overseerjules · 7 years
quick and easy tarot trick:
1. find the fool in your deck 2. the card under it is how you fucked up 3. the card over it is how you fix your fuck-up 4. you’re welcome
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overseerjules · 7 years
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Rain from a lightening storm
this has the greatest energy
used in a bath to re-energize your being and aid in a ritual of clearing and cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it
used to clear and cleanse an object or area 
store in a white glass bottle
Rain from thunderstorms, tornadoes or hurricanes
Used to empower spells for moving things forward such as letting go of the past and moving forward in life
used to help move a project forward and get beyond current blocks in life
used to change a pattern or habit you don’t like
store in a blue glass bottle
Sun and Rain
Used to balance energies when feeling weighed down
helps gather your thoughts when they are flighty and scattered
store in a dark green bottle
Hail storm
collect in a metal bowl but dont let it sit in the bowl for more than 6 hours
allow the hail to melt before bottling it
store in a black or dark brown bottle
used to dispel psychic attacks or negative energies
best used for black magic to get rid of your enemies or negative forces that stand in your way
Spring Rain
used to empower new ventures such as new relationships, new business ventures, a new job
rain collected on the spring equinox or the first rain after the spring equinox is good for empowering spells for relationships
stored in a light green bottle
Summer Rain
used to encourage growth whether it be personal, spiritual growth or growth of a business venture or relationship
used to break bad habits
great to water indoor plants
rain collected on mid-summers eve and day is especially mystical
store in a sky blue bottle
Fall Rain
used for giving thanks and showing gratitude for the abundance the year has given you
store in an orange or fall colored bottle
Winter Rain
can be used for blessing a person, relationship, family or object
can be used to bless an event such as a birth, wedding or new business venture
to be able to survive the hardships of winter one is able to survive the hardships of life
Full Moon Rain
Used to honor the Goddess
a small glass can be added to a cleansing bath
add a couple of drops to your bath before an important event or ritual
used for a blessing during a full moon ritual
used for blessing a child or pet 
rain collected during the full moon according to that season will have the energies of that moon according to month and season
clean altar spaces and other things by putting an ounce of rain water into your cleaning products
also very good for divination
Waning Moon Rain
good for getting rid of things, banishings, and purging negative energies
used like a banishing oil
also can be added to your bath for relaxation, clarity or promoting self love
use to prepare for lunar rituals
anoint your money with it to increase your wealth 
anoint yourself to increase your psychic awareness
New Moon Rain
good for workings in which something needs to be brought in 
used when starting a new project
Waxing Moon Rain
used to bring in good energies and blessing
used at the start of a new project or a new beginning
Rain collected from trees or roses will have different energies depending on the type of tree or color of the rose you collect it from
Use 1 cup of rain water to 1 tub size of water
For rituals use 1oz of rain water in a glass bowl or cauldron, to add effects to the water pour over crystals energized with your intent
For a spell place all your spell items in your bowl or cauldron and add 1tablespoon of rainwater
For cleansing or anointing ritual take 1/2oz of rainwater into a glass bowl and as you recite your incantation dip your fingers or wand/athame into the water then mark your physical body, the mark can be any spiritual symbol that has meaning to you
To anoint a tool, pout 1oz of rainwater onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.
@autumnwitchesx i hope this helps you some!!!
also the bottles you store in dont have to be a specific color unless you want them to be, im all for using what you have first and foremost 
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overseerjules · 7 years
plant magic: sigil charging
Hang paper sigils from houseplants or yard plants in order to charge them. Ask the plant to charge, tend, and promote your sigil. Remove when you are done. Choose which house plant to hang your sigil from based on common associations:
divination: dandelion, orange, pomegranate exorcism: basil, clover, garlic, juniper, lilac, mint, onion, rosemary, rue, yarrow friendship: lemon, sweet pea happiness: catnip, lavender, marjoram, morning glory healing: apple, bay leaf, blackberry, carnation, eucalyptus, fennel, garlic, hemp, ivy, lime, mint, nettle, oak, onion, peppermint, pine, potato, rose, rosemary, rue, spearmint, thyme, violet hexes, to break: chili pepper, hyssop, rue, thistle, yarrow love: apple, apricot, basil, catnip, chamomile, cherry, chili pepper, clover, daffodil, daisy, dill, elm, geranium, hemp, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, lime, maple, orange, orchid, pea, peppermint, peach, pear, plum, raspberry, rose, rosemary, rue, spearmint, thyme, tulip, violet, yarrow luck: bamboo, cabbage, daffodil, oak, orange, rose, violet money, prosperity: almond, basil, blackberry, chamomile, clover, dill, fern, grape, jasmine, maple, mint, moss, oak, oats, onion, orange, pea, pine, rice, tea peace: lavender, morning glory, olive, violet protection: aloe, anise, bamboo, basil, bay, bean, birch, blackberry, blueberry, cactus, carnation, cedar, clover, cypress, dill, elder, eucalyptus, fern, garlic, gourd, hyssop, ivy, juniper, lavender, leek, lettuce, lilac, lime, mint, oak, olive, onion, parsley, pepper, pine, plum, rose, rosemary, sage, tulip, violet psychic powers: bay leaf, grass, lemongrass, peppermint, rose, thyme, yarrow sleep: chamomile, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, thyme wishes: bamboo, dandelion, pomegranate, sage, violet, walnut
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overseerjules · 7 years
Master Post For Secret Witches
Witchling tips
Witch Tip (knitting, etc)
DIY Witchery Resources
9 Easy-to-Find Ingredients every Aspiring Witch Needs
A Masterpost with a TON of resources
Reminder about the term “Spirit animal”
A Witch’s Library
Witchy Tip (if you have visitors)
How to Hide Altars (Also Travel Altars)
A Secret Witches Guide to Concealing your craft
100 Secret Witch Tips
Witchy uses for your phone for the frugal or secret witch
Tarot for the Secret Witches
10 Clever Places to Hide Your Pendulum
Alter Ideas for Secret Witches
secret witch tips
A Tip for Secret Witches or Witches with Minimal Supplies
How to hide/disguise Wiccan/Witch Supplies
A Secret Witches Guide to Concealing your craft
10 discreet witch ideas ~
~witch tip!~
WITCHES OF TUMBLR, I need your help! ( good information but its all in the reblogs)
secret witch tips
From @witchthatiam
Equalizing Rain Spell
Weight Loss Spell
Protection Ring Enchantment
Aggressive Curse and Banishing Spell
Money Injection Spell
Cloaking Spell for Witches
Beauty Reflection Spell
Geminino Spell (HP Inspired)
Quick Accio Energy Spell (HP Inspired)
Summoning Your Patronus (HP Inspired)
Alohomora Spell to Unlock Your Potential (HP Inspired)
Aguamenti Cleansing Spell (HP Inspired)
Growth Spell for Beltane
Leo Spell for Warmth and Joy
Cancer Spell for Sensitivity and Intuition
Best Friend “Success” Spell(Corpse Bride Inspired)
Pepper and Dish Soap - A Binding and Banishin Spell
Spell to Reduce Cutting Urges
“Unbreakable” Charm
Charm for Beauty
I Will Not Be Caught in My Acts of Witchery
I Channel the Energy from the Constellation ‘Leo’ easily
I Scry Easily and Accurately
I Channel the Power of My Star Sign With Ease
I Stay Alert and Focused Throughout the Day
I Love Deeply
I Do Not Fear The Future // My Sleep Schedule is Balanced
My Wand and How I’m Blessing It
My Secret Alphabet
DIY Quill
Harry Potter Inspired Grimoire Covers
Enchanted Luna Lovegood Glasses
DIY Pill Wards
Witchy Items For Your Altar
What’s on My Altar
Make Your Own Crystals
Salt Dough Wards
Grimiore Tip
10 Clever Places to Hide Your Pendulum
Scrying Ball
Mini Circle Casting
My Favourite Crystals for BPD
Witchy Crafts
Witchy Crafts II
What to Do With 5 lbs. of Violets
A Few Tips for Getting Started
Witchy Tea Tips
How to Charge Sigils With Fidget Spinners
Somewhat Witchy Beauty Tips
Cartomancy Meanings
Pensieve Scrying (HP Inspired)
Marauder’s Map
Triwizard Tournament Cup/Sorting Hat Divination (HP Inspired)
Star Scrying
How to Scry
True Self Mirror Gazing
How to Smoke Scry
Tips for Scrying
How to Wax Scry
How to Do A Stichomancy Reading
How to Do A Nephelomancy Reading
How to Do a Shufflemancy Reading
How to Make Your Own Cartomancy System
DIY Pendulum
How to Deal With A Negative Reading Done for Someone Else
Divination Chants
Types of Divination
Teas for Divination
Respect, Courtesy, and Manners
How to Cleanse Your Tools
Ill be adding more secret witch resources and secret witch help as I find them and storing it on my online Grimoire. For more secret witch help HERE
Follow me for more secret witch help and more <3
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overseerjules · 7 years
Moonlight Academy’s Witchcraft Book PDF Links
Note: I have not been able to read through all of these yet, I am slowly making my way down the list. If there is a book that is offensive or incorrect please send me a message and I will review it and remove it from the list if necessary. 
Modern Magick Second Edition; Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig 
The Witch’s Magical Handbook by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 
Nocturnal Witchcraft; Witchcraft After Dark By Konstantinos 
Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson 
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of Spells by Michael Johnstone 
The Mystical World of Ancient Witchcraft; An easy Insider Guide To the life changing Power of your Magick Energy by Rose Ariadne 
Old World Witchcraft; Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi  
The Study of Witchcraft; A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland 
The Witch’s Master Grimoire; An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas, and Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England; A regional and comparative study guide by Alan Macfarlane 
The Pagan Federation; Witchcraft Information Package
Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich
The basics of Magick by K.Amber
The Book of Night Magick by Phillip D. Williams
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore By Patricia Monaghan 
Celtic Mythology A-Z By Gienna Matson & Jeremy Roberts
Storytelling; An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore 
Norse Mythology; Legends of Gods and Heroes by Peter Andreas Munch
Constellation Legends By Norm McCarter
Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology By Luke Roman and Monica Roman
Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena; Mythical Creatures By Linda S. Godfrey
A Guide to Astrology By Fredrick White
How to Use Astrology; How and Why it Works By Michael Erlewine 
A Manual of Astrology
Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion
The Astrology Book; The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences By James R. Lewis
Astrology Course
The Cyber Spellbook; Magick in the Virtual World By Sirona Knight and Patricia Telesco 
Herbs in Magick and Alchemy; Techniques from  Ancient Herbal Lore By C.L. Zalewski
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs By Scott Cunningham 
The Magical Household; Spells & Rituals for the Home By Scott Cunningham & David Harrington 
Herbs Magickal and Otherwise 
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews By Scott Cunningham 
Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herb Craft By Dale Pendell **
**This book contains information on Poisons and is for informational purposes only, read at your own risk. 
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs By Richard Alan Miller
Cunnigham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic By Scott Cunningham
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs; Their Medicinal and Culinary Uses
Spiritual Alchemy; The Inner Path
Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy By Manfred M.Junius 
Real Alchemy; A Primer of Practical Alchemy By Robert Allen Bartlett
An Illustrated History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry 
Alchemy Unveiled By Johannes Helmond 
Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition; An Ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland By David E. Allen & Gabrielle Hatfield
Slavic Pagan World
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen By Scott Cunningham
Cunningham’s Book of Shadows By Scott Cunningham
Learning Tarot
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot By A.E Waite
Tarot Symbolism & Divination 
Tarot; Mirror of the Soul By Gerd Ziegler 
Tarot Keys By Andrea Green 
The Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky
Healing Crystals; The A-Z Guide to 430 gemstones By Michael Geinger 
Dooney’s Crystal Database
An Introduction Guide to Crystals and Healing Stones By Ron & Sue Windred
The Healing Crystal First Aid Manuel By Michael Geinger
Practical Crystal Healing By Nicole Lanning 
Divination Systems by Nicole Yalsovac
How Divination Systems Work
The Path of the witch
The Weiser Field Guide to Witches
Practicing the Witch’s Craft By Douglas Ezzy
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to add to the list!
Moonlight Academy
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overseerjules · 7 years
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Metal Correspondences
compiled from my personal grimoire
Note: some metals listed are extremely toxic, such as mercury, lead, plutonium, and uranium; this list is only to be used as a reference.
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overseerjules · 7 years
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Elemental Correspondences
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overseerjules · 7 years
Building Galaxys
An exercise for both the amount of energy you can hold and manipulate outside of yourself and building up your ability to visualize it.
Sit in a dark room pitch black if at all possible. You don’t want to be able to see any furniture or any distinctive features of the room if you can help it.
Begin by centering yourself. Tune out any background noise any passing thoughts. Let yourself become the single focal point of the space. Let the weight of your presence hang heavy in the space around you.
Begin with a single sphere of energy suspend it in space in front of you about a foot away. Allow it to orbit around you. Build another farther away and have it rotate in the opposite direction. And another until you have as many as you can maintain with ease. All spinning and orbiting you in different patterns, different sizes, and different with different mass. The point is to create as many different constructs as possible completely under your control. If you drop any or lose control, start over.
Then begin with points of light. Go slowly. Farther away from you. Little sparks of your energy filling the space around you at the edges of the room. Continue expanding. Make some fainter some dazzlingly bright. Some red. Blue. You get the idea. Again if you lose control or it falls apart start over. You won’t gain anything by rushing through this or by allowing yourself to take the easy path.
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overseerjules · 7 years
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🌌🌠Planetary Tarot Spread ✨🔮
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This spread utilizes the correspondences associated with the planets to give you insight on various aspects of your life. 
Sun - how can I gain self-confidence and courage?
Mercury - how can I expand my mind?
Venus - how can I gain new friendships or romantic relationships?
Earth - how can I provide stability for my life?
Moon - how can I meet my current emotional needs?
Mars - how can I be more passionate about my ambitions?
Jupiter - how can I improve my financial situation?
Saturn - how can I be more disciplined?
Uranus - what are the boundaries in my life in which I need to free myself from?
Neptune - how can I show compassion towards others?
Pluto - in what areas do I need to transform myself?
If you use this spread, feel free to take photos and tag me in them! 
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overseerjules · 7 years
My Guide to Beginning Witchcraft
I’ve recently been receiving a lot of asks on how one would go about beginning their path with witchcraft. So, instead of just answering all of the asks with the same answer, here is my beginner’s guide to witchcraft.
1. Decide you want to be a witch. It’s as simple as that. All you have to do to be a witch is practice witchcraft. So the first step is honestly deciding you want to try it. You don’t need to be a part of any religion to do this. It is not satanic. You don’t have to be wiccan to be a witch. Just do you. 2. Have faith and know that you can do this. There are many people who have gone before you and paved roads towards success. Like a huge system of highways, you can go whichever way you like. You may hit dead ends and go in circles every once in a while, but you’ll always be able to go back. And you can make your own roads wherever you want. 3. Pick a certain branch to study first. Keep in mind you can always pick something else and/or blend practices together. My top favourite types of magic for beginners are protection magic, sigil work, and candle magic. Divination is another good thing to learn, but is hard for some. Creating sachets, using crystals, and using essential oils are all simple as well. However, depending on the branch you want to work with, you may find other things are more important. For example, if you want to be a sea witch, learning how to use things from the ocean could be your top priority. For kitchen and herbal witches, you could try researching herbs and their side affects. 4. Depending on what you’re working with, you need to do some research on safety practices. Crystals can be toxic, especially in water, since some can dissolve or release minerals. Herbs can be poisonous as well, even if all you do us touch them. This is not meant to scare you from using these things, it’s just a warning. 5. Read as much as you can about what interests you. It will really help when you’re doing spells and creating things, as you won’t have to turn to someone else for advice. However, look out for faulty authors and take everything you read with a grain of salt. There are many lists here on Tumblr with good and bad authors. I suggest reading some of @breelandwalker stuff. They’re amazing! Also keep in mind that cultural appropriation is a thing, and you need to be very careful with things you see and read about. Ex: smudging is Native American therefore we do not smudge we smoke cleanse. G*psy us a slur for the Rromani people. Voodoo is a closed practice as far as I know, as well as Santeria. Etc. 6. Practice. The first thing you should learn and practice, in my opinion, is protection magic. It’s useful in many situations and it doesn’t hurt to try. Do little things during the day, make sigils, practice energy work, and burn candles you anoint. I’ve made a list of couch witchcraft ideas on my blog as well. 7. Keep a spell book or grimoire either online/on a drive, or in a physical copy. I suggest using a binder so you can move around and add pages. I keep mine here on Tumblr as a masterpost. You can also keep a journal to see what spells work and which ones don’t. 8. Take care of yourself. Don’t get burned out with witchcraft by jumping all in too fast. It can be a draining practice, so make sure to get lots of sleep and eat well. Selfcare is so necessary with this! 9. Experiment. If it feels right, try it. As long as it doesn’t step on other people’s toes, you should be good! It’s fine to use faux candles, to substitute ingredients and practice without other people. Your practice is yours alone. 10. Believe in yourself! We all have inner power. Sometimes we can find this power through meditation, divination, or witchcraft. It’s really rewarding to see your hard work come to fruition.
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overseerjules · 7 years
Working With Spirits for Beginners
Before starting:
Protection!  Be it sigils or wards or poppet decoys or crystals or any of the like, make sure you have some sort of protection from mal intent.  
Ask yourself, where am I wanting this path to take me?  Are you wanting to have spirit teachers and learn new things? Are you wanting to be a medium?  Are you wanting to gain some friends?  Are you wanting to connect to different cultures and histories?  These kinds of questions will help you decide where to start and where to go from there!
Finding spirits:
One thing that you can research is having a spirit companion!  There are several blogs that I can’t think of off the top of my head that do personal conjurings, and other basically adoption centers!  If you do that, I would look for more beginner type spirits or just the ones that call out to you!  
If you don’t want a companion and are looking for something a little less permanent, I would look around you for something familiar.  Plants around you, your local cemetery, your favorite hike, seashells, crystals, bones, or any of that that you may have.  Most things have some spirit attached to them, including man-made objects, although those tend to be small colonies speaking through a representative (I can make a post on this later if you want).  
Starting Points:
There are two main starting points from here.  Sensing the spirits, and communication.  You can decide to focus on one, or even both!  I recommend starting with one at a time tho.
start reaching out, trying to find something.  It’s different for everyone, and it’s not something that you can feel and say, this is it.  You have to learn to trust yourself.  And even if you don’t, fake it ‘til you make it!  For me, feeling a spirit’s presence is subtle, but for others, it can be a really jarring experience.
You can use tarot, telepathy, pendulum, ouija boards, oracle, images, runes, or anything similar!   If using telepathy, ask yourself the question, ‘was that reply me talking?’ and if your answer is immediately yes, then it was you.  But if you have a moment of doubt, believe that it was your spirit!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!  I’ll do my best to answer.
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overseerjules · 7 years
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Here’s some advice I had about sigils, a fun and accessible way to make your life more magical! There was a lot I wanted to say so I hope it’s not too wordy.
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overseerjules · 7 years
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overseerjules · 7 years
literally every episode of Say Yes To The Dress
bride: i think i kinda like this dress :)
grandma: you look like a fucking croissant. take it off
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overseerjules · 7 years
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overseerjules · 7 years
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overseerjules · 7 years
I hate existing and taking up physical space, I hate that people can see me, I hate having to constantly account for my body language out of self consciousness, if I could just live in another plane of existence as a spectator that occasionally interacts with reality when I’m in the mood that would be ideal
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