overculturedswine · 9 hours
">_< but im scared of change!" <- girl who wishes everything was different
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Idk what it is, but somehow, I seem to be to go-to person in public transit. I (trans woman but boymoding in public) am the first male-looking-person that women sit next to when seats are full. Old people will talk to anyone, but they’ll talk to me first. When someone is lost, I’m the person they’ll ask. I have helped so many people with the ticket machines. Like they’ll look at a row of people and decide to ask me for help.
I’m totally happy to help, I love being helpful about trains, I just don’t know why it’s me though. Me, grumpy looking and visibly tired, headphones and mask on, probably typing on my phone. In public, I try to be a invisible as possible, but despite that I’m somehow the go-to helper
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put the reading from my music history class through a text-to-speech voice thingy while minecrafting to see if that’d help me focus but the way it says “boogie woogie bugle boy” keeps sending me into fits of hysterics
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[writes about Jesus but it’s actually about being trans] [writes about being trans but it’s actually about Jesus]
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overculturedswine · 2 days
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I saw this piece by Hannah Olive, titled “After The Manner Which I Shall Show Thee,” at the Gather conference last weekend. It touched me deeply, especially with the printed description in front of it, which I would like to share with all of you.
“People may not understand why you are trying to build a ship. They might be angry with you for trying to build a ship. They might tell you that you're stupid for trying and that you should just go back to Jerusalem. You may not know how to build a ship, or even know anyone else in your life who does. But the Lord can show you, personally, how you can build a life with who you are and what you have available to you. He can lead you to where you're meant to be.”
(Bonus: my sister’s response)
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overculturedswine · 4 days
LGBTQ+ folk what was your gender/sexuality pipeline?
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overculturedswine · 4 days
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overculturedswine · 5 days
there should be more options than suffering via employment and suffering via unemployment
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overculturedswine · 5 days
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overculturedswine · 7 days
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Hey remember how Noir is an anti-fascist from 1933
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overculturedswine · 7 days
Please tag/comment where you're from! Submitted anonymously 🤫
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overculturedswine · 13 days
The cucumbers have powdery mildew 😭
I think it’s cuz I moved them into the shade for summer, but it’s cooled quite a bit recently and I didn’t move them back. They’ve seemed pretty healthy up till now, and that’s the only thing that’s changed, so that might be it?
But I trimmed the worst affected leaves off, and sprayed then without vinegar-water. Apparently that works? Idk, I’m still new to this. I hope it does, there are a few little cucs that I wanna get before it’s too cold, and I think I might be able to
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overculturedswine · 15 days
Okay I just baked bread for myself for the just time ever. And I’ve been pacing my kitchen for the last 15 minutes muttering under my breath about how good it is. I would worship whatever God was in charge of bread. If there wasn’t one, I would make one. I would kill people for this bread. I think I might start crying if I keep eating it. I’m tempted to throw everything away and spend the rest of my life baking bread
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overculturedswine · 16 days
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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overculturedswine · 16 days
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overculturedswine · 19 days
Since We were talking about DVDs, here is My DVD collection
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I also have a Series 1-4 Doctor Who set but I loaned that to a friend
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overculturedswine · 20 days
Was on the train today, and because I’m a nerd, i often am looking at people’s headphones, assessing their quality. Well today I see some guy with what I was certain were Stax Lambdas. Which, how? Sure, his connector looked super chunky, but the Lambdas are like, the antithesis of portability. I have no idea how you’d even get that to work. But also, why? Why would you wear expensive, high-resolution headphones on a train? Aren’t they open-backs too?
I didn’t get to talk him and I kinda wish I did, I think he may be some kind of audio-based wizard
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