly humble and awkward about (entirely warranted) attention
plays the guitar with his freaking perfect hands
just really has the best hair ever
his attempts at american accents aren’t cringeworthy…they’re actually quite cute
eyes are basically melted chocolate
has a great, varied taste in music
at one point drove his sons to school in a prius & that’s just really sweet (^read the transcript)
literally sets my panties on fire when he wears his glasses
one word: gentleman
has truly gotten more handsome with age, which is entirely unfair 
plays some of the most repressed gentlemen in cinematic history, but is actually a Huge Dork™ in real life
self-deprecating in the cutest way possible
wears a sweater like nobody’s business
owns a cat named after joan collins
is incredibly concerned about the environment and is a huge humanitarian
hip to shoulder ratio is GOLDEN
smiling colin = eye crinkle colin
really cute dimples that you could probably eat ice cream out of
painfully precious whenever with a baby
when he cries, you cry
took time off from acting to be a carpenter in the canadian wilderness
has the most ridiculous hand gestures when he’s telling a story
he once made a cantankerous pig fall in love with him
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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“A gentleman is always happy to serve, whether it’s opening the door, picking up the bill, or merely calling a cab the next morning. Ask him for help and he cannot refuse”.
“The Gentleman’s Guide”
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outlaw-gold · 7 years
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a follow-up to this monstrosity:
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outlaw-gold · 8 years
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