overnocturne · 14 days
Ayah.. adakah tempat untukku disana?
Rasanya disini terlalu berat dan sesak..
Semua hanya berulang, berputar pada titik yang sama..
Seperti terus terusan berjalan di jalan buntu..
Tidak seperti dugaanku.
Dunia yang ramai seperti ga berpenghuni..
Berteriak tapi sunyi karena suaranya hanya keras di kepala sendiri
Dipaksa berdiri tanpa pondasi
Jadi, bolehkah aku ikut saja pergi?
Aku jengah riuh sendiri..
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overnocturne · 4 months
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overnocturne · 5 months
Orang lain bersusah payah membantu dan menyembuhkan. Dengan segala lika likunya, mencoba mengajak bangkit bersama, perlahan-lahan. Tahu apa dia kami terseok2 bersama? Sementara dia sibuk terus menerus menambah luka baru. Tanpa peduli seberapa dalam lukanya membekas, menuntut segala macam ini dan itu. Haruskah setiap langkah yang menyakitkan dijabarkan satu persatu supaya dia sadar bahwa seseorang sedang tidak baik baik saja? Jangan senang membiarkan org lain memupuk kebencian dalam dirinya, hingga menjadi racun yang dia biarkan menggerogoti jiwa raganya sampai habis agar tidak menjadi dendam.
Jangan coba2 memancing ikan yang sedang tenang di laut dalam. Sekali termakan kailnya baru kau akan sadar betapa besar dia setelah kau paksa naik kepermukaan. Sampai kau sadar betapa besar dia hingga seakan mampu memakan dirimu yang jumawa. Jangan kira orang yang sudah remuk tidak mampu bangkit dan membuat yang lain remuk? Justru harusnya dia sadar, seseorang yang sudah hancur tidak akan segan membuat semua dunia yang membuatnya hancur ikut hancur bersama-sama. Teruskan saja tingkah polah yang tidak tahu diri itu. Teruskan saja sumpah serapah dan kata2 kasar yang mudah sekali dilantunkan bak nyanyian merdu itu. Karena hanya Tuhan yang tahu baik buruknya perangai dan hati seseorang. Karena hanya Tuhan yang tahu takdir baik dan buruk seseorang. Tidak usah merasa berkuasa atas apa yang baik dan yang buruk yang terjadi atas seseorang. Karena kita semua sama di mata Tuhan.
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overnocturne · 8 years
tiba tiba kangen sama anak ini @boredboard .. the one and only partner doing nothing sampe do everything, partner sharing about our heart, deep talk, dreams talk, sampe random talk..mungkin hikmah perbedaan jarak dan waktu antara jakarta-london adalah bisa saling menemani waktu-waktu insomnia satu sama lain... dengerin video karaoke farewell dating ini jadi kebawa perasaan.. siapa lagi temen yang playlist karaokenya lagu-lagu klasik seriosa macem ini :"""") tapi kalo di denger lumayan juga lah ya suara kita.. tembakan nadanya lumayan pas walaupun sambil cekikikan.. HAHA mungkin kalo kita seriusin latihan, kita bisa bikin konser seriosa bareng?? #yakali #siapayangmaunonton haha for the last... I just wanna say.. take care di negeri orang.. giat belajar dan berdoa.. supaya lekas lulus dan balik ke Jakarta.. ♡♡♡ wit luv, Badindol
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overnocturne · 8 years
Percayalah by me vs afgan #singasong #karoke
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overnocturne · 8 years
I love to have a big dream about my life, I love to discuss and exchange many ideas about any positive things with open minded person who appreciate and respect my Idealism and point of views, although I know my limits very well but I love to keep that dream just to feel I’m alive. I am happy with people around me who are optimistic and brings positive energy for me. . I have a lot of dark sides. I have very sensitive heart so I often could be a crybaby, Impulsive person because I want solve my problem as soon as possible, moody and easy cranky because of my unexploded emotion ( because I couldnt speak up about my anger or just my disappointment expression) My expression just cant lie to others about what they feel inside, dislike or like, happy or unhappy. . my introversion makes me very picky. i just love to spend my precious time with my precious one. someone special who i choose because i love and i consider him very worthwhile.. i love to do many deep conversation everyday, talk about humor, or just go out together, rather than i have to go hangout with many common people out there………. its like a boomerang, because sometimes, it makes my partner feels suffocated by my side, that reblog post and my caption just a form of complicated sincerity of mine :)
INFJ Confession
How to have a successful relationship or friendship with an INFJ: Be reasonable, be rational, be in control of your emotions, willing to talk about what is bothering you, tell us your darkest sides, let us show you our darkest sides without you running away, remind us to refocus on ourselves when we get too caught up with others, be okay with quiet, accept we wont want to talk be with you every day, and be a positive part in our life not another person we have to hold your hand and babysit.
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overnocturne · 8 years
if anybody said, trust is everything.. so, could you trust the other's trust or just trust what the others talk about everything that you believe as a trust, just your trust? - DN
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overnocturne · 8 years
silent - the meditation of life- reflection... just you and your spirit, without outsiders and comers, just you and God, then see the most peaceful place in this earth, in your beautiful soul and mind...
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overnocturne · 8 years
Truth trumps all. Because of their strong intuition, INFJs will always know when you are not being truthful. Even the tiniest white lie will send up red flags that may cause ripples in the relationship. Be patient. An INFJ will love it if you open your inner world to them right away, but do not expect the same. Some INFJs may never fully open up, but even if they do, it can take years. Try not to take it personally. If you want to help them open up faster, be as open-minded and accepting as possible. Stay positive. INFJs run off of the energy of those around them. If you want to get the best of your INFJ partner, you need to be your best. Try to stay overall optimistic and strong, cutting down on pessimism, worry or anxiety. “Your energy will easily affect them. If you seem unstable, etc., it will seep into them and poison them.” (Modalties of Existence, How to Date an INFJ) But remember, your feeling must be genuine. INFJs will pick up on false emotion. Be sensitive. INFJs are very sensitive to criticism or harsh words. Even if you are just joking around, an INFJ can take your words literally and be silently hurt. Watch what you say and only say what you mean. If you mess up, explain yourself immediately
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overnocturne · 8 years
jatuh cinta
cinta.. aku mencinta padamu.. dalam inti jiwaku cinta datang denganmu membawa gaduh ke detak jantungku darahku mendesir, menyayat dinding nadiku aku gila..aku menggila.. akal ku pergi, entah kemana.. menyelusuri pergimu, bersamamu dia jadikan tempat berteduh tubuhmu, tubuhku, di antara lautan berjarak dua ruas jemari membias.. dan kesadaranku terhempas makhluk hidup menghirup dan menghebus nafas maka begitulah cinta hidup tanpa berjeda dan kita, dipersatukan udara cinta.. sederas peluhku tepat di inti jiwaku kepadamu.. - DN
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overnocturne · 8 years
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pre-graduation, PPARS UI 2015
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overnocturne · 8 years
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painting on my face (makeup) + hand crafting on my head (hijab model) in other way.. so fun!!! i do it by my self :3 :3
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overnocturne · 8 years
alkisah bait baru
tenggelam alkisah dalam aksara separuh terlengar, separuh mati bagai matahari petang, yang karam, terbenam . malam di hari itu dingin menusuk habis panas tubuhku menggigil, aku menggigil tanpa kata-kata di bibir . aku sempat merawi, “aku ingin biru” lantas aku bertanya, apa yang tenggelam adalah biru? . dalam tanya, laut berderu, bercumbu padaku ia berkata “aku tak mati”, “aku peramu bait baru, yang kau mau.” . . . Dinda Nadira, 19 agustus 2016
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overnocturne · 8 years
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makeup exercise by me
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overnocturne · 8 years
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nonton bareng alumni arsitektur ui... untuk ke 2 kali foto brg nico :3
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overnocturne · 8 years
jika saja
jika saja kau ada disini, malamku mungkin tidak pernah akan terasa sepi. Jika saja kau ada disini, tangisku akan kau seka bahkan sebelum sempat terjatuh. Jika saja kau ada disini, keluhku kan kau sapu dan kau gantikan meski dengan segenap peluh, jika saja kau ada disini, hati tak akan bercelah karena kau yang memenuhinya. Jika saja kau ada disini, mungkin aku tidak akan menjadi aku saat ini, aku akan menjadi tuan putri kembali. Jika saja kau ada disini, tubuh akan selalu hangat pada setiap lelahku yang kau dekap. jika saja kau ada disini, aku bisa tenang bermain seperti anak kecil lainya bermain. jika saja kau ada disini, tak akan pernah ada caci karna kau senantiasa melindungi, jika saja kau ada disini, aku akan lebih mudah bermimpi, ya.. aku seakan punya ibu peri... jika saja kau ada disini, maka aku mampu menggalaukan pikiran untuk sebatas cinta saja, seperti layaknya anak anak muda, jika saja kau ada disini, terlalu banyak hal yang akan mampu kau cukupi, terlalu mudah keinginanku untuk dapat kau penuhi, jika saja kau ada disini, bisakah itu bukan hanya memori, aku ingin kau kembali, aku hanya ingin tak lagi menanti. aku hanya ingin kau ada disini, kembali menemani dan mendampingi... jika saja kau ada disini... meski waktu tak akan bisa kembali...
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overnocturne · 8 years
baru ngeh lo post del... wkwkwkkwwkkw iya ya? gue bgt ya? tp emg iya sih ya... :""") maapin yaa @boredboard *)loh wkwkwkwkw
24 Struggles All INFJs can unterstand
1. INFJs are extremely private. They are constantly building a world inside them and can take awhile to unleash their secret hidden world till the timing is right, if ever right. Think of the movie Amelie.
2. INFJs have a horrible time revealing their true feelings romantically. They are overly concerned with perfectionism. They have a calm exterior, but underneath are riddled with questions and hope. How many of them move on into relationships is a mystery. BUT THEY WILL BE THE BEST DAMNED PERSON TO DATE YOU’LL EVER FIND. Because they’ll make you cookies. Guide you well into your future. And really care about treating you and themselves right.
3. Can be rock solid calm, then a strange wind happens that carries a dead bird. Then they are super sad, and say lots of deep things from nowhere.
4. With the giant imagination / visionary minds, they can have a tough time dealing with daily, practical matters. Not able to answer the question “What’s the point?” can lead to neglecting cleaning, financial responsibilities, etc.
5. Tendency to hyper organize certain things and code them. Such as wearing earrings that match shoes, bookshelves ordered by specific genres, or aligning objects for no reason. General okayness with a few piles. General madness when there is too much out of control. General concern if around people who hyper clean, “Are they OCD?”
6. Perfectionists. The worst thing you can do to an INFJ is set the bar too high. “What do you mean that the only way to get an ‘A’ is a 98%?”
7. They’re super hawks of insight. INFJs struggle all the time on whether to tell people that they’re about to go on a path of destruction and terror, or if they should just let people find that out themselves. They have excellent clarity for the future, but they don’t want to lose friends with their candor and weirdness.
8. There extreme insight for the future can cause a sudden, “Oh, God! The world is going to end!”
9. Insomnia. Splurges of hyperactive thought. An overindulgence of creativity. Alcohol and caffeine are more there nightmare than you could arguably understand. Caffeine causes too much creativity, alcohol causes too much honesty.
10. Mega decisive. It can be tedious to watch people struggle to make decisions, especially on basic things like ordering food, what to wear, etc. This is why an INFJ will get involved to help you make a decision, not just out of kindness, but probably because they can’t stand the trivial indecision.
11. Being so involved in other people’s lives that they don’t understand themselves. They like to counsel people. They’ll spend days with you. They’ll spend days studying you. Then all of sudden they realize they’ve been a chameleon. And they’ll seek solitude.
12. Super emotional childhood moments. Being an INFJ evens out as you get older because you have the joy of language to express yourself. Can you imagine being a kid who is constantly evaluating death, disease, murder, creatures in the closet, missing parents, and did I mention death? INFJ kids are aware of death all too young. They may cry a lot and have a hard time expressing it to adults.
13. Loving a lot of creative things and not sure what they like the most. INFJs are some of the greatest students. INTPS and INTJS might be the only better students, and with INFJs perfectionism, it’s probably their social concerns for their network of giant friends that corner their grades. INFJs struggle over what they like best, so they may double major, get multiple Master’s… they just really want to explore stuff they like.
14. Even though they are introverted, they are not extremely introverted. They generally have a wide, crazy wide network of friends. They connect well with others due to their intuitive-feelers combination, and they also like to run away once the chameleon effect takes place.
15. If they don’t watch their money, it can be eaten away. They are generally altruistic. They want to help. Sacrificing finances isn’t heart break for an INFJ, till it sinks in later.
16. Under stress, INFJs can be super confused about priorities. Like, “Hey, you have a final tomorrow. Why are you baking chocolate pumpkin spiced muffins that take three hours to make? And you’re using real pumpkin?”
17. When they see a vision of the future, they can be stubborn. And think they’re right. And often are. Thus the fews times they are not… they really don’t care about other opinions. They’re trying to steer people away from the big black hole of demons that only they can predict. Yikes.
18. The love of harmony runs deep in this personality. Too extreme of situations can cause an INFJ to run and hide in a closet till things are more calm. Other times, they will be the one leading everyone out of the chaos.
19. Can negotiate well if they think it will harm the friendship. Don’t hurt the friendship! Anything but that!
20. Sometimes people think an INFJ is too nice. An INFJ usually sees themselves as 25% evil due to all the crazy things they come across and all the potential for evil things they could do.
21. If not trained, an INFJ conversation can go like this, “I was going to the store, when I thought about unicorns, so I about JENGA.” Because somehow JENGA connected to their chlidhood. Because somehow unicorns connected to that too.
22. INFJs are some of the best writers. They can fiercely write about everything and anything. And never show anybody out of fear of what people will think of them after they realize how insightful INFJs happen to be.
23. They can become extremely obsessive. An INFJ in love mode is the most obsessed creature on the planet. They may take awhile to warm up to people because they know of the insanity than can brew within.
24. May understand the conclusion incredibly well, but have a hard time explaining it to others through a cloud of beautiful tangents. Drugs are not your friends, INFJS. You are precious, and that stuff is not going to help you explain big picture stuff.
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