outlawandorder · 8 years
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outlawandorder · 9 years
If you hold me now and leave me never, Say you’ll stay with me forever Then I surrender, surrender...
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outlawandorder · 9 years
surrender (finale drabble)
She was so tired, and it was all his fault.
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Who knew that a purely instinctive kiss on their first encounter would lead to this, the breakdown of her character? Morty had saved her life not once but twice, and still Elise occasionally found herself grazing slender fingers over her lips, as if willing back the feeling of that first intimate contact...
She was cold, strong, and sadistic. But despite her best efforts to maintain her cruelty, Morty was slowly cracking her icy exterior, chipping away at her rigid resolution with frequent gifts, visits, and smiles (Oh, how she loved those smiles).
Elise still maintained her pride, so she would never tell Morty exactly what effect he had on her, even though anyone could note the subtle changes in her behavior. Her once alert eyes now stared right past some criminals, glazed over as if they were focused on a grander image. The officer went out on patrol less often, she went shopping for the holidays, and she even paused to drop Mrs. Slater’s case files off for the gang member whom she had terrorized in the past. The files wouldn’t help Faust much, but she hoped that he could see the extensive amount of research that she had poured into locating the killer, whom she never really found in the end.
Elise relaxed her iron grip on the law, becoming softer and more bored as her days in Lumiose wore on. It was all starting to feel like a routine: catch stupid criminal, jail stupid criminal, rinse and repeat. The buildings, roads, and alleyways all started to blend together...and it was his fault for making everything else seem so boring. 
The officer let her guard down more and more until she was walking through her patrols like a robot, issuing the same orders and punishments to every wrongdoer she blindly stumbled across. Looker eventually caught her in this oblivious state, and she remembered smiling as he placed the handcuffs around her wrists. Her former mentor had outsmarted her with his patience after all...perhaps Elise still had much to learn.
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It was torture to sit through all of the legal proceedings that followed her arrest, but her icy glare made conversations and negotiations blissfully short. The condemned officer was to spend life behind the other side of the cell for her crimes, but Elise always had a plan. She could not waste away in jail, even with new senses of fatigue and longing weighing her down. The caged-up Elise would fight back one night, calculated as ever, her sword slicing through the darkness one final time. 
The only things that Looker found upon entering his student’s cell were the officer’s famed sword and cap, laid out neatly on the cushioned bench. He decided not to chase her further. 
She had nowhere to go.
“Thank you for riding the Battle Subway today. I am the Subway Boss, and I will choose the next destination...”
The carefully-rehearsed lines fell on deaf ears as the quiet, blue-haired woman boarded the subway late, the automated doors sliding shut behind her. Before the Subway Boss could complete his usual enthusiastic announcement, the stranger held up a hand for quiet, her icy blue eyes making Ingo shudder with their intensity.
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“I don’t want to battle you. Is this the train to Anville Town?”
Ingo shook his head ‘no’ and the annoyed woman sighed, long blue tresses shimmering on her back. Without a word, the Subway Boss opened the doors for her and she swiftly departed, her boots clacking on the concrete. Somehow, Ingo could tell that this no-nonsense stranger was not to be trifled with.
Safe travels! he wished silently, watching the woman stride confidently towards the correct train, her departing figure growing smaller with distance.
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outlawandorder · 9 years
“You’re nothing more than a liar!”
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Elise merely laughed as Faust finally seemed to crack under her pressure, his golden eyes darting frantically between the officer and his gun. As the gang member justified his statement hotly, the policewoman rolled her azure eyes and hid another smirk with her hand.
"Why should I worry about convincing you?" Elise murmured coldly, reaching down to delicately pluck Faust's gun from under her boot like a weed, mindful of her suspect's hyper-aggressive attitude. "You should be thankful that I'm even offering you this chance at closure...especially after you pointed this pathetic toy in my face."
Elise emptied the bullets from the clip inside the arm, tossing the emptied gun at the criminal's feet with a shake of her head. This is no ordinary criminal scum, she thought to herself analytically as she continued to stare Faust down with those piercing blue eyes. He probably has a backup clip somewhere on him. People like him always do.
A twisted grin emerged on Elise's face as she nodded towards the weapon, almost daring Faust to pick it up. The golden-cased bullets from the clip glistened harmlessly on the grass around her. How far can I push you before you break completely? she wondered to herself gleefully, watching Faust closely to see how he would respond. Let's find out...I hope you still have a little fight left in you.
"Before you consider shooting me again, consider this..." Elise began with a dangerous look on her face, eyes narrowed in warning. "If you kill me, you will never find out anything about your mother. I would not lie about knowing of her case. Oh, and..."
Elise suddenly strode forward, completely disregarding Faust's weapon as she boldly grabbed a tuft of the gang member's hair, wrenching his head upwards to stare into those golden eyes. 
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"If you kill me, I will make sure you die. I will make sure you are hunted all of your life, and you will be reminded that you weren't strong enough to beat me on your own," she hissed, releasing her grip and shoving Faust away just as quickly as she had grabbed him.
Turning on her heel and yet still keeping an eye on the criminal over her shoulder, Elise simply laughed as she started to head back towards Lumiose.
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"I guess I'm letting you off with a warning, Faust Slater. However, if you want to find closure for you and your mother, I suggest that you follow me," she murmured tantalizingly, already taking strides back into town. "You will put your gun away and walk with me if you choose to do so. Believe me or not, I'm the only one who knows about your mother's case..."
"...and I'm the only one that can help you finally put a close to it."
You Should've Killed Me When You Had The Chance // Faust & Elise
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outlawandorder · 9 years
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「エスデス」/「銓(chaun)」のイラスト [pixiv]
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outlawandorder · 9 years
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outlawandorder · 9 years
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outlawandorder · 9 years
Suspect: Name Unknown
Crime: Robbery and fleeing from the crime scene, assault…
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Elise smirked as she took a cursory glance at her Holo Caster, ready to track down her latest suspect. There had been a lack of major crimes in Lumiose while under her watch, and the officer was admittedly getting a little restless. When the profile of the slender blond suspect appeared on her Caster, Elise almost shuddered with glee. Finally, new prey had fallen into her lap.
The policewoman could barely contain her excitement as she immediately went on the hunt, azure eyes flicking back and forth across the street. As her boots clacked against the cobblestone, Lumiose pedestrians literally leaped out of her way to clear a path for the infamous officer, knowing that even the slightest offense could trigger a cruel sentence from the evil enforcer. Elise played off of this fear with an almost sadistic delight, purposefully muting her steps and sneaking up behind a Roller Skater, clearing her throat loudly in her ear.
Laughing as the poor skater spun off into an alleyway in terror, Elise turned her attention towards the street again and blinked hard. Double-checking her Holo Caster confirmed her incredulous finding: the suspect was right in front of her eyes. 
"You there! Stop!"
Elise froze as her command went unheeded, the suspect taking off down the street instead. Surprised at this criminal’s boldness, Elise immediately sprinted after him, sending pedestrians flying as she gleefully chased down her prey. Finally, she was getting a chance to exert herself…and the officer would make sure to have her fun with this fool. 
She loved it when they tried to run. 
This suspect tested her. Elise had to give the blond credit as he wormed his way through crowds, ducked down alleyways, and even tried to hide himself in a hotel. Still, he didn’t know that he was challenging Elise, someone who was absolutely starving for some action after a hiatus that lasted much too long. The suspect couldn’t shake her off despite his best efforts, and the officer figured that it would only be a matter of time before his slight figure gave out. When the blond desperately leaped from the stairs after a particularly heated segment of the chase, Elise knew that she finally had him.
She was going to savor this.
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Seeing her prey slumped up against the alley wall, his breaths labored and rattly, Elise slid smoothly down the ladder and began to approach him, smirking as the blond had the nerve to groan out a defiant curse you right to her face. Not dignifying the fallen escapee with a response, Elise towered over his slumped figure, very intentionally stepping on his bloodied hand. Her unimpressed azure eyes scanned his features as she leaned her weight on his injury, a cold smile on her face as he squirmed.
"It wasn’t very smart of you to pick an alley," she murmured softly, clipping her handcuffs back onto her belt and readying her sword. "I could kill you right now and nobody would notice.”
"Of course, it wasn’t very smart of you to run in the first place…don’t you know who I am?" Elise continued, treading cruelly on Aiko’s hand injury. "If you don’t you will soon enough. I always get my man.”   
Flipping open her Holo Caster, Elise showed her captive the profile of the robbery and assault suspect, who looked just like him. Her grin widening as she mercifully stepped off of Aiko’s hand, the officer straightened up and leveled her blade at his neck.
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"This worm was charged with committing a robbery and assault…it’s you, correct?” she questioned, her harsh gaze unflinchingly focusing on her suspect’s reaction to the profile. “If you confess to your crimes right now…I will be a little more merciful in deciding your punishment.” 
The Confession || Elise & Aiko
Lumiose City, May 24th, 17:30pm, 20°c
"You there, stop!"
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Justice, such a tough concept for one to wrap their head around. Everyone has a different definition of it after all, however Aiko would never have described himself as a criminal. He payed for things as he should, never incited violence in others and respected those in authority. Criminal behavior to him was something that wasn’t worth the risk, that’s why he was a little confused as to why a police officer was chasing him through the streets, screeching for Aiko to stop.
Scared, he immediately began to run. It made him look more guilty, but this was no ordinary police officer, Aiko could hear spite in her voice. Intimidation. Cruelty.
Pad, huff, pad, huff.
Fear guided his featherlight footsteps over each crack in the pavement, his thin body sliding and twisting through each man and woman in his way. The objections of pedestrians that loosely followed his ears meant she was barging her way through, she would catch up, and fast. Change of plan.
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outlawandorder · 9 years
"—Stand down."
Elise snapped her fingers as Looker threw his radio to the floor in surrender, signaling several White Knights to emerge from the surrounding crowd and snatch up the valuable device. With her mentor's communications cut off, the police officer smiled triumphantly as Looker demanded that she keep her end of the bargain.
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"Ahrens?" Elise repeated with mock surprise, laughing softly as she reveled in her position of control. "What's with the sudden formalities, teacher? You haven't called me that since I started out at the academy...you know, back when you had a spine." 
Grinding her boot into the informant's sternum one last time, Elise mercifully stepped away from the fallen victim at last, watching with amusement as Looker's spy slumped to the ground, his body racked with labored breaths. "I will uphold my end of the deal," she announced to Looker as a new posse of White Knights surrounded the wounded body. "He will not die, although he appears to require moving assistance. Put this pathetic worm in a holding cell until our...negotiations are complete."
The crisp order given to her peons, Elise turned confidently on her heel and snapped her fingers once again, striding down the cell-filled hallway. As if they were controlled with a switch controlled only by her, the White Knights holding Looker began to drag the agent roughly down the cement corridor behind their leader. Glancing over her shoulder as the odd party proceeded down the hall, Elise's blue eyes gleamed maliciously in the dim light. 
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"I think I will accept your offer from earlier," she murmured as a decidedly evil smile emerged on her face. "Instead of breaking your informant, I'll just break you instead...until you give me what I want, that is."
Elise paused at a steel door at the end of the hall, putting a key to the lock and effortlessly swinging the door open to reveal a chilling, grimy cell with a table and chairs in the center. The White Knights pushed Looker into the room after searching him for weapons, and Elise took a seat at the table, beckoning her former mentor to take a seat across from her.
"I don't want to hurt you, teacher..." she began evenly, crossing her arms as her gaze bore into Looker scathingly. "...so this will be the last chance to change your mind. Will you resign the authority of the Looker Bureau to the White Knights?"
"I have converted disgusting criminal rats into obedient servants of the law...wasn't reform one of the key goals back at the academy?" Elise continued on in justification, looking at her teacher with a gaze full of mock hurt, her boot tapping with suppressed anger. "Why do you keep going back on the lessons that you taught back then? Why do you seek mercy for the pathetic criminal scum that roams the city?" 
traitors are not easily forgiven | elise & looker
He should have seen this coming, to be honest.
The White Knight’s arms restrained him from going any further, Looker eventually bringing his struggling to a halt. There was no point anymore, was there…? He couldn’t even see himself getting out alive… Both him and his informant. With one last twist, the agent went limp in the Knight’s grasp, shooting Elise a glare that could kill.
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outlawandorder · 9 years
As Morty wandered off down the expansive aisles lined with garlands and gift wrap, Elise set her sights on the cashier behind the counter. Upon catching her harsh azure gaze, the store owner flinched, looking as if he wanted to disappear before the officer's withering stare. "I'll be taking a few things from your store today," Elise murmured casually after a brief pause for effect, offering a tip of her cap and a sly smile to the shopkeeper, who immediately nodded in a panic.
"O-of course, take anything you need! I-it's an honor to have you in our store, Officer!"
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Satisfied with his reaction, Elise turned swiftly on her heel to find Morty again, the quivering owner having served his purpose. "I’m going over there," claimed the Gym Leader as if he hadn't seen the coercive exchange from before, his hands already full with shopping bags. Nodding silently in acknowledgement, Elise watched Morty vanish into the Christmas-laden aisles once again, becoming lost in her own thoughts for who knows how long. Normally, she wouldn't be caught dead in a commercialized Lumiose dump like this one (and Arceus knew that the city was full of these types of stores), but Morty's childish excitement had once again swayed the officer for some inexplicable reason. Elise watched the Ghost trainer waddle down the merchandise-heavy corridors in his heavy coat and found herself struggling to restrain an amused smile. Immediately, the officer scolded herself and took a long while to clear her head of any foolish mental lingerings.
Elise couldn't keep letting her guard and alertness down around Morty. If she let her emotions rule her, the consequences could be dangerous.
"Ho ho ho!"
Just in time to confirm her fearful thoughts, an electronic Santa Claus figure behind the officer suddenly sounded off with cries of holiday cheer, causing the policewoman to jump at least fifty feet in the air. Letting out an enraged snarl as she pulled out her sword, Elise quickly cleaved the Santa decoration in two, effectively silencing the annoying voice as the figure's dismembered head bounced down the aisle. Completely ignoring the frightened shouts of the unfortunate children who had witnessed the electronic Santa's grisly peril, Elise strode towards Morty with an air of total exasperation swirling about her.
"We're leaving now," she announced briskly upon finding him still waiting for something at the back of the store, grabbing his wrist none too gently and gesturing to the fallen Santa figure behind them. "If I have to spend one more minute in this place, I might kill someone for real."
Elise noted the alarmed look on the saleswoman's face with amusement. The poor woman's hands shook with fright as she handed Morty a small paper bag, Elise quirking her eyebrows with both surprise and suspicion.
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"Hmmm? What's in that bag, Mortimer?" the officer asked curiously as she reached for the suspicious package with one hand, the other subconsciously leading the Gym Leader out of the store.
Don't let the past steal your present(s) || Morty ♥ Elise
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outlawandorder · 9 years
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outlawandorder · 9 years
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outlawandorder · 9 years
"You were not going to win. I understand how you can see what you are doing is ‘right’, but…"
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Elise watched Looker hurriedly dial the International Police with an amused smile on her face, her mentor determined that he had won the standoff between them at last. "Seize him," she commanded softly to her surrounding legion of White Knights, who immediately swarmed Looker, multiple hands wrenching the agent's arms behind his back, forcing him to hold gazes with the officer. Slowly, tortuously, Elise drew her shimmering blade once again, letting out a small laugh in the process as she stared down the captive Looker.
"I'm disappointed in you," she murmured mockingly. "You let your emotions get the best of you, and now he's going to pay for it. Is arresting me worth the guilt you'll feel if you let this worm die, teacher? Let's find out..."
Elise pulled back her boot and drove it hard into the informant's chest, eliciting a pained grunt from the helpless victim, his mouth dropping open with indescribable agony. Wasting no time, the officer quickly kicked him again. And again. Her sword hung unused at her side, a cold look of fury on her face as the quivering informant thrashed about from the intensity of her blows. Pausing her torment for a moment, Elise glanced up at Looker, still restrained by her mass of White Knights, a winning smirk still on her face.
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"The only way to save your informant is to call off the police...will you make the right decision? There's not much time left, and my White Knights can hold off the force until you make your choice."
"Pl-please...I don't want to die!" croaked out the captured victim suddenly from under Elise's boot, extending a shaky hand towards Looker pleadingly. Elise peered down at her prisoner approvingly before smiling back at her mentor.
"He's absolutely right, you know," she agreed. "Nobody has to die today, but I suppose that's up to you and your radio. I wonder how many more kicks he can take...my guess is around two."
The informant screamed again as Elise's boot made hard contact, shoulders slumping with labored breath and broken bones. Looker, still restrained by multiple White Knights, would have to make his decision fast.
traitors are not easily forgiven | elise & looker
"Ça suffit! Stop it!”
The sound of his informant in pain caused the agent to visibly flinch, ignoring whatever abuse Elise hurled at him. Looker’s hands were balled into fists as his informant was met with another harsh blow, the only thing keeping the room from falling to silence was his soft whimpering. Quick Looker, quick! Think of something!
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outlawandorder · 9 years
Watching criminals simply break before her eyes gave Elise an unparalleled rush of power and satisfaction. Her suspects usually tended to put up strong fronts, but the officer was almost too adept at finding and exploiting cracks in their confident armor. Once Elise found a flaw in her suspects, she would attack it relentlessly until the criminal in question would reveal his true, subservient nature at her feet.
As Faust let out his first gasp, Elise could almost feel the balance of power shifting between them. Even though the lanky boy before her held the weapon, the policewoman knew that she could call the shots now. Faust was no exception, for he had a weakness just like any other subject: his mother. And as the gang member let his gun clatter to the ground, Elise’s smirk widened. She had Faust right where she wanted him.
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Quickly stepping forward to trap the surrendered gun under her boot, Elise drew closer to Faust’s face, her azure eyes piercing his features. The policewoman noticed the way that his eyes had crinkled up at the corners and how the word please seemed to fall from his barely-shaking lips, smiling in satisfaction as she straightened back up. “Since you asked so nicely…I suppose I can tell you what I know,” she murmured almost mockingly, knowing that Faust was now at her mercy. "But first…!"
Elise suddenly lashed out with her open hand, striking Faust viciously across the face with so much force that the teenager seemed to teeter off-balance in reply, his neck snapping harshly to the side. Grabbing her suspect roughly by the shirt collar before he could retaliate, Elise pulled Faust closer to her, making sure that he was fully exposed to her icy glare.
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"You will never lay a hand on me, or point that pathetic weapon at me, ever again,” she hissed with suppressed rage, giving Faust’s collar a hard tug to ruthlessly reinforce her point. ”I hope I have made myself clear. Be warned, I will gladly drill this lesson into your thick skull again.”
"Now about your mother, she was a good woman, was she not?" Elise continued after taking a deep breath to collect herself, shoving Faust away from her with a look of revulsion on her face. "That’s why I decided to hunt down her killer personally, when no one else would.”
Elise advanced slowly towards Faust again, leaning close to his ear as if she had a huge secret to spill. “I made him beg for his life, Faust Slater…” she whispered tantalizingly, drawing out her claim purposefully, knowing that she was hammering on the cracks in Faust’s armor now. “I made him suffer…but I didn’t kill him. Not yet.”
Elise let her admission hang in the air for a moment, wanting Faust to fully absorb the meaning behind her statement. “Do you want to see the man who ruined your life?” she asked casually, a cruel smirk forming on her features as she backed away from the maligned teenager, pointing at the ground with a slender finger, her boot still trapping his trusty revolver. “I can take you to your mother’s killer, Faust Slater…”
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"…but you’re going to have to beg me for it.”  
You Should've Killed Me When You Had The Chance // Faust & Elise
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outlawandorder · 9 years
"…Jealously? Seeing my ‘success’ all over front-page news?” 
Elise had been silently listening to Looker's rambling with pursed lips, up until the agent had posed his last, seemingly desperate question, her fists suddenly clenching with rage. "Why would I be jealous of you?" she asked with deadly calmness in her voice. "Why would I even care about what those pathetic news-people think of me? You are so simple!"
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The informant let out a wheezing scream as Elise kicked him so hard in the chest that spots of blood dappled the concrete after impact. After quieting her victim with another harsh blow, Elise turned her gaze towards Looker with a wry smile on her face. "You just don't get it, do you?" she asked exasperatedly, brushing blue tresses of hair out of her eyes. "Justice is not about publicity. It's about cleaning vermin off of the streets...at any cost."
"You used to believe that, but you've fallen so far," Elise murmured reflectively at her former mentor before chuckling to herself. "And honestly, what would I gain from releasing my prisoner in exchange for you? I would lose my leverage...and I know you've always been soft, but sending in an informant to do your dirty work? For shame. I think this little worm is actually braver than you are!"
Reprimanding Looker almost playfully, Elise continued to dig the point of her heeled boot into the informant's ribs, making the poor man squeal in agony. She knew that Looker wouldn't be able to bear this torture much longer. It was time to lay down her ultimatum. 
"The prison system is flawed," she declared sharply, leveling her gaze at Looker in sudden response to his earlier accusations. "It gives pathetic creatures that have committed horrible crimes hope for release without changing their ways. Despite having been in prison for ten years, the worms that I killed that day made it clear that they didn't deserve a second chance. But you would probably have gotten them out of jail if one of them told you a sad story, right? That's what makes you weak!"
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A chilling smile emerging on her lips, Elise finally presented her proposal. "Crime in Lumiose needs to have stricter enforcement and punishment," she stated. "I want the Looker Bureau that oversees the city to swear allegiance to the White Knights, or forfeit its jurisdiction immediately."
"Get down on your knees and make this pledge now, and I will release your pathetic informant," Elise ordered, pointing a finger towards the ground. "And just to remind you...you confronted me today," she added, letting out a cold laugh that echoed around the hallway, past the huge squad of White Knights surrounding teacher and student..
"So I wonder, who is really arresting who?" 
traitors are not easily forgiven | elise & looker
The agent did not flinch when the blade was pointed in his direction, but he couldn’t help extend his arm towards both the ex-officer and his informant, as if it was going to make a difference.
"W-Wait…!" He inhaled sharply as the blade was pressed closed to his informant’s face, the man letting out a small whimper of fear. Arceus, this was so wrong, yet somehow, Elise thought what she was doing was right… Looker had to convince her otherwise! The agent’s radio was tucked neatly away in his pocket, ready for use if he were to call for backup, but… He couldn’t. Not on an ex-officer…
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outlawandorder · 9 years
"Who’s there?! This is the International Police, and I demand that you show yourself!"
Elise grinned to herself as her former mentor's voice echoed through the concrete corridors, his tone still clear and fearless as always. There's the part of you I respected, she thought to herself, curling her lip mockingly as she waited for Looker to round the corner, waited for the sweet shock to register on her teacher's face at the sight of his damaged informant. It's too bad that you went soft. Now you're weak, just like the rest of them.
Elise smirked as Looker finally found the scene, snapping her fingers and reveling in the agent's flustered anger as her White Knights formed a circle around the three of them. No one was escaping without her permission.
"Wh-what is the meaning of this?! Elise—! This… This is cruel!”
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The officer merely let out a laugh in response to her teacher's protests, raising her head to pierce Looker with a mocking azure gaze. The informant beneath Elise let out a pathetic whimper of pain or relief upon seeing his boss, crying out in fresh pain as his tormentor stomped on him again.
"What you see as 'cruel', I see as 'efficient'," Elise replied lightly over the informant's pitiful sniveling. "Was it not you who told me to be direct in my approach towards crime as an officer? Or have you gone back on that lesson as well? Criminals are the lowest forms of life on the earth, so they deserve to be treated as such, correct? After all, the weak are destined to lie at the feet of the strong."
Repeating her mother's motto, Elise narrowed her eyes at Looker, pointing an accusing finger at her former teacher. "I read the paper every day, and I always see people praising the Looker Bureau for keeping the crime rates in Lumiose to near-nonexistent levels," she hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously as she ground her heel into the frantically-squirming informant to vent her sudden wrath. "The real credit should belong to me. All these White Knights standing around us...they were once all weak criminals, but I've reformed them to be of actual use to society!"
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Pausing to take a deep breath, Elise once again leveled the full force of her fierce gaze at Looker. "Now, you've come to arrest me," she murmured almost bemusedly. "Why? Have I not helped you keep these streets clean of vermin? When was the last time you physically arrested someone?"
"Even in the police academy, I didn't get your recommendation after graduation, even though I was at the top of the class," Elise recalled with a thin, nostalgic smile. Slowly extracting her sharpened sword from its sheath, the officer examined it admiringly before pointing it at Looker with a smirk. "So, my dear teacher, what exactly is your problem with me?" she asked with mock politeness, bringing her sword to rest right next to the trapped informant's face. "Oh, and be careful with what you say..." she advised, smiling down coldly at the squirming informant wriggling under her boot. "...or I'll have to decide which part of your pathetic informant to cut off first."
traitors are not easily forgiven | elise & looker
Escaping Elise’s White Knights wasn’t exactly a breeze, no… They were tough. Very tough. He wouldn’t have expected any less, however, seeing as they had been taught by Elise herself… Looker could remember that from her days in training, she had always come across as cold and unforgiving, which is why Looker had put so much faith into her— Despite being an agent of Interpol himself, Looker was nowhere near as ruthless as the now ex-officer. One of his primary flaws was that he was known for getting too attached to criminals, especially if they came with some sort of sob-story…
He shook his head. Now was not the time for dwelling on such memories; he had to find Elise’s headquarters and, more importantly, Elise herself… He continued to jog around the back of Lumiose Station, occasionally turning his head to check behind him in case any of those White Knight goons had followed him. So far so good! Rounding a corner, the agent’s eyes fell on a rather suspicious-looking door… Sure, Lumiose Station was bound to have more than one entrance, but to leave it wide open… It just didn’t sit well with the officer.
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outlawandorder · 9 years
royals (au) || elise & touko
The sun had barely managed to paint the sky a hue of morning purple as Elise padded down the ornately-decorated halls of Whitlea Castle, home to the current ruling royalty of the Unova region. Her lengthy blue tresses flowing freely behind her back, Elise wore comfortable slippers and a loose-fitting, grimy training robe, contrasting her icy blue eyes. Two training swords hung at her side as the personal guard strode through the corridors towards the Princess's room. It was time for Her Majesty's training.
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The training in question was for combat, and the King and Queen had forbidden their daughter from practicing any form of it. Of course, that had merely made Touko want to practice it more, and Elise could feel the unyielding gaze of the Princess already boring into her as the King made his proclamation. A ruthless, retired military commander in her own right, Elise could not help but respect such uncommon determination and grit, especially from one of royal blood. Soon, the two women drew swords and assumed fighting stances daily in a secret training room while the castle slumbered on.  
Elise was quickly frustrated upon first starting to train Touko in the art of fighting. The girl was clumsy, slow, and could barely swing her sword. A part of Elise grinned inwardly every time she knocked the princess down during a spar, knowing that she was bigger and stronger than her student. Still, Touko improved rapidly with both her burning spirit and Elise's training, even matching her mentor in swordplay at times; she could probably hold her own against knights. Bitter thoughts regarding their respective positions in the castle hierarchy would cloud the guard's mind at moments like these, and Elise would have to halt the training to clear her head. She was to serve Touko, nothing more, nothing less.
Elise reminded herself of her position once more with a deep breath as she rounded the corner to face the closed double doors that led into the Princess's room. No sound came from within the giant chamber, and Elise curled her lip as she propped the practice swords up against the wall. If there were two things she loathed, they were weakness and sloth.   
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"Miss Touko...!" she hissed with concern through clenched teeth, raising a fist to give the heavy wooden door a firm pounding. "What are you doing in there? If you don't get up this instant, there will be no time to train today!"  
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