Hey y'all, remember this? :') One year later and I finally deliver lmao.
Glass Shrine - Sojiro Shimada/Reader
Behold, approx.  1 year after I said I would post it, is the Sojiro Pred/Prey fic that has lingered untouched in my WIPS for months :’) It’s not explicitly NSFW, I had nsfw plans written out for it initially but as I picked it back up and started rehashing it out, I decided it would be better left as is with a possible look into some sort of sequel because Shimadas and cold mountains seem to be a theme of mine.
Read it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16474691
Keep reading
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this but also if youre doing that on here you probably shouldn't follow when you're done since this blog is dead lmao.
so apparently some people feel like it’s annoying when someone engages with a lot of stuff from the same person, like going through their ship tag and liking all the content there. 
hearing about this, i was immediately paranoid about reblogging literally anything from anyone i don’t talk to on a regular basis.
so to save others from the same paranoia, i’m gonna say that if you like every single post on my goddamn blog it is okay. i might be kind of concerned about your level of time management, going through 23,000 posts, but it wouldn’t bother me. 
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:] Hate to bother you guys so much lmao, but I am STILL getting a regular flow of new followers to this blog, which is goofy, so y’all who are coming here for good smutty goodness should follow my other blog, where I am actually still writing: @the-yandere-cryptid
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If any of you, for whatever reason, have notifs still on for this blog, sorry to bother you with a mis-click :’D Also follow my new shit lmao @the-yandere-cryptid 
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Oh, you guys are still here? Im still getting followers 🤔🤔 Uh, this blog is dead, but I am certainly not, and if you want more of my writing, you can check @the-yandere-cryptid. I also have a patreon now, so if youre lurking because you like this stuff and want to see more of it, consider asking about the link? :3
(Also! my lover is posting on @thestarandskullshow and I haven’t posted much because I dont write a lot of fluff. But when I do, this is where it’ll be! )
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I’m gonna repost this whenever I notice a couple new followers, lmao. If you guys want to see new writing, this is where it’ll be.
Oh, you guys are still here? Im still getting followers 🤔🤔 Uh, this blog is dead, but I am certainly not, and if you want more of my writing, you can check @the-yandere-cryptid. I also have a patreon now, so if youre lurking because you like this stuff and want to see more of it, consider asking about the link? :3
(Also! my lover is posting on @thestarandskullshow and I haven’t posted much because I dont write a lot of fluff. But when I do, this is where it’ll be! )
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Oh, you guys are still here? Im still getting followers 🤔🤔 Uh, this blog is dead, but I am certainly not, and if you want more of my writing, you can check @the-yandere-cryptid. I also have a patreon now, so if youre lurking because you like this stuff and want to see more of it, consider asking about the link? :3
(Also! my lover is posting on @thestarandskullshow and I haven't posted much because I dont write a lot of fluff. But when I do, this is where it'll be! )
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Really In Need of Help Guys
I am in really dire straits right now guys. My electricity has been turned off despite the temperature being too cold for it, I can’t go back home because my mom is allowing only me to come, I can’t bring my cat or my boyfriend, and the roommate has nowhere to go either. So, for the time being, we are all going to be staying in this apartment that has no power. I really just need 600 dollars and I can get it turned back on and I will be forever grateful to all those that helped. If you aren’t able to help I completely understand but if you could share this post I’d be eternally grateful. I have several different ways that you guys can help below. Thank you again.
PayPal can be provided upon request
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I’m sorry to have to use this blog for this, but it’s the one I have with the most followers and I need to get this word out.
TL;DR We need help. Me and Star are trying desperately to move out of unfavorable and abusive homes. 
For those of you who saw mine and Star’s last post on our life situation, I’m sad to say that things have gotten worse for both of us, especially Star. Tonight, Star’s mother verbally and physically abused them, including slapping her and saying that she’s been waiting for the past 7 years for Star to kill themselves. As for me, I had to move back in with my sister in October. She’s currently in an extremely toxic relationship, one with death threats, abuse, and police calls. I often have to intervene, and as someone who’s suffered abuse for years, you can imagine the kind of toll this takes on me. It also allows my abusive parents, who I’ve been avoiding since I left the first time, to come back into my life and verbally abuse me, which they’ve already done multiple times since October.
I cannot speak for Star, but I know for a fact that I have become very actively suicidal under my conditions, and I know that Star is an emotional wreck as well. We need to get out of here. I was hoping we had some time, between finding a place for Star’s cats and saving up money, to work out a plan that suited us well, but time is no longer on our side and we’re looking to move out ASAP. 
For now, the plan is essentially to find an apartment close to Star’s home, so that I can be far away from my abusers, while they can keep a protective eye on their younger brother, the other target of the house’s abuse. We’re still looking for reasonably-priced places, but in the meantime, if you can afford to donate, it would help out immensely. Our joint paypal e-mail is ([email protected]) < clicking on that link will take you to our paypal.me
Anything helps, whether it’s a dollar or a reblog. so please take the time to share this and help us get out of these conditions!
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Just to add a little more since I’m not dead tired:  I have a job right now, but I only work about 15-20 hours a week, so I’m trying for a full-time job with good pay, and even if I can’t land that one, I’m going to keep looking for full-time employment. Star lacks what they need to hold a job, an ID and transportation. The plan for now is to get them an Uber to get their identification and then either Uber to work or try to find a job at the limited few places within walking distance.
To try and supplement income while I’m working, I’m also taking commissions for fanfiction. 10$ for every 1,000 words, up to 5,000, and I’ll write pretty much any subject matter. My biggest fandom is Overwatch, but you can message and ask about others and I can see what I can. Please message my main @kidlyhaunt if you want to commission me.
Again, anything helps, thank you guys for reading <3
I’m sorry to have to use this blog for this, but it’s the one I have with the most followers and I need to get this word out.
TL;DR We need help. Me and Star are trying desperately to move out of unfavorable and abusive homes. 
For those of you who saw mine and Star’s last post on our life situation, I’m sad to say that things have gotten worse for both of us, especially Star. Tonight, Star’s mother verbally and physically abused them, including slapping her and saying that she’s been waiting for the past 7 years for Star to kill themselves. As for me, I had to move back in with my sister in October. She’s currently in an extremely toxic relationship, one with death threats, abuse, and police calls. I often have to intervene, and as someone who’s suffered abuse for years, you can imagine the kind of toll this takes on me. It also allows my abusive parents, who I’ve been avoiding since I left the first time, to come back into my life and verbally abuse me, which they’ve already done multiple times since October.
I cannot speak for Star, but I know for a fact that I have become very actively suicidal under my conditions, and I know that Star is an emotional wreck as well. We need to get out of here. I was hoping we had some time, between finding a place for Star’s cats and saving up money, to work out a plan that suited us well, but time is no longer on our side and we’re looking to move out ASAP. 
For now, the plan is essentially to find an apartment close to Star’s home, so that I can be far away from my abusers, while they can keep a protective eye on their younger brother, the other target of the house’s abuse. We’re still looking for reasonably-priced places, but in the meantime, if you can afford to donate, it would help out immensely. Our joint paypal e-mail is ([email protected]) < clicking on that link will take you to our paypal.me
Anything helps, whether it’s a dollar or a reblog. so please take the time to share this and help us get out of these conditions!
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I said it in the note but ill say it again here im so sorry all i can give you is a couple of dollars but my thoughts, hopes, and prayers are with you both
Thank you anon, and again please don’t feel like it’s too little help. Last night a few people donated and even though it was only “a couple dollars” it’s helping me and Star get that much closer to being out of our houses and living together. It’s always appreciated
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I’m sorry to have to use this blog for this, but it’s the one I have with the most followers and I need to get this word out.
TL;DR We need help. Me and Star are trying desperately to move out of unfavorable and abusive homes. 
For those of you who saw mine and Star’s last post on our life situation, I’m sad to say that things have gotten worse for both of us, especially Star. Tonight, Star’s mother verbally and physically abused them, including slapping her and saying that she’s been waiting for the past 7 years for Star to kill themselves. As for me, I had to move back in with my sister in October. She’s currently in an extremely toxic relationship, one with death threats, abuse, and police calls. I often have to intervene, and as someone who’s suffered abuse for years, you can imagine the kind of toll this takes on me. It also allows my abusive parents, who I’ve been avoiding since I left the first time, to come back into my life and verbally abuse me, which they’ve already done multiple times since October.
I cannot speak for Star, but I know for a fact that I have become very actively suicidal under my conditions, and I know that Star is an emotional wreck as well. We need to get out of here. I was hoping we had some time, between finding a place for Star’s cats and saving up money, to work out a plan that suited us well, but time is no longer on our side and we’re looking to move out ASAP. 
For now, the plan is essentially to find an apartment close to Star’s home, so that I can be far away from my abusers, while they can keep a protective eye on their younger brother, the other target of the house’s abuse. We’re still looking for reasonably-priced places, but in the meantime, if you can afford to donate, it would help out immensely. Our joint paypal e-mail is ([email protected]) < clicking on that link will take you to our paypal.me
Anything helps, whether it’s a dollar or a reblog. so please take the time to share this and help us get out of these conditions!
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Alright, I think everything’s set to close up shop. If you have any last thanks yous or anything you’d like to send in, my ask box is still open. Otherwise, catch us here:
@thestarandskullshow: Me and my editor Star’s sideblog. This is where you’ll find all my non-yandere, likely sfw writings, as well as Star’s art, writing, moodboards, etc. I will take requests on this blog from time to time.
@the-yandere-cryptid is where I’ll be posting all my yandere/dark content, not just for Overwatch, but for all my fandoms. I probably won’t be doing requests on this blog, as least not mass requests like I do with this one.
And finally, Star didn’t want to post her main, but you can follow me: @kidlyhaunt
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Alright, I think everything’s set to close up shop. If you have any last thanks yous or anything you’d like to send in, my ask box is still open. Otherwise, catch us here:
@thestarandskullshow: Me and my editor Star’s sideblog. This is where you’ll find all my non-yandere, likely sfw writings, as well as Star’s art, writing, moodboards, etc. I will take requests on this blog from time to time.
@the-yandere-cryptid is where I’ll be posting all my yandere/dark content, not just for Overwatch, but for all my fandoms. I probably won’t be doing requests on this blog, as least not mass requests like I do with this one.
And finally, Star didn’t want to post her main, but you can follow me: @kidlyhaunt
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Alright, I think everything’s set to close up shop. If you have any last thanks yous or anything you’d like to send in, my ask box is still open. Otherwise, catch us here:
@thestarandskullshow: Me and my editor Star’s sideblog. This is where you’ll find all my non-yandere, likely sfw writings, as well as Star’s art, writing, moodboards, etc. I will take requests on this blog from time to time.
@the-yandere-cryptid is where I’ll be posting all my yandere/dark content, not just for Overwatch, but for all my fandoms. I probably won’t be doing requests on this blog, as least not mass requests like I do with this one.
And finally, Star didn’t want to post her main, but you can follow me: @kidlyhaunt
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Excuse me, I'm not sure how to ask this but what is non con and con? I'm a huge fan of your work and but I'm slightly confused. I assumed it meant "consent" and "Non/No Consent"
You’re exactly right, they stand for consent and nonconsent. (and dubcon,the one I use less frequently, is dubious consent)
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I'm so sorry if this is like. pushy or demanding or something, but are you gonna still gonna write that predator/prey sojiro fic? it absolutely doesn't have to be done right now, I just wanna know if it's still A Thing lmao
Not pushy at all friend, I know what it’s like to be excited for something an author promises. It’s still in my drafts tbh, and every time I look at it I feel guilty because I know I should be finishing it :’) I am doing a series of fics on my new blog, and the drabbles I abandoned from Kinktober will be the first ones up, so that Predator/Prey fic, that Shimada Ovi fic, and some others that I never got a chance to write in October will be coming up in the next month or two on @the-yandere-cryptid
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